View Full Version : Thread 117418">Pok�mon Black & White Versions 2 Collaborative Gamerip

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06-22-2012, 04:36 PM

Pok�mon Black & White Versions 2 Collaborative Gamerip

Part 1 ( | Part 2 ( | Part 3 ( | Part 4 ( | Part 5 ( | Part 6 (
Number of tracks: 299
File format: MP3
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Filesize: 1.01 GB
Looping format: non-looping songs play once; looping songs play twice, then fade

DOWNLOAD 2SF Files ( from Mediafire
DOWNLOAD new tracks only: Part 1 ( | Part 2 ( | Part 3 (
DOWNLOAD battle tracks: Part 1 ( | Part 2 (
DOWNLOAD Super Music Complete (FLAC) (Thread 121296)
DOWNLOAD Super Music Complete (MP3): Disc 1 ( | Disc 2 ( | Disc 3 ( | Disc 4 (

UPDATE 10: 09/30/12 7:30 p.m. MDT
English terms added for all tracks, DLC tracks incorporated.
UPDATE 9: 07/29/12 2:03 p.m. MDT
Artist tags added.
UPDATE 8: 07/27/12 7:37 p.m. MDT
Updated titles of 176, 181, 182, 223.
UPDATE 7: 07/26/12 1:58 p.m. MDT
Updated track titles to the official titles used in the Super Music Complete.
UPDATE 6: 07/10/12 4:54 p.m. MDT
Corrected "Corless" to "Colress."
UPDATE 5: 06/28/12 4:59 p.m. MDT
Corrected tracks 240 ( and 241 ( Updated "Pok�wood" to "Pok�star Studios," and "Achroma" to "Corless."
UPDATE 4: 06/27/12 9:27 a.m. MDT
New titles for 186, 187, 213-215, and 222. Added track 248 (
UPDATE 3: 06/26/12 10:54 a.m. MDT
New titles for 183-185 and 216-220.
UPDATE 2: 06/26/12 10:54 a.m. MDT
Major rip overhaul. New tracks, names and track order.
UPDATE 1: 06/25/12 8:32 a.m. MDT
Tracks 94 and 112 titled and removed from new-track rip.


What is this?
Every year we get together to name and tag all songs found in new Pok�mon games as quickly as possible by combining our efforts. The purpose of this thread was to collaborate to fully tag this rip.


Why not wait for the OST?
Wait? WAIT?! Are you nuts? Besides, the Super Music Complete isn't technically "complete." There are tracks in this rip that the SMC doesn't include.


What can I do to help?
Just listen to the rip! If you notice anything that needs to be fixed, or have any suggestions to improve the rip, let us know!


001 - The Day I Became King (BW)
002 - Title (BW)
003 - Opening
004 - Title
005 - Now for the Adventure! (BW)
006 - Off to Adventure! (BW)
007 - What? (BW)
008 - Evolution (BW)
009 - Bicycle (BW)
010 - Surf (BW)
011 - Abyssal Ruins (BW)
012 - Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame! (BW)
013 - Staff Roll
014 - Nuvema Town (BW)
015 - Accumula Town (BW)
016 - Anville Town (BW)
017 - Lacunosa Town (BW)
018 - Undella Town (Spring) (BW)
019 - Undella Town (Summer) (BW)
020 - Undella Town (Autumn) (BW)
021 - Undella Town (Winter) (BW)
022 - Striaton City (BW)
023 - Nacrene City (BW)
024 - Castelia City (BW)
025 - Nimbasa City (BW)
026 - Driftveil City (BW)
027 - Mistralton City (BW)
028 - Icirrus City (BW)
029 - Opelucid City (Black) (BW)
030 - Opelucid City (White) (BW)
031 - Black City (BW)
032 - White Forest (BW)
033 - Route 1 (BW)
034 - Route 2 (Spring) (BW)
035 - Route 2 (Summer) (BW)
036 - Route 2 (Autumn) (BW)
037 - Route 2 (Winter) (BW)
038 - Route 4 (Spring) (BW)
039 - Route 4 (Summer) (BW)
040 - Route 4 (Autumn) (BW)
041 - Route 4 (Winter) (BW)
042 - Route 6 (Spring) (BW)
043 - Route 6 (Summer) (BW)
044 - Route 6 (Autumn) (BW)
045 - Route 6 (Winter) (BW)
046 - Route 12 (Spring) (BW)
047 - Route 12 (Summer) (BW)
048 - Route 12 (Autumn) (BW)
049 - Route 12 (Winter) (BW)
050 - Route 10 (BW)
051 - Skyarrow Bridge (BW)
052 - Driftveil Drawbridge (BW)
053 - Tubeline Bridge (BW)
054 - Village Bridge (BW)
055 - Marvelous Bridge (BW)
056 - Pok�mon Center (BW)
057 - Shopping Mall Nine (BW)
058 - Gym (BW)
059 - Driftveil Gym
060 - Pok�mon Laboratory (BW)
061 - Gate (BW)
062 - Gear Station (BW)
063 - Battle Subway (BW)
064 - Pok� Transfer Lab (BW)
065 - The Pleasure Cruise Ship, The Royal Unova (BW)
066 - Entralink (BW)
067 - Unity Tower (BW)
068 - Pok�mon League (BW)
069 - N's Castle
070 - Dreamyard
071 - Chargestone Cave (BW)
072 - Cold Storage (BW)
073 - Relic Castle (BW)
074 - Dragonspiral Tower (BW)
075 - Lostlorn Forest (BW)
076 - Victory Road (BW)
077 - Black Tower・Entrance
078 - White Treehollow・Entrance
079 - Black Tower
080 - White Treehollow
081 - Come Along 2 (BW)
082 - Cheren's Theme
083 - Bianca's Theme
084 - Professor Juniper (BW)
085 - Juniper's Father (BW)
086 - N's Theme
087 - Team Plasma's Secret Maneuvers (BW)
088 - Ghetsis's Ambitions (BW)
089 - Ancient Times (BW)
090 - Unwavering Emotions (BW)
091 - Nimbasa Gym・Runway
092 - Nimbasa Gym・Stage
093 - Castelia Gym
094 - Virbank Gym (Performance・K-O-F-F-I-N-G)
095 - Champion Alder (BW)
096 - Sign of Beginnings
097 - Two People on the Ferris Wheel (BW)
098 - Aspertia City
099 - Virbank City
100 - Humilau City
101 - Musical Hall (BW)
102 - Dress Up in Accessories (BW)
103 - The Curtain Rises on the Musical (BW)
104 - Musical "Stardom!" (BW)
105 - Musical "Forest Stroll" (BW)
106 - Musical "A Sweet Soir�e" (BW)
107 - Musical "Exciting Nimbasa" (BW)
108 - Musical "Charming Munna" (BW)
109 - Musical "Pok�mon Party" (BW)
110 - Musical "Carnival Pok�mon" (BW)
111 - Musical "MELOETTAAA!!!" (BW)
112 - Spotted! Youngster (BW)
113 - Spotted! Lass (BW)
114 - Spotted! Twins (BW)
115 - Spotted! Ace Trainer (BW)
116 - Spotted! Roughneck (BW)
117 - Spotted! Parasol Lady (BW)
118 - Spotted! Cyclist (BW)
119 - Spotted! Psychic (BW)
120 - Spotted! Scientist (BW)
121 - Spotted! Pok�Fan (BW)
122 - Spotted! Backpacker (BW)
123 - Spotted! Clerk ♂ (BW)
124 - Spotted! Gentleman (BW)
125 - Spotted! Team Plasma
126 - Battle! Wild Pok�mon
127 - Battle! Strong Wild Pok�mon (BW)
128 - Battle! Trainer
129 - Battle! Battle Subway Trainer (BW)
130 - Battle! Gym Leader
131 - Battle! Cheren・Bianca (BW)
132 - Battle! Legendary Pok�mon (Sinnoh) (DP)
133 - Battle! Elite Four (BW)
134 - Battle! Champion (BW)
135 - Battle! N
136 - Battle! Uxie・Mesprit・Azelf (DP)
137 - Battle! Regirock・Regice・Registeel (RS)
138 - Battle! Reshiram (BW)
139 - Zekrom (BW)
140 - Battle! Kyurem (BW)
141 - Battle! Roaming Pok�mon (BW)
142 - Battle! Legendary Pok�mon (BW)
143 - Battle! Champion (DP)
144 - Battle Trouble (BW)
145 - Victory is Right Before Your Eyes!
146 - Victory Against Wild Pok�mon! (BW)
147 - Victory Against Trainer! (BW)
148 - Victory Against Gym Leader! (BW)
149 - Victory Against Team Plasma! (BW)
150 - Victory Against the Champion! (BW)
151 - Wi-Fi Connection (BW)
152 - Mystery Gift (BW)
153 - Game Sync (BW)
154 - Global Terminal (BW)
155 - Spin Trade (BW)
156 - GTS (BW)
157 - Challenge the Battle Tournament (BW)
158 - Cynthia's Theme (DP)
159 - Final! Pok�mon World Championship (BW)
160 - Battle! Wi-Fi Trainer (BW)
161 - A Legend is Born (Black 2)
162 - A Legend is Born (White 2)
163 - N's Room
164 - Epilogue (SFX) (BW)
165 - Epilogue (BW)
166 - Game Freak Logo (BW)
167 - Piano Scale (BW)
168 - String Scale (BW)
169 - Guitar Scale (BW)
170 - Guitar Scale 2 (BW)
171 - Route 19 (Spring)
172 - Route 19 (Summer)
173 - Route 19 (Autumn)
174 - Route 19 (Winter)
175 - Route 22 (Spring)
176 - Route 22 (Summer)
177 - Route 22 (Autumn)
178 - Route 22 (Winter)
179 - Route 23
180 - Road to Reversal Mountain
181 - Floccesy Town
182 - Lentimas Town
183 - Floccesy Ranch
184 - Castelia Sewers
185 - Reversal Mountain (White)
186 - Reversal Mountain (Black)
187 - Strange House
188 - Plasma Frigate・On Deck
189 - Infiltrating the Plasma Frigate!
190 - Underground Ruins
191 - Cave of Being
192 - Marine Tube
193 - Pok�mon World Tournament (PWT)
194 - PWT Hall
195 - PWT Championship Victory!
196 - Pok�star Studios
197 - Roll Cameras! at Pok�star Studios
198 - Pok�star Studios・Theme of Confrontation
199 - Pok�star Studios・Theme of Glory
200 - Pok�star Studios・Theme of Elimination
201 - Pok�star Studios・Theme of Attack
202 - Pok�star Studios・Theme of Success
203 - Pok�star Studios・Theme of Defeat
204 - Pok�star Studios・Strange Theme
205 - Pok�star Studios・Theme of Love
206 - Pok�star Studios・Theme of Grief
207 - Pok�star Studios・Hair-Raising Theme
208 - Pok�star Studios・Theme of Purification
209 - Pok�star Studios・Theme of Fear
210 - Pok�star Studios・Humorous Theme
211 - Pok�star Studios・Theme of Despair
212 - Pok�star Studios・Theme of Shock
213 - Mistralton Gym
214 - Humilau Gym
215 - Opelucid Gym
216 - Xtransceiver Minigame!
217 - Unova Link
218 - Join Avenue
219 - Funfest Mission in Session!
220 - Awakening
221 - Confrontation
222 - Absorption
223 - Union (Black)
224 - Union (White)
225 - Assault! Opelucid City
226 - Plasma Frigate Takeoff
227 - Rival's Theme
228 - Colress's Theme
229 - Shadow Triad's Theme
230 - Zinzolin's Theme
231 - The Frozen City
232 - Farewell (BW)
233 - Spotted! Beauty
234 - Spotted! Clown
235 - Battle! Gym Leader (Kanto)
236 - Battle! Champion (Kanto)
237 - Battle! Gym Leader (Johto)
238 - Battle! Champion (Johto)
239 - Battle! Gym Leader (Hoenn)
240 - Battle! Champion (Hoenn)
241 - Battle! Gym Leader (Sinnoh)
242 - Battle! Champion (Sinnoh)
243 - PWT Finals!
244 - Battle! White Kyurem
245 - Battle! Black Kyurem
246 - Battle! Team Plasma
247 - Battle! Colress
248 - Battle! Ghetsis
249 - Battle! Champion Iris
250 - Battle! Rival
251 - Victory in PWT
252 - Hidden Grotto
253 - Welcome to Join Avenue!
254 - Team Plasma, Again
255 - The End
256 - Receive a Mission (BW)
257 - Top of Dragonspiral Tower (BW)
258 - Recovery (BW)
259 - Level Up! (BW)
260 - Received an Item! (BW)
261 - Got a Key Item! (BW)
262 - Caught a Pok�mon! (BW)
263 - Congratulations on Your Evolution! (BW)
264 - Received a League Badge! (BW)
265 - Received a TM! (BW)
266 - Received Accessories! (BW)
267 - Forget a Technique (BW)
268 - Obtained Berry (BW)
269 - Pok�dex Rating...Onwards! (BW)
270 - Pok�dex Rating...Not Yet (BW)
271 - Pok�dex Rating...Keep It Up! (B)W
272 - Pok�dex Rating...Getting Better! (BW)
273 - Pok�dex Rating...Just a Little More! (BW)
274 - Pok�dex Rating...Perfect! (BW)
275 - Obtained Pok�mon Egg (BW)
276 - Received BP! (BW)
277 - Your Chemistry is the Best! (BW)
278 - Your Chemistry is Getting There (BW)
279 - Your Chemistry Doesn't Measure Up (BW)
280 - Feeling Check! B(W)
281 - The Entralink Mission Begins! (BW)
282 - Mission Complete! (BW)
283 - Mission Failed...
284 - Item Mystery (BW)
285 - Xtransceiver (BW)
286 - Xtransceiver・Game Start!
287 - Xtransceiver・Game Victory!
288 - Medal Box Update!
289 - Goal at Medal Rally!
290 - Collected All Medals!
291 - Join Avenue Level Up 1
292 - Join Avenue Level Up 2
293 - Join Avenue Jingle
294 - Xtransceiver (Longer)
295 - Regional Pok�dex Filled!
296 - National Pok�dex Filled!
297 - A Bronze Statue is Erected at Pok�star Studios!
298 - Pok� Transfer Box (BW)
299 - Pok� Transfer Game (BW)

