01-14-2004, 12:44 PM
:mad: The Final Fantasy series has always been known to make some of the best RPG's on the planet, but what the hell where they thinking when they created this game!! Some of the minigames are so retarded. The fun is taken away by the stupid 100% thing. Most of my time is taken away with me looking around in the 100% completion guide to see what i was supposed to do. If i do something wrong, i end up starting the game over again. The music in the game is sooo CRAPPY!!! the original music director Nubuo Uematsu was not a member of the FFX-2 development team. What were you thinking square-Enix?!

01-14-2004, 12:51 PM
Odd, I actually think that replay value is especially guaranteed with something like this 100% completion thing, and the unlinearity it gives.
Besides, you do not have to use a guide. You can play the game, at least the first time round, on your own, make your own decisions (not because you know they bring you closer to the completion, but because YOU want to do them).

If you want to destroy the game for you by using a guide... so be it, but don't blame it on the game.

Besides, I think some of the music tracks are pretty nice, and I simply adore "1000 Words". Or that one at the Moonflow!
I also assume that Nobuo Uematsu is a human being, his day has no more than 24 hours like for the rest of us, too, so he simply cannot take part in the production of each and every single game.

01-14-2004, 02:29 PM
I am so bone tired of this obsession of everyone trying to get 100% completion in one game. There's no need to freak over it. Complete most of the subquests, give the sphere to either New Yevon or Youth League the first time and then start a New Game Plus. Complete the requirements for a good ending, skip all of the other scenes if you want and give the sphere to the group you didn't give it to before to get up to 10% additonal completion. Then get your Perfect Ending.

01-16-2004, 02:41 AM
lol! Here comes another one.
But I think the 100% thing was fine...?
It's not a problem for me when I was playing it (well although I didn't like this game that much)

01-18-2004, 03:37 PM
If the 100% completion thing irks you that much, you could just get the good ending. I liked it myself.

01-18-2004, 10:58 PM
I liked the music... :(

Evad D'Aragon
01-18-2004, 11:43 PM
Generally speaking, though, I didn't like the soundtrack of this game. Some tracks are nice but...oh well.

And I have to admit some mini-games are a pain in the neck. But, hey, some mini-games in the first game were just as painful *has the lightning bolt-dodging in mind*.

All in all, it has to be expected that some people wouldn't like this game because once again Square-Enix tried something different. Not everyone likes all Final Fantasy games. This one is no different.

The Joker
01-19-2004, 01:03 AM
Its easy to say the direction is this game's weakest point. Why they took the game in this direction, I'll never know. The same with the music, its too contempoary and relatively uninspired for the most part.

However, the gameplay makes up for that. Its fresh and variational, even if it follows the the game's stupidity feel.

There are multiple endings? Alright, I'm guessing you get something special for 100% completion.

With the new game plus option and the non-linear path, it makes for this Final Fantasy to have more replay value than the others.

01-24-2004, 12:21 AM
I enjoy raping this piece of shit game.

- The main story is short and doesn't resolve much of anything from FFX.

- The music is shit. One or two memorable "vocal" tracks doesn't excuse the fact that 75% of the music you'll be listening too is annoying and repetitive.

- To get 100% you have to re-visit areas you previously play in FFX over, and over, and FUCKING OVER AGAIN.

- Most of the game will be spent playing annoying mini-games and pointless side quests that we're obviously slapped together very quickly in order to make the game "longer".

- The upbeat and more happy theme in this game is overdone to the point where it nearly ruins the whole game. Square, its nice to see the people in Spira no longer being plagued by clinical depression, but wtf with the concert shit and monkey match-making?

- So called "new" areas are to short and mostly seem to be lame ass caves or stone dungeons.

- Spheda sucks and you managed to make Blitz Ball even worse. Good job.

Heretic Anima
01-30-2004, 05:58 PM
The cinemas like 1000 words and real emotion are really good and i loved how they didd the dres sphere but overall the game sucked. Dont put break hp limit and break mp limit into a game that dosen't have the capacity to let you max them. O one more thing the other only good part of that game if your a guy is that there are three hot girls.

01-30-2004, 06:04 PM
Dont put break hp limit and break mp limit into a game that dosen't have the capacity to let you max them.
Why's everyone obsessed with maxing them? Isn't breaking them good enough?

Evad D'Aragon
01-31-2004, 12:24 AM
Heck, in FFX-2 I didn't find it necessary to even break it at all. At least to finish the game.

01-31-2004, 12:37 AM
LOL, just to finish the game? Totally wasn't necessary in the first one either.

