01-20-2004, 02:34 PM
Will someone please tell me how i get the Enemy Skill "Chocobuckle" from chocobos,how do you get it,its the only thing in FF7 i never got......(also,i still have confussion getting Alexader,how do you get that too)

01-20-2004, 02:45 PM
For Chocobuckle first you need L4 Suicide, then find a chocobo that has a level that is a multiple of 4. Feed it a Mimmet Green then L4 Suicide it, it will counter with Chocobuckle. Unfortunately unless u run fron masses of battles its useless.

For alexander, first goto the hot springs in Gaia Mountains. Once you have touched them goto the bit where you lay markers and have to travel up, insted of going up to the mans house go east until you come to another place, keep going until you see a cave. Inside is a woman, talk to her and she will attack (only if you touched the hotspring) when you beat her she will drop Alexander.

Hope this helps

Failed Clone 86

01-20-2004, 03:45 PM
For Chocobuckle, go to the Chocobo prints by Icicle Inn, those are the ones I got it from. Hope it orks out.

01-20-2004, 08:20 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">The level that a chocobo will be in battle depends on the enemies that it appears with. You can find some outside the Chocobo Farm too, and the chocobo will be L16 if it appears with Levrikons (the bird-like things). It may be worth giving all your enemy skill materias to one character too, so that you learn it on all of them as soon as you use L4 Suicide. ;)