06-22-2012, 09:51 PM
Before I say anything, or type in this case, do not read this thread if you haven't seen the ending of Final Fantasy 13-2 as this post contains spoilers.

Alright then, basically I have just completed FF13-2, I beat the 3 dragons in the sky and saw the end but it said on the credits that its to be continued

Does this mean there is going to be a Final Fantasy 13-3? Is there something i'm supposed to do to get the true ending? Or is there some information I do not know about?

Please let me know as I was really enjoying this game and now I feel as though its all been for naught...

06-22-2012, 11:17 PM
Moved this to the FFXIII forum as it's more appropriate for the subject matter. :)

As for your topic, I indeed remember hearing some discussion recently about whether a third title is planned for it, but as usual, nothing is known for certain (I think Neg knows more on this subject ;)).

06-23-2012, 11:34 AM
Moved this to the FFXIII forum as it's more appropriate for the subject matter. :)

As for your topic, I indeed remember hearing some discussion recently about whether a third title is planned for it, but as usual, nothing is known for certain (I think Neg knows more on this subject ;)).

I see, any idea on where I can find this Neg?

06-23-2012, 11:37 AM

The idea was that it was going to be continued in DLC. Who knows if that's still true. I never got any of it, so I can't honestly tell you.

There's been costume dl's aplenty, and some story scenarios, but as far I know they've been character specific, and I'm not sure if any of them give closure to the story itself.

06-23-2012, 03:10 PM

The idea was that it was going to be continued in DLC. Who knows if that's still true. I never got any of it, so I can't honestly tell you.

There's been costume dl's aplenty, and some story scenarios, but as far I know they've been character specific, and I'm not sure if any of them give closure to the story itself.

According to people I know, they say none of the current DLC closes the story, it just adds onto what the story currently has.
The Lightning 1 however does explain why she is seen frozen at the end of the game but even with that, there's still plenty of unexplained parts like how the whole world was in chaos towards the end.

Plus the game actually says "To be continued" which cannot mean the DLC content because its all before the end of the game so my guess is either there's gonna be a FF13-3 or they are gonna make a DLC finishing the story off.

06-24-2012, 03:42 AM
Its pretty obvious from the 'To be Continued' that there will a Final Fantasy 13-3. The problem is that when asked, the game's developer tried to avoid confirming it (games companies never like to confirm games until they are absolutely, absolutely, absolutely sure they are going to make it - and even then they deny it for a year or so). It was a stupid thing to do, as there is nothing wrong with having a sequel at all - games do it all the time! The idea that people would have to buy DLC to see the ending for a game they bought in good faith however isn't okay at all. In suggesting that might even maybe was the case, Square made a huge blunder.

The arguments against a full sequel are bizarre. People attention spans are now apparently so short they don't even understand what cliffhanger are, let alone tolerate them! Its a shock ending, but its also an amazing ending, and the most interesting thing FF has done in years. It sets up a sequel beautifully, but obviously we'll have to wait for that. The ending is exactly the same kind of thing as Empire Strikes Back. You don't watch that and think 'Oh, the good guys are screwed, everything's gone to hell - no point watching the sequel...'

This game felt like it was missing a good third or so of content, but only from the side quests and time travelling to other areas - the main quest itself is perfectly fine, and I wouldn't change any of it. I just wish they had put at least of the Colliseum stuff in, made Serendipity much bigger and grander, and included more time travel locations, with more proper side quests and a lot less time warp mini-games.

06-24-2012, 05:48 PM
The arguments against a full sequel are bizarre. People attention spans are now apparently so short they don't even understand what cliffhanger are, let alone tolerate them! Its a shock ending, but its also an amazing ending, and the most interesting thing FF has done in years. It sets up a sequel beautifully, but obviously we'll have to wait for that. The ending is exactly the same kind of thing as Empire Strikes Back. You don't watch that and think 'Oh, the good guys are screwed, everything's gone to hell - no point watching the sequel...'

This game felt like it was missing a good third or so of content, but only from the side quests and time travelling to other areas - the main quest itself is perfectly fine, and I wouldn't change any of it. I just wish they had put at least of the Colliseum stuff in, made Serendipity much bigger and grander, and included more time travel locations, with more proper side quests and a lot less time warp mini-games.

