06-20-2012, 03:06 AM
I contribute music articles to a fairly insignificant WordPress blog out there, typically writing reviews of new metal releases. 2012 has been kind of a dull year so far though. I was thinking of switching gears for a little while and writing up some articles on video game music. My aim will be to cover my favorite albums, whether they were influential or not, as well as some of the more historically significant releases. I intend to do it chronologically.

My opinions are heavily swayed by my experiences. One cannot listen to everything, and the majority of my musical knowledge is roughly boxed in by the launch of the SNES and the fading days of the PSX. I wish to start before that, and extend beyond it. The VGM canon (Thread 54768) thread provides a wealth of information, but it is perhaps a bit too inclusive for my intentions here, and anyway breaks down by system, where I would rather break down by year.

Let's take this in stages, starting with everything before 1985. What are your thoughts on vgm precursors to the Nintendo Entertainment System?

Here's what I've got, using mostly Wikipedia and Youtube:

Space Invaders ( (Taito, 1978) -- The first game to incorporate a continuous soundtrack, consisting of four notes repeated at various tempos to reflect the intensity of the game.
Rally-X ( (Namco, 1980) -- The first game with background music. To the best of my knowledge it uses roughly the same technology as Space Invaders.
Carnival ( (Sega, 1980) -- Beginning in 1980, new technology allowed for developers to utilize many more sound channels, resulting in much less muddled background music. Carnival was the first game to apply this.
Frogger ( (Konami, 1981) -- It might come as a surprise that Frogger, for all its simplicity, featured one of the most diverse soundtracks of its time, with at least eleven unique tracks. Most games continued to stick to the single-song trend, if they employed any background music at all.

None of these, even Frogger, amount to an enjoyable listening experience. Silly songs for a silly game I suppose; Frogger's soundtrack is at least not obnoxious like Rally-X or Carnival. But it didn't take Koji Kondo to break the mold. The massive mire of the early 80s gaming market, often characterized by a mad rush to the production line with little to no quality control, had its good side too. It was during this time--in that short boom and bust of a gaming generation--that the first truly exceptional video game compositions appeared. Taito's Jungle King (, released in 1982, might be the first case of music being a game's strongest feature. The player feels compelled to keep moving, driven by a sense of urgency and adventure that would be completely absent otherwise. The sound effects make an effort to acknowledge the music's dominance, seldom clashing and, with the hero's footsteps on the rock-dodging stage, even roughly synching up to add another layer of depth to the music. And Taito's accomplishments with Jungle King seem entirely insignificant when compared to Konami's 1983 musical masterpiece Gyruss ( Here, every sound effect and visual cue is perfectly attuned to the background music to a degree seldom captured even in modern games.

Super Mario Bros. revolutionized video game music, but it did not invent it.


What am I missing? What did I get wrong? And looking towards the future, what games do you feel most readily and successfully capitalized on Super Mario Bros. musical success? What persisted in spite of it? Arcade games did not simply cease to exist. And how extensive was Comodore 64 music and similar platforms at this time? Tell me what I should add to my pre-1985 synopsis, and then give me your thoughts on music in the early years of the Nintendo, from 1985 until the release of the Genesis in 1988.

Jodo Kast
06-20-2012, 11:53 PM
I'm heavily into game music and I don't think about pre-1985 games, unless they are arranged well (like this ( From my point of view, Koichi Sugiyama (Dragon Quest) is the most significant figure in game music from the 80s, since he was the first (I know of) to arrange game music with an orchestra. This probably led to Falcom releasing their orchestral albums. Namco was certainly arranging game music way back in 1984 and maybe even earlier, but it's horrid horrible stuff.

I think that the revolutionizing of video game music by Super Mario Bros. was simply part of the package. Everything about that game was a step above the competition at the time and it's only natural that the music similarly attracted attention. One could also argue that Darius (and Hisayoshi Ogura) revolutionized game music as much as Super Mario Bros. Darius got some really good arrangements ( back in 1987.

06-22-2012, 12:20 AM
Does the name Kenneth W. Arnold mean anything to any of you? What can you tell me about him? Were any other musicians making music of a similar style in the early 80s?