06-22-2012, 04:49 PM
Tons of epic battle themes. When I think I've located them all I'll upload a zip with just them.

---------- Post added at 11:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ----------

Prepare your adrenal glands.

Thanks for mentioning me in the start of the OP, by the way.
Hot damn these are getting a lot of downloads.

Whoops, looks like I missed some. More coming soon.

Here we go, with preliminary ID3 tags and all.

06-22-2012, 05:36 PM
haha, Very cool. Too bad some of the legendaries don't have separate themes like Raikou/Entei/Suicune did, but I'm not complaining.

Looking forward to more. (:

06-22-2012, 05:40 PM
I think I'll wait until more info on exactly what's in the game's music itself comes to light.

06-22-2012, 05:40 PM
Battle theme archive updated.

06-22-2012, 05:56 PM
Battle theme archive updated.
Red also uses Lance's theme because it's his battle theme. Durrr. Might want to fix that.

06-22-2012, 05:57 PM
It's Red? I just guessed, and assumed they wouldn't put in THAT much fanservice.
Fix it yourself. I'm not reuploading 126 MB of MP3's just for one tiny ID3 tag.

06-22-2012, 06:22 PM
It's Red? I just guessed, and assumed they wouldn't put in THAT much fanservice.
Fix it yourself. I'm not reuploading 126 MB of MP3's just for one tiny ID3 tag.
I did. :)

No need to be a dick, and just trying do what the OP says, fix titles and etc. :P

EDIT: It's BOTH Lance and Red BTW.

06-22-2012, 06:23 PM
I did. :)

No need to be a dick, and just trying do what the OP says, fix titles and etc. :P

I didn't intend to be a dick; I just thought you sounded a bit spoiled. No hard feelings anymore, I hope.

My rips are only to hold people over with the most hyped themes, before the full OST is organized.

In other news, I'm trying to play through it on my DS so I can help tag stuff, but I can't get past the naming screen so far. :/

06-22-2012, 06:35 PM
So Black Kyurem and White Kyurem have the same theme...? It's so hard to tell, it took a while for people to figure out the differences between Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem's tunes in BW. :P

06-22-2012, 06:39 PM
I couldn't tell the difference between the two. If there were some, though, I'm sorry. I know utuber6061backup has both themes uploaded to YouTube, so you can compare and download if you want from there.

06-22-2012, 07:21 PM
I couldn't tell the difference between the two. If there were some, though, I'm sorry. I know utuber6061backup has both themes uploaded to YouTube, so you can compare and download if you want from there.

There are quite a few duplicate tracks in the game.

06-22-2012, 07:35 PM
083 - NTR-IREJ-JPN_00-04e5
That's Alder's theme, isn't it? (Black/White Champion theme)

06-22-2012, 07:44 PM
083 - NTR-IREJ-JPN_00-04e5
That's Alder's theme, isn't it? (Black/White Champion theme)

Nope. I'm interested as to why you thought that, though.
I just hear a really dark theme.

06-22-2012, 08:01 PM
^ It's definitely Alder's theme for me, both
are the Black/White Champion's theme. Must be a messed up file?

06-22-2012, 08:16 PM
^ It's definitely Alder's theme for me, both
are the Black/White Champion's theme. Must be a messed up file?

You're right, they're the same. 04e5 is placed with the World Tournament songs, and 04ed with the other "big battles." It's likely used once in the main game, and again with the Tournament, and it was replicated for coding reasons. I'll remove 04e5.

06-22-2012, 08:19 PM
^ It's definitely Alder's theme for me, both
are the Black/White Champion's theme. Must be a messed up file?

Wow, sorry, I'm out of it today. Must have clicked on something different.

06-22-2012, 09:01 PM
So, I guess no 2SF rip yet? :/

EDIT: WHOOPS spoke too soon

06-22-2012, 10:51 PM
122 - NTR-IREJ-JPN_00-043f is Cheren's Theme (BW2)

06-22-2012, 11:55 PM
Playing through it on my DS, finally. I plan to pull an all-nighter and get through as much as possible, so I'll have some track names for you.

06-23-2012, 02:18 AM
Arright. Got through the first two Gyms and have seen Team Plasma for the first time. Let's begin listing a few off:
4A2: Can't find the name of the town, but it's the second one you see.
4A4: Sangi Ranch
4A5: Area south of Virbank City, not sure if its officially part of the city or not
4A6: Same as 4A5
4B3: Pok�wood (the place is huge, by the way)
4B4: Battle! (who would have thought) Pok�wood Stage
4D9: Intro
4DA: N's Farewell (BW)
4EE: Battle! Rival
4F5: Receive a Mission (BW)
4F6: The Dragon's Awakening (BW)
440: Bianca's Theme
That's all from the top of my anyone else any farther?

06-23-2012, 03:20 AM
I didn't intend to be a dick; I just thought you sounded a bit spoiled. No hard feelings anymore, I hope.

My rips are only to hold people over with the most hyped themes, before the full OST is organized.

In other news, I'm trying to play through it on my DS so I can help tag stuff, but I can't get past the naming screen so far. :/
Why did you bother importing it if you can't navigate it? I was able to instantly.

06-23-2012, 03:29 AM
Why did you bother importing it if you can't navigate it? I was able to instantly.

I didn't import :P The ROM dump needed a patch here and there which I have now applied. Suppose I wasn't too clear about that in the end.

Seems like you've started playing, though. Do you have more track names? Did I miss any?

06-23-2012, 06:04 AM
An initial batch of work-in-progress MP3s have been uploaded for those who can't play 2SF files. This is a large batch that lags behind the work we've accomplished in the thread; there are many redundant and SFX files, and many songs that we've since identified are unlabeled. I'll make it my goal to upload a new, improved version each night.

