06-20-2012, 06:59 AM

From the 3-cd set released by La La Land in 2012

1 Overture 1:43
2 Main Title/Klingon Battle 7:01
3 Total Logic 3:54
4 Floating Office 1:08
5 The Enterprise 6:02
6 Malfunction 1:30
7 Goodbye Klingon/Goodbye Epsilon Nine/Pre-Launch 2:10
8 Leaving Drydock 3:32
9 TV Theme/Warp Point Eight :50
10 No Goodbyes :53
11 Spock's Arrival 2:03
12 TV Theme/Warp Point Nine 1:49
13 Meet V'Ger 3:06
14 The Cloud 5:05
15 V'Ger Flyover 5:01
16 The Force Field 5:07
17 Micro Exam 1:13
18 Games/Spock Walk 9:51
19 System Inoperative 2:03
20 Hidden Information 3:58
21 Inner Workings 4:04
22 V'Ger Speaks 4:04
23 The Meld/A Good Start 5:37
24 End Title 3:16


06-20-2012, 08:26 AM
Can't wait to purchase my own CDs after listening to this, such a brilliant sound!
Thx for convincing me! :)

06-20-2012, 08:37 AM
Still waiting on my copy to arrive. :-\

the marvin
06-20-2012, 08:38 AM

06-20-2012, 12:38 PM

06-20-2012, 02:12 PM
thanks so much !

could you upload the other tracks of the albums ?


1 Overture 1:43
2 Main Title/Klingon Battle 7:01
3 Total Logic 3:54
4 Floating Office 1:08
5 The Enterprise 6:02
6 Malfunction 1:30
7 Goodbye Klingon/Goodbye Epsilon Nine/Pre-Launch 2:10
8 Leaving Drydock 3:32
9 TV Theme/Warp Point Eight :50
10 No Goodbyes :53
11 Spock's Arrival 2:03
12 TV Theme/Warp Point Nine 1:49
13 Meet V'Ger 3:06
14 The Cloud 5:05
15 V'Ger Flyover 5:01
16 The Force Field 5:07
17 Micro Exam 1:13
18 Games/Spock Walk 9:51
19 System Inoperative 2:03
20 Hidden Information 3:58
21 Inner Workings 4:04
(Disc 1 72:06)

1 V'Ger Speaks 4:04
2 The Meld/A Good Start 5:37
3 End Title 3:16

4 The Enterprise [early version] 6:05
5 Leaving Drydock [early version] 2:39
6 No Goodbyes [early version] :55
7 Spock's Arrival [early version] 2:00
8 Micro Exam [early version] 1:15
9 Games [early version] 3:49
10 Inner Workings [early version] 4:43

11 Main Title/Klingon Battle 6:50
12 Leaving Drydock 3:29
13 The Cloud 5:00
14 The Enterprise 5:59
15 Ilia's Theme 3:00
16 Vejur Flyover 4:56
17 The Meld 3:15
18 Spock Walk 4:17
19 End Title 3:16
(Disc 2 74:31)


1 Overture [long version] 2:50
2 Main Title [alternate take] 1:44
3 Total Logic [alternate take] 3:49
4 Malfunction [early take] 1:28
5 Goodbye Klingon [alternate take] :35
6 No Goodbyes [alternate take] :53
7 Spock's Arrival [alternate take] 2:01
8 The Force Field [alternate take] 5:04
9 Micro Exam [alternate take] 1:14
10 Games [early synthesizer version] 3:48
11 Games [alternate take] 3:48
12 Inner Workings [alternate take] 4:05
13 V'Ger Speaks [alternate take] 4:03
14 The Meld [film version] 3:16
15 A Good Start [discrete] 2:27
16 Main Title [album take] 1:44

17 Main Title [first raw takes] 7:21
18 The Force Field/ The Cloud [excerpts] 2:33
19 Beams and Synthesizer for V'Ger 4:04
20 Beams and Synthesizer for Ilia :59
21 Synthesizer for Main Theme 1:44
22 Main Theme From Star Trek: The Motion Picture [Bob James] 5:24
23 A Star Beyond Time [Shaun Cassidy] 2:43
24 Ilia's Theme [alternate] 3:33
25 Theme From Star Trek: The Motion Picture [concert edit] 3:25
(Disc 3 74:37)

Total 3CD Time: 3:41:13

06-20-2012, 02:20 PM
I'm sorry but I deleted remains of the set ,I can't understand why they released 3 CD, one is enough!

06-20-2012, 02:31 PM
thanks so much !

could you upload the other tracks of the albums ?

