06-26-2012, 07:15 PM
Super Bomberman Mega Drive (
Super Bomberman 2 Mega Drive (
Super Bomberman 3 Mega Drive (
Super Bomberman 4 Mega Drive (

This is a special set brought to you by a Shriner named Lurker2010. I have been tasked with presenting these to the general public, but you can thank Lurker2010 for doing all the hard work of making them.

As some may already know, Super BomberMan was not originally for the SEGA Mega Drive, but if it was it might sound a little something like this.

So here it is; if you want it, download it. If you don't, crawl back into your nest to be fed worms until you're ready to fly.

As opposed to my usual no-thanks-necessary policy, I'd say a little gratitude to Lurker2010 wouldn't be a bad idea if you're planning to download one of these for yourself.

06-27-2012, 03:15 AM
I see 54 views that could've possibly been to download this... Hey, text under this, do you see any 'thank you's?

Nope, nothing, text also under this.

Yeah, so it ain't just me...

11-04-2013, 05:23 AM
Neat thanks!

Now I need to find the SNES one =0

11-05-2013, 01:39 AM
Thanks a lot for the soundtracks! Would you happen to have Super Bomberman 5 also?

11-05-2013, 06:45 AM
Sorry, you'd hafta ask Lurker2010 for that.