01-16-2004, 01:16 PM

Looks like my theory about KH becoming Square's new "secondary" RPG series is coming true. :( Fuck off with KH and FF spin-offs Square, I want my third Chrono game. -_-

01-16-2004, 01:20 PM
I noticed it while browsing around the licenses for names (after the whole GTA trademarking and all). I noticed the Chrono Break license was dead... I just didn't want to post about it because I'm not even sure if this really meant much.

01-16-2004, 02:10 PM
I read they still keep the license in Japan...? Though that stil doesn't make sense. o_o

Maybe they just thought of a better name?

I'm not going to give up hope and even if I get grey hairs first, I AM GOING TO PLAY A THIRD CHRONO GAME!

And to avoid confusion, if you count Radical Dreamers as a Chrono game, make that 'FOURTH'!

01-16-2004, 06:22 PM
It's a shame :| I really hoped for a ps2 Chrono Adventure, it's something different then the repetive, but good FF rpg's :B

Oh well, they might suprise us x.x

01-16-2004, 08:29 PM
KH being the secondary rpg series for square? I hope this isn't true, squenix has so many other, better rpg series to work with.

They have the Chrono series, Dragon Warrior, Star Ocean (which they refuse to put out the third game!!!) , front mission, even another Vagrant Story or Valkyrie Profile game would be better, and I almost forgot about the Saga series.

I've probably even forgot a few, but I simply cannot believe that squenix would only focus on 2 series of games when they have this many to choose from.

Oh and for pete's sake stop it with all these FF games, sure they're good, but having 5 ffs in development at one time is going a little overboard.

Bahamut ZERO
01-17-2004, 10:02 AM
If you ask me, the original Chrono Trigger is a better game than Kingdom Hearts.

If you ask me, there's a large number of games that are better than Kingdom Hearts.

I'm inspired more to get my old PS1 modded so I can play Chrono Cross now, if that's going to be the last game in the series.

01-17-2004, 10:27 AM
It isn't. Not as long as I'm breathing. Chrono Cross won't be the last, it simply isn't the last. It had no ending, just a second beginning. Therefore, it can't be the last. Sooner or later there will be a sequel. >_<

The Joker
01-17-2004, 05:17 PM

It'll be a while before we see it, but I have confidence it will happen. Chrono Cross did well in sales, no? Square-Enix knows Chrono Cross was universally praised for the most part among critics.

The same thing with Vagrant Story. Though it didn't sell well, the games are brilliant and I believe Square-Enix will come around to expanding their gaming scope.

01-18-2004, 03:49 PM
In the January issue of GMR, there was a little blip about Square making either a new Chrono game or a 3d adventure starring Cloud, so maybe there's some hope.....

01-18-2004, 04:09 PM
Hehe, there are rumours about anything...

Actually, Square Enix said that their E3 line-up this year will be the biggest one ever, that they'll announce some new titles there and I think that there will be some positive surprises.
One news message quoted them "everyone will be happily surprised"...

If I interprete this the way I want, it means I'll get my Chrono game. Else I will NOT be happy. :(

01-22-2004, 10:31 AM
Thats a shame. I played Trigger on a rom and Cross on an import and both were great. So much potential lost. RIP Chrono, you will be missed.

Bahamut ZERO
01-22-2004, 03:50 PM
It's even more of a shame when I realise that I really can't stand Kingdom Hearts. At all. *Shudders.*

I loved the first Chrono game though. And will have to force myself to play the second one.

Still, you never know, this might just be a smoke screen...

Rabid Monkey
01-27-2004, 12:01 PM
The problem with Chrono Cross is that it had NOTHING to do with Chrono Trigger...at all...

01-27-2004, 05:51 PM
That's simply not true. *shrugs*

Rabid Monkey
01-27-2004, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by Misao
That's simply not true. *shrugs*

Give me one strong link. Not something like "they mentioned lavos", a really good link.

01-28-2004, 03:00 PM
Chrono Cross spoilers!

Connections in terms of story:
- the appearance of three kids that look a lot like Crono, Lucca and Marle.
- Belthasar
- the Masamune, featuring Masa, Mune and Doreen
- yes, mentioning Lavos counts, too
- mentioning Janus
- Schala. She's there. Don't deny it. :P
- Toma, almost forgot him.
Well, the games take place in the same world, so it's ridiculous to deny they have anything to do with each other.

