06-17-2012, 06:43 PM
Legend of Dragoon - - online file sharing and storage - download (

WARNING: A lot of the songs here didn't really come out all that great. I hadn't really heard the whole thing before I posted and now I wouldn't recommend downloading it unless you're really curious.

That's right, the songs you know and love from the game in their original form, the Legend of Dragoon for the SEGA Genesis.

This is not a full soundtrack, as it only has 28 tracks opposed to...however many were in the original. They have names, but they're not numbered so it's all in alphabetical order.

I made these the same way I make all my Genesis remixes, but for those who haven't seen me post it in my other threads, here goes...HighQualityMP3FromSoundfontAppliedMIDIsIOnl yUploadTo4sharedNotAnywhereElseHowWellCanYouReadTh isBlaBlaBla.

Yeah, that pretty much covers it. I don't care if you leave a 'thank you' in the comments. You can, but you don't have to, as I do this for everyone I ever downloaded from and didn't thank.

So if you want it, grab it. If you don't, don't download. I don't care.

NOTE: To whom it may concern, Legend of Dragoon was originally a game for the PlayStation home console, not the SEGA Genesis. The above description is a work of fiction designed as a subtle joke, the likes of which some find more confusing than anything else.

06-18-2012, 02:55 AM
So what, you just basically MIDI-Ripped and put a Gene soundfont on?

Also: I would suggest you move to a host like Minus - Free Image and File Sharing (
or Free mp3 hosting, upload mp3 | upload file direct link | ( or

they don't require accounts for non users to download.

06-18-2012, 03:27 AM
Yup, that's pretty much it for how I put this together.

As far as uploading it elsewhere, I appreciate your suggestions, but ultimately decline. It's free stuff on a site that allows free accounts for free downloads. It may be a minor inconvenience, but that's really all it is. I think the pros outweigh the cons, 'boo-hoo' to anyone who can't take the time to simply do that for what they want. Not to be a total asshole, just personal opinion.

06-22-2012, 06:49 AM
many thanks ^_^

06-22-2012, 07:15 AM
Many welcomes!