01-12-2004, 07:09 PM
does anyone have any ideas on advent children maybe of aeris bein resurected? send um here if you know anything

01-13-2004, 06:22 AM
All i noe is tat Barret and Vincent cud b back.. and the plot frm wad i surfed is tat Cloud is searchin for a cure to save the children of the world frm some disease i tink..

01-13-2004, 09:15 AM
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Please add a little "*SPOILERS*" tag to the topic subject line (or your post, if the topic in general isn't about spoilers) if the thread contains any spoilers.. Thank you. ^_^

01-13-2004, 09:48 AM
hmm i thought i read he was hunting the sephiroth clones, hence the lookalike he was fighting on the previews.

maybe the guy in the chair is sephiroth and he still wants to kill the world hence the disease and naturally the clones want to stop him

01-13-2004, 10:41 AM
In the translations of the trailer, Cloud said: think I want to be forgiven. Yeah, I want to be forgiven.. i haf no completely no idea wad he is sayin here but..

Cloud later said: I decided to live for your Sake.. im guessin tat he's probably doin wad's he doin for Aeris's sake.. in FFVII Aeris's materia was Holy and mission was to stop Meteor.. so Holy also cures the Planet from all the diseases.. so i TINK tat Cloud wans ta fulfill Aeris's mission as it hasnt been fulfilled yet..

Oh yea.. the trailer showed SUPPOSINGLY sephiroth's clone approachin the wheelchair-bounded guy, some say the real sephiroth, in my view.. he was like workin wid em or sumthin... evident by his smile

Dun take it too seriously though.. will try ta find more info.

01-13-2004, 10:46 AM
well he kneels before him and holds his hand so if it is a clone it would make sense why he appears to be doing his bidding and almost worshipping him.

It would make sense that cloud was talking about Aeris

01-13-2004, 11:12 AM
Hey anyone tinks tat the mystery clones cud be one of those black hooded guys wanderin outside of Shinra Mansion?

01-13-2004, 11:23 AM
Thats the clones i meant :p

Or maybe its a new clone entirely? Seems very skillful and adept for those messed up things in Nibelheim who could barely piece together a sentence.

01-13-2004, 11:51 AM
From the official site:

The northern crater, thats where it began

Suddenly "Star Scar Syndrome" is spreading across the world and this new threat brings agony to mankind

And then, three men appear before Cloud. Among the three, Cloud sees traces of the fallen former hero.

Sephiroth was believed to have been defeated but traces of Sephiroth are now appearing before Clouds eyes

About Cloud:

However he has now rejected the company of others and lives in solitude

01-13-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by FFFanatic
in FFVII Aeris's materia was Holy and mission was to stop Meteor.. so Holy also cures the Planet from all the diseases.. so i TINK tat Cloud wans ta fulfill Aeris's mission as it hasnt been fulfilled yet..

No.. Holy does the PLANET itself good, not it's inhabitants... this supports my original opinion, that Holy is going to destroy humanity for the planet's sake as well... (Note BugenHagen said that it was a possibility, becasuse he doesn't know if humans are good or bad for the planet...) Anyway, my guess is that the 'disease' was brought around by Holy...

01-13-2004, 12:06 PM
In one of the still screens from the trailer, the figure in the wheelchair appears to have BROWN BOOTS.
Does this means it's probably not Sephiroth?
There were a few characters in Final Fanstasy VII who wore brown boots...

Bahamut ZERO
01-13-2004, 02:01 PM
I wrote a plot for the sequel of Final Fantasy 7 that I posted in the Fiction and Poetry section. I want to see how close I am to being right. :)

Seriously, they've gotta tie up the few loose ends left from FF7 - and this is almost as good as having a new game released.

01-13-2004, 02:04 PM
I have typed this so many times, I'm sick of it.

Aeris had better not be resurrected. It's just all-round stupid. For obvious reasons.


01-13-2004, 08:01 PM
Ok, lets just back it up to FFVII first. This is just a brief overview of a major point in FFVII, if you feel you know what the major plot of the game was or just wanna hear my idea, then feel free to skip it.