If you look closely, Chrono Cross has a similar structure to Chrono Trigger. There are certain things that were in both games. Basically, the two Chrono games both have a silent main character that gets awakened in the beginning by his mother calling his name. In the middle of the game you lose control of the main protagonist temporarily and instead get to control the villain. There are also parallels between characters. Everyone of the Chrono Trigger cast has a "twin" in the sequel, the most obvious one probably being Glenn, who is - in both games - a noble but tragic character who had someone close to him die in events related to the Masamune.
This, while not necessarily being links, does create a sense of d�j'a-vu.

I'm too tired to think of more. Maybe later.

Rabid Monkey
01-28-2004, 04:10 PM
Those aren't good solid links though. You could very easily change those aspects to make the game stand-alone. The whole idea of a sequel is that it DOESN'T WORK without the original. All of the things you mentioned are just parts that seem to be added in so Square could say "SEE! IT'S LINKED TO CHRONO TRIGGER!" I personally think the game is a great game, but I think it would be 10000000000x better if Square hadn't linked it to Chrono Trigger because every single one of the links is weak. If anything trying to link it to Chrono Trigger made the plot weaker because random parts of the first game are just thrown into Chrono Cross.

Also, the mere appearance of a character in a game doesn't make it so that both are immensely intertwined. Both Cloud and Squall are hinted at in FFIX, but that doesn't mean the plot of any of the three Final Fantasies has anything to do with one another. The characters from Chrono Trigger appearing in Chrono Cross can be considered cameos at best because it has nothing to do with the actual plot of the story. Whether or not you saw the three children in the game it still would have progressed the same. The same holds true with every character. If every single "link" between he two games was removed it would still play exactly the same and the story would still play out the exact same way as it did with the hints of Chrono Trigger in it. That is why I was really looking forward to the 3rd game, because these two seemed in such contrast to each other that the series NEEDED a third part to bring some reasoning behind the two being linked.

I�m not saying Chrono Cross is a bad game, it�s actually pretty good, I just don�t think having it linked to Chrono Trigger helps it, and like I said, I think it actually hurts it in some cases.

01-28-2004, 11:09 PM
*sigh you knwo that the plotlines of all the final fantasies ever will make sense once sqenix releses the final game. It will tie all of them together and make everythign make sense. You could get a party of like cloud squall and tidus. or whatever. you get the idea.

01-29-2004, 11:21 AM
I don't want to participate in another "Chrono Cross has nothing to do with CT" thread... it's boring. :( As far as I know... I don't think that, say, Lunar 2 has more to do with its prequel than Chrono Cross has to do with its prequel. A few old characters, mentioning of others, mentioning of the plot.... That's all I need. o_o Accept and move on.

Rabid Monkey
01-29-2004, 02:43 PM
All I really asked for when it came out was Magus to be in it, and he wasn't (arguably), which hurt me in the sub-cockle area (Denis Leary reference) very badly...

01-30-2004, 06:23 AM
Me too. Heck, me even more than you.

More than anyone on this planet.


But this doesn't make it less a sequel. It makes it incomplete though. In a way, it's the reason why we have the right to ask for a sequel. =D

Rabid Monkey
01-30-2004, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Misao
Me too. Heck, me even more than you.

More than anyone on this planet.


I actually named Magus after myself instead of Chrono, that's how much I loved that guy ;_;

01-30-2004, 03:43 PM
I love him like no other RPG character ever.
Baby, I miss you. ;_;

:o This is embarassing...

Rabid Monkey
01-30-2004, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by Misao
I love him like no other RPG character ever.
Baby, I miss you. ;_;

:o This is embarassing...

It's... alright... to cry.......

02-05-2004, 10:53 AM
Rumor has it, that A third installment of the chrono series might be in the works. It would be great if they could bring back crono and magus, they may not have any combinations, but they make a sick team

02-05-2004, 11:17 AM
Thing is, the latest official statements clearly said that none was in production, you see? That's different from rumours. Rumours are almost always there.
If you read this thread you'll see exactly what is the topic, or was the start of this grieving: That Squenix abandoned their trademark for Chrono Break in the USA.

03-01-2004, 03:47 AM
i particularry like dchronocross better... but that's me i guess... mew... i liked the magic system... it was interesting.. sorta like 7 with hte materia butnot really...