06-20-2012, 03:18 AM
I recently took a re-listen of this along with a DVDrip and there's still quite a bit of Ottman's music still missing even though the album liner notes (if I recall correctly) states that it's his complete rejected score. Notable exclusions include a short scene of the nurse running from her house to the house next door, the scene where Laurie looks in the mirror and sees Michael as a mirage, Laurie's hallucination before her boyfriend grabs her, Charlie reaching for the cork screw, short snippets of scenes of Charlie's girlfriend's chase/death, but the finale seems intact since only small sections of Ottman's score was used for the finale of the film leading up to the ending. The more I think of it I wish someone would go in and completely try to re-score the film with Ottman's score and produce a legitimate result. I dread re-watching the film and realizing how much they really fucked up one of my favorite horror movie villians with a sub-decent result out of context. It made the film sound too similar to the other slasher films being released at that time and at times with the Scream music playing, already knowing the score by heart after repeated viewings, I can't picture Michael Myers chasing Laurie, I picture Ghostface chasing Sidney. Ottman's score wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination but it was considerably better in content (and context) than Beltrami's already-established sound with the Scream series. Beltrami and Ottman's musical styles are completely different and it showed to noticeable effect when it kept swapping back and forth. But personally I can't imagine the movie without Beltrami's contributions since it does support the visuals but I've seen fan edits of the movie with Ottman's score and it's definitely a version I'd like to see a complete version of.

Anyway if anyone has this that'd be awesome!

06-20-2012, 12:41 PM
only the boot with SFX...

01-16-2013, 11:22 PM
bad movie,decent soundtrack

01-17-2013, 11:18 PM
wasn�t most of the movie tagged with music from Scream 2??