The complete 3DC album was uploaded on the official Star Trek thread last week! You can find it here:

You have to scroll down to post #2103

06-20-2012, 04:20 PM
One is most categorically not enough... The rejected score is golden, and even the alternate takes of the same cues are fascinating in their way.

06-20-2012, 04:46 PM
This CD set is a must have. Please buy it. Gorgeous presentation of this film music milestone. Thank you LaLaLand for releasing this.

06-20-2012, 09:09 PM
Thanks so much! I probably will buy this because the set looks gorgeous, but for now, I gotta have a listen!

06-20-2012, 09:35 PM
thanks very much for this one... when i think of the original lp recording i had 30 years ago, it is amazing to get such a complete and technically pristine recording !

06-21-2012, 10:35 AM
@phil69: Yes, I remember the LP and how I wished at that time, they release more music from the film. Because in those days were no "extended releases" or "complete scores", only the often very short and not really good sounding LP's of OST's. The/ My only solution was to buy more of Goldsmith's music. ;-)

06-21-2012, 11:00 AM
@phil69: Yes, I remember the LP and how I wished at that time, they release more music from the film. Because in those days were no "extended releases" or "complete scores", only the often very short and not really good sounding LP's of OST's. The/ My only solution was to buy more of Goldsmith's music. ;-)

Yes, that's how it was for me too, way back in 1979! Following that LP was the score for Psycho II on LP, and many others in the years therafter. The LP with Goldsmith's score for Poltergeist, which was sold out in the mid-80ies, was kind of a holy grail for me. The price for that LP was so high on the market, I was not able to purchase it with my limited budget. (Of course, later on, it was re-issued on CD, and even expanded, but in 1985 that was not forseeable...)

(P.S. DerKlang: Da du aus Deutschland kommst, kennst Du vielleicht noch den Plattenversand "Tarantula". Habe mir dar�ber viele scores auf LP gekauft, und Poltergeist war dort damals auch aufgef�hrt, aber f�r einen irren Preis, ich glaube �ber 100 DM!)

06-21-2012, 12:51 PM
(P.S. DerKlang: Da du aus Deutschland kommst, kennst Du vielleicht noch den Plattenversand "Tarantula". Habe mir dar�ber viele scores auf LP gekauft, und Poltergeist war dort damals auch aufgef�hrt, aber f�r einen irren Preis, ich glaube �ber 100 DM!)

@soundtrekker: Nat�rlich, einer der beiden "Tarantula"-L�den (ich glaube die hatten zwei "Filialen") war in Hamburg. Nachdem ich dort hingezogen war, hatte ich zwar einen tollen Laden f�r Filmmusik in der Stadt, aber etwa zwei Jahre sp�ter machte der Besitzer pleite. Und das obschon ich eine ganze Menge Geld in dem Laden gelassen hatte. ;-) Und das in einer Millionenstadt. Ich denke ich habe dort f�r Goldenthals CD Batman Forever etwa 60€ gezahlt. LPs wie Psycho II oder Poltergeist habe ich in meiner Jugend gl�cklicherweise nicht zu solchen Preisen kaufen m�ssen. In meiner Heimatstadt Nbg gab es einen Laden f�r klassische Musik, dort hatten sie auch eine kleine Abteilung f�r Filmmusik und recht moderate Preise. Habe selten mehr als drei�ig Mark f�r ein Album bezahlt. Rosenmans Lord of the Rings, das alte Doppel-Vinyl-Album, da erinnere ich mich noch, das hatte dort damals 28 Mark gekostet.

1979. That was the time in which film music was still quite new for me. I had just discovered William’s Jaws and Star Wars (although I was not allowed to see Jaws, I was too young, just fourteen years old.) Previously, I had seen 2001 - a space oddysee on the big screen and was amazed about the use of classical music therein. And then there came Goldsmith with Star Trek - TMP. Is still one of my favorite movies. This has nothing to do with a guilty pleasure or so. For me it remains the best Star Trek movie. And as a film with interesting thoughts. Not to forgett the stunning visuals. And not least because the music is so exceptionally well writen. From this date on I've seen Goldsmith as one of the great composers of our time. ... And not to forget: Alien. But that's another story.

Big E
06-21-2012, 01:18 PM
This is without a doubt one of the finest scores ever written and in my humble opinion the best of the Star Trek can actually feel the music. The theme "The Enterprise" alone can bring you to tear when reliving that moment with Kirk, something of a tall ship and a star to guide her by...we've lost many good composer to be sure, but we lost a great light when Jerry Goldsmith passed away.