06-24-2012, 05:02 AM
One could also argue that Darius (and Hisayoshi Ogura) revolutionized game music as much as Super Mario Bros.
You are absolutely right, and I'd never even heard of the guy before. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

06-26-2012, 07:07 AM
PC88:Xanadu Scenario II Soundtrack - YouTube (

So often the best are forgotten. I imagine Takahito Abe had more to do with this 1986 soundtrack than Yuzo Koshiro. Shame he isn't remembered among the all-time greats.

Jodo Kast
06-26-2012, 07:24 AM
I imagine Takahito Abe had more to do with this 1986 soundtrack than Yuzo Koshiro. Shame he isn't remembered among the all-time greats.

That's correct. If you look at the info for this related album (, it seems that Takahito Abe composed the majority of the Xanadu music. There was even a third composer involved, Toshiya Takahashi (whom I don't know much about). I also believe that Xanadu was the first game music that Koshiro professionally composed, so he was probably an assistant composer. Takahito Abe and Koshiro also double-teamed on this great one (

07-27-2012, 08:03 AM
Wow. I'm surprised this thread hasn't gotten more attention. This has all the makings of an excellent discussion, both for those who are familiar with the earliest examples of vgm and those who are interested in learning more. I have a ton of info and links about early game music in preparation for a large project I'm working on, but it's not yet organized (my lists are alphabetical and sub-divided by generation, but aren't strictly chronological). So I can cherry-pick some stuff in your requested timeframes as I run across it.

Pre-1985, one title that comes to mind is Dig Dug ( (1982), of course.

Just after that time period you have stuff like Monty on the Run ( (1985) and Agent X ( (1986), which are worthy additions.

Probably a list of solid pre-NES or contemporary non-NES music would look something like this:
Agent X
Agent X 2
Alien Breed
Auf Wiedersehen Monty
Batman: The Caped Crusader
Battle Ships
Battle Squadron
Bionic Commando
Black Lamp
Blood Money
Body Slam
Cannon Fodder
Chesterfield: Challenge to Dark Gor
Comic Bakery
Crystal Hammer
Defender of the Crown
Dig Dug
Dizzy: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure
DNA Warrior
Donkey Kong
Fantastic Dizzy
First Samurai
Future Games
Gauntlet III
Ghouls and Ghosts
Great Giana Sisters
Green Beret
Hot Rod
International Karate
Laser Squad
Last Ninja
Last Ninja 2
Last V8, The
LED Storm
Lotus III: The Ultimate Challenge
Monty on the Run
Neverending Story
Ocean Loader 3
Ocean Loader 4
Ocean Loader 5
One Man and His Droid
Pawn, The
Pinball Fantasies
Project X
Rambo III
Sensible World of Soccer
Shadow of the Beast
Space Harrier
Spellbound Dizzy
Star Paws
Stryker�s Run
Subterranean Stryker
Super Hang-On
Supremacy (Overlord)
Times of Lore
Treasure Island Dizzy
Turbo Outrun
Turrican 2
Turrican 3
Vortex 42
Way of the Exploding Fist
World of Wonders
Xenon 2
Yie Ar Kung-Fu
Zool 2

At least, that's my two cents on Amiga, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, BBC Micro, and early arcade music. If you include NES and Sega Master soundtracks, the list gets even longer.

*Note: There might be soundtracks from later years that snuck onto that list. I'm copying/pasting from my own files.

*Also: I am no expert on pre-NES music and have only come to it out of a desire to learn more myself. What I can offer is a list of what I've listened to, which is a lot, but without much additional info, such as composers, release dates, et cetera, which I still have to research.

Is this sorta what you're looking for? I have YouTube links for just about every soundtrack on there if people are interested. And I can cut the list down to something more manageable.

*Also also: Our current VGM Rumble (Thread 66118) is looking at the careers of different VGM composers and asking people to vote on the better composer in head-to-head fights. Much of that music comes from 1990-present as opposed to the early days, but the scope is still large and the info is presented in what is, hopefully, a fun manner. All are welcome.