For those helping us, if you're using the MP3s, sort the files by Date Created to view the files in the original 2SF order (the order we've got going on in the opening post). 0488 and on I have not yet looked at, and you can use the hexadecimal filenames to navigate through what's been done already.

06-23-2012, 06:10 AM
Excellent. Will make it much easier for people to contribute.

06-23-2012, 06:49 AM
Why not wait for the OST?
Are you kidding? That's not for another month! Besides, completionists will want to make sure they get every track in the game, including the hidden ones, which the Music Super Completes don't always provide.

Completionists would want to collect in lossless no matter how pointless lossless may be.

06-23-2012, 06:51 AM
Which file is the is this tune named under?

[Music] Pok�mon Black/White 2 -Nimbasa City Gym- - YouTube (

06-23-2012, 06:58 AM
Arright. Got through the first two Gyms and have seen Team Plasma for the first time. Let's begin listing a few off:
4A5: Area south of Virbank City, not sure if its officially part of the city or not
4A6: Same as 4A5
4B4: Battle! (who would have thought) Pok�wood Stage
4D9: Intro
4F6: The Dragon's Awakening (BW)
That's all from the top of my anyone else any farther?

4a5 and 4a6 are very different sounding. Can you clarify?
4B4, the piano piece, is really a battle theme? That's really cool if it is, it just really doesn't sound like a battle piece.
What is 4d9 the intro to? The game's intro is at the beginning of the rip. Does this play after the title screen?
04f6 doesn't match up with "The Dragon's Awakening" on the first soundtrack.

Which file is the is this tune named under?

[Music] Pok�mon Black/White 2 -Nimbasa City Gym- - YouTube (

That is track 219 - Gym (Nimbasa City). The hexadecimal location is 0449.

06-23-2012, 07:11 AM
Thanks, and one more question.

Whenever I try to open the far files (part 1,2,3, etc) it seems tell me that all the files are "Black and White Versoin 2.part 1 regardless of what part I download

06-23-2012, 07:32 AM
Been going through these for the past half hour. Tagged a lot of them, and probably deleted hundreds of repeats and two-second bits. Probably will post tomorrow.

EDIT: "Intro" is the games intro. Maybe it appears more than once.
The other one from BW is a repeat, but I may have gotten the name wrong.

Boss Giovanni
06-23-2012, 11:39 AM
Great initiative guys! So far this is an amazing soundtrack. :D

06-23-2012, 01:54 PM
Sorry for my...lack of reliability yesterday.
I'm done cleaning up the OST. We still have quite a few titles missing, though.
Next order of business will be ordering the tracks.
By the way, I stayed up until 5 AM and am in front of the seventh Gym Leader.
No DL link yet. I think I can get this completely done singlehandedly by this afternoon.

06-23-2012, 07:56 PM
I know most of these themes, I can help with the tagging.

06-23-2012, 08:42 PM
I'm almost done with the naming. Anyone who wants to beautify it and finish the names can do so now, as I've uploaded my progress here: Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire (

06-23-2012, 09:26 PM
As far as I can tell:

Track 491: Royal Unova (BW).
Track 493: also in BW but I don't remember the name.
Track 824: Ancient Castle (BW)
Track 834: Meloetta music, aka Ancient Times (BW)

06-23-2012, 09:29 PM
I dont think those files uploaded right

06-23-2012, 09:47 PM
As far as I can tell:

Track 491: Royal Unova (BW).
Track 493: also in BW but I don't remember the name.
Track 824: Ancient Castle (BW)
Track 834: Meloetta music, aka Ancient Times (BW)

I've been removing all the BW1 songs. Must have missed a few. Thanks!

I dont think those files uploaded right

What makes you say that?

06-23-2012, 10:04 PM
how do i open the mp3.7z.001-3, if they are uploaded right?

they are just showing as an unknown format.

06-23-2012, 10:07 PM
You're missing the Regi Trio theme, and it's Lake Trio, not Pixies

072 - NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-04da_mini2sf is N's Farewell

098 - NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-040a_mini2sf is Opelucid City (White)

099 - NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-040b_mini2sf is Black City

100 - NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-040c_mini2sf is White Forest

878_NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-0490_mini2sf is a horrifying remix of N's room, sounds like N's castle's really fallen apart

and there's a lot of single sounds and what-not

06-23-2012, 10:41 PM
You're missing the Regi Trio theme, and it's Lake Trio, not Pixies --don't really care, the battle tracks are just there because of hype and will be retagged anyway

072 - NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-04da_mini2sf is N's Farewell

098 - NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-040a_mini2sf is Opelucid City (White)

099 - NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-040b_mini2sf is Black City

100 - NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-040c_mini2sf is White Forest -- I'm trying to delete all BW1 stuff, so thanks for letting me know

878_NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-0490_mini2sf is a horrifying remix of N's room, sounds like N's castle's really fallen apart

and there's a lot of single sounds and what-not -- Wait, are you referring to the 2SF's or the MP3's I posted?

Replies in bold.

EDIT: Missed this

how do i open the mp3.7z.001-3, if they are uploaded right?

they are just showing as an unknown format.
Get a good archive extractor. They were made with 7zip. They need to all be extracted at once, and act as one 7z archive. I had to split it because of the file size limit on Mediafire.

06-23-2012, 10:58 PM
I think he was referring to the whole gamerip, not your version. Regi trio is in your folders while the Lake trio battle isn't (not a great loss, it's identical to DP), and the other tracks from BW he named were already out of your upload.

06-23-2012, 11:11 PM
I think he was referring to the whole gamerip, not your version. Regi trio is in your folders while the Lake trio battle isn't (not a great loss, it's identical to DP), and the other tracks from BW he named were already out of your upload.

The Regi theme's a new remix, at least I think (it didn't sound like the Platinum one at first glance.) The Lake Trio battle theme was removed for exactly that reason. I suppose I may be being a bit too harsh on the track removal for those who want as close to the OST as possible.
What do you think, QuagsireQing?

06-23-2012, 11:37 PM
855_NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-0467_mini2sf is a Team Plasma-ishy battle, but it's not the same as this one (

maybe for Shadow Triad, or the new team plasma?

one is led by Achroma and one is led by Ghetsis

06-23-2012, 11:43 PM
I can't extract mp3.7z.002-3 for some reason :/ mp3.7z.001 extracted perfectly

06-23-2012, 11:47 PM
I can't extract mp3.7z.002-3 for some reason :/ mp3.7z.001 extracted perfectly

extracting 001 extracts 2 and 3 automatically

06-23-2012, 11:50 PM
Really? how many tracks are there supposed to be them?

06-24-2012, 12:04 AM
i've got 106

06-24-2012, 12:05 AM
Ah okay then me too

06-24-2012, 12:39 AM
Whenever I try to open the far files (part 1,2,3, etc) it seems tell me that all the files are "Black and White Versoin 2.part 1 regardless of what part I download

I don't have that problem when I click the links, so I'm afraid I can't help there.

The Regi theme's a new remix, at least I think (it didn't sound like the Platinum one at first glance.) The Lake Trio battle theme was removed for exactly that reason. I suppose I may be being a bit too harsh on the track removal for those who want as close to the OST as possible.
What do you think, QuagsireQing?

I've left all of the original BW tracks in the rip, since many of them still appear in BW2. In the end, I'll plan to upload a "new track rip" and a "complete rip."

What do the F's and L's stand for in the Pok�wood Scenario tracks? What's the context in which the tracks play?

06-24-2012, 01:29 AM
You guys are great! Thank you so much, we appreciate it :)

06-24-2012, 02:00 AM
I don't have that problem when I click the links, so I'm afraid I can't help there.

I've left all of the original BW tracks in the rip, since many of them still appear in BW2. In the end, I'll plan to upload a "new track rip" and a "complete rip."

What do the F's and L's stand for in the Pok�wood Scenario tracks? What's the context in which the tracks play?

Fair enough.

The "F" and "L" were, well, taken from the internal track list. I don't actually know the context in which they play, but seeing as I found vaguely what they were, I decided to name them the most logical thing.

---------- Post added at 09:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 PM ----------

4AB can be named "Deep in Team Plasma's Ship" or something along those lines.

The final showdown with Team Plasma is, to say the least, shocking. Probably the game's defining moment. A certain villain reappears, and does something considered taboo in the Pok�mon universe, leading to some great 3D cutscenes and two rather trippy battle themes.

Oh, and Black Kyurem refused my Master Ball. You find out why, but...still.

06-24-2012, 02:07 PM
The MP3s are now fully sorted and available for download from the opening post, so go ahead and get downloading! The full rip comprises 291 tracks, 121 of which are brand new for Pok�mon Black & White Versions 2 (these will be uploaded separately later today). There are still 46 unidentified tracks, so if you can help, please leave a post here listing the track number, current title (NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-whatever) and name of the song.

As you all help fill in the missing pieces, an update log will be kept in the opening post, so that those who have already downloaded the MP3s can simply edit their own filenames and tags.

06-24-2012, 06:59 PM
Great! Hope I was of help.

06-24-2012, 07:45 PM
The new-track-only set is now uploaded, and can be found in the alternative downloads section of the opening post. For you Black & White Version aficionados, this collection distills the rip into only those tracks new to BW2.

06-24-2012, 09:12 PM
Why isn't that orchestrated arrangement of the title screen not in the track listing? You have the title, but it's not bold and says it comes from the original..

06-24-2012, 09:27 PM
So how long do you think it will take before all the tracks are tagged with the correct names? We've already surpassed how long HGSS and BW took...

06-24-2012, 09:56 PM
Why isn't that orchestrated arrangement of the title screen not in the track listing? You have the title, but it's not bold and says it comes from the original..

That's the synthesized version of the title screen from the original BW. The new title screen has a streamed file that has not yet been processed as part of the rip.

So how long do you think it will take before all the tracks are tagged with the correct names? We've already surpassed how long HGSS and BW took...

That all depends on how long it takes for the community here to contribute their findings. We rely on everyone here to identify the songs through playthroughs and videos.