06-21-2012, 01:46 PM
I agree with all the superlative comments, and I think this is probably the finest film music purchase I've yet made. Truly TMP is the greatest of all the Trek scores, and La-La Land's mastering has the recording sound as though it were made yesterday. While I am not often fond of "bonus" material on albums, I happily make an exception in this case. I split it into three presentations on my Cowon: film score, original album, and all the extras; it's simple and preserves the listening experiences of both score and album, as well as making it easy to find everything. I have even developed a fondness for the Shaun Cassidy song, which is like a bowl containing an entire can of Cheez Whiz and alfredo sauce, doused in mozzarella, chugged in a little less than three minutes. And I haven't mentioned the packaging or the booklet.

I don't think I'd trade it for anything.

06-21-2012, 10:23 PM
I bought it.. I love it.. The best score ever!

06-22-2012, 02:00 AM
Many thanks.

>You have to scroll down to post #2103
Thanks soundtrekker.

06-22-2012, 03:48 AM
The U-BER release of the year!!! Got mine last Thursday and was super-geeked when I plucked it from the packaging! WOW! What a presentation! Kudos to all at LALA LAND!!!

06-29-2012, 05:44 PM
Thanks for this wonderful score! :)

07-01-2012, 02:02 PM
... for those already in possession (in whichever form) of the new L� edition of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, I combined "The Meld (film version, discrete)" with "The Meld/A Good Start". This is the version I prefer because I am a beam afficionado. ;)

get in touch (

09-02-2012, 12:20 AM
Thank you very much :)

09-02-2012, 12:29 AM
Oh wow, thanks!

10-11-2012, 03:06 PM
Great! Thanks!

10-11-2012, 05:50 PM
Thanks very much!

11-29-2012, 05:40 AM

12-21-2012, 05:05 AM
Thanks for this!

12-26-2012, 02:22 AM
Thank you very much.

12-26-2012, 11:33 PM
Thanks so much. Some real love on this forum today!

01-06-2013, 09:53 AM
Can someone upload scans of the booklet? Or at least tell me if the cues "TV Theme / Warp Point Eight" and "TV Theme / Warp Point Nine" were solely composed by Alexander Courage?

01-07-2013, 10:06 AM
Can someone upload scans of the booklet? Or at least tell me if the cues "TV Theme / Warp Point Eight" and "TV Theme / Warp Point Nine" were solely composed by Alexander Courage?

Ilia.rar download - 2shared (

01-09-2013, 12:13 PM
Fantastic! Thanks so much

01-10-2013, 12:03 AM
Ilia.rar download - 2shared (


01-10-2013, 06:27 AM
several cues were entirely composed by courage and steiner and recorded by goldsmith during the sessions

01-17-2013, 03:39 AM
Thanks! This is one of my all time favorite scores.

05-24-2013, 08:13 PM
... for those already in possession (in whichever form) of the new L� edition of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, I combined "The Meld (film version, discrete)" with "The Meld/A Good Start". This is the version I prefer because I am a beam afficionado. ;)

get in touch (

Is it alright if I could Have this Edit, Sinus? I wish to Add it to My Trek Music collection. :)

06-18-2013, 04:43 PM
As per request, re-upload of this 3-CD edition from La-La-Land (release 2012) in flac, including booklet scans:

La-La-Land 2012 (LLLCD 1207)
Limited Edition of 10.000 units
Fomat: FLAC
Size: 1.04 GB
Including complete booklet scans!


1 Overture 1:43
2 Main Title/Klingon Battle 7:01
3 Total Logic 3:54
4 Floating Office 1:08
5 The Enterprise 6:02
6 Malfunction 1:30
7 Goodbye Klingon/Goodbye Epsilon Nine/Pre-Launch 2:10
8 Leaving Drydock 3:32
9 TV Theme/Warp Point Eight :50
10 No Goodbyes :53
11 Spock's Arrival 2:03
12 TV Theme/Warp Point Nine 1:49
13 Meet V'Ger 3:06
14 The Cloud 5:05
15 V'Ger Flyover 5:01
16 The Force Field 5:07
17 Micro Exam 1:13
18 Games/Spock Walk 9:51
19 System Inoperative 2:03
20 Hidden Information 3:58
21 Inner Workings 4:04
(Disc 1 72:06)

1 V'Ger Speaks 4:04
2 The Meld/A Good Start 5:37
3 End Title 3:16

4 The Enterprise [early version] 6:05
5 Leaving Drydock [early version] 2:39
6 No Goodbyes [early version] :55
7 Spock's Arrival [early version] 2:00
8 Micro Exam [early version] 1:15
9 Games [early version] 3:49
10 Inner Workings [early version] 4:43

11 Main Title/Klingon Battle 6:50
12 Leaving Drydock 3:29
13 The Cloud 5:00
14 The Enterprise 5:59
15 Ilia's Theme 3:00
16 Vejur Flyover 4:56
17 The Meld 3:15
18 Spock Walk 4:17
19 End Title 3:16
(Disc 2 74:31)


