07-03-2012, 10:13 AM
I watched Tucker and Dale vs Evil ( and Robot (Endhiran) (Hindi action movie) (

Although Tucker and Dale was completely blown with the trailers, it was still really fun to watch. I guess my motivation for watching that movie was to see Alan Tudyk (the pilot from Firefly whose girlfriend was the black chick) Anyway, highly implausible deaths and yet it remained comedic throughout. Kinda wish Alan got more action, though.

The Robot movie was just downright ridiculous. It has a complete lack of concern for physics, but that's what makes it funny. The scenes were spliced together so fast and haphazardly... for being such a long movie... it was really enjoyable. The movie could have done without the music, or at least had shorter music scenes. The other thing worth mentioning was the weird mixing of English phrases... they were so out of place.

Anywho... if you're looking for some absurd, yet fun movies to watch... there you go. :-)

Tucker and Dale Trailer Tucker And Dale Vs Evil - Official Redband Trailer [HD] - YouTube (

Robot (Endhiran) (Long Action Spoiler Filled Scene) Best action scene ever. ever. ever. -- Endhiran (Robot) - YouTube (

02-05-2013, 01:48 AM
Check out Lost Highway when Robert Loggia gets some road rage - classic.