06-24-2012, 11:15 PM
I see. Are there a lot of streamed songs in the game?

Anyway, to give a few findings...
NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-042f_mini2sf comes from BW- that "United Nations" island, I believe called Union Tower(?), where you interact with people you traded with.
NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-04f6_mini2sf is from BW- the top of Dragonspiral Tower.

And I'm not sure (having not actually played this yet), but NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-04f4_mini2sf uses the melody from the staff credits, so it might be the "The End" track like in past games?

06-25-2012, 04:52 AM
So when will we see final composer tags on each?

06-25-2012, 05:07 AM
Once we're able to identify individual composer/arranger credits, of course. That won't be for a while.

06-25-2012, 06:25 AM
I see. Are there a lot of streamed songs in the game?

The title screen is the only streamed song in the game.

So when will we see final composer tags on each?

Composer tags could be added for the classic BW tracks now, which may be my next update. Full composer tags won't be added until the Super Music Complete is released.

06-25-2012, 04:53 PM
NTR-IREJ-JPN 00-042f_mini2sf comes from BW- that "United Nations" island, I believe called Union Tower(?), where you interact with people you traded with.

It's called Unity Tower. I don't really fault you for getting it wrong, because you need to trade internationally to access it.

06-25-2012, 06:42 PM
Doesn't the 4-Disk soundtrack come out today?

06-25-2012, 06:46 PM
Amazing music stuff. Thanks for the work. And Information for the composers: OVCP-1 | Nintendo DS Pok�mon Black2 � White2 Super Music Complete - VGMdb (

06-25-2012, 09:29 PM
"gym 5", by process of elimination, is Driftveil Gym.

06-25-2012, 09:44 PM
Doesn't the 4-Disk soundtrack come out today?

I wish, it's July 25th, not June.

Stellar job everyone, year after year! Especially to Quagsire, who takes the time to throw this effort together every time. Nintendo's finally realizing what the fans want (more nostalgia) and they found a great way to do it.

06-26-2012, 01:04 AM
Are you living two years behind everyone else? It's 2012, not 2010.

06-26-2012, 03:14 AM
A brand new rip will be coming in the morning to replace the current one. The changes are substantial, so I will not include an "update" guide; please redownload it once it is hosted. The changes are as follows:

-Named several more songs
-Added a few Black/White variations
-Added streaming Title music (epic!)
-Changed names of unidentified songs from hexadecimal location names to internal playlist names. These abbreviated names provide some hints as to the use of the songs.
-Re-ordered tracks to reflect the game storage order

06-26-2012, 07:01 AM
A brand new rip will be coming in the morning to replace the current one. The changes are substantial, so I will not include an "update" guide; please redownload it once it is hosted. The changes are as follows:

-Named several more songs
-Added a few Black/White variations
-Added streaming Title music (epic!)
-Changed names of unidentified songs from hexadecimal location names to internal playlist names. These abbreviated names provide some hints as to the use of the songs.
-Re-ordered tracks to reflect the game storage order

Thanks, dude! i actually tried downloading before I saw this post, and was freaking out because the site said parts 5 and 6 of the rip didn't exist. I'll check back tomorrow. :)

06-26-2012, 07:31 AM
Thanks, dude! i actually tried downloading before I saw this post, and was freaking out because the site said parts 5 and 6 of the rip didn't exist. I'll check back tomorrow. :)

The good news is the downtime should just be overnight; the new rip will be available around 8:00 am MDT tomorrow morning. :)

The opening post's track list has been updated. For those of you who've already downloaded the rip, you'll notice how much more organized the new one is. There are 30 songs left to identify, and each of their in-game names is in the opening post; hopefully these clues will help us label them.

UPDATE 8:49 am MDT: Mediafire's giving me a bit of trouble at the moment. Every time my computer so much as hiccups, the upload fails. I''ll keep trying until it's successful. In the meantime, the new-tracks-only rip uploaded successfully overnight and can be downloaded from the opening post.

UPDATE 10:57 am MDT: Huzzah! The new, improved rip is now available in the opening post! Download without fear, for the only changes for the next month shall be updates to the names as you discover them (which you can adjust yourselves; a complete log of updates will be kept in the opening post).

06-26-2012, 06:08 PM
If there are only 2 Pok�dex fanfares, they're likely the Unova and National Pok�dex completion themes, but no one's bothered to check yet... remember, there were six or seven Pok�dex fanfares in BW, taken directly from HGSS.

---------- Post added at 01:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

Also, the character "・" shouldn't be used in file names because it's not supported in m3u playlists.

06-26-2012, 06:23 PM

06-26-2012, 06:25 PM
If there are only 2 Pok�dex fanfares, they're likely the Unova and National Pok�dex completion themes, but no one's bothered to check yet... remember, there were six or seven Pok�dex fanfares in BW, taken directly from HGSS.

---------- Post added at 01:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

Also, the character "・" shouldn't be used in file names because it's not supported in m3u playlists.

I'm fairly certain that the two unknown Pok�dex fanfares are the completion fanfares. (The Pok�dex progress fanfares are in the rip, too, tracks 264-270.) I'll consider removing the ・ character in a future iteration, but I have never had any issues with it in my m3u playlists.

06-26-2012, 06:55 PM
You use a different encoding than I do, I guess.

06-27-2012, 04:04 AM
A bit disappointed by all the reused tracks that aren't even remixed, but I am loving the new tracks and remixed ones from previous regions. Really love how each gym gets its own remix of the main gym theme.

At any rate, thanks for the effort, Quag. Really appreciate it. :)

06-27-2012, 05:30 AM
A bit disappointed by all the reused tracks that aren't even remixed, but I am loving the new tracks and remixed ones from previous regions. Really love how each gym gets its own remix of the main gym theme.

I can't say I'm surprised by the amount of music reuse, since it's the same region and generation. I would have appreciated a new Trainer battle remix, though, especially since the Wild Pok�mon battle theme got one. The new gym remixes are also one of my favourite additions. (And the Virbank Gym teaches kids spelling!)

06-27-2012, 06:49 AM

06-27-2012, 04:26 PM
Updated with several new titles and added track 248 - Hidden Hollow (

06-27-2012, 04:53 PM
I can't say I'm surprised by the amount of music reuse, since it's the same region and generation. I would have appreciated a new Trainer battle remix, though, especially since the Wild Pok�mon battle theme got one. The new gym remixes are also one of my favourite additions. (And the Virbank Gym teaches kids spelling!)

Well, the trainer battle received a bit of an update... not as drastic of a change from the wild Pokemon music, but it's updated slightly. Mostly instrumentation, and I think the bass is slightly different in places...
Pokemon Black & White 2 OST Trainer Battle - YouTube (

06-27-2012, 06:18 PM
Is this track ( been found yet?

06-28-2012, 03:56 AM
Is this track ( been found yet?

As that track is just sound effects with no actual music, it was omitted from the rip.

06-28-2012, 10:02 AM
The New-Songs-Only downloads seem to lack some themes, like the Regi trio battle remix and the Sealed Chamber remix.

06-28-2012, 11:29 AM
Track 241, labeled "Battle! Black Kyurem", really seems to me just a duplicate of track 242 "Battle! Neo Team Plasma".

06-28-2012, 04:02 PM
More localization confirmations!

Shizui is Marlon
Pok�wood is Pok�Star Studios

The New-Songs-Only downloads seem to lack some themes, like the Regi trio battle remix and the Sealed Chamber remix.

Those are not new. Those are from RSE.

06-28-2012, 04:03 PM
Marlon, actually. Also, rival's name is now Hugh (but will still be listed as rival anyway, right?).

06-28-2012, 04:15 PM
Track 241, labeled "Battle! Black Kyurem", really seems to me just a duplicate of track 242 "Battle! Neo Team Plasma".

Thanks for catching that. Here are corrections for 240 ( and 241 (

Marlon, actually. Also, rival's name is now Hugh (but will still be listed as rival anyway, right?).

For now, yes, since he's a nameable rival. (The game internally refers to the track as "Vs. Hue.") I'll update references of "Rival" to "Hugh" if that's what the SMC does.

06-28-2012, 06:15 PM
disgusting I'm naming him Hue

and Pokestar?

I thought this was supposed to be like HollyWOOD
Hollystar sounds like a Warriors name

06-28-2012, 06:36 PM
Those are not new. Those are from RSE.

They're remixes though, aren't they? The New Tracks download has other remixes from RSE such as the Hoenn champion theme, as well as the champion themes from all the other games, and of course the gym leader themes too.

06-28-2012, 08:37 PM
Another name confirmation: Achroma/Akuroma = Corless. Meh.

06-28-2012, 11:55 PM
They're remixes though, aren't they? The New Tracks download has other remixes from RSE such as the Hoenn champion theme, as well as the champion themes from all the other games, and of course the gym leader themes too.

The Gym Leader and Champion battle themes were all remixed for the Tournament, but the Regi/lake guardian battle themes and cave music are just direct transpositions of the original tunes onto the B2W2 soundfont. Because the music doesn't differ other than the library with which it's being played, those themes aren't considered new under this rip.

Another name confirmation: Achroma/Akuroma = Corless. Meh.

Oh, look. Another name change where the original name was already perfectly suited for English. Pronounce it with the emphasis on "-less," though, and it sounds slightly less dumb.

06-29-2012, 06:50 PM
Pok�Star Studios, not Pok�wood Studios.

I'm still saying the Scenario tracks should be named "Pok�Star Scenario 1-1" instead of "Pok�Star Studios Scenario 1-1" since the extra word of clarification is not needed.

06-30-2012, 05:40 AM
Pok�Star Studios, not Pok�wood Studios.

Whoops, I goofed when I updated the opening post. The actual files were changed to Pok�star, though.

06-30-2012, 11:16 AM
Thanks! Just what I expected from you guys!

07-01-2012, 11:09 PM
Thanks for this wonderful rip!

07-02-2012, 02:24 AM
Could you please re-upload part 5 as it won't download - it gives a server error.

07-02-2012, 06:02 AM
I agree, the Regis' theme sounds slightly different from the RSE version, i think it might be a remix? but not sure....

