01-20-2004, 10:11 PM
I was just replaying Final Fantasy 7 and began to compare it to Final Fantasies X, X-2, and XI. What I wish Square-Enix would do is make a Final Fantasy on PS2 that uses those old, yet beautiful, still back drops with cool animation in them, use the kind of music they used on Final Fantasy VII, VII, and IX, toss in more of those crazy twists, and focus more on the main characters' graphics and animation. I think that would make Final Fantasy what it used to be. I'm not trying to be negative to Square-Enix, but it was just an idea. What do you think?

01-20-2004, 10:28 PM
Lol. One more thing- No more Squall look-alikes.

01-21-2004, 07:22 AM
its all the girls that look the same not Squall, Tifa, Rinoa, Dagger and Yuna

01-21-2004, 08:18 AM
I had been hoping you'd post some real suggestions.. :P You know, things like: "We need another game with no obvious main character" or "We need a villain that joins the team in the middle of the game"...

Bahamut ZERO
01-21-2004, 10:45 AM
If you ask me, a great storyline for a game would have the main hero (male or female) falling in love with the main villain. It would be cool to have, say, the male hero fighting the female villainess, but not have the power to kill her because he loved her too much. And that weakness would ultimately cost him and we'd get bad things happening.

Or vice versa, the female hero unable to kill her male villain lover, and screwy things happened.

Then, midway through disk 2, or 3, the villain(ess) finds out that their boss has betrayed them in some way and gets thrown into prison. The party then has to invade said boss' castle and free the villain(ess) and we get the tearful reunion of lovers and the addition of a new member to the party.

Of course the final battle would have the pair of lovers versus the big boss. The main hero whose love saved the villain(ess)' soul from the greater evil, battling that evil for the good of the world.

But hey, I'm not that great a writer.

02-08-2004, 08:09 AM
thats quite creative Bahamut Zero.

how about a Final Fantasy that allows you to travel between planets as well as locations on the earth?

or perhaps a storyline that can be played from different perspectives? i'll use Final Fantasy 8 as an example to explain.
During the course of that game your party encounters Seifer, Fujin & Raijin a few times. Each time you encounter them they seem to be in a whole new situation of thier own. Now my concept is that you could "pick" your main character at the beginning of the game (e.g. Squall or Seifer) and therefore see the story from the opposite perspective, find out what was happening with Seifer while you were off globetrotting in the Garden. Find out what happened with the Lunatic Pandara, how they got aboard etc. Maybe this was going to be FF8 Gaiden i dont know but i'm saying include this into a new game. The most important point of it all, make it so the player HAS to complete the game from both perspectives to properly understand the storyline.

02-08-2004, 09:05 AM
Too much talk about happy endings.
Death and loss bring depth and realism to games.

Take Bahamut ZERO's idea and remove the all to common 'switchy the sides.' It would give the whole game momentum and purpose. Nice and addictive qualities.

Could also throw in Rinoa's_Knight's idea... play both sides, and get the whole story.

How would you end it? Could do the shakespearin way (Double suicide), or have them grow apart instead of together, but that just doesn't sell.

02-08-2004, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by shic
Take Bahamut ZERO's idea and remove the all to common 'switchy the sides.'

That's exactly what I was thinking. ;D

I'd like a game where the enemy is more human, too. They're ususally like the embodiment of evil or something. Except for Kuja in IX. He was interesting. Otherwise... eh. I'm talking about Suikoden II style here, really. And forget all of the bits where ther are like some evil spirit or witch or something involved. Instead of being maipulated by pure evil, how about someone with a different view to you doing what they think is right?

That would be more realistic. ;D

02-08-2004, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by ud�

how about someone with a different view to you doing what they think is right?


02-08-2004, 10:47 PM
The problem is, Seifer never came across as unbelievable - he had no reason to follow Edea. He also came across as slightly mentally imbalanced.

What we need is a villian who, through circumstances, had absolutely no other choice but to do what he did - and maybe... what if this villian was a girl? That way, the main character could then 'redeem' the villian halfway through *nods to Misao*, and she would join the party. A sort of Celes thing going, I guess.

02-09-2004, 06:00 AM
The new final fantasies for PS2, too me, are lame, i mean, FF X was cack comapred to the original PSX games it has too be said, im sure X-2 will have some kind of stroyline cause honestly, X didnt have one, apart from "Lets kill the big monster dude withn a summon"

Yes, the PSX game storylines should be put into some PS2 ones!

And FF 12 might have a nice storyline..

Oh well.

02-09-2004, 06:54 AM
I think Final Fantasy should go back to the standard Final Fantasy.

02-09-2004, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by ExS
What we need is a villian who, through circumstances, blah blah blah

i dont think we need anything. Square hasn't dissapointed with storyline and I think that they would have taken on a Yukaza-like honour system by now to uphold the high standards they've set themselves.