01-31-2004, 12:45 AM
Ok..this game is so incredibly GAY<------:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
P.S. this game is gay:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


02-22-2004, 06:58 PM
i payed a whole �36 for this bag of shite i mean how short can the main plotline be i completed it 78% in 15 hours

02-23-2004, 06:07 PM
I Agree with you Dragon lee. I fricken hate this game so
much. Oh yeah Dragon lee, you can kiss your ass!

02-24-2004, 04:29 AM
Anyone who does not like this game has serious problems. It brought back one of the best ability systems ever but in a different way. Its like the revival of FFVs Job system. Dragon Lee leave FFX-2 alone it is one awesme game!!!

02-24-2004, 12:57 PM
come on 1_winged_angel you have to admit fare enough the job system was cool but the storyline reminds me of pokemon with team rocket being the le blanc syndicate. and brother either has schitzophreinia or they gave him a brand new personality for some reason either way it is a FF so i bought it

02-24-2004, 04:22 PM
I've often said it already: What you find in the game is also partly what you look for in it.

It reminded you on Pok�mon? Well, your fault for knowing enough about Pok�mon for finding parallels everywhere. :P
LeBlanc fits in an old tradition of opponents. Ultros in FFVI, the Turks in FFVII, Gilgamesh in FFV, maybe Raijin and Fujin in FFVIII. Enemies that you get to battlke every now and then, semi dumb ones, for entertainment, etc. If Pok�mon is all this reminds you on, geez, I cannot help you there.

02-24-2004, 04:28 PM
fair enough but rajin and fujin were cool and didnt act like shiteheads neither did the turks or any other repetative badguy
but the leblanc syndicate was to comical with the stupid sidekick(Ormi) and the clever man(Logos) and the bossy bitch of a leader(lebanc) its all to kiddish compared to recent FF's

02-24-2004, 04:46 PM
I had played the game just to find out what happened to Tidus. I did like the battles system but the storyline was pathetic. I played the game three times. I was tempted to quit the second time because of all the subquests. They were ludicrous!!
The music was okay, but not as great as the previous games.
It seems like Final FantasyX-2 was just created on the spur of the moment. I think if they took more tie to develop the story it would have been alot better instead of filling it with subquest after subquest.
I'm sorry, but I was kind of disappointed with the costume designs of the game aswell.

02-24-2004, 04:59 PM
Rinoa_yuna: Well said

(im exploring new colour)

02-24-2004, 09:20 PM
I am not a fan of the happy ass vibe this game gives off I mean come on a concert what gives.
I love all ffs but holy shit this game was so short. ffx left me so emotionaly involved I had no choice but to play x-2 but hardly any of the past glory was relived. I played in hope tidus and yuna got to be together again but Instead I was pulled into all these bull shit mini games.
although the combat system had its moments with the special dress spheres and all I feel like I was cheated out of a story and music and charecter layouts and every thing else I lvoe so much about final fantasy. and to top it off I made all the way to the end only leveled in the 30s usually the game play gets me tough enough to kick the shit out of the final boss. after speeding through game when it came time for the last mission I had to spend forever leveling up to finish and still no real emotional connection to the game after I beat it. I had forgotten I even played the dam thing.

I was kinda fun I give it that but not as good as the ff they got the combat system idea from and it was made before ps1

02-25-2004, 06:49 AM
Like I said, I don't agree with you. The game offered me plenty things. I don't care if it was short or long. That doesn't have much to do with quality. It's well possible to rush through a game within less than twenty hours, but you CAN spend a lot of time if you want to. My favourite game is still Chrono Trigger and it took me circa 25 hours to beat, so what?

Also, the more I played the game the less I thought there was no "happy ass vibe this game gives off". Walking through Spira with Yuna, and missing Tidus more and more, the game had a much different, rather sad atmosphere to me. It was a worthy continuation all in all, as far as atmosphere was concerned for me.

Like I said, so maybe you don't have an "emotional connection" with the game. So what? I do. And I am sick and tired of reading the same - sorry - crap again and again in this sub forum.
I never had an emotional connection with FFVII, but you don't see me blaming the game itself for this. You don't see me opening a thread about how much I hate FFVII, do you?
Why can't you just accept that maybe a game is not exactly what you would want it to be, and leave it alone? What's with this attitude lately? You're not the centre of the universe, none of us is.

Blah, bye, I'm off.