Corless is apparently a real surname, and a pun on the word colorless. (fellow TCG players might find this word very familiar. :D)

07-02-2012, 07:52 AM
The Regi theme is a remix. While the PT/HG/SS version was just a straight-up port of the original, this version adds a triplet beat during the latter half of the first loop and it continues throughout.

07-02-2012, 02:30 PM
Could you please re-upload part 5 as it won't download - it gives a server error.

Try downloading it again. It may have been a temporary issue, because it's working just fine right now.

07-03-2012, 12:57 AM
Thanks for finding the Pokemon B/W2 soundtrack but is there a way you can make it into zip files or suggest a reliable .rar decoding program?

07-03-2012, 03:12 AM
Thanks for finding the Pokemon B/W2 soundtrack but is there a way you can make it into zip files or suggest a reliable .rar decoding program?

WinRAR ( handles most relevant archive files, including Zips, RARs and 7z's.

07-03-2012, 04:07 PM
@CC/Rukia: While this is already posted, WinRAR is the best free solution. I repeated what was said on the last page since you might not check

Also, we have a misnamed track that was also misnamed in the BW gamerip. The location known as Shopping Mall R9 in Japan is Shopping Mall Nine internationally.

07-03-2012, 05:21 PM
@CC/Rukia: While this is already posted, WinRAR is the best free solution. I repeated what was said on the last page since you might not check

Also, we have a misnamed track that was also misnamed in the BW gamerip. The location known as Shopping Mall R9 in Japan is Shopping Mall Nine internationally.

Don't worry, I checked & thanks

07-04-2012, 01:06 AM
The location known as Shopping Mall R9 in Japan is Shopping Mall Nine internationally.

Thanks for pointing that out, it'll be included in the next update.

07-04-2012, 04:49 PM
Also, could anyone get the Opelucid City B/W music (both of them) without the extra instrument that plays near the Pok�mon Center?

07-04-2012, 05:33 PM
Also, could anyone get the Opelucid City B/W music (both of them) without the extra instrument that plays near the Pok�mon Center?
That's kind of hard because, you see, it's not an "extra" instrument; there's the full track and when you're away from the musician the instrument is muted. One should record it to have that version.

07-05-2012, 02:02 AM
I know. It will take some creative ROM hacking to pull that one off. We just might need them in the future for completeness.

07-05-2012, 08:50 AM
Will there be another battle themes only upload? There was one in the first post awhile back, but it was missing tracks and wasn't tagged correctly, and it has since been removed. Until the official soundtrack comes out, I really only care about having the battle themes to listen to, and I don't want to accidentally spoil something by reading the title of an event track or something (I've spoiled all the battle themes already, but no plot related details yet).

07-05-2012, 05:34 PM
Will there be another battle themes only upload? There was one in the first post awhile back, but it was missing tracks and wasn't tagged correctly, and it has since been removed. Until the official soundtrack comes out, I really only care about having the battle themes to listen to, and I don't want to accidentally spoil something by reading the title of an event track or something (I've spoiled all the battle themes already, but no plot related details yet).

Battle tracks uploaded in the opening post.

07-05-2012, 07:27 PM
Battle tracks uploaded in the opening post.
Oops, didn't see that there. That must of been what I downloaded before, lol. I'm not sure if it's been updated since I last downloaded it, though. It was missing a few tracks last time, like the Regi trio battle theme and some others.

EDIT: Yeah, it's the same download that I already have. Still incomplete. :(

07-06-2012, 02:44 AM
Oops, didn't see that there. That must of been what I downloaded before, lol. I'm not sure if it's been updated since I last downloaded it, though. It was missing a few tracks last time, like the Regi trio battle theme and some others.

EDIT: Yeah, it's the same download that I already have. Still incomplete. :(

No, I just uploaded that this morning. It's the complete set of all battle tracks.

07-06-2012, 03:37 AM
No, I just uploaded that this morning. It's the complete set of all battle tracks.
Oh, okay, never mind then. I was just going by the date that the post was last edited and the date when I last downloaded the battle themes. Didn't finish the download because my connection was really slow at the time. Anyway, thanks! :D

EDIT: Wow, never mind, I was looking at the second post in the thread. That was the same thing that I downloaded last time. I completely missed the Battle Tracks download in the first post and assumed you were talking about the first post after that, lol.

EDIT2: Well, I was able to download the first part, but when I tried downloading the second part it says the file was removed due to ToS violation. :(

07-06-2012, 03:50 AM
is someone uploading the final result of the collaboration? the one on the 1st page is pretty outdated

07-06-2012, 12:29 PM
File blocked for Violation :(

07-06-2012, 07:49 PM
Sorry to inform you guys, but Mediafire has most of the links blocked to the MP3's you've posted. They're saying they're in violation of their terms of service. Would anyone know how to get around that?

07-06-2012, 11:31 PM
is someone uploading the final result of the collaboration? the one on the 1st page is pretty outdated

The uploads in the opening post should be the most recent version. There are several tracks that haven't been identified yet, so it won't have every track named. If, in the case that something went wrong during the latest upload and some tracks are the old versions, refer to the update log in the opening post to see what changes have been made.

I double-checked all of the uploads, and Mediafire isn't blocking them anymore. Must've been a weird temporary thing.

07-07-2012, 08:39 AM
Seems that they've been blocked.

07-07-2012, 09:59 AM
The uploads in the opening post should be the most recent version. There are several tracks that haven't been identified yet, so it won't have every track named. If, in the case that something went wrong during the latest upload and some tracks are the old versions, refer to the update log in the opening post to see what changes have been made.

I double-checked all of the uploads, and Mediafire isn't blocking them anymore. Must've been a weird temporary thing.

Try accessing the files while you're logged out of your account. I think they're only accessible to the account owner. Anyone else trying to access the link will see the File Blocked for Violation message. I would know this since I had my files blocked before.

07-07-2012, 11:32 AM
Guess I was a day or two too late to this thread. Hopefully the files can be resurrected soon.

07-07-2012, 12:36 PM
they're dead? AGAIN?

07-07-2012, 03:27 PM
Try accessing the files while you're logged out of your account. I think they're only accessible to the account owner. Anyone else trying to access the link will see the File Blocked for Violation message. I would know this since I had my files blocked before.

Ah, I see. I've never had that happen before. I'll get to work re-uploading them right now, and report back with the new links when they're finished this evening.

07-07-2012, 05:34 PM
Name them something inconspicuous so youraccount doesnt get blocked. Namely, dont name them anything to do with pokemon :P

07-07-2012, 06:21 PM
You better finish this soon, since I'm leaving on a two-week trip tomorrow... by the way, did you remember the Shopping Mall Nine change for the new upload?

07-07-2012, 10:41 PM
Double post, but upload should be done now. New links?

07-08-2012, 12:51 AM
Double post, but upload should be done now. New links?

Just returned home from work. JumboFiles upload seems to have stalled at exactly 1 GB. Re-packaging for another host once again under new names.

UPDATE: All packages have been re-uploaded in opening post.

07-08-2012, 08:50 PM
Thank you for the OST and the re-upload =D

07-11-2012, 12:08 AM
Corrected "Corless" to "Colress" in accordance with the latest English trailer.

07-11-2012, 03:59 AM
Thanks for the upload great music here.

07-16-2012, 12:40 AM
Colress is still Corless in the version I downloaded today. Other than that, everything's fine.

07-16-2012, 05:45 AM
Thanks for the rip! Love the music.

07-17-2012, 02:50 PM
Thank you very much!^^

07-21-2012, 09:31 PM
I think you should separate the Black and White music from the Black and White 2 music and have a folder for sound effects (Using Fly, Cut, the "VS" sound (bars hitting, the electric used for Team Plasma, Elite Four, etc)

and in each folder, have a subfolder for Routes, Towns, battles, etc

07-22-2012, 12:49 AM
I think you should separate the Black and White music from the Black and White 2 music and have a folder for sound effects (Using Fly, Cut, the "VS" sound (bars hitting, the electric used for Team Plasma, Elite Four, etc)

and in each folder, have a subfolder for Routes, Towns, battles, etc

There is a separate download for just the new tracks introduced in B2W2; the original Black & White Gamerip would serve as the other half. Sound effects will not be included as there are hundreds of them, are uninteresting to listen to in a soundtrack context, and can be very difficult to identify. However, if you want to upload a complete, tagged rip of SFX, then post the link here and I'll include it in the top post.

07-22-2012, 07:06 PM
I would if I still had the original upload with them, unfortunately, I do not >.<

07-23-2012, 11:11 PM
Music Super Complete in two days. Any plans for a reupload with the official track names?

07-24-2012, 05:36 AM
I would if I still had the original upload with them, unfortunately, I do not >.<

The 2SF rip in the opening post contains every sound file from the game, including all sound effects. If you were to organize and identify the sound effects, this truly would be the ultimate rip.

Music Super Complete in two days. Any plans for a reupload with the official track names?

You betcha. Once the MSC is made available here, I'll be updating the tags to correspond to the official names, and add full artist information. Some of them are known already, but I'll reserve the update for when I can double-check every track.

07-26-2012, 03:27 AM
MSC is released.

07-26-2012, 05:00 PM
QuagsireQing I got a question to ask you can you add a Mediafire download link for the Nintendo DS Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Super Music Complete and if you have time
can you upload it today please ?

07-26-2012, 05:43 PM
>Assuming he has it
I don't understand the rush to get it, to be honest. Not only are there no bonus tracks, but we have this gamerip already. That doesn't mean I won't be downloading it right away, but it does mean that I won't say a word until I'm thanking the uploader.

07-26-2012, 06:10 PM
QuagsireQing I got a question to ask you can you add a Mediafire download link for the Nintendo DS Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Super Music Complete and if you have time
can you upload it today please ?

I actually don't have plans to purchase the SMC myself, just to update the track names of this rip to the official names (which I'm getting started on right now). Hopefully, someone will share the SMC soon so we can hear the remastered music, to which I'll link in this thread.