1 Overture [long version] 2:50
2 Main Title [alternate take] 1:44
3 Total Logic [alternate take] 3:49
4 Malfunction [early take] 1:28
5 Goodbye Klingon [alternate take] :35
6 No Goodbyes [alternate take] :53
7 Spock's Arrival [alternate take] 2:01
8 The Force Field [alternate take] 5:04
9 Micro Exam [alternate take] 1:14
10 Games [early synthesizer version] 3:48
11 Games [alternate take] 3:48
12 Inner Workings [alternate take] 4:05
13 V'Ger Speaks [alternate take] 4:03
14 The Meld [film version] 3:16
15 A Good Start [discrete] 2:27
16 Main Title [album take] 1:44

17 Main Title [first raw takes] 7:21
18 The Force Field/ The Cloud [excerpts] 2:33
19 Beams and Synthesizer for V'Ger 4:04
20 Beams and Synthesizer for Ilia :59
21 Synthesizer for Main Theme 1:44
22 Main Theme From Star Trek: The Motion Picture [Bob James] 5:24
23 A Star Beyond Time [Shaun Cassidy] 2:43
24 Ilia's Theme [alternate] 3:33
25 Theme From Star Trek: The Motion Picture [concert edit] 3:25
(Disc 3 74:37)

Total 3CD Time: 3:41:13

Part 1: (
Part 2: (
Part 3: (
Part 4: (
Part 5: (
Part 6: (

10-05-2013, 01:13 AM
As per request, re-upload of this 3-CD edition from La-La-Land (release 2012) in flac, including booklet scans:

La-La-Land 2012 (LLLCD 1207)

Thanks for the FLAC, soundtrekker.

Hmmm, seems I must have got it when you posted it, but forgot. I hadn't even unzipped it yet! Oh yeh, that was right in the middle of a move. Wonder what else might be on this hard drive?

Anyway, Thanks!

10-07-2013, 10:11 AM
You're welcome, gnerk.

01-12-2014, 11:55 PM
thanks guys

01-13-2014, 12:14 AM

the marvin
01-17-2014, 05:43 PM

01-17-2014, 07:51 PM
However, in the future even more music might be presented from this amazing soundtrack...
Here is the complete list (for what had been heard in the film) without alternates... except the track 124 which is having more music then its "original"...

THE FILM SCORE 1h32min58sec (without the 124 Hidden Information (album version) 3'57)
101. Overture 1:43
102. Main Title/Klingon Battle 7:01
103. Total Logic 3:54
104. Floating Office 1:08
105. The Enterprise 6:02
106. Malfunction 1:30
107. Goodbye Klingon/Goodbye Epsilon Nine/Pre-Launch 2:10
108. Leaving Drydock 3:32
109. TV Theme/Warp Point Eight :50
110. No Goodbyes :53
111. Spock's Arrival 2:03
112. TV Theme/Warp Point Nine 1:49
113. Meet V'Ger 3:06
114 Ilia Helps Chekov 0'35
115. The Cloud 5:05
116. V'Ger Flyover 5:01
117. The Force Field 5:07
118 Ilia's Probe 0'52
119. Micro Exam 1:13
120 Stardate 7414-1 0'36
121. Games/Spock Walk 9:51
122 V'ger Signals The Creator 0'32
123. System Inoperative 2:03
124 Hidden Information (album version) 3'57
125 Hidden Information (film version) 7'25
126. Inner Workings 4:04
127 V'ger Is Receiving Data 1'13
128 Voyager 6! 0'49
129. V'Ger Speaks 4:04
130. The Meld/A Good Start 5:37
131. End Title 3:16

01-04-2016, 05:21 AM
Can someone re upload this? thanks

01-04-2016, 06:05 AM
Respectfully requesting reupload of this one! Love Goldsmith and this particular score!

01-04-2016, 10:57 AM
Can someone re upload this? thanks

Respectfully requesting reupload of this one! Love Goldsmith and this particular score!
You can find all the trek you want here:
Thread 162444

01-04-2016, 11:04 AM
Thanks very much soundtrekker! A veritable gold-mine o' trek tunes. I appreciate the link!


You can find all the trek you want here:
Thread 162444

01-04-2016, 11:30 AM
Thanks very much soundtrekker! A veritable gold-mine o' trek tunes. I appreciate the link!

You're welcome. And don't forget to thank Spectre8750, who is maintaining that great thread! ;)

01-04-2016, 11:41 AM
I shall! Thank-you!

You're welcome. And don't forget to thank Spectre8750, who is maintaining that great thread! ;)