01-17-2004, 11:54 AM
Hey guyz, ya noe i was listenin to the One Winged Angel song, ya noe da theme fer Sephiroth in FFVII, and i noe da lyrics r in Latin, and i checked the lyrics translations.. here they are:

Burning inside
with violent anger.
Burning inside
with violent anger.


Burning inside
with violent anger.
Burning inside
with violent anger.


Fate - monstrous
and Empty
Fate - monstrous
and Empty

Burning inside
with violent anger.
Burning inside
with violent anger.


Come, come, O come,
do not let me die
Come, come, O come,
do not let me die

Come, come, O come,
do not let me die
Come, come, O come,
do not let me die




Fate - monstrous
and Empty
Fate - monstrous
and Empty
Rite this is the part i dun understand and da come do not let me die part.. so does sumone noe anithing bout wad it means? I will be grateful if ya cud share wid all of us.. THANx.. :D

Alice Wonderbra
01-17-2004, 12:51 PM
"Please, tell me something that I don't know
Like if we have sex, you don't want dough
And if it's not a problem you can meet me at 10
I'll be in room 112 and bring four friends
And if you gon' hit me, it gotta be a quickie
And please no hickies, cuz wifey's with me"

01-18-2004, 04:01 AM are my hero......I thought I was the only one with those lyrics and you have proven my very friends think I'm a geek memorizing one of the best FF songs ever.....

01-18-2004, 06:07 AM
Thanx Clow, so do u noe anithing bout da meanin of da song lyrics?

01-18-2004, 03:42 PM
Well....the Burning inside with Violent Anger refers to the anger from Seph towards the people "taking" the planet from Jenova, Fate-Monstrous and Empty would refer to Seph thinking that his life means nothing but servitude, Come, Come, O Come do not let me die.....I have no clue.....Glourious anf Noble refers to Seph most likely thinking that he is a Glorious knight, loyal to his master/king or queen, in this case.......taking back the planet for Jenova, and the chanting Sephiroth.....that is most likly the people "loving" him for his victory, or it's just there.....thats the best I can come up with...and I'll bet half of it is true....not to bad....

01-19-2004, 05:11 AM
Nice work.. but i will like to noe hu else can figure out da meanin of da lyrics..

01-19-2004, 08:16 AM
Give me a week an I'll try figuring those lyrics out.

My MY! 69 posts! That is so frigging Fast. You must be really free at home dude.

Tha Punisher
01-20-2004, 02:49 PM
Is that why Seph and Cloud each have one wing in Kingdom Hearts?:eek:

01-20-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Tha Punisher
Is that why Seph and Cloud each have one wing in Kingdom Hearts?:eek:

I duno bout Cloud.. probably he has one juz fer fun..

Sephiroth.. well cos he's the One Winged Angel.. prob the directors juz wan ta show that the FF character doesnt lose his FF characterisitics..

Tha Punisher
01-21-2004, 03:06 AM
I had that feeling:cool:

01-21-2004, 10:04 PM
on final fantasy seven safer sephiroth had one wing already they were probably just keepin his looks from that

01-22-2004, 10:04 AM
The lyrics are pretty cool. Very fitting so the character. The one winged angel theme is kind of weird. In Kingdom hearts Cloud and Sephiroth each have one black wing, I know that this maybe isnt the right place to be asking aobut it but does anyone know the signifiacance of this?

Seig Warheit
01-22-2004, 07:55 PM
I always they were saying:

"West coast Sepheri
He's a bad enemy


West coast Sepheri
He's a bad enemy


I'm kidding! But it does sound like that doesn't it? :lol

01-22-2004, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by Seig Warheit
I always they were saying:

"West coast Sepheri
He's a bad enemy


West coast Sepheri
He's a bad enemy


I'm kidding! But it does sound like that doesn't it? :lol

Haha yea i tot so too..

Ok guyz im gonna relax a little.. u guyz can either go find out the meaning of the lyrics (first post) and share wid us or tok bout y Sephiroth is called One Winged Angel and tat stuff..

Rite let's go.. :)

01-23-2004, 01:29 PM
burning inside with violent anger- refers to the hate that sephy feels towards the people for inventing him

fate- monstrous and empty- all fate contains is death therefore it is empty as the end of life is death, and its monstrous becaues fate is usually not what you want.

come o come and do not let me die- i think htis is jenova here, i think shes pleading with sephy not to let her down and to keep her alive within him.

glorious and noble one- hes a god, must i say more?

i think this is what it means; and you aint sad for memoring the words. and if you are at least theres not just you.

and the significance of clouds wing is that hes suppost to be sephys rival, and sephys n angel (as are all jap badguys) which means cloud must be the opposite. i dunno wy sphys wings black, i always thought it would be white, i rekon its so it blends in with the rest of their outfits.:whatever:

01-23-2004, 11:31 PM
I tink Sephy's wing is black cos he's not sort of a GOOD angel.. more like a fallen one im guessin.. tats y its black..

01-27-2004, 05:57 AM
And Clouds wing is also black why? I guess we're over analysing a little. Oh well.

01-31-2004, 12:25 PM
it could be emplaying that they are connected in more ways than plot cloud is a clone"ish" of sephiroth and they both are puppets f jenova but cloud overcome it sephiroth never did cloud be they are both fallen but cloud is trying to make up for it (he did meteor to seph)

Tha Punisher
01-31-2004, 06:46 PM
Intresting theory

02-01-2004, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by Seig Warheit
I always they were saying:

"West coast Sepheri
He's a bad enemy


West coast Sepheri
He's a bad enemy


I'm kidding! But it does sound like that doesn't it? :lol

My God...that is soooo funny

02-01-2004, 03:13 PM
Did ya ever stop to think that maybe it's just the simple use of color? If it was a WHITE wing, it would represent good, BLACK representing bad. The fact that he only has one wing is probably to set him up as not normal. Basically, half human, half spirit (as in the human form). As to the lyrics of the song:

solo-angel got most of it on the head. I was following him a lot on that.

One-Winged Angel could aslo mean he's not a complete angel. He still has a task to complete to get his other wing, so to speak. I don't know, I'm full of ideas. And they're all probably wrong :(

02-01-2004, 03:17 PM
i wouldnt say that your ideas make more sense than mine! i like the task incomplete thing that was a great it of thinking.....any one else think we are reading a bit too much into it? lol

02-01-2004, 05:03 PM
Probably, but who cares? This is the best game in the FF series, I think. Now I will have to play it again. Because I'm really...really...yearning for it.

02-02-2004, 06:43 PM
This is to an earlier reply by Clow, I think when the words 'Come, Come, O Come do not let me die...' are said, I think it means that Sephiroth was trying to talk to the Planet, telling it to help him and protect him while he tries to *help* it...(coughs *bulls**t*)

Seig Warheit
02-03-2004, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by Yuna91

My God...that is soooo funny

Isn't it though?

02-04-2004, 04:43 AM
yea esp. u dun know that the lyrics are in Latin.. :p