There are actually four songs included in the SMC that are not included in the gamerip, because they are not included in the game. These are the downloadable Musicals: "Charming Munna", "Pok�mon Smash!", "Carnival Pok�mon" and "Meloettaaa!!!"

UPDATE: The titles have been updated, and the new RARs are uploading now. If you want to change your own MP3s, look for the titles in red in the opening post. Note that I have removed track 284, and the last few tracks that follow afterwards are now bumped up one number (ie. 284 - Medal Box Renewal used to be 285, 285 - Goal at Medal Rally! used to be 286, etc.)

07-27-2012, 12:57 AM
094 should have D-O-G-A-R-S in its name, not K-O-F-F-I-N-G, due to the vocals in the track using the Japanese name for Koffing.

Also, the character ・ (Alt+0183 on Windows) should be a hyphen/dash due to ・ not being in Latin-1, which is used by m3u playlists. I've said this a large number of times, and you're still ignoring me.

07-27-2012, 05:24 AM
094 should have D-O-G-A-R-S in its name, not K-O-F-F-I-N-G, due to the vocals in the track using the Japanese name for Koffing.

Also, the character ・ (Alt+0183 on Windows) should be a hyphen/dash due to ・ not being in Latin-1, which is used by m3u playlists. I've said this a large number of times, and you're still ignoring me.

I try to keep the track names as close as possible to the original Japanese name, while still retaining the title's semantics. That's why I opted not to leave D-O-G-A-R-S as it was, and also why I chose to keep the ・ delimiter character rather than using ~ or commas. (If you're having difficulties viewing or playing the track in your playlists, you can alter the filename and/or track title to suit your needs. Incidentally, I have no issues with importing, playing or viewing filename or tag information of these tracks in any of my M3U playlist interfaces, including Winamp, my phone and my Zune.)

The complete rip is now uploaded! The New Tracks and Battle Tracks compilations will be available later this weekend. If anyone comes across full composition and arrangement info, via scans or digital booklets, alert us here! iTunes simply credits each track as "Game Freak."

07-27-2012, 05:31 PM
That's why I opted not to leave D-O-G-A-R-S as it was, and also why I chose to keep the ・ delimiter character rather than using ~ or commas.
The ・ is called an interpunct ( and the ~ is called tilde ( Just pointing that out, though. I don't mean to be nitpicky.

And thank you for your awesome job. :)

07-28-2012, 12:54 AM
New Tracks and Battle Tracks are now up, with the new titles. I've got the composer/arranger info now, which I'll get started on later this evening, hopefully to be uploaded by tomorrow evening. This will be the final version of the rip, so thanks to everybody who contributed to this project! (And I hope someone can share the SMC soon!)

07-28-2012, 02:54 AM
Pardon me QuagsireQing but I have another question for you the first 2 links to the new tracks only for Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 which is part 1 and part 3
are fine but the second download link for part 2 is the exact same download link as part 3 and the second download link is not there when I clicked on it instead
it is only part 3 there instead of part 2 so that means that part 2 in the new tracks only for Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 is missing. Can you please fix this problem ?

07-28-2012, 09:14 AM
Pardon me QuagsireQing but I have another question for you the first 2 links to the new tracks only for Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 which is part 1 and part 3
are fine but the second download link for part 2 is the exact same download link as part 3 and the second download link is not there when I clicked on it instead
it is only part 3 there instead of part 2 so that means that part 2 in the new tracks only for Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 is missing. Can you please fix this problem ?

^This ^^;

07-28-2012, 06:59 PM
New Tracks and Battle Tracks are now up, with the new titles. I've got the composer/arranger info now, which I'll get started on later this evening, hopefully to be uploaded by tomorrow evening. This will be the final version of the rip, so thanks to everybody who contributed to this project! (And I hope someone can share the SMC soon!)

I ordered the CD a couple of days ago. Went with International Priority shipping, so it should be here soon. I'll try to upload it once I get it.

07-29-2012, 01:03 AM
...the second download link for part 2 is the exact same download link as part 3...

So sorry, the link is fixed now. A completely tagged version with artists is also in the process of uploading, and should hopefully be finished by tomorrow afternoon (I tried uploading it while I was away today, but it failed). Once the SMC is shared here, I'll probably add in the DLC Musical tracks as well, and then really call it the final version. :)

UPDATE: All uploads now include full artist tags.

07-30-2012, 12:42 AM
So, yeah. Where all the FLAC at?

07-30-2012, 03:23 AM
A FLAC version of this rip will not be provided, as the source files could not be extracted at a rate higher than 48 kHz, 320 kbps and 2 channels. (Not to mention, even in MP3 form, this rip is 1GB!) Perhaps Electivirus will be able to provide a lossless rip of the CDs. (But of course, I make no promises on his behalf!)

07-30-2012, 04:34 AM
A FLAC version of this rip will not be provided, as the source files could not be extracted at a rate higher than 48 kHz, 320 kbps and 2 channels. (Not to mention, even in MP3 form, this rip is 1GB!) Perhaps Electivirus will be able to provide a lossless rip of the CDs. (But of course, I make no promises on his behalf!)

I'd personally make a FLAC rip myself, if only someone had actually tagged and organized the 2SF files instead of leaving them all blank. Oh well.

Another pet peeve of mine is on the New Tracks Only pack, where the Trainer Battle and Gym Battle theme are both somehow nowhere to be found (at least on the one I got, I dunno if a new one that includes these songs has been released). I did recall someone asking about that earlier in the thread, and there's no real excuse to leave these songs out of it, as they have both been altered for the release of the sequels. Even if the alterations are minor at most, there is absolutely no sense in keeping the Wild Battle Theme in there and omitting the rest, according to that logic. Someone fix this please.

07-30-2012, 05:09 AM
...on the New Tracks Only pack...the Trainer Battle and Gym Battle theme are both somehow nowhere to be found...Even if the alterations are minor at most...

I went back and reviewed the Gym Leader track, and it is different enough to consider a new track. The Trainer theme is still more of a "shoring-up" than it is a new arrangement, but both tracks will be included in the New Tracks compilation when it is updated with the bonus tracks from the CD. For those who have already downloaded the New Tracks rip, you can download the smaller Battle Tracks compilation and insert these two tracks.

07-31-2012, 04:42 AM
I believe you forgot:
077 - Black Skyscraper・Entrance
078 - White Tree Hollow・Entrance
079 - Black Skyscraper
080 - White Tree Hollow
081 - Come Along 2 (BW)
082 - Cheren's Theme
083 - Bianca's Theme
084 - Professor Juniper (BW)
085 - Juniper's Father (BW)
086 - N's Theme
087 - Team Plasma's Secret Maneuvers (BW)
088 - Ghetsis's Ambitions (BW)
089 - Ancient Times (BW)
090 - Unwavering Emotions (BW)
091 - Nimbasa Gym・Runway
092 - Nimbasa Gym・Stage
093 - Castelia Gym
094 - Virbank Gym (Performance・K-O-F-F-I-N-G)
095 - Champion Alder (BW)
And the part in a gym leader battle where they're down to they're last pok�mon. COuld anyone see if they can get those up? (Or maybe There's a link I'm not finding.)

07-31-2012, 05:32 AM
I believe you forgot:
077 - Black Skyscraper・Entrance
078 - White Tree Hollow・Entrance
079 - Black Skyscraper
080 - White Tree Hollow
081 - Come Along 2 (BW)
082 - Cheren's Theme
083 - Bianca's Theme
084 - Professor Juniper (BW)
085 - Juniper's Father (BW)
086 - N's Theme
087 - Team Plasma's Secret Maneuvers (BW)
088 - Ghetsis's Ambitions (BW)
089 - Ancient Times (BW)
090 - Unwavering Emotions (BW)
091 - Nimbasa Gym・Runway
092 - Nimbasa Gym・Stage
093 - Castelia Gym
094 - Virbank Gym (Performance・K-O-F-F-I-N-G)
095 - Champion Alder (BW)
And the part in a gym leader battle where they're down to they're last pok�mon. COuld anyone see if they can get those up? (Or maybe There's a link I'm not finding.)

Could you specify what you mean by "forgot?" Those tracks are all in the complete rip.

Maple Man
07-31-2012, 07:06 AM
The gym remixes are nice as well as some others, however, the new rival battle theme is really annoying.

07-31-2012, 07:58 AM
I went back and reviewed the Gym Leader track, and it is different enough to consider a new track. The Trainer theme is still more of a "shoring-up" than it is a new arrangement, but both tracks will be included in the New Tracks compilation when it is updated with the bonus tracks from the CD. For those who have already downloaded the New Tracks rip, you can download the smaller Battle Tracks compilation and insert these two tracks.

Okay, thanks. When I downloaded the New Tracks pack I had assumed that it would contain all tracks except the ones unchanged from B/W instead of removing the ones that sounded the "least different" based on personal preference.

At this point I think I might just download the full rip, it seems to be the most bang for my... internet connection.

07-31-2012, 03:11 PM
...Oooooooh! I get it now! I just didn't know how the RAR files worked for a second. Sorry! ^^'

---------- Post added at 08:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 AM ----------

Okay, so I got the ones listed. But I still can't find the one with the gym leader's last pok�mon. Has that been put up yet?

07-31-2012, 03:13 PM
I found the B2W2 Super Music Complete :

I download it this morning and there is no tracks missing, all the musics of the 4 CDs are in.

07-31-2012, 03:50 PM
^Awesome! Thank you very much for sharing! :D

...Although with a disc-based soundtrack like this, 128kbps is just no good. I'll opt to wait for a proper full-quality rip. ^^;

07-31-2012, 05:36 PM
^ Thank you! I just hope someone uploads it with localized titles now.

07-31-2012, 05:54 PM
I found the B2W2 Super Music Complete :

I download it this morning and there is no tracks missing, all the musics of the 4 CDs are in.

I appreciate that the guy did it, but...WMA, 128 kbps, and mojibake-galore tags are keeping me waiting for more.

07-31-2012, 08:45 PM
This CD rip will suffice, I guess. At least until a 320 kbps rip is available.

