01-22-2004, 02:59 PM
anyone else notice that yuna is the slowest to level? Or do you gain less or some thing when your a gunner class? Cause i have over 1000 on Rikku and she usually levels first, and im just 10-50 exp away from Paine and yet she ends up a level ahead usually. I'd assume she would at least stay with then if she is the main character.

01-22-2004, 03:09 PM
If Yuna dies, runs away, or the others use Special Spheres, Yuna will not get the same amount of EXP as the others. If everyone stays alive in every battle and it ends with all three out on the field, the EXP SHOULD remain the same for all (unless you get hit with the pointless ailment).

01-22-2004, 03:12 PM
Ya all my guys are pretty much at the same EXP, except Rikku cause she's died a few times. But it seems that Yuna needs more EXP to level then Rikku and Paine cause Yuna is currently the lowest level but she has near the same exp as paine and i don't think she's ever died in battle and not been revived before the end of it.

Vivi FF
01-22-2004, 07:53 PM
When going on to the next level, Paine and Rikku need to obtain a lesser amount fo EXP. then Yuna. Meaning that even if no one dies or escapes, Paine will level up the fasted, then Rikku, then Yuna. At Lv.99, Paine gets 1,100,000 EXP, Rikku 1,200,000, and Yuna 1,300,000. That's how the game is programed so there's nothing you can do to to make everyone level up the same. You can have Rikku and Yuna fighting solo for awhile to catch up to Paine, but that's a little too tedious.

01-23-2004, 09:43 PM
It reminds me of the sliding EXP scale for Kingdom Hearts in which depending on the decisions you made, it would take more or less EXP for Sora to max out, but early on it would be different just to gain initial levels, depending on what you chose. Although here, it's not really a choice thing.

01-27-2004, 06:05 PM
i think she was just as fast if not faster. i managed to get her so powerful her attack was stronger than aurons

01-27-2004, 06:37 PM
Wrong section, you want the original FFX section.

01-28-2004, 01:35 AM
Yeah,Paine's level is the fastest to gain,the 2nd is Rikku,and Yuna is the slowest

01-28-2004, 01:50 AM
Now im confused, because i started a new game, cause my guys were too weak from taking the most straight forward path through the game, and now rikku seems to gain a level before paine does every time.

01-28-2004, 02:55 AM
Is Rikku a Lady Luck or does she have "Key to Success" equipped?

01-28-2004, 03:23 PM
No, im still in chapter one, doing the side quests this time to get full completion.

01-28-2004, 05:34 PM
Well, perhaps it is a sliding scale then ala "Kingdom Hearts" where it starts one way and then changes over gradually to another.