07-31-2012, 10:29 PM
Really the quantity of good game music almost from the start is hard to cope with. I've listened to hundreds of different soundtracks from the 80s now and I've still missed or else forgotten most of what's on that list, while a lot of the soundtracks that really struck me are absent. I had to start posting up the daily articles I've got yesterday, because if I didn't get them rolling out soon I'd have to wait until next summer. Now I'm mostly frantically scrounging around to add missing pieces before their time comes due. I think ultimately though the most important knowledge is something I lack altogether. If you really want to understand early gaming music, you have to have a grasp on the capacities of the various sound chips out there and what sort of interfaces sound programmers had available with which to manipulate them.

Since I frequently reference youtube in my articles, I made a couple audio videos where the mp3s were available to me and the youtube rips were not. Perhaps others will find them useful as well:

Ultima III: Exodus (Apple II, 1983, Kenneth W. Arnold) (
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar (Apple II, 1985, Kenneth W. Arnold) (
Darius (Arcade, 1986, Hisayoshi Ogura) (
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny (Apple II, 1988, Kenneth W. Arnold) (

If I feel the need to make more I'll add them to this list.

I also condensed the Ultima soundtracks into single videos:

Ultima III (
Ultima IV (
Ultima V (part 1) (
Ultima V (part 2) (

08-02-2012, 08:33 PM
While I was trying to dig up the soundtracks on arthur's list I ran across this:

Amiga Music - Arcane - YouTube (

Does anyone know what it's from or who composed it?

08-03-2012, 05:48 AM
Knew I should have double-checked the list before posting. Didn't think Arcane was still on there.

From what I understand, Arcane is a group ( ow%3D0.025%2Crate_high%3D0.025%2Csecond_pass%3Dfal se%2Cnum_suggestions%3D2%2Cignore_bad_origquery%3D true&gs_nf=1&cp=0&tok=gvCaV4tupiAxQqj_6zn_ag&pq=amiga%20demo%20arcane&gs_id=1ll&xhr=t&q=amiga+demo+arcane&pf=p&client=firefox-a&hs=0o&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&sclient=psy-ab&oq=amiga+demo+arcane&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=5f6f9e525258df09&biw=1280&bih=855) that produced demos ( of music for the Amiga system.

Another famous example is 9 Fingers ( by the group Spaceballs. Although I was a kid and totally unaware of this practice as it was going on, it seems there was a pretty active and vibrant demoscene for the Amiga into the mid-90s.

---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 PM ----------

Help with links:

Agent X Spectrum Title Music - YouTube (
Tim Follin - Agent X 2, Level 1 Music (C64) - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay Agony - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [067] Alien Breed - YouTube (
Alloyrun Title Music - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [023] Apidya - YouTube (
Rob Hubbard & Ben Daglish - Auf Wiedersehen Monty [C64] - YouTube (
Batman the caped crusader c64 - YouTube (
C64 Music Tribute - Battle Ships - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [033] Battle Squadron - YouTube (
Black Lamp Spectrum In-Game Music - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [416] Blood Money - YouTube (
Commodore64:Body Slam Soundtrack - YouTube (
Cannon Fodder Amiga game intro - YouTube (
Amiga Music - Captive (HQ+Stereo) - YouTube (
Weird Video Games - Carnival (Arcade) - YouTube (
C64 Longplay - Cataball - YouTube (
Chester Field: Challenge to Dark Gor (1989, Vic Tokai) - Stage 1 - Part 1/2 - YouTube (
Chronos Spectrum Title Music - YouTube (
Comic Bakery Commodore 64 Loader Tune - YouTube (
Rob Hubbard - Commando [C64] - YouTube (
Amiga Music - Crystal Hammer (HQ+Stereo) - YouTube (
Daley Thompson's Decathlon - Commodore C64 - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [027] Defender Of The Crown - YouTube (
Delta - c64 - 1987 - YouTube (
(Arcade) Dig Dug - YouTube (
1988 Codemasters Dizzy The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure.wmv - YouTube (
Commodore 64 Music - 128 - DNA Warrior - YouTube (
Donkey Kong Arcade Music - Donkey Kong Start & How High Can You Get - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [459] Fantastic Dizzy - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [373] First Samurai - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [071] Flashback - YouTube (
Frogger arcade game - YouTube (
Tim & Geoff Follin - Gauntlet III [C64] - YouTube (
Commodore 64 Ghouls n Ghosts Title music - YouTube (
The Great Giana Sisters - Menu Theme [C64] - YouTube (
c64 music - Green Beret by Martin Galway - YouTube (
Hawkeye (Amiga) (Gameplay) - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [648] Hot Rod - YouTube (
C64 Longplay - International Karate - YouTube (
Journey Arcade Game - YouTube (
VGM Hall Of Fame: Kinetix - Title Music (C64) - YouTube (
Game Music fom Laser Squad (Amiga Verision) - YouTube (
Ben Daglish - The Last Ninja - YouTube (
02. Last Ninja 2, Central Park OST - YouTube (
Tim Follin - LED Storm - YouTube (
Commodore 64 Music - 081 - The Last V8 - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [060] Lionheart - YouTube (
VGM Hall Of Fame: Loopz - Main Theme (Amiga) - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [228] Lotus III: The Ultimate Challenge - YouTube (
Awesome Video Game Music 51: Monty on the Run Theme - YouTube (
Commodore 64 Music - 102 - Never Ending Story - YouTube (
Ocean loader 3 in all its glory - YouTube (
Ocean Loader 4 (by Jonathan Dunn) [C64] - YouTube (
Ocean Loader v5 - (Commodore 64) - YouTube (
One Man And His Droid Original C64 Music - YouTube (
Outrun on Commodore 64 - YouTube (
PacMan Original Theme - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [481] Pinball Fantasies - YouTube (
Pole Position (Arcade) Gameplay - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [125] Project-X (a) - YouTube (
Tim Follin - Puzznic (Amiga) - YouTube (
c64 music - R-type by C. Huelsbeck & R. Vaca - YouTube (
C64 - Rambo 3 - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [571] Rubicon - YouTube (
Tim Follin - Scumball (C64) - YouTube (
SWOS Sensible World of Soccer Amiga - YouTube (
Shadow of the Beast music - Amiga - YouTube (
Space Harrier Music - MAIN THEME - YouTube (
Arcade: Space Invaders (1978) - YouTube (
Commodore 64 Music - 033 - Spellbound - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [596] Spellbound Dizzy- YouTube (
Star Paws Spectrum Title & In-Game Music - YouTube (
Subterranean Stryker Spectrum Title Music - YouTube (
StarTrash C64 intro - YouTube (
BBC Micro game Strykers Run - YouTube (
Super Hang-On - Complete Run Beginner Course Sega Arcade - YouTube (
Supremacy (Overlord) - Full intro with music - YouTube (
Amiga Music - Swiv Intro (HQ+Stereo) - YouTube (
[C64] Times Of Lore - YouTube (
Dizzy Treasure Island (1989) [AMIGA] - YouTube (
Commodore 64 Music - 109 - Turbo Outrun - YouTube (
Turrican - Title Theme [Amiga] (by Chris H�lsbeck) - YouTube (
Amiga Longplay [062] Turrican II - YouTube (
Amiga music: Turrican 3 (main theme) - YouTube (
VGMusic of the Day 564: Supremacy: Your Will Be Done - Title - YouTube (

P.S. Would you be willing to share a link to your articles? I'd be interested.

08-08-2012, 11:48 PM
I have no idea how I missed your reply for a week.

Tim Follin - Agent X 2, Level 1 Music (C64) - YouTube ( - Interesting, I hadn't even considered the C64 port of this game. The ZX Spectrum title music ( is just as significant. He's taking the intro/outro to the C64 music from an early arcade/possibly Atari 2600 shooter. Before I spend a long time trying to find it, do you happen to know the name off the top of your head?

Amiga Music - Crystal Hammer (HQ+Stereo) - YouTube ( - Don't let this obscure one get lost in the mix. It's probably the best song I've heard for the Amiga.

I'm curious where you got some of those youtube links, only because a lot of them don't sample the tracks that I think really made the game in question musically or historically significant. Much obliged though. Those links will be a big help down the road.

P.S. Would you be willing to share a link to your articles? I'd be interested.

The articles I'm posting are going up on my friend's blog Through the Shattered Lens (, which is shared by a number of different authors with varying interests. Please don't take my posts there as anything more than an unprofessional rough draft. The constant looking back and rewriting early material to incorporate new finds was becoming counterproductive, so I started rolling them out as they stood to force myself to keep moving forward.

08-09-2012, 12:41 AM
Interesting thread. I'm gonna be following this closely. It's a shame the C64 and the ZX Spectrum didn't have an impact in my childhood (or my country), since listening to that music is kinda hard without the nostalgia effect (this coming from a guy who loves NES music). Some of the examples listed are interesting, but others don't seem like too much. Are there CD releases or "rips" with stereo effects or something from the C64 era? I got some music from Chris Huelsbeck, but I guess that doesn't count. Any recommendations would be welcome.

09-03-2012, 07:43 AM
My video game music series is rapidly approaching the 1990s, and I thought I'd take the time to casually share some of the more obscure 80s material I stumbled across on the way. 'Obscure' is a very relative term, and I think I'll leave the doors fairly wide open for anything that was not a major NES franchise up through 1990. One interesting thing you might notice is how often Tamayo Kawamoto pops up. Who?

#25. Yuzo Koshiro - Dark Fact ( (from Ys I, PC-8801, 1987)

#24. David Wise - Outside the Castle ( (from Wizards & Warriors, Nintendo, 1987)

#23. Rob Hubbard - Rasputin ( (Commodore 64, 1985)
loosely based on various classical and folk melodies

#22. Tamayo Kawamoto - Forgotten Worlds ( (Mega Drive, 1989)
original also by Tamayo Kawamoto (Arcade, 1988)--Yoshihiro Sakaguchi possibly contributed to both

#21. Martin Galway - Arkanoid ( (Commodore 64, 1987)

#20. Kenneth W. Arnold - Castle ( (from Ultima IV, Apple II, 1985)

#19. Harumi Fujita & Yoko Shimomura - Breager's Castle ( (from Gargoyle's Quest, Game Boy, 1990)

#18. Rob Hubbard - Commando ( (Commodore 64, 1985)
loosely based on "Commando" by Tamayo Kawamoto (Arcade, 1985)

#17. Takayuki Suzuki - Battle Bull ( (Game Boy, 1990)

#16. Artist Unknown - opening song from Shinra Bansho ( (PC-8801, 1987)

#15. Hirokazu 'Hip' Tanaka - Yakuman ( (Game Boy, 1989)

#14. Kenneth W. Arnold - Dream of Lady Nan ( (from Ultima V, Apple II, 1988)

#13. David Wise - Intro to Wizards & Warriors ( (Nintendo, 1987)

#12. Miki Higashino - Yie Ar Kung-Fu ( (Nintendo, 1985)

#11. Hiroshige Tonomura - The Moon ( (from DuckTales, Nintendo, 1989)

And my top 10:

#10. Tim Follin - Chronos ( (ZX Spectrum, 1987)

#9. Hisayoshi Ogura - The Sea ( (from Darius, Arcade, 1986)

#8. Tim Follin - Stage Two ( (from Ghouls'n Ghosts, Commodore 64, 1989)
original by Tamayo Kawamoto (Arcade, 1988)

#7. Chris H�lsbeck - R-Type ( (Amiga 500, 1989)

#6. Hiroyuki Masuno - Bombuzal ( (SNES, 1990)
original probably by Ross Goodley (Amiga, 1988), or possibly Antony Crowther (C64, 1988)--I could not find an audio sample from the C64 release to confirm or deny this.

#5. Kenneth W. Arnold - Town ( (from Ultima III, Apple II, 1983)

#4. Tim Follin - Future Games ( (ZX Spectrum, 1986)

#3. Rob Hubbard - Monty on the Run ( (Commodore 64, 1985)
loosely based on "Devil's Galop" by Charles Williams

#2. Karsten Obarski - Crystal Hammer ( (Amiga 500, 1988)

And my favorite:

#1. Tim Follin - Ghouls'n Ghosts ( (Amiga 500, 1989)