08-01-2012, 12:00 AM
Electivirus just added the SMC to his vgmdb collection we will be getting a proper rip soon :D

08-01-2012, 12:16 AM
Okay, so I got the ones listed. But I still can't find the one with the gym leader's last pok�mon. Has that been put up yet?

That's track 141 - Victory is Right Before Your Eyes!

08-01-2012, 12:22 AM
Electivirus just added the SMC to his vgmdb collection we will be getting a proper rip soon :D

Yay :D

08-01-2012, 08:03 PM
<del>I know. But whenever I download all the parts (in no necessary order), then try to find it in the folder it should be in, it isn't there. Am I doing something wrong?</del>

Whoop! Never mind! Got all the tracks now! All is well. -w-

08-01-2012, 08:11 PM
I know. But whenever I download all the parts (in no necessary order), then try to find it in the folder it should be in, it isn't there. Am I doing something wrong?

Using a second-rate archive manager, perhaps. Which one are you using?

08-01-2012, 09:00 PM
I wonder if we will ever get the music remixes used for the BW2 animated trailers

08-02-2012, 06:01 AM
Here ( is the album minus disc 4. It is official, and all are in really high quality m4a tracks. I also added all the English names and artists.

....You're welcome.

08-02-2012, 10:39 AM
thank you ;)

08-02-2012, 12:12 PM
You are awesome, SlowPokemon! If you're willing to put out Disc 4 later (for me it's mostly for the sake of completion and using official soundtracks to listen to rather than gamerips) you would complete my music hype for B2W2!

08-02-2012, 01:14 PM
Many thanks for this. Disc 4 would be really appreciated.

08-02-2012, 02:51 PM
Excellent! (guitar riff)
I know I worked on the rip and have listened to it a lot since, but...I needed my mild OCD satisfied. :P
I don't really care about Disc 4 either; I'd rather keep the "unreleased" tracks from game rips where the currently are in my collection, which is with the songs for the corresponding games.

08-02-2012, 03:35 PM
Thanks for sharing, Slow. I'll echo the previous sentiments and hope we can get Disc 4.

08-02-2012, 03:54 PM
You're welcome, everyone! I'm in the middle of uploading disc 4 now, since it seems a few people would like it (I know that I myself wanted it, but mostly due to collection reasons). If you're interested, I also posted my review of the album here (

08-02-2012, 04:01 PM
Thank you so much! Disc 4 would really be much appreciated.

08-02-2012, 06:03 PM
Oh cool ! Thank you very much !
I wish that someone has scanned the booklet which is contained in this SMC, I really want to read it.[COLOR="Silver"]

08-02-2012, 06:06 PM
Oh cool ! Thank you very much !
I wish that someone has scanned the booklet which is contained in this SMC, I really want to read it.

---------- Post added at 11:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 AM ----------

Oh cool ! Thank you very much !
I wish that someone has scanned the booklet which is contained in this SMC, I really want to read it.
its posted here OVCP-0001 | Nintendo DS Pok�mon Black2 � White2 Super Music Complete - VGMdb ( might need an account tho to see them in HQ

08-02-2012, 11:56 PM
Finally. Thank you so much !

08-03-2012, 02:28 AM
its posted here OVCP-0001 | Nintendo DS Pok�mon Black2 � White2 Super Music Complete - VGMdb ( might need an account tho to see them in HQ

I'm sorry, how can I find the booklet from there?

Rinnegan Tobi
08-03-2012, 02:37 AM
You're welcome, everyone! I'm in the middle of uploading disc 4 now, since it seems a few people would like it (I know that I myself wanted it, but mostly due to collection reasons). If you're interested, I also posted my review of the album here (

Thanks for posting the SMC Disc 1 - 3

I would like disc 4 as well

08-03-2012, 02:43 AM
yeah it looks like mediafire won't accept the file, I'll keep trying though. Dropbox won't accept anything lately.

Rinnegan Tobi
08-03-2012, 02:45 AM
yeah it looks like mediafire won't accept the file, I'll keep trying though. Dropbox won't accept anything lately.

Try for disc 4

08-03-2012, 02:50 AM
I'm going to keep trying mediafire--I know it can work, this happened with disc 2 as well.

4shared is a bit shady.

Rinnegan Tobi
08-03-2012, 02:53 AM
I'm going to keep trying mediafire--I know it can work, this happened with disc 2 as well.

4shared is a bit shady.

Wish u luck on getting it to work

08-03-2012, 03:12 AM
I'm sorry, how can I find the booklet from there?
in the covers section

08-03-2012, 03:20 AM
I can only see the front and back, but...okay.

08-03-2012, 03:28 AM
I can only see the front and back, but...okay.

oh then you'll need an account. sry

EDIT: I'm uploading the scans for you

Akashi San
08-03-2012, 03:39 AM
SlowPokemon, is this your rip from your own discs? I see all tracks are getting cut off around 16khz... I have a rip that doesn't get cut off until 20khz.
I'm not trying to discredit your contribution by any mean so thank you for uploading anyway.

08-03-2012, 03:41 AM
also if you've got your own copy mind ripping them with EAC in flac ( tut here Thread 91868 ) if it isnt to much of a hassle thx :)

08-03-2012, 03:55 AM
It worked! Go back to the topic at NinSheetMusic here (, disc 4 is in my original post.

---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 PM ----------

Oh, and no I don't own the album. It's not my own rip. The original CD upload I took this from was posted here a while back, in wma format, with japanese titles and artists. I converted them to a better format, updated everything with the titles and artists, and reposted to make it easier.

Thanks for the scans btw.

Hold on a sec, though, this is the original album length. For the album, all tracks loop once and then fade out. A gamerip would probably have it play a bit longer.

Also, does anyone know where I might find a translation of the booklet?

08-03-2012, 04:11 AM
It worked! Go back to the topic at NinSheetMusic here (, disc 4 is in my original post.

---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 PM ----------

Oh, and no I don't own the album. It's not my own rip. The original CD upload I took this from was posted here a while back, in wma format, with japanese titles and artists. I converted them to a better format, updated everything with the titles and artists, and reposted to make it easier.

Thanks for the scans btw.

Hold on a sec, though, this is the original album length. For the album, all tracks loop once and then fade out. A gamerip would probably have it play a bit longer.

Also, does anyone know where I might find a translation of the booklet?

If this was the link posted a while back, then this is basically the 128kbps WMA rip floating around?
If it is... even if you converted it to a higher quality, then it's still the same 128 kbps rip when you listen to it.
I already had it. >____> <_____<

Then I guess I have to request for the real 320 kpbs MP3 rip.
I hope Electivirus uploads his copy.

08-03-2012, 04:22 AM
eh there's no real difference honestly.

08-03-2012, 04:37 AM
For the album, all tracks loop once and then fade out. A gamerip would probably have it play a bit longer...

That's bizarre. When I previewed the album on iTunes, the track length of each song was near identical to the length of songs in my rip (some were exactly the same), and the rip plays the songs twice before fading out. Does that mean, then, that the CD versions are shorter than the digital versions?

08-03-2012, 04:43 AM
That's bizarre. When I previewed the album on iTunes, the track length of each song was near identical to the length of songs in my rip (some were exactly the same), and the rip plays the songs twice before fading out. Does that mean, then, that the CD versions are shorter than the digital versions?
Well yeah "loop once" means that the song plays twice

08-03-2012, 05:31 AM
^Yeah, I'm sorry for ambiguity, it plays, then loops once, then fades out.

08-03-2012, 03:55 PM
There seems to be an error with parts 2-6.
On the IZArc, while extracting the following songs:
For Part 2 its number 48
For Part 3 its number 84
For Part 4 its number 138
For Part 5 its number 196
For Part 6 its number 247
What's wrong with them?

08-03-2012, 04:18 PM
There seems to be an error with parts 2-6.
On the IZArc, while extracting the following songs:
For Part 2 its number 48
For Part 3 its number 84
For Part 4 its number 138
For Part 5 its number 196
For Part 6 its number 247
What's wrong with them?

There's nothing wrong with the files, but those tracks you mentioned are where each part "joins" the previous part. Sounds like IZArc isn't properly unpacking .part.rar files; WinRAR will unpack them just fine.

08-04-2012, 12:29 AM
By the way, is there any differences between the Battle theme of UMA in B2W2 and the one in DPPt ?

08-04-2012, 04:49 AM
By the way, is there any differences between the Battle theme of UMA in B2W2 and the one in DPPt ?

No, the arrangements are the same.

08-04-2012, 08:33 AM
Arrangement is the same, instruments are upgraded to BW2 sound fonts.

08-04-2012, 09:48 AM
Arrangement is the same, instruments are upgraded to BW2 sound fonts.

When I listened to a YouTube video of the Super Music Collection for DPPt's Lake Trio battle theme, I compared with the original. Sounds similar if not the same to me, so the sentiments above are more or less correct. It's hard to judge with a winter hat on.

08-06-2012, 03:23 AM
I checked the soundfonts, the Lake Trio battle theme is the exact same as a throwback to DPPt. Same for the Sinnoh legendary battle theme.

08-10-2012, 08:36 AM
Tracks that have (BW) on them are from Black and White, yes?

08-11-2012, 03:21 AM
Tracks that have (BW) on them are from Black and White, yes?

Yes. Tracks that have (BW) are from Black & White, (DP) are from Diamond & Pearl, and (RS) are from Ruby & Sapphire.

08-11-2012, 08:25 AM
I'd like to point out that track #126 Gym Leader Battle is from BW2.

08-11-2012, 09:02 AM
Thanks for uploading this! :)

08-11-2012, 06:16 PM
is Electivirus still gonna upload the mp3 version of the album?
(that was the guy right?)

08-11-2012, 06:20 PM
I thought Pokemon Black & White 2 was a myth. Looks like it's real.

08-11-2012, 08:19 PM
Reposting link to SlowPokemon's SMC upload:

Nintendo DS Pokemon Black 2 White 2 Super Music Complete Download! (

The DLC tracks and "fusions" (so to speak) of B2/W2 themes (such as track #7 on the third disc of the SMC, "Battle! Black Kyurem - White Kyurem") should be added for completeness' sake. As should "Zekrom/Reshiram Battle!" from the BW SMC.