In Nibelheim, when Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth and Tifa went to the reactor, Sephiroth discovered Jenova, took her head, and tried to leave, when Cloud came and knocked him into the Mako Resavoire, where the lifestream carried him to the Northern Crater (Created when Jenova crashed into the planet 2000 years ago, and lifestream has been gathering to cure the wound). Once their, Sephiroth was encased in crystal of condensed mako (Though I've not heard it said by others, that would be a gigantic materia, unless it wasn't mako). Throughout all the game, if you didn't already know, the Sephiroth you met was actually just a astral projection sent forth by Sephiroth from the Northern Crater (INCLUDING the point in which he kills Aeris. Anyhow, he had Jenova's head (Thus she was headless at Shinra). Gast (I think) concluded that all Jenova cells will reunite, so all the black hooded guys injected with jenova cells headed their, to reunited with Jenova's head. In the ending of FFVII, Cloud senses Sephiroth is still around and his metaphysical self projects through the lifestream to the core of the planet, where the final reminants of Sephiroth are, where he had gone to absorb all the lifestream and become omnipotant. However, thanks to Cloud, he got Omnislashed instead of Omnipotant (lame pun, i know). Anyhow, Aeris reaches down to save him (The hand from the light, in my opinion, is Aeris saving Cloud, part reason she was Okay with dieing, so that she could unite with the lifestream) and yadda yadda yadda Meteor strikes down on Midgar. Holy comes and stops meteor, but as Red XIII said "Holy. It's having the opposite effect!" Holy doesn't fully stop meteor, and starts attacking Midgar as well (Because Holy helps the PLANET, and Midgar is draining the LIFESTREAM, therefor, it is helping the planet by destroying Midgar as well. Lifestream comes and helps as well, then a brief picture of Aeris because she was part of lifestream and probably the whole reason it helped like it did. Midgar becomes rubble, and nature flourishes around it, awww how beautiful......ok then. That's pretty much it. Now if you had played the game and not understood all that, I don't blame you, but it might help in fully understanding Advent Children.

Ok then. Now, to my understanding, AC is about a virus plaguing the world.
My idea is this: Cloud is now a lone traveler, searching to find a cure to the virus as a pledge to Aeris and her sacrifice, or possibly just finishing off the Sephiroth clones. Along the way, 3 men clad in black confront him. They are probably failed Sephiroth clones, like Cloud, that Hojo didn't give a number to and abandoned in the coffins in Nibelheim Mansion. Now Jenova was a planetary virus, so something that big was obviously STRONG. My guess is that the cells inside them were preventing them from having a free will, and with Jenova's death, the cells stopped controlling them. Now, freeliving, they seek to revive Sephiroth because of the powers he had gotten from the lifestream. Cloud escapes and confronts them on a few occasions in his search for a cure to the virus. He probably runs into Barret who has replaced his gun-arm with a robotic hand, now that Sephiroth is dead and the world is safer. Vincent possibly felt a connection that something was wrong and prowls the night after the remaining Sephiroth clones. Tifa possibly lives in Kalm, watching over Marlene with Barret, while Cid returned to Rocket Town to build another rocket or somthing. Reeve, Heidgar, and whatsername (Sorry, mental block) possibly fled beneath Midgar to safety, or most likely died. Yuffie returned to Wudai and is now looked up to as a hero, while Red XIII is thought of as such a cool character, and fun to draw, that the animaters would find some way to show him again, so he will probably be in the movie someway as well. My guess is that all the evil that has spread through the land thanks to this virus (Possibly some lasting strain from Jenova) is mounting and the darkness is rebuilding as Sephiroth maybe? Perhapse the person in the wheelchair is Jenova, since you can never tell when she/he/it is fully dead. Possibly Hojo trying to recover from his freaky mutations and beatdown by you. Maybe I'm looking too far into it? Square didn't design FFVII to have a sequel, so maybe it is some totally new concept. What if the virus is just doing exactly what Sephiroth was doing; trying to gather enough energy to create a large enough wound that the lifestream must assemble in incredible quantities only to be absorbed by a being. It's impossible to predict exactly what happens; infact, the real plot is probably none of the above; squaresoft has an excellent team and is incredibly good at creating an unseen plot twist. So don't be surprised if nobody EVER guesses the truth.

Sorry, I see this is incredibly long but, I loooove details:D

01-13-2004, 08:36 PM
Very, very good theory. I'd be interested to see how close you are.

Only one little flaw, and I stress little. Heidgar and Scarlet die when Cloud and company defeat the Proud Clod, unless they somehow evaded the inevitable doom of the Proud Clod explosion.

Good deal, though.

01-13-2004, 10:24 PM
Just watched the trailer for the 100th time and i noticed a few things


The mysterious silver haired dude, that blue shit ppl have been presuming to be some sort of gun he fires.
But i slowed it down and there was no gun, so are we gonna see some kick ass spells in Advent Children? (the way the blue stuff fires with the explosion is reminicent of the enemy skill matra magic too me!)


When we see cloud dig his sword into the sand its all rusted and scarred, but when we see him fighting our silver fighter its nice and shiney and new? Why? could that fight be a flashback also? Could he get a new sword/reforge it. Could he basically be committing himself to save the planet sort of on the beach and then decided to remake his old sword (or get another), hence take up a massive task in front of him? So the beach scence could be BEFORE the fight rather than a long time after like in a flashback?


Shinra logo behind wheelchaired guy, i dont believe for a minute that its Hojo or Aeris or any other nonsense, most likely Sephiroth, or at a push Jenova, but anyhow, shinra is destroyed, and its looks like a house (not many house left intact in Midgar) so my thoughts is its the basement of Shinra mansion in Nibelheim? Good place for Sephy to go as thats where it all began? His clones could take him there to try and spark some memorys if he is indeed suffering from mako poisoning like cloud was??

01-14-2004, 04:13 AM
The mystery guy, possibly a clone of Sephiroth, fought Cloud with a sword, i suppose, as equally strong as the Masamune blade(i tink) of the original Sephiroth.. how on earth did he get tat? It withstand Cloud's buster sword...