02-25-2004, 11:14 PM
yeah ok no were in my post did i say anything about X-2 being a completly crappy game. And I admit that most of the weak points of the story line are do to the fact that it was a sequal.
But what I meant about happy ass vibe was that you are almost like a pop star or something putting on concerts and that shack music is non stop. not that I had a major problem with this but most ffs tend to be a little more morbid and gloomy. thats all I meant.
so drop the gun!! the last thing i wanted to do was piss people off but I figured I would get on this thread and voice my opinion.
I did not create it.

on another note crhono trigger does rock!! ya

02-26-2004, 01:18 AM
You said you played the game in the hopes of seeing Tidus and Yuna get back together? Did you at least take the time to complete the requirements for Good Ending? (Those actually don't require a lot of subquests / minigames.)

Oh, BTW, if you want people to read your posts more carefully, consider capitalization. It makes it a lot nicer to loko at. Just saying.

02-26-2004, 02:59 AM
I have no other choice than to agree with those who didn't like this game. The whole story was to find out if shuyin was Tidus. And was he, no but they continued the story anyway. How dumb was that?

I still don't get the whole point of the game but no matter I still say it does't compare to any other FF game.

The only good songs were the vocal songs. The rest were too upbeat. Personaly I prefer the sad deppresing songs.

They should have kept it at no sequals to any of the games or have done alot more to improve the story on this " sequal".

02-26-2004, 05:12 AM
I guess we all play Final Fantasy X-2 just because we all want to know what will happen to Yuna and Tydus, frankly, I am disappointed by taking so much time to get 100% in one try( I have done that:):)) and what you get is only a little addition to good ending:(, and about the music, there are just ok, but not too wonderful:)

02-27-2004, 07:40 AM
Now, now. No one likes a crybaby!:lol

02-27-2004, 08:45 AM
Yeah of course I stuck around to watch the story unfold at the end. What I meant about the whole Tidus and Yuna thing was that I was discribing my intentions going into the game not after I actually beat it. Im currently working on the perfact ending.

as for the suggestion gotcha. I also like the way you spelled look LOKO. no offense.

05-10-2004, 05:31 PM
Im a huge fan of FFX, but in my opinion i think it wouldve been better if they didnt make FFX-2 I mean, FFX was so brilliant, they absolutely spoiled the characters for me in FFX-2. Yuna and Rikku acted so childish throughout the entire game. Brother irritaited the shit out of me. The story sucked. THere were utterly useless parts like where you had to make the monkeys shag in the Zanarkand Ruins. Why? I fell in love with Yuna in FFX, cried my eyes out when I saw the ending. Who can forget the scene where Yuna tried to make Tidus laugh en FFX, or where Yuna and Tidus kissed at the spring? THere are so many memorible moments for me. I loved that game. I hoped that that atmosphere would be carried over to FFX-2. But Yuna changed so much that it Irritaited me. My friends that didnt even watch me playing FFX that much could tell it. The brilliant soundtrack was exchanged in FFX-2 for a tarty-crap-pop-music wich overall killed all the emotion in the game. How the hell could Square-Enix not tell that the music was crap? I will thell you why, because they knew that all of us who loved FFX would buy this game. Thats why they didnt put the effort into FFX-2. This couldve been a brilliant game if the story line was better, the characters personality didnt change that much and There was a propper sound track. You didnt even get a chance to play with Wakka, Lulu or Kimari. They are such great characters, how could square simly leave them in the dark? And Why does tidus only show up in the verry end of the game? And then the only thing he tells Yuna is,"Wow, You changed." See, even he could tell, and what... He was with her for like 10 seconds. Im really dissapointed with this game. Square-Enix couldve done so much better. If you would like to talk to me about any FF game, just e-mail me at [email protected]. Im looking foward meeting you guys. And C'mon, I do have a good point about FFX-2. It couldve been so much better.

05-11-2004, 04:00 PM
This is in Response to anybody who disagreed with me......

Don't get me wrong if i've Penalized many aspects of FFX-2. I'm not saying this because I can't play it or anything. It's just that the game could have been a little better. Many FF games were great but this one was not one of them. Read the last guys reply, he makes great points. And about the music, 1000 words and Real emotion were great songs, but the in-game music is just absolutly terrible. You can't expect me sit for hours playing this game and listening to crappy music. Usually, it's the music that drives you. It's true that I only continued to play the game to find out more about Tidus and what happened to him but with all the missions and crap that you go through the game, you start to ask yourself, "Is it really worth it"? There are just so many things about this game that makes it so boring. crappy music, retarded minigames and missions that have nothing to do with the story! I mean com'on, You have to get a couple of monkey's together, sell tickets, run after a chocobo and Dig in a big desert, THATS ALOT OF FUN!!! (sarcasticly). The dialogoue can get pretty childish and girlie sometimes sometimes. It takes away some maturity and seriousness from the game. About the battle system. The system is great I have no problems with it except the entire garment grid and the gate thing kinda killed it. Another thing is that they added some really stupid new characters into the story. The Leblanc syndicate took away whatever seriousness the game had and You barely even saw the original characters. The only really good character they added was Paine and that was it. The one thing that I hated about the game was that it became too.........Japanese. I mean, whats up with the concerts and the J-Pop. Isn't this game japanese enough!!
Thats pretty much all I have to say. FFX-2 was very disappointing and FFX was a way better game than it's sequal. I hope FFXII doesn't turn out like this. If you agree or disagree with me please Reply to this thread. I'd like to hear what you have to say.