Finally, more official names that got past you last time: #242 in this rip is "Battle! Team Plasma" in the SMC. You should also check the BW tracks, since a few are wrong in both this and the BW gamerip.

(I should probably upload everything myself, shouldn't I?)

08-12-2012, 06:47 AM
Unless you're talking localisation names (judging from OVCP-0001 | Nintendo DS Pok�mon Black2 � White2 Super Music Complete - VGMdb ( which itself translates a few names differently), the BW tracks are correct in the official album. Unity Tower, the Musical stuff (most of which hasn't even made it to our shores yet!), Pok�mon World Championships Finals and Relic Song are the songs, correct? Of those, I'm sure that Unity Tower, the WCS Battle track and Relic Song are correct. I'm unsure on the Munna Musical piece, I'll check the PGL next week if I can.

08-13-2012, 03:43 PM
The DLC tracks and "fusions" (so to speak) of B2/W2 themes (such as track #7 on the third disc of the SMC, "Battle! Black Kyurem - White Kyurem") should be added for completeness' sake.

The DLC tracks will be incorporated when a high-quality rip is shared. I'm off on vacation for the next week, so if this happens in the meantime, I'll work on getting the final version ready late next week.

#242 in this rip is "Battle! Team Plasma" in the SMC

The song is titled correctly in the rip; it was just the track list in the top post that hadn't been updated.

08-18-2012, 06:10 PM
Thank you!

08-18-2012, 08:46 PM
Can someone please reupload the 4 links to the Nintendo DS Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Super Music Complete that was in AAC/M4A format that was
uploaded by slowpokemon b/c I wanted to download this music album but I saw that the 4 links to Mediafire for all 4 discs were not there. So slowpokemon
could you please reupload the Nintendo DS Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Super Music Complete please ?

08-19-2012, 05:47 PM
Thank you

08-20-2012, 02:55 AM
oh then you'll need an account. sry

EDIT: I'm uploading the scans for you
EDIT2: (
Here is a bigger version of the front scan. :D

08-21-2012, 04:43 AM
First English name revealed in a long time. Sangi Town is Floccesy Town. No confirmation on what Sangi Ranch becomes.

08-22-2012, 12:13 AM
Thank you very much for the rip!

08-25-2012, 09:53 PM
Still waiting on the DLC tracks.

08-26-2012, 02:01 AM
What do you mean DLC tracks, for the gamerip?
The Musical stuff, I will guess as much.

08-26-2012, 07:47 PM
Yes, that's what I mean.

I'll download the current rip again right now and manually add the DLC tracks, I guess.

08-27-2012, 06:37 PM
Any chances for the official soundtrack? Thank you, also for the great rip!

08-29-2012, 04:02 AM
I'm still waiting for a good, complete, high quality rip of the official soundtrack to be shared before adding the DLC tracks.

09-07-2012, 11:42 PM
Bumping for new English name - Fes Mission > Funfest Mission

09-10-2012, 04:05 PM
New English names:

Yamaji Town > Lentimas Town
Reverse Mountain > Reversal Mountain

Still waiting on Seigaiha City, though...

09-10-2012, 07:43 PM
More new English names:

Black Skyscraper > Black Tower
White Tree Hollow > White Treehollow (now 2 words instead of 3)

We also have the confirmations that Virbank Complex and Floccesy Ranch are indeed straight translations, using the English names for their respective towns.

09-14-2012, 11:54 PM
English name from the original BW that you missed:

Undersea Ruins > Abyssal Ruins

Please update the BW rip as well.

09-15-2012, 08:44 AM
thanks so much for the hard work :)

09-18-2012, 06:02 AM
Undersea Ruins > Abyssal Ruins

Please update the BW rip as well.

Thanks for pointing that out. The rip will be updated when a high-quality CD rip is found from which I can incorporate the DLC tracks, or when all the English names are known, whichever comes first.

09-20-2012, 07:49 PM
Speaking of which, another English name was revealed shortly after you posted.

Seigaiha City > Humilau City

09-26-2012, 03:03 PM
We have what I believe is our final set of English names that we need.

Heart Cave > Cave of Being
Stranger's House > Strange House
Castelia Sewers, Marine Tube, and Plasma Frigate keep their Japanese names.

Also, the following track titles need to be updated:

#124 and #126 need to drop the (BW) from their titles, as they are rearrangements and not straight rips.
#133 needs to drop the (RS) for the same reason.
Several tracks are mislabeled as being (Black) or (White), when they should be (Black 2) or (White 2).

09-26-2012, 04:24 PM
Apparently, the guy at the bottom has a high quality rip of the SMC on this website but you need a 4shared account.

09-26-2012, 07:21 PM
Which means that we should be able to do a complete upload by this weekend.

09-27-2012, 07:01 PM
Tracks #294 and #295 need title updates. In addition to being incorrectly tagged as new to BW2, there was a translation error that needs to be fixed.

They should be Pok� Transfer Box (BW) and Pok� Transfer Game (BW) respectively. The tracks were in BW, but were not in the BW collaborative gamerip.

09-28-2012, 11:35 AM
Apparently, the guy at the bottom has a high quality rip of the SMC on this website but you need a 4shared account.
Pokemon Black/White 2 Super Music Complete (

Umm, not sure about the source... Maybe its a transcoding from that WMA source that came a weeks ago... 128-> 320... �Could a spectro analysis give us the answer? Been wondering bout that.

09-28-2012, 12:34 PM
Umm, not sure about the source... Maybe its a transcoding from that WMA source that came a weeks ago... 128-> 320... �Could a spectro analysis give us the answer? Been wondering bout that.
Well, I have flac version of BW2 Music Complete, but I'm still uploading this (10 parts) because I have not so fast internet (only 1 Mbit/s, upload in 20-30/35 kb/s).

09-28-2012, 07:47 PM
Well, I have flac version of BW2 Music Complete, but I'm still uploading this (10 parts) because I have not so fast internet (only 1 Mbit/s, upload in 20-30/35 kb/s).

Take your time, i have a similar connection.

09-29-2012, 07:37 PM
Finished Thread 121296 .

09-30-2012, 08:08 PM
We have what I believe is our final set of English names that we need.

#124 and #126 need to drop the (BW) from their titles, as they are rearrangements and not straight rips.

Thanks for pointing that out. They have the correct titles in the rip, but I missed updating the top-post tracklist.

Several tracks are mislabeled as being (Black) or (White), when they should be (Black 2) or (White 2).

The MSC names the tracks as just "Black" or "White," not labeling them with a "2." I've kept the same naming convention here

Finished Thread 121296 .

I've linked to your thread in the top post.

UPDATE IN PROGRESS: Currently uploading final rip, with all English terms and DLC tracks (full rip, and new tracks only), and MP3 download of Super Music Complete.

10-01-2012, 05:48 PM
1. Did you catch the erroneous (RS) in the Regi trio battle theme before you started uploading?
2. How are the themes that differ slightly between Black 2 and White 2 being handled in the new rip?

10-02-2012, 03:41 AM
Just in time for the international release of Pok�mon Black & White Versions 2, here's the new Collaborative Gamerip! Fully updated with all English terms, and bolstered by four new DLC tracks not found in the game data, this 299-track rip really is the ultimate one-stop Black & White Version 2 soundtrack. Feel free to download, mess around with it, rename and retag whatever you want...there will be no more changes!* Thank you to everyone who helped and continues to make the Pok�mon Collaborative Gamerip series exciting each and every time! I hope the next time we get to do this, there's some Littleroot Town involved...

*Well, I can't promise that, but at least there won't be any major changes. Only the possibility of some unplanned tag refinements, but if they ever happen, they'll be noted in the top post.

10-02-2012, 08:34 AM
Thanks a lot, man!

10-02-2012, 01:40 PM
Once this is downloaded, I'll do a quick check for errors. We may have still missed something.

10-02-2012, 04:59 PM
Speaking of downloading and errors, I'll have to wait a few more hours for the download to complete, it seems. Internet's buggy at my school and can't download large files.

10-05-2012, 03:48 AM
Right next to the "Like" button needs to be a "Fucking Love" button. Thanks for all the hard work on this one!

10-06-2012, 01:24 AM
I cant repair the CRC corrupted Flac streams of:

Disc 1
04 - Aspertia City (Hiougi City)
38 - Colress' Theme (Achroma's Theme)

Disc 2
06 - Battle! Gym Leader (Johto)
10 - Battle! Gym Leader (Sinnoh)

Disc 4
04 - Rayquaza's Descent!

�Could someone reup this files?

10-06-2012, 01:55 AM
Thanks :3

10-06-2012, 04:14 AM
I cant repair the CRC corrupted Flac streams of:

Disc 1
04 - Aspertia City (Hiougi City)
38 - Colress' Theme (Achroma's Theme)

Disc 2
06 - Battle! Gym Leader (Johto)
10 - Battle! Gym Leader (Sinnoh)

Disc 4
04 - Rayquaza's Descent!

�Could someone reup this files?

This sounds like it belongs in the Super Music Complete thread, but if it's the FLAC of the SMC, have your archival program repair the archivess before extracting the files. The exact clickthrough procedure varies with different programs (WinRAR, WinZIP, etc.), but it's probably part of the right-click menu, or visible in the program's dashboard.

10-06-2012, 09:57 AM
This sounds like it belongs in the Super Music Complete thread, but if it's the FLAC of the SMC, have your archival program repair the archivess before extracting the files. The exact clickthrough procedure varies with different programs (WinRAR, WinZIP, etc.), but it's probably part of the right-click menu, or visible in the program's dashboard.

No problem, i repaired (at last!) the Flac files. Thanks for all. And now, lets take a look to that ultimate rip...

10-11-2012, 04:15 AM
So this contains all the songs from BW and B2W2????

10-11-2012, 06:26 AM
So this contains all the songs from BW and B2W2????

This contains all the songs found in the music files of B2W2. Many, but not all tracks from BW are included.