01-19-2004, 09:26 PM
i know this sounds so dumb and if u think its dumb i can under stand why. but i was thinking one of the short silver haired guy is dyne, a lot of people said he had a gun arm, i wouldnt know cause i havent seen the trailer yet, but anyways remember when dyne said he wanted to destroy everything, the world, all the people in the world, and everything. it was just sumthin that popped in my head

01-20-2004, 08:07 AM
Well the fact that Dyne realised the error of his ways and chucked himself off a cliff sort of rules that one out...

01-20-2004, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by Felch_master
Well the fact that Dyne realised the error of his ways and chucked himself off a cliff sort of rules that one out...

yeah the rock he jumped off looked pretty high up! but he could just come back with a new gun arm, 2 gun legs, a gun head and a gun body!

Bahamut ZERO
01-20-2004, 09:22 AM

Death is normally a fatal thing to occur.

In saying that, I managed to resurrect Aeris, Sephiroth and Rufus in my FF7 sequel I wrote, so anything's possible.

Personally, if I were Square, I'd do something different with Advent Children. Having Cloud as a loner vigilante sounds like a cool idea: Keeping his promise to Aeris. No resurrection of Sephiroth (perhaps just another clone), no resurrection of Aeris (maybe a spirit, or a new Cetra, or something), no resurrection of Rufus (the dude was blasted quite heavily), and no resurrection of Dyne (no matter how many bad ass cyborg implants you give him.)

01-20-2004, 09:36 AM
they cant do anything TOO drastic though because if its a short film then they're gonna have to keep it pretty simple with not too many crazy plot twists

01-20-2004, 09:46 AM
CloudFan, Dyne probably DIED when he supposingly killed emself by jumping off the cliff.. so if he came back in AC, he wud be so called resurrected.. and by doin so wud complicate AC storyline.. nah i doubt fer a second he'll be back..

Juz my opinion.

01-20-2004, 01:19 PM
Interesting Cloudfan......that silver-haired dude does look pretty dead.... although the one flaw is that the guy doesn't have a it's pretty nlikely that it's Dyne....