I don't want a XIII-3 because I hated XIII, haven't bought XIII-2 because I haven't heard anything great about it. I waited until there were reviews so that I wouldn't be wasting my money like I did on XIII, but there's still nothing to this day that says it does anything other than fix some XIII mistakes; nothing says it's good in itself, just that it's an improvement on XIII. Really, I would rather they move on from this catastrophe of a game than continue making half decent games when they could be working on stuff that might actually be good. As for the DLC, I think it's absolutely ridiculous, it's one thing to add DLC for costumes, weapons or monsters but for storyline? That's out of order.

I want them to do well, to get better and make good games again. I don't want them to die, which they will at this rate. I know a lot of people bought XIII, I did as well, but people hated it so much that a lot didn't buy the sequel, of the ones that did a lot were disappointed. How many people will buy a XIII-3? It's a waste of time and money when they could be making worthwhile games.


08-02-2012, 04:57 PM
As someone who has played both XIII and XIII-2 (and all the story dlc's) there's something weird about this Final Fantasy. Even though you know it's not great, it's not even good, there's something that urges you to play on, as if to say "well, I wasted over 2 years with these morons, might as well see where their story takes them!". Even if there is a XIII-3, there will be people that will buy it, no matter how bad it may be. Because now there's a storyline. There are characters (people want to know why Snow didn't show up in the last battle, or what happens to Noel and Hope after the chaos is released, or in what sort of future Lightning wakes up in). It won't make a difference how many more installments the saga has, people will buy it. Simply because they have become attached to it. Even if it was abut 1/3 of those that bought XIII. That's all Square-Enix needs!

08-03-2012, 06:10 AM
FFXIII-2 is something of a strange case - it came across as a hurried affair (and one that was mostly outsourced in development too), released simply to fix a lot of the issues the first one suffered from (and presumably repair the game's shattered image). But yeah, the cliffhanger ending seems to definitely hint at a third title, not just DLC - there is just too many unanswered plot lines left hanging, even without including Serah's premature death, such as Hope and Noel's fates, and whether or not Fang and Vanielle will ever revive too, seeing as their Crystal Stasis no longer serves a purpose after the old Cocoon collapsed just prior to Pulse going to hell in a handbasket.

Besides, if there is no third title planned and SE are just trolling everyone, ending the story in such a way would be a massive kick-in-the-gut to players; something akin if FFVI just ended when Kefka moved the Statues of Balance on the floating continent, and the whole World of Ruin section was never included..

But I guess we're going to just have to wait and see.

EDIT: SE has revealed they're started work on something called 'Lightning Saga Project' and will be revealing it at the 25th Anniversary event on the 1st of September, mentioned briefly here. ( Although nothing is proven yet, the fact it's called 'Lightning Saga' seems to hint strongly at being indeed, FFXIII-3. But we'll find out in a month's time I guess.

08-11-2012, 04:40 AM
i hope its come a third game , 13-2 was the best ff since 7

12-02-2012, 08:26 PM
Haha best since 7 that's hilarious. I also can't wait until lightening returns is released so Square Enix can lose even more money. It'll be in the bargain 3 months after release,

12-03-2012, 10:43 PM
and then what FF XIII-3, and FF XIII-4? D:

Isley Of The North
12-04-2012, 12:38 AM
and then what FF XIII-3, and FF XIII-4? D:

LR is the last 13 game besides Versus 13.

12-04-2012, 01:19 AM
Well not necessarily SE said it'd be the end of lightening's story. But they could still be total a$$holes and release a XIII-3 that continues Noel's and Serah's story.

Sang Hee
12-17-2012, 10:12 PM
I can confirm that 13-2 was indeed better than 13 and I wasn't excited about 13 at all. But it left me totally content with what happened in it. I too expected the Lightning DLC to wrap it up and somehow reunite the sisters. But since they didn't I'm one of those who'd appreciate moving on instead.
Since SE is still caught up in doing what fans don't really want my hopes are with Mistwalker (mostly the ex-FF team) and what they're up to. So far their games have been great.