01-22-2004, 10:27 AM
I love this game. Im playing through it for about the 4th time. Wicked story, cool robots, good customisation and the internet sites mean that if you really want to see everything then completing just one of the senarios could take 30hours+. Any of you played it. Its PS1 just so you know.

Darth Revan
01-22-2004, 04:55 PM
I've got a copy of this game as well, had it ever since it was released in AUS a year or so ago.

The game's great, robots with big guns and other deadly weaponry blowing up and smashing other robots to pieces. Heh, something about all the robot carnage appeals to me.

Add in the fact you can fight in cities, jungles deserts, even within boats and such, adds so much to the game strategywise. You have to take into account the terrain and your own location in relevance to the enemy, which will determine if your attack hits or misses, and how much damage will ensue from it.

With the abilty to upgrade your robot, Wanzers, (Pronounced VAN zers) with different body parts, weapons, backpacks and such, increases your Wanzers death dealing ability. Also, each part, arms, legs and body, have an ability inherant to that part, which once the pilot has learned, has access to later on.

Even when you finish the game, and start a new one, your can continue from the data already saved and start with the abilites you've learned in the previous game. Hell, when you get the secret Wanzer and the beam weapon with it, AND it's ability, BODY SMASH, game over. Basically you can kill any robot in the game with this ability, however, the name isn't really appropriate. ALL SMASH should be more like it, as the ability, once it kicks in, will destroy any part off of any enemy completely.

Also add in the secret end game battle, and this game is great. At least I think it's great.

Now, I'm gonna have to play it again, right after I finish Dynasty Tactics 2 on the PS2.

01-27-2004, 07:03 AM
I have yet to experience the secret wanzer or extra fight. I played both senarios through, but not back to back. I'll have to try that out. Has no-one else played this masterpiece?