BOSS: "Mr Rabatu, this story line, it does not make me cry"
MR RABATU: "Sorry sir sorry sir, i have dishonoured our family, please accept this sacrifice and forgive me"
*cuts off a finger*

of course thats rubbish but you know, the most talented game writers in the world are writing for Square. what do we have to complain about? what right do we have to demand these things in our games?

i say thank you Square, for the sharing the experience with us.

Lightning Mage
02-15-2004, 05:26 PM
What if possibly the main character was a bad guy?

Or you could start out good and depending on the decisions you make you could stay good or become bad?
That would kick ass.

02-15-2004, 05:34 PM
Right, Seifer wasn't believeable. He was serving something depicted as really evil for no apparent reason.

And redepmtion sucks. The main characters being tragic victims of circumstance is much more emotionally involving and erm, believeable.

And having the most talented game writers barely servers as reassurance. O_o

02-15-2004, 07:09 PM
i agree with Rinoa's_Knight, they're all great and Square-Enix has the best game writer's in the world workin' for them

Cloud's Clone
02-15-2004, 08:51 PM
I think that Square-Enix should go back to the old character system for Final Fantasy 7. I don't mean the same kind of story but the same Materia system and Limit Break system. They should also keep the feature from Final Fantasy X where you could switch your characters in battle. That was also really cool.

02-16-2004, 04:10 AM
the materia system is my favorite i'd love to see it return.

about the good guy/bad guy on your decision making, don;t know if any of you have played Baldur's Gate on PC but that dabbles lightly with that idea. In that game you have a "reputation" which suffers if you are doing things like committing crimes. the people in the world around you deal with you and speak to you according to how your reputation holds up.

but yeah i think its a good idea Lightning Mage that you could develop the character more personally like that and it would affect the entire storyline of the game also, making for great replay value.

how about the ability to CHOOSE which sort of magic system you want to use? or even better, have different characters use different systems. e.g one character uses junction, one uses materia etc etc

02-16-2004, 10:16 AM
Please don't double post in future. ;)

02-16-2004, 02:46 PM
Yeah,i miss those still backrounds.The artistic work in those was amazing.Drawn,painted and Photoshoped,beautiful,i think ff is going downhill,although ffxii is meant to change that.

Cloud's Clone
02-16-2004, 10:13 PM
I hope that in the future they let you customize the lead character(hair,weapon choice,"Special Move",attire,etc.)so that you feel more involved with the character kinda. They should also have it were you can choose what type of person you could be(a King/Warrior,Sorceress,Villian?,etc). I think that could make the game real inavative.

02-28-2004, 02:35 AM
Well ever since I've heard rumors of all ffs ultimently being connected I just think it would be rad if square made it to were the next ff shows proof of an actual connection and so on and so on. but thats just me I doubt it would happen.

And also the still old school backrounds those things need to make a come back. They just dont make rpgs like they used to and I think one of the main reasons is becuas when they stoped the still backrounds rpgs started taking a shit. But Ive seen the backrounds for ffxii those arent too bad I dont think that game would suck at all.

Or I could could just be being cry baby. who knows?:(

03-08-2004, 07:27 PM
I like Lightning Mage's idea of having a bad guy as the lead, or at least you should be able to play one for a portion of a game. A bit like how in FF7 you could be Sephiroth briefly in the "Cloud's Past" section. Plus yeah, bring back Materia and old-style Limit Breaks. It also annoys me somewhat how similar the charachers from different games look. The Cloud from Advent Chlidren looks too much like Tidus, and I really didn't like him and sometimes giving the characters voices means you have to use your imagination less. Just what is Sqaure-Enix thinking?

Ark Mune
03-08-2004, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by renegadehol
It also annoys me somewhat how similar the charachers from different games look. The Cloud from Advent Chlidren looks too much like Tidus, and I really didn't like him and sometimes giving the characters voices means you have to use your imagination less. Just what is Sqaure-Enix thinking?

I think they r justing giving the people what they want, or close to. So many people wanted a FFVII remake or sequal, so they r giving the fans a sequal. so i think everybody should stop bitching and complaining and just deal with it cause baggers can't be chosers. For FUCK sakes!!!

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 06:41 AM
Here is an idea for a Final Fantasy:

Keep the switching of party members from X. Have a four person party instead of three all the time. And, using <B> Miaso's </B> idea, have a villian join your party during the game. Have legendary weapons, minigames, side-quests, all the familiar stuff. But the biggest one should be all the Final Fantasy games need to be connected somehow. Maybe explain that there are multiple dimensions that lead to different time periods, galaxies, planets, etc. Explain that a new galaxy is created when................anything could be put there to explain how they are created. I don't know how I would explain it yet. But, for every galaxy or dimension, each leads to one of the Final Fantasy worlds. One leads to Spira, one to Ivalice, etc. I believe they need to relate the Final Fantasy games somehow, and that is one way I would do it.

04-27-2004, 09:40 PM
I think they should try and use a battle system like chrono cross's
or just make another chrono game

also they need to make sure you can explore your world map that has been going away as of late it started in 9 having fewer less intresting towns and then in 10 you don't even have a real world map