Vlad Drakul
07-10-2012, 02:25 PM
Hello everyone, I'm looking for the soundtrack of Dragon Tiger Gate (Lung Fu Moon) by Kenji Kawai in lossless, check the info:

Lung Fu Moon- Soundtrack details - SoundtrackCollector.com (http://www.soundtrackcollector.com/title/78028/Dragon+Tiger+Gate)

Track Listing

1. Creation
2. Direction
3. Encounter
4. Attack
5. Life Force
6. Counter Attack
7. Dragon Tiger Gate
8. In Search Of
9. Enlightenment
10. Suffering
11. Danger
12. In the Beginning
13. Destruction
14. Persistence
15. Nothingness
16. Loss
17. On Fire
18. The Battle
19. Satisfaction
20. Completion

Many Thanks

Vlad Drakul
07-13-2012, 10:42 AM
Hello, there will be someone who help me with this soundtrack in lossless? Thanks a lot in advance.

09-10-2016, 03:06 PM
Hello, there will be someone who help me with this soundtrack in lossless? Thanks a lot in advance.

FLAC here:
Thread 209626