01-20-2004, 02:15 AM
What was your favourite part in the game? Why'd you like it?

My favourite bit was the escape from shinra headquarters!

01-20-2004, 04:50 AM
well... I think I like the part when Sephy killed Aeris?
haha I'm weird....
But it really gives you the feeling that.... You ARE losing her...

01-20-2004, 10:00 AM
Favourite moment? Hmm... tat Cloud was finally back after he was separated frm the Party.. and better timin.. The HighWind!!! WOOHOO.. and yea.. killin Bizzaro and Safer Sephy in juz 1 TRY!!!

01-20-2004, 01:23 PM
I have to mant fav parts in that game......the top ones would be.......The Chase on the bike, the Fort Condor Mini-Game, the hidden materia side quests and the Seph battles......hehehehe....that was fun...there is also te part when WEAPON got is head blown off....or when Daimond WEAPON got cut through with Sister Ray....that was awsome.....then Rufus was blow to bits....those are all awesome parts....

01-20-2004, 08:27 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">*spoilers*

I'd have to say the Aeris death scene too. Not that I wanted to see her die, mind you, but it was an incredibly emotional scene and was really emphasised by the music. It would have been better if I didn't know about it beforehand, but oh well... :notgood:

01-23-2004, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by Meltigemini
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">*spoilers*

I'd have to say the Aeris death scene too. Not that I wanted to see her die, mind you, but it was an incredibly emotional scene and was really emphasised by the music. It would have been better if I didn't know about it beforehand, but oh well... :notgood:

ah i couldnt agree more. the bit where her white materia hits the first step and the music begins. no part of any game has ever made me want to cry before. except that!

03-19-2004, 06:27 AM
ok in my oppinion after you beat diamond weapon and the sister ray cannon all of the parts that it is in. oh snowboarding and sub attack:D

03-19-2004, 09:34 AM
my favourite parts are 1. when cloud fights rufus one on one, 2. when in the lifestream and when u finally kill seppie at the end

03-19-2004, 10:38 AM
well i should say my favorite parts was when cloud had to dress like a girl to get in to the mansion, it was fun going around and getting all of the things. and when cloud went on the date with aries it was cute

Landlord of Sector 7
03-19-2004, 12:30 PM
My al time favorite part was getting to the third disc so I was free to do whatever I wanted ya know? Otherwise there are other awesome ones that I won't go into.

Top Cat
03-19-2004, 02:00 PM
FFFantatic, I killed all 3 final bosses in one go too.

Favourite moment....

The cutscene just before Cloud and Tifa get sucked into the lifestream. They looked so chunky!

03-19-2004, 02:28 PM
Chocobos all the way

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 03:40 AM
Favorite moments would have to be the memory scene of Cloud and Sephiroth in Nibelheim. When they show Sephiroth walking away in the fire, that is the coolest screen shot ever!

03-31-2004, 08:59 PM
I like many parts in the game, such as the Rufus vs Cloud fight, the final battle, the battles against Jenova,the fighting against Ultima Weapon and Diamond weapon, but there were two main ones: The escape from Shinra HQ, that bike ride is the best minigame ever!And the part in Cosmo Canyon when Red XIII got to know the truth about his Father,man!Almost made me cry!Oh, and the sequence where you meet Cid and escape in the Tiny Bronco is quite fun, too!

04-03-2004, 06:56 AM
I could not agree with you more (Meltigeminire) because when that happened I cried my eyes out and there was not much i wanted to do but to kill seph but instead i took my anger out on jenova and then cried again:(

Vinny Valentine
04-04-2004, 08:36 PM
My two favorite moments are when Cloud has to dress up as a girl to get into the mansion, and when he goes on the date with Aeris. It's funniest when you keep messing up in the play. That was great.

Ark Mune
04-05-2004, 01:32 PM
you know, the part where Aeris gets PWNZ.--------
or the escape from Shinra was cool.-----------------
and then the ending when Tifa's boobs bounce----
when cloud lifts her over the edge. oh yea.---------
Barret is the only black character.---------------------

end my spoilerlaler.

I never cry, crying is for wussies. I laugh at death.


04-06-2004, 07:18 AM
My best part is wen the weapons awake, that is sooo kool! the graphics kik ass! And i like the endin fights and endin sequence, but it seems unfinished, so Advent Children will finish it

Hey i jus fort of summin. If Red is still alive after 500 years, then that means he must b in the film.kool.

04-07-2004, 04:08 AM
My Favourite Part Is When after The game When Cloud and Seph Go To The Hneybee inn and bathe With All Those Guys and Start Kissin And makin Out And Stuff... It Suits their Characters So Much

04-18-2004, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Setzer
My Favourite Part Is When after The game When Cloud and Seph Go To The Hneybee inn and bathe With All Those Guys and Start Kissin And makin Out And Stuff... It Suits their Characters So Much
WAT?? i now its a joke but its weird u came up with that

Dot Centaur
04-18-2004, 09:27 PM
My favorite part in the game was at the end of disc 2 when Cloud & Tifa fall asleep next to eachother before the last mission:) :) :) And of course I like any other Kawaii Cloti(Cloud & Tifa), moments in the game! Why, because simply Cloud & Tifa are my favorite couple!! The part when Tifa helped Cloud find the true himself in the lifestream! The date with Tifa(optional, but I always have to get it<sigh>)!!

Tifa Lockheart
04-19-2004, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
My favorite part in the game was at the end of disc 2 when Cloud & Tifa fall asleep next to eachother before the last mission:) :) :) And of course I like any other Kawaii Cloti(Cloud & Tifa), moments in the game! Why, because simply Cloud & Tifa are my favorite couple!! The part when Tifa helped Cloud find the true himself in the lifestream! The date with Tifa(optional, but I always have to get it<sigh>)!!
Yep i totaly agree that bit was sooo cute... i gus totaly loved that bit.........
Tifa Girl nice pic......good point

Dot Centaur
05-12-2004, 02:34 AM
Thank you Tifa Lockheart. I got the pic on one of my favorite Cloti shrines! I also love the part in the game where Cloud says to Tifa,"You've been so good to me." he even admits it!=)

05-17-2004, 08:58 PM
Mine has got to be when you get KOTR i mean i was like souped because i had some much power but sadly i didn't know how to use it back in the day ( i waz 7 ) but now im a killing machine

05-18-2004, 04:25 AM
My Beat part is when you fight sephiroth at the final.

05-18-2004, 10:10 PM
My best part in this game was when Cloud and Tifa tried to know his true back ground in the lifestream going through his many memories.

In addition, I liked the part when Cloud remembers that he and Zacks escaped from Shinra mansion in Nibleheim. Zacks was such a cool guy,,,.

05-18-2004, 11:03 PM
my favorite part would be when you fight the ultimate weapon. it's just fun to me. oh yeah, also when you get the highwind!. oh wait one more thing, when you beat the game.