01-14-2004, 09:59 PM
In Advent Children, the Buster Sword is actually rendered different. I love to draw and have drawn Cloud and his awsome sword my share of times and the tsuba of it is different, it actually extends upwards around the materia slots. Is it just squaresoft making improvements or did he get a new sword at some point?

We never did see what happened to Holy and Meteor. What if it did more than just reduce Midgar to rubble? What if by accumulating all the lifestream, ultimate white magic, and ultimate dark magic in one spot left the planet vulnerable to some sort of infection or attack?

Now this...This is just something I need to get off my chest. In the ending, Cloud and gang are aboard the Highwind when Meteor is @#(*^$& up Midgar. What was Cloud doing? Leaning against the rail thinking. WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?! I mean, Tifa... she is 3 steps away and it could be the last time you see her. You go through the game convincing yourself you have emotions and your not just a puppet, prove it! Get on that hottie! Aeris is dead, get over it. She wasn't all that great anyways, the only reason you like her is 'cause you've got Zack's memories entangled with yours, and he was her boyfriend. Sorry, just a little peeved, had to get it off my chest.

Anyhow, if anyone else finds anything puzzling or something that could possibly foreshadow something, post up!

01-15-2004, 07:18 AM
I juz found out.. the MYSTERY guy AINT a sephiroth clone.. den who ta hell is he??

01-15-2004, 10:00 AM
where did you find that out? if he isnt a clone doesnt mean he cant be Sephiroth himself. and until i see who it is officially on the square enix site im not going to believe any rumors in a forum :p

01-15-2004, 10:27 AM
Ryan, i was browsing thru the FFVII forums.. an i happen ta see one of the guyz sayin tat Square Enix officially stated tat the new guy is not a sephiroth clone..

If u find anything. post it! haha

01-25-2004, 04:59 PM
i found out that there are actually three bad guys in this, check this out-

the one who fights cloud is obviousy the leader,
i dont think their clones, and i have heard the posibility of him being the child of sephy and aerith (born out of thin air no doubt seen as tho their both dead)

n if you look at the pik they are able to turn into like seethrough versions of themselves

personaly i dunno who they are and each time i try to guess square will relese sommat that totally wipes my theory, but i

the guy in the cloak could maybe be rufus, somehow miraculosly resued afetr weaopn wrecked the hq and these new poepl ecould be his lackys,
i dunno and it hurts my head thinking about it

ny way, i presume most of you wil have seen these pics, if youve searched advent children on hte web, but incase you havent these are some of hte pics i found.


01-25-2004, 07:43 PM
child of sephy and aerith

that would be the most stupid storyline and it would go in the bin alongside the spirits within :whatever:

Lt. Lady Nyru
01-25-2004, 08:26 PM
Hey, ya'll, look at my sig. Is it Tifa or is it someone else (not from AC)? I keep hearing different things.

01-30-2004, 08:35 AM
that must be tifa you can see by her hair,

im thinking the wheelchair guy is rufus (hes in all white....) you dont know for sure he is dead not sure wat plan hes got though but the 3 peeps in black must be sephiroth clones still hanging about perhaps this disease is left over from meteor?? some thing the planet couldnt stop?? and cloud is trying to find a cure i think shinra will still be in it on the official site is some crap about them but i cant read it (oh and the whole "think I want to be forgiven. Yeah, I want to be forgiven" thing must be to do with not realising what holy was earlier......or possibly not having the strength to save aeris)
i wonder where cloud found that motorbike from.......i know he had it earlier in game but sheesh that was ages ago

Lt. Lady Nyru
02-01-2004, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by bob
that must be tifa you can see by her hair,

im thinking the wheelchair guy is rufus (hes in all white....) you dont know for sure he is dead not sure wat plan hes got though but the 3 peeps in black must be sephiroth clones still hanging about perhaps this disease is left over from meteor?? some thing the planet couldnt stop?? and cloud is trying to find a cure i think shinra will still be in it on the official site is some crap about them but i cant read it (oh and the whole "think I want to be forgiven. Yeah, I want to be forgiven" thing must be to do with not realising what holy was earlier......or possibly not having the strength to save aeris)
i wonder where cloud found that motorbike from.......i know he had it earlier in game but sheesh that was ages ago

Yeah, I thought it was her. I can't help but believe though that the person in the wheelchair might be Aries (those look like her boots). Not that I have anything against her, mind you, but bringing her back to life seems kinda far fetched considering she wasn't just in the lifestream, but she was physically killed. Cloud mearly fell in, right?(Its been a long time since I've played so refresh my memory someone).

02-02-2004, 11:17 AM
nah it cant be aeris that would suck shes dead besides im sure she wouldnt keep herself secret.....and anyway i cant even think of a reason for her to come back

02-03-2004, 05:47 AM
Originally posted by bob
nah it cant be aeris that would suck shes dead besides im sure she wouldnt keep herself secret.....and anyway i cant even think of a reason for her to come back

if aeris came back, be prepared for a very complicating storyline plot...