01-13-2004, 06:09 AM
I got lina universe.. but seriously though.. if i had a choice i'll pick Naru frm Love Hina

01-13-2004, 09:15 AM
If I had to pick a valentine from the entire anime universe, that would be a hard thing to do indeed. I mean look at all the cute beauties from all the various different Mangas. You got Fuko form Flame of Recca, you got Narusegawa from Love Hina, you got ...... they are so many, and yet you could only choose one for that special day.

For me, I'll pick Motoko from Love Hina. She is so Kawaii!!! Damn it! She is so damn cute. I got Love Hina Book 13 recently and she looks even better.
Sorry to disappoint you FFFanatic, but, Naru is just to AP for me.

01-13-2004, 11:06 AM
Mokoto is sweet, cute, tomboyish.. but hey man, i liked her long hair!!! If only she wud like be more galish..

01-13-2004, 01:34 PM
I have Love Hina Book 13 as the cover..... thingie for my phone. Believe it or not, I am ridiculously cool. :cool: I just felt you should all know that.

Also, wow, people finally know about Recca. Well I'm clearly superior to you since I have the fansubbed manga, and all. <3 LIAK DUH B00N|Z

As for who I'd choose. I don't know. Misato from Evangelion. Just cos of the way she acts. <3 Also she's cute so. :(

01-14-2004, 06:08 AM
Smart, Cute, understandable.. and downright funny

01-29-2004, 07:33 PM
Definately Naru. She's cute, smart, funny, everything you want. She is kinda over dramatic, and her moods change way too often, but I still want her as my valentine.

01-29-2004, 10:57 PM
Hmm, I'd probably pick Chii from Chobits. I don't watch much anime so she's the cutest i know.

06-24-2004, 03:04 AM
my valentine would definitly be shinobu because she is so cute and innocent :D

o ya and for all u newbies shinobu is from live hina :P

06-24-2004, 02:24 PM
Kanako from Love Hina, once she overlooks her obsession with Keitaro. I don't know why, but there's something about that cold, dark, devil-in-a-black-dress which I find appealing. Or maybe it's the just the power of the 'forbidden annexe' working lol...

Secondly; Urd, from Oh, My Goddess! is my second choice. Belldandy is beautiful, sweet and kind, to be sure, but not only is she already Keiichi's girl, she's a little too perfect. A little too good to be true.

Urd on the other hand, is strong, sexy and very down to earth. The only problem with Urd apart from her potions sometimes going slightly awry however, is her ex, - i.e. the vain and incrediebly jealous Troubadour. I'm all for being devoted to your true love, but I don't think I could stand having insects burst out of my body like the chest-bursters from Alien just for getting close to her! (read the OMG manga Miss Keiichi for more information...).

Darth Revan
06-25-2004, 01:59 PM
Two come to mind.

Naru Narusegawa from Love Hina - She's a strong willed woman, who once you get past her violent tendencies, there's a young woman who had a sensitive and caring side to her.

Peorth from Oh! My Goddess the Movie - Another strong person, with a strong sense of proffessionalism. In the Manga she still has this, but also a sly and sneaky appeal to her. All that plus she wears just a black spandex bra and panties, as well as brown belt type things.

Those are my two choices. All I can say here is = Naru and Peorth... yum.