01-16-2004, 08:18 PM
So they have finnaly did it.Although some have went against there idea because the ($) failure The spirits within was.Should they have made a game instead?Will it be any good?........

Recently,i feel Square have lost that edge they had making FF7,because to be honest FFX was terrible,and i dont even see FFX-2 as a FF.(and yeah i know you ffx fans will argue,if there is any).So far FFAC looks amazing,the visuals and the music sell it to me so far,but only being 10% complete are they releasing these trailers too early?.All signs so far point to FFAC being great,but there is always doubt.Also,with the merge into Square-Enix how will this effect the series of games itself?(personaly,good).Not yet will i get into the characters and the plot speculation.

I am intersted to hear your coments,you can email me or PM me.Watch out for PART 2.............

01-16-2004, 08:21 PM
The Square-Enix merge didn't do anything... I mean, in the sense of how games are being done. Either way, FF7:AC looks great, FFX was great, FFX-2 was great. I can't say much other than that. :O

01-16-2004, 09:12 PM
jeez how many separate posts on advent children does one person have to make, try keep it in the one thread.

at least you didnt post a picture we've all seen 100 times before again

01-16-2004, 09:31 PM
Please try to limit your discussions on one Advent Children thread, not 32731984 different ones. It's too damn confusing.

I'm going to close this one.