01-09-2004, 08:44 PM
You heard all the weirdest ways to revive Aeris and all, time to see if you can think of the weirdest one possible. Using your creative imagination, post your most weirdest and creative method to revive Aeris in Final Fantasy VII.

I'll post mine up once I'm done eating this pie. :D

The Joker
01-10-2004, 04:46 AM
I saw one that said the "revive" materia levels up without you seeing it, its secret. Eventually you get a spell called "resseruct" and Aeris will come back and tell him its ok, and its really her.

01-10-2004, 07:14 AM
Defeat the Emerald weapon to get the white materia....

Defeat ruby weapon to get another ancient key back...(presuming u los it after aeris dies...)

go to the city of the ancients where aeris died and the white materia will open a portal and start a battle....

the party reaches heaven and encounters an 6-winged angel which prevents the party from seeing aeris....

a battle ensues and the angel pledges allegiance to you, and a red materia enabling you to summon him is given to you...

the ancient key would be needed to open the door to aeris...

the party pulls aeris out of the portal....

Bahamut ZERO
01-10-2004, 10:03 AM
I so wish I had my script for the Final Fantasy VII Platinum version I wrote back when I was 15, 16... My idea to send it to Squaresoft as a plan to resurrect Aeris.

The idea is the same though. Charge up all characters limit level 4 breaks (including Aeris before she died), get all characters ultimate weapons equipped, head to the City of the Ancients and head back down and fight some battle which results in you getting the White Materia. Head back to where Aeris died and use the White Materia to bring her back to life, go to the crater and fight a whole new different battle versus Sephiroth (including a final battle of Cloud and Aeris versus Super Huge Mega I'm Gonna Eat You Both For Dinner Sephiroth.)

I'm sure there was more to it than that though...

01-10-2004, 09:43 PM
After defeating Emerald Weapon go back to the place where u face him and you will find a dragon radar. Use the radar to locate all 7 dragon balls to call forth the eternal dragon and grant the wish to bring aeris back to life.

01-10-2004, 09:53 PM
Save a pretty girl from the market.

Get caught by the palace guards and learn that the identity of the pretty girl is the princess.

Go to jail.

Get some old guy to let you out.

Search for a cave that talks, and go in it against all reason.

Find a magic carpet whereupon you may travel to the lamp's chamber.

Get it, Get out, and figure out that lamps don't work like that in FF7.

Think of another plan.

01-11-2004, 11:26 AM
Ask the Guru of Time and receive the Aeris Trigger.
Go to the festival, enter the Tent of Horrors.
Ask for an Aeris clone, beat the silly annoying mini game.
Head to Aeris house and ask her mother to borrow the Aeris clone.
Go to Mount Doom.
On top, use Aeris Trigger to cause a time freeze. Exchange Aeris right before the moment of her death with Aeris clone.
Return with Aeris.

Uhm,that wasn't really original.

01-12-2004, 02:11 AM
This sounds like fun!

When you first visit Cosmo Canyon, make sure not speak to Bugenhagen any time other than when the game requires you to speak to him. However, do make sure to find and speak to all of the other Elders in Cosmo Canyon available at least three times. When you first visit Nibelheim, do not go into the basement of the Shinra Mansion and view a scene where you find Sephiroth and are "pelted" with the Destruction materia. (If you do either of these, you have permanently blown your chances to revive Aeris. A note will be placed in the game file and even if you start another new game, you will not be able to complete the process.)

In the Temple of the Ancients, make sure to open every treasure chest, including the ones filled with monsters. This is optional, however, it will help out later on. Also, make sure that Tifa is not ever a member of your party when you are inside the Temple of the Ancients. (This is required.) During the scene at the end where Cloud "splits into two" and you have a control of a kiddie version of Cloud, make sure to place him in front of the other version of Cloud and keep him from going to attack Aeris. You must keep this up for at least 10 minutes and 2 seconds and no more than 10 minutes and 15 seconds, otherwise, your chances of reviving Aeris are once again permanently blown. Doing this will weaken Cloud, such that what happens does not harm Aeris quite as much.

After this scene, you will be in a segment in which Cloud speaks with Aeris in a dreamlike state at the entrance to the Ancient Forest. As soon as Sephiroth first appears, tap the buttons in the following order: Circle X 5, Square X 5, Triangle X 5, X times 5. Then press "up" twice and "left" five times. Convert to the equivalent buttons if you are playing the PC version. This might not seem to have any effect, but if you look closely in the left corner of the screen, you will notice a certain something. If you can't see it, then try turning up the brightness on your television or computer monitor.

When first visiting the City of the Ancients, it is important to have Tifa in your party in order to view a special scene. At this point, you must immediately exit and return to the World Map and use PHS to switch out Tifa. Then, return to the City of the Ancients and open all treasure chests there.

During the Jenova battle, you must first heal Jenova four times using Aqualung. This will help to build up your "trust meter" with Jenova. Make sure not to use "Steal" on Jenova. After this, make sure to talk with both of your characters before exiting the area five times. You will then see the scene where Cloud "buries" Aeris in the water, but he will express hope that they will one day be together again.

This is pretty much all, until late Disc 2. During the scene where Bugenhagen plays flashback images of Aeris, begin tapping "X" like crazy. After tapping "X" for at least 20 seconds, perform a soft reset if you are using Playstation, or hit "Alt+F4" to exit the game if you are using PC. Reload and you will view the amazing Aeris reunion FMV. Aeris will express her desire to "let Sephiroth have what's coming to him" and you will now have Aeris available from all battles and scenes from this point forward.

01-12-2004, 04:32 AM
Actually, there is a way to revive Aeris.

Beat the Emerald and Ruby Weapons within 5 hours of starting a new game.

***Spoiler Alert!!***
Afterwards, a secret portal will open up. AVALACNHE travels through several universes (universes of the previous FF games).

Eventually, you'll come upon the universe of FF VI. That's when you find out Aeris has become the sex slave of though-to-be dead Emperor Kefka. Avalanche and The Returners team up, who would have guessed? It's almost imposible to beat him though, as he has 999,999,999 HP, and takes 9,999HP from every character with every attack.

To beat Emperor Kefka, you will need to aquire the Lv.2 ultimate weapons, Lv.2 Ziedrich Armor, and ultimate super master Esper, which gives you all the summons, magic, 8x cut, 8x magic attack, HP Plus Turbo, and MP Plus Turbo.

01-12-2004, 07:19 PM
That's epic!

Or maybe this will work: Don't think it'll make sense, though. :P

During the Nibelheim flashback, talk to Sephiroth 666 times while he's standing at that window. After the 666th time he'll get angry and kill Cloud. The flashback will be interrupted by a black screen with Cloud saying: Huh? That can't have happened! It doesn't make sense, how could I have died?!" The flashback will then continue as it normally would.

Now, after Aeris' death, head back to Nibelheim and press X at the exact place where Cloud had been standing in the flashback when Sephiroth had killed him. Cloud will suddenly realize that he had really died here. Now go to sleep. Cloud will have a chat with the Voice in his Head, then dream of Sephiroth standing there and asking again and again: Oh dear, this wasn't supposed to happen. I killed Cloud, and I still had so many things in mind to USE him for!"

The next day return to the basement of Shinra Mansion. Press X at one of the book shelves and Cloud will pick up a book. It's Sephiroth's diary depicting how he revived Cloud after the unlucky incident you now know from the flashback. All you need to do now is follow the instructions...
I cannot think of any instructions now, though. :)

Bahamut ZERO
01-12-2004, 08:03 PM
Right, let's have another go... Simply because I'm feeling a wee bit creative.

1.) At the very first guard of the game, pause and search him twice to get two potions. Search him another 999 times (so that in total you've searched him 1001 times.) On the 1001th time, the soldier will punch you in the face, and in doing so, he will drop something on the floor. You'll fight the soldier again and defeat him, picking up an item known as the Phoenix Ring. o_o;;;;

2.) Continue through the first mission until you reach the Flower Girl. When she asks you to buy a flower, they'll be a fourth option "give her the ring you found." Select this option.

3.) Continue through the next mission and crash through the church on top of Aeris (well, not quite, but... You get the point.) Aeris will point out, with the finger on her third finger, that technically speaking Cloud and her are married, much to his chagrin. Reno turns up to make the marriage legal in the eyes of Shinra, before turning to threaten Aeris with the whole being captured thing.

4.) Escape and continue through Disk 1. Aeris gets kidnapped, gets taken to the tower. Cloud reluctantly agrees to go "rescue the old ball and chain."

5.) Save Aeris, fetch Red XIII. Aeris has had the Phoenix Ring "stolen" from her whilst she was unconscious by a strange green creature talking about "the preciousssss."

6.) Cloud decides to abandon the ring, relieved that his marriage as a result of no ring being there to prove it ever happened. The party escapes Midgar, and Disk 1 continues as normal, although Rufus is concerned about finding two things: The party, and the ring.

7.) The party reaches Wutai, and find a hidden cave. Cloud gets involved in a game of riddles with a strange creature and somehow comes out of it with "that bloody Phoenix ring back in my bloody possession."

8.) Aeris dies. Cloud grieves for his widow. He wears the ring about his neck as a memory of her. The party leaves after Sephiroth - with the green creature known as "Sollum" following them. (o_o;;;;;;)

9.) Reach the crater. Sephiroth wants both the Phoenix Ring AND the Black Materia. Cloud goes to hand the ring over, but Sollum attacks and tries to wrest it from him. Sephiroth, Sollum and the Black Materia fall into the crater and everything goes to pot as Cloud follows 'em in.

10.) Disk 2 as normal, get to the City of the Ancients and Bugenhagen reveals that Aeris has left a gift to the party, and that Cloud has held the means to resurrect her all the time. Cloud is mortified, as he realises that he's never gonna be able to get rid of his wife as the party rejoices the fact that Cloud's ego will be deflated by Aeris' presence.

11.) Aeris is alive, Sollum gets his ring back, and the (happy?) Couple live happily ever after...

... Yeah, I was bored.

01-12-2004, 09:09 PM
Hmm, let's see my pathetic way.

Go to the Ancient City on Disc 2 or 3, and have a mastered Ice materia on one of your party's materia slots. Go to the pace with the falling water and walk through the water exactly 100 times (50 one way, 50 the other) After doing this, Cloud will stop and wonders what would happen if they used Ice 3 on the waterfall. They do so, and freeze the falling water, which led to the little pond where the white materia and Aeris are. The pond freezes and the party realizes that the white materia uses a super powered auto life when it is unable to move freely. The auto lifebreaks the ice and revives Aeris who happens to be there too. It also breaks the blockage that was previously preventing you from re-entering that area after Disc 1. So you go back down and Aeris swims to the surface and I suppose you can guess the rest.

01-13-2004, 12:39 AM
That's epic!
:) Thanks. My favorite part was how I started talking about a "trust meter" with Jenova and then totally came up with nothing else to follow it up.

01-15-2004, 06:12 AM
After defeating all the weapons, take the sub to junon harbour and dive right in front of it. LEave the sub alone for a minute, and then the sapphire weapon, the one tt attacked junon will, attack the party.

The battle goes on like the one wif emerald and u wld realise that the sapphire has the white materia in its core, which explains how his head was regenerated. There are 12 parts to the boss, 10 tentacles, 1 head and 1 body... The white materia will regenerate the head and the body every turn, and the body can only be hurt when all the tentacles are gone....

After defeating the weapon, u'll recieve the white materia...everything goes on as per normal....

until u reach the northern the last "gathering" before fighting sephy, u'll be given a chance to throw the white materia down...throw it, and aeris will be revived...the crater collapses and the highwind gets the team out...(the white materia is brought back to your possesion by aeris)

aeris will be leveled up automatically depending on cloud's lvl...

Once safely out, proceed to midgar to see the meteor directly above.Fly into the meteor and u'll fight jenova synthesis, followed by bizarro sephiroth and then safer sephiroth...

however, before safer sephiroth dies, he will steal the white materia from u and summon the lifestream...the life stream rushes into sephiroth's body and u'll fight final sephiroth....

01-29-2004, 11:13 AM
get a gold chocobo, and get is to class s. race the chocobo 120 times in s class and you will go into M class,get a female and a male in the M class, now go to the knights of the round island and enter the cave 56 times, after the 56th time a message will appear saying "you notice another glance at the place where the materia was" then when you get to the glance it will say "inspect" and "leave it", choose leave it and fight 10 cactuars to get "ancient ice gloves" after you get that go back to the cave, it will say "the glance is gone...", go outside and enter the cave again you will notice the glowing again, go there and pick it up, it will say that you've found a hot golden nut, go back to your M class chocobo's and let them pair with the golden nut. you will get a saphire chocobo, wich you can ride in town with and fly with. fly to the northern crater and get the sea key by killing an parasit with the saphire chocobo. then head back to the city of ancients and use the sea key on one of the glowing thingy's and you will be teleported to the water where aeris died. you will be attacked by the 7 wise ancients and you'll have to kill the first one, rune from the second, run from the third, kill the fourth one, kill the fitfh and run from the last. then aeris will appear saying she like's it there, but cloud will kiss her and she'll change her mind to get back and beat the **** out of sephi

01-31-2004, 12:10 PM
righty ho.....
ermm....make sure you went on the date with aeries at the gold saucer look in certain directions on the ride (i dunno wat directions im too lazy) shell then say "are you even listening??" and start to grumble something shell then be in a huff and storm off.......when the temple collapses and cloud "twats" out make sure you block the older cloud for....a certain amount of time (hmm this is harder than i thought) and aeries will then move away moaning again saying you never pay attention cloud apoligises but seph gets the materia anyway then you ALL go to the ancient city where aeries tells you wat she has to do and everything yadda yadda yadda and that she knows where sephiroth is she goes to pray seph drops and kills her but coz you know wats going on about the white materia you get it before it falls into the drink and using it can heal aeries injuries! hooray! but she will never like cloud as much esp when tifa fixes his head out for him and is a rubbish character anyway......

02-01-2004, 05:15 PM
I've always thought of this...

Cloud suddenly realizes something. Without a word he quickly rushes off to the city of the ancients where aeris died and uses a Phoenix Down. Aeris is revived and everyone is happy. (Except for Sephiroth he's never happy....just insane, not an insult insane is good)

...she smiled till the end - Cloud

02-01-2004, 05:17 PM
i had always wondered why they didnt just use a pheonix down.......but it was part of the plot so i stopped thinking about it

02-01-2004, 05:33 PM
Yeah, this is been talked about before in another thread. I compared it to something that I happened in another game, but won't say anything more, lest I spoil someone.

02-01-2004, 06:05 PM
Plug in your gameshark and type in 8009C8F0 270F now go into the game and Aeris will pop up on the screen giving Cloud a lap dance. After this is done Cloud will pay her and they'll both go off to fght Sephiroth happily ever after. This code will also put Aeris in Tifa's place during the final FMV.

Lt. Lady Nyru
02-01-2004, 11:38 PM
I agree with bob. Give her a damn phoenix down. Hey, wouldn't it be funny if in AC Cloud goes to the lake and just gives her one after 2 years and it works?! Having to apologize to her would really suck for him.

02-02-2004, 01:43 AM
I Couldnt Help But Post In This... I Was Working on A Fanfic A Few Years Ago That Was All About This... Taking The Piss Outta Ressurrecting Aeris.... Well For A Start Type: Ressurecting Aeris in The google Search Engine On The Study Panel In The garden. Then Go To The Gongaga Weapon Man And Push Him Down the Stairs And Make off With the great Gospel. Then Go See Sephiroth At The Porno Theatre he Set up In Prefeesor gasts house In Icicle Inn . Hell Let All The party Memeber Wish For What they Want... Barret Wishes For A Can Opener Attatchment On His Hand So hE Can Open A Tin of Shin ra Dog/Cat Food So He Can Get A Chunk Of Scarlet. Vincent Will Wish For A Rocket launcher. Yuffie Wishes For A kipper. Cait Sith For A Pound of Weed And A New Green lighter. RedXII Asks For A Steak Cause Hes Sick Of Eating Shin Ra Cat/Dog Food. Cid Asks For A Copy of the latest Hustler And Cast Iron Lungs. Tifa Wishes For A Paraparaparadise Machine And Proceeds to Play Much To All The Male Casts Sexual Amusement And Cloud Of Cours eWishes Back Aeris But She gets Kinda pissed With him Cause She Was in The Promised land Beach Volley Ball Tournament And Her Team Was Winning...

Hmmm I Have too Mcuh Time on my Hands And Was Drinking Far Too much Back then...

02-02-2004, 02:01 AM
The study panel from the Garden? OMG, that's some funny shi....

Lt. Lady Nyru
02-02-2004, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Setzer
I Couldnt Help But Post In This... I Was Working on A Fanfic A Few Years Ago That Was All About This... Taking The Piss Outta Ressurrecting Aeris.... Well For A Start Type: Ressurecting Aeris in The google Search Engine On The Study Panel In The garden. Then Go To The Gongaga Weapon Man And Push Him Down the Stairs And Make off With the great Gospel. Then Go See Sephiroth At The Porno Theatre he Set up In Prefeesor gasts house In Icicle Inn . Hell Let All The party Memeber Wish For What they Want... Barret Wishes For A Can Opener Attatchment On His Hand So hE Can Open A Tin of Shin ra Dog/Cat Food So He Can Get A Chunk Of Scarlet. Vincent Will Wish For A Rocket launcher. Yuffie Wishes For A kipper. Cait Sith For A Pound of Weed And A New Green lighter. RedXII Asks For A Steak Cause Hes Sick Of Eating Shin Ra Cat/Dog Food. Cid Asks For A Copy of the latest Hustler And Cast Iron Lungs. Tifa Wishes For A Paraparaparadise Machine And Proceeds to Play Much To All The Male Casts Sexual Amusement And Cloud Of Cours eWishes Back Aeris But She gets Kinda pissed With him Cause She Was in The Promised land Beach Volley Ball Tournament And Her Team Was Winning...

Hmmm I Have too Mcuh Time on my Hands And Was Drinking Far Too much Back then...

I want whatever you're taking, Setzer.:D

Neo Sephiroth
02-02-2004, 10:46 PM
me too...any way...beat the game in less then 12 hours to replace Cloud with the game untill Cloud kills Aeris and Sephiroth will piss on her dead body untill she gets up saying "I was faking you fool" and slaps him silly and then Barret's gun messes up and hurts Aeris badly...go to da KOR island and Seph will say "this might heal Aeris"...after that you fight all the KOR ppl one at a time untill they eat the mega muffin and turn into Barney Weapon (guess what he looks like) he will hug Tifa and you will have the option to get Tifa back or trade her for Aeris...if you pick Aeris then Tifa will get made and kill Barney then battle Tifa with Aeris and Seph to get Aeris...if you pick Tifa then all you get is a lap dance and she makes you dress like a woman to become Red XIII's lover for da rest of the game...

Neo Sephiroth
02-02-2004, 10:55 PM
but thats just how I think it is...

02-03-2004, 12:32 AM
Well, I knew of one that said you had to have two copies of FFVII, the import and the international, and you play the game on the import up until disc 1 ended, and then put disc 2 of the international in, and then you had to put disc 3 of the import back in, and when you got to lucrecia's cave, She would be replaces by 'The Spirit of Aerith'. Cloud talks to the Spirit of Aerith (This one was semi-believable because they had PS'ed screenshots) Then you had to get the Gold Chocobo and go the KOTR island, save on the world map there, on the island. This far you haven't turned the Machine off yet.

Then they said you had to play it through again JUST in the international version, and get to the KOTR island in less than 20 hours. When you do, you must Cait Sith on the far right of your party. Then you save OVER the import file in the memory card. Then reset, and Holy will be in KOTR's place.

Once you have Holy, just play through the game, and you must deal the FINAL blow to both Emerald and Ruby with Holy, and Sapphire weapon will be unlocked. (They had another SS) The Sapphire weapon was supposed to be on top of the Shinra Building. When you have defeated it (It was supposed to have 10,000,000 HP) A portion of Sector 6 would be destroyed where it landed. Then you would go down and claim the Key of the Forbidden City

Go back to the place where the temple was, where Seph took the Black Materia from you. He would reappear and you would have a battle with him. Cloud vs. Seph. You had to have Holy equipped on Cloud, with the sword Ragnarok. When you killed him, he would drop the black materia. Then you equiped both of them to cloud, and go to Mideel, and enter the lifestream. You go back to Nibelhiem, and a sequence involving Zack occurs (another SS) In which he tells you that Aeris can be revived at the City. So you go back to the City of the Ancients or whatever its called. And you fight Jenova (That was its only name, not life, death, etc.) And for the final blow a limit break would open up for cloud called Revivial of the Ancients

And when he used it, Jenova would be vaquished, and Aeris would be lying peacefully asleep exactly in the area where Sephiroth had striken her down.

I almost considered trying it, because the screenshots looked convining.... too bad Square said 'YOU CAN'T DO IT!' We were gonna put it in the game, but we ran out of god damn time. Good thing it helped the story a ton

02-03-2004, 06:20 AM
Here's mine:

Beat Jenova Birth in 5 mins. It'll give you the Supreme Phoenix Down. THen there will be a different cut scene, where Cloud gives Aeris the item and poof! She's back and ready to kick Ass again!

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 09:52 AM
they added "the two missing weapons, Ruby and Emerald" but forgot sapphire. whats so hard about making him? all he is is basically Emerald with a head...

02-03-2004, 04:06 PM
FFFanatic - within five minutes or exactly five minutes? I just wanna be sure because I tried it, but nothing happened and I really wanna see this! :D

02-04-2004, 04:09 AM
within 5 minutes Agent.. and erm i hope u arent serious about that cos i made that up!!!:D

02-04-2004, 09:24 AM
poor lad hes probably been working all night on that......

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 09:54 AM
not all night it would take him 5 min.

02-04-2004, 10:30 AM
*slaps forehead* and i tot the posts in this thread werent meant to be taken seriously..:p

02-04-2004, 10:33 AM
that was my point i just hope agent0042 hasnt been up all night trying these out.........

02-04-2004, 02:08 PM
"People, I believe what we have here is a failure to recognize a joke"

02-05-2004, 06:04 AM
yeah ok we knew it was..

02-05-2004, 08:03 PM
even if it were true (which i know it isnt and never was meant to be) 5 minutes to beat jenova birth is too easy! at the rate im going, i'll do it in less than 1! I'm at level 40 and still in the first reactor at the beginning of the game! of course i have over 30 hours on my file, but it was worth it! i even have ice and bolt 3! and i didnt cheat, i dont even own a gameshark! haha, but this is supposed to be about reviving aeris... whatever, i agree with the pheonix down.

05-01-2004, 08:50 AM
Use a Pheniox down on her. Nuff said

05-01-2004, 06:14 PM
Okay, you revived a three month old thread to say something as uncreative as that and you couldn't even spell "Phoenix Down" right?

05-01-2004, 10:24 PM
Aeris arrives in in the Land of the Dead, and is greeted by a hooded figure, who introduces himself as Manny Calavera. He takes Aeris back to the Department of Death, and he tries to get her a ticket on the number 9, the express train to the nice place. But, he has no tickets. It turned out a crazy moogle stole them all, sold them to a fun fair ride, and called them "tissues".

So, Glotis, Manny's driver, fixes up a super duper machine, that whips Manny and Aeris out of the Land of the Dead, and brings them to the Desert that surrounds the Gold Saucer. Using some bread crumbs to befriend some local pigeons, Manny and Aeris are carried by the pigeons to Gold Saucer. Here, Manny asks a clown to make him a novelty balloon shaped like Robert Frost. Manny and Aeris take the Robert Frost balloon to the guy at the rollercoaster shooting ride. He's like "woah, much better than tissues" and swaps them for the balloon. Manny is taken back to the Land of the Dead by Glotis's machine, but it breaks while trying to bring Aeris back. A huge explosion occurs, and Aeris wakes up in a cave, lying on some bed next to some dude moaning random stats.

The following happened just after Cloud looked into the Chocobo Ranch palantir

Well, I should have read the whole thread, I didn't realise it was old =/

05-01-2004, 10:25 PM
meh i havent slept in three days... or is it 4 now

05-03-2004, 05:35 PM
colect three things that are most important to Aeris
1) a flower from the church
2) the white materia
3) video with her mum from icicle village

once you have them get three of her favourite ppl to pray for her in three of her the places of the ancients
1) Her mum rescue her from shinra HQ
2) Cloud
3) Marlene

1) Temple of ancient (her mum with flower)
2)Ancient forest (Marlene with video tape)
3)City of ancients (Cloud with white materia)

at first you will think it has not worked but she will then rise up from the water and it will go to PHS screen with her in your party

05-03-2004, 11:30 PM
And right when i see this thread i post a perfectly silly and stupid way to revive Aeris in another thread... crap.

Look, i dont really know much about HTML stuff so, to put it simply its in the FF7 Create A Rumor thread by 1 W1nged Angel :)
Scroll down to see a huge mass of text that took me a whole... maybe 7 minutes to type! :) :)

10-07-2004, 05:14 PM
type in *smackher* real fast and cloud will smack her, she will wake up LOL

Landlord of Sector 7
10-08-2004, 03:52 AM
Go do the hippity-dippity with Tifa.

Then Barret.

Then make waffles (make sure they have syrup and strawberries.)

Go make some popcorn (in real life)

Then play Madden '93

Then in your game go to the place where Tifa and Elena slap each other.

Play with yourself at that spot while dreaming about the cat fight.

Then dress like a can of pop.

Then go to Ripleys Museum in Branson and unleash the worlds largest rubberband ball to roll all the way through the country and into your tv which kills Sephiroth before he stabs Aeris.

10-08-2004, 12:32 PM
When you are fighting Jenova after Aeris dies, if you manage to hit her 600 times without her dying, her left boob rips off, falls into the water, and oozes magical essence which brings Aeris back to life, but shes an evil version and starts to kill Sephiroth, so Sephiroth gets scared and comes onto your side and now Aeris is the new villain.


10-09-2004, 03:02 AM
ok here's a biggy.

1)At the beginning of the game when your heading for the reacter #1 talk to wedge 1000 times and then he'll get angry and bitch slap Cloud a few times.
2)When running away from the No1 Reacter do not help Jessie get her leg out just stand there for 5 whole mins (you'll probably wonder how you get out in time) and biggs will come and free her and Both of them will bitchslap Cloud a few times then hightail it.
3) Buy a flower from Aeris and you'll get a third section in Tifa's Bar saying "Save Flower for his one true love" Do it
4) On the train where tifa and barret are in the party you'll see a cut-scene where Cloud finds out Biggs Wedge and Jessie are evil and kills them.
5) When Cloud is hanging off the ledge and Barrets asks if he's ok you'll get another option of saying " one last favor for me" do it then Barret will ask what and Cloud says "Make out with her"
6)Be truthful to Aeris in the church and protect her nomatter WHAT
7) all the way now to where You go to the temple of the ancients have aeris and tifa in party and when you fight Red Dragon and Demon gate kill off Tifa on both. Cait Sith will give you a fortune saying "Dist Tifa" and Cloud will
8) all the way to where Aeris dies cloud will throw Tifa in the way and she'll get stabbed instead.
9) Now all the way to the crater instead of fighting sephiroth your automattically thrusted into battle with meteor and it will kill Cloud and aeris and the other party member showing bloody gory details.
10) Cloud and aeris are now heaven

10-09-2004, 02:42 PM
You guys are crackers XD

When you meet Aeris, name her Tifa and press confirm. Then at the