05-25-2004, 05:54 AM
This game is kinky.....if i look back then all the final fantasies were dark and had a kind of scary atmosphere and the towns were there to comfort you, like Kalm in FF7, you could rest and feel comfortable and then go back to scary dungeons and level up and occasionally meet the turks.

Final Fantasy X-2 is a good game as a game but not as a final fantasy!!!

05-27-2004, 09:54 AM
well i liked the game and if they didnt make it then there probably would of been thousands of people e-mailing square enix 2 make a ffx-2 because they want 2 find out what happned 2 tidus. maybe the game was a little easy and people thought the storyline was a bit crap but i think everythin they could of done they done they answered all the questions people had left over from x

05-29-2004, 05:36 PM
lol, noone wouldve asked for FF X-2, a storyline must end where it is most exciting, why not use ur imaginition to see what happened with Tidus? There are so many things id love to know but never found out, and its a fact an sequel to a movie is not better then the first, same with games!

05-29-2004, 06:53 PM
What do you mean, "no one would have asked for FF X-2?" I think you'd better check your facts before posting. The fact is, thousands of people who played Final Fantasy X could have and did ask for a sequel and that's really the reason why Final Fantasy X-2 exists. They weren't originally planning on doing it.

05-30-2004, 12:58 PM
2 words: FUCK OFF!! I agree with 1 w1nged angel and Misao, FFX-2 was a cool game, so leave it alone. Why would anyone make a thread just to tell everyone they hate it anyway.

P.S. Anyone know how many posts u have to send to the forums to get access to the trailers.

05-30-2004, 02:23 PM
Zero posts. Access to the trailers isn't dependent on posting and you need to be more specific about what trailers you're talking about. Not here though. Take it to General FF's Site Media Thread (wow, the thought of somebody actually using that thread for what it supposed to be!) or go look around on the main FFShrine site.

05-30-2004, 04:54 PM
Agent0042: how many ppl asked for a sequel of FF8 and it never came out???? so that cant be a factor :P

05-30-2004, 07:33 PM
FFVIII? I don't know how many people have asked for that. I can't recall seeing that many ask myself.

But before you keep arguing, look right here: http://www.ffshrine.org/ffx2/ffx2_interviewteam.php

It says right there that fans did want and ask for a sequel after seeing Eternal Calm.

Oh, and by asking me that, are you not conceding that your original statement, "no one would have asked for a FF X-2" is wrong?

hb smokey
05-31-2004, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by PuX
<B> Agent0042: how many ppl asked for a sequel of FF8 and it never came out???? so that cant be a factor :P </B>

Well, I believe that there was more questions and demands about a possible sequel to FFX, after customers had finished the game, and thus wanted more of it. It's a no-brainer that there are some people who want a sequel to FFIV, FFV, FFVI, FFVIII, FFIX, and probably now FFXI. But, what do you think if gaming companies started making sequels to every game that they started creating from here on out? In my opinion, that would greatly lessen the horizon for the releases of brand new games, instead of the same ideas and other aspects molded into a sequel.

Yeah, there are people who have asked for a sequel to FFVIII, but this is the fact of the matter...

FFIII doesn't have a sequel
FFX does

05-31-2004, 05:28 AM
good point Agent0042 and Smokey, proved me wrong once again lol


Bahamut ZERO
05-31-2004, 06:48 AM
I think the only reply I can give to this is that if you don't like the game, no-one's holding a gun to your head to finish it...

I used to love playing games. I used to waste hours of my life on them. I used to get a brand spanking new game, play to death, then play it some more and then get a new game. Nowadays, University commitments and actually getting out for a few beers now and then prevents me from doing so... There is a list of games as long as my arm which I need to complete.

Final Fantasy X-2? It reverted me to my old days. I was hooked. I was playing for seven, eight hours a day. I was taking the odd break for food and a bit of Uni work, but the game hooked me.

Final Fantasy X-2? Two of my bleeding housemates sat through the majority of the game with me discussing things!!!

There are not very many games that can hook me in this way, and this is the first mentioning since... Well... FFX... There was something magical about it, in my eyes, that had me hooked. Sure, it had its bad points. The whole fecking series has bad points littered everywhere. But the game was smooth, the graphics pretty, the music awesome, the battle system so simple to pick up and yet complex in how you max out your characters. There is so much life to get the whole 100% complete if you can be bothered. There's MULTIPLE ENDINGS, something unheard of in previous FFs!

Moan all you want, as I said earlier, no one is forcing you to play it. We'll continue enjoying the game, those of us who are fans~

05-31-2004, 12:05 PM
The game isn�t bad! It�s got its own story and characters, battle-system and stuff.
And really, someone who�s saying "It�s not Final Fantasy!" isn�t worth calling himslef a fan! It makes me angry. Such pathetic talk! (I like that word!) The time of Final Fantasy VII is over! Face it or go away!

But to be honest I couldn�t really play it. Especially the end-fight and so on.
All the time there was a tiny veeery tiny sparkle of hope (you can call it that.) that there would be at least the smallest talk about Sir Auron or Braska or any other guy I really really liked in FFX!
But the only one who ever mentioned Auron was Barthello!


It makes me angry thinking of that again. <=( Throughout the game I was sure that he�d come again. Not back to live but at least somewhere! My sister played the game and I watched. Couldn�t get me in the seet and take the game-controler. Couldn�t bear it. No, not really... not at all.
Maybe that I take this too heavy but it�s just the way it is. It�s only a game, yes... =_=

But I was disappointed. It�s just not my game afterall...
No Auron.
And that his voice-actor did say something while you fight the final fight didn�t make it better! ;_; I was angry and w��h~.
I thought "It�s FF X-2 after all! There has to be some hint of him!"
Well, I was wrong, I figured.

But he�s in Kingdom Hearts now... in... Kingdom Hearts... *imagines Auron standing there with Goofy and Donald* OH! NO!
There are many other games that are absolutly worse! So, why always hating every new Final Fantasy while ignoring that it�s great!

"Lady Auron" :cool:

05-31-2004, 03:34 PM
Actually, I saw in the preview video Auron getting ready to mix up with Hades, which I must admit looked really, really cool.

06-03-2004, 09:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by PuX
Agent0042: "how many ppl asked for a sequel of FF8 and it never came out???? so that cant be a factor :P"

That is a very interesting subject. What I think is that FF8 did not need a sequal because they gave you the entire story in the game. there weren't any special scenes that made people speculate that there's more to the story and there weren't any questions left unanswered. However with FFX there were still many questions left unanswered, like in the ending after the credits, when you see Tidus reappear underwater and he surfaces. Scenes like that tend to have gamers ask themselves if there is more to the story. it kinda indicates that there could be a sequel. They wouldn't have had that scene then. Besides, Tidus is the main character of FFX, you can't just kill him off like that. there must have been a reason for that and square-enix was planning to finish the story And that was how the travesty known as FFX-2 came to be.

If you really wanna know what I think, FFX-2 came to be because probably the FFX story was way too big and they could not fit it all in one DVD disc. I mean, com'on, FFX was chock full of CG movies, I'm surprised that they could fit all that CG, music and vocal and the entire game in that one DVD disc.

P.S. : some people who replied to this thread takes things way to serious. I'm not hating on FFX-2. This is merely just an opinion, so Lighten up......

hb smokey
06-03-2004, 09:55 PM
<B> However with FFX there were still many questions left unanswered, like in the ending after the credits, when you see Tidus reappear underwater and he surfaces. Scenes like that tend to have gamers ask themselves if there is more to the story. it kinda indicates that there could be a sequel. They wouldn't have had that scene then. Besides, Tidus is the main character of FFX, you can't just kill him off like that. there must have been a reason for that and square-enix was planning to finish the story And that was how the travesty known as FFX-2 came to be.

If you really wanna know what I think, FFX-2 came to be because probably the FFX story was way too big and they could not fit it all in one DVD disc. </B>

Actually, Square-Enix had no intentions to originally make a sequel, when they released FFX. It's just that the huge response that customers gave about the game tempted them to produce a second part to the story.

And thus, FFX-2 was born...

06-04-2004, 06:20 AM
OK. Ok. Ok. i finally agree with most of you. This game does suck. i may have been for it at the start bt now i dislike it... alot! The jod systems return was good but that was about the only good thing