Azderiel Bane
01-18-2004, 05:55 PM
This was the very first poem I wrote. It was also published.

Lonely Nights
8th, Feb, 2001

The lonesome nights feel even longer
Untold memories perish my dreams
As I deliberate the past
Silver destroys my vision
Thoughts of undoing the sins I commit
Sweep through my broken mind

My heart aches forevermore
I shield myself away from the world
Hoping, wishing, praying for an end
An end for this painful life
The Painful life I once loved
Loved when I was with you

Can things ever turn with us?
I regret the injustice acts I did
I'm sorry for the hurt I caused
Give me a moment please
And I can change to what I was
Before the grief took me over

� Aven T'san

01-19-2004, 01:30 AM
I dont know if this means anything but i thougfht u deserved a reply and that is a wicked poem.:D

01-21-2004, 05:31 PM
I like this piece of literature very much.
It is filled with a dark, but magical passion.
It expresses a sorrow filled love...and the regret of losing it.
It shows the first emotions after being left to hide alone in your own thoughts...
I wonder who it was written for?
As they say, everything someone writes includes a little of the author's heart and well as their life.

"Keep writing...and don't feel shy to continue to bleed your pain onto the white sheets of release. They'll free you from the living world. Only you can know what I mean."

01-21-2004, 09:04 PM
Ya I copied it so i could read it whenever i get board.
You don't see alot of poems like this. U know?:cool:

01-21-2004, 09:07 PM
You rely know what your tlking about. Its good to write what you feel or describe who you are.
Stuck in a dark world deep within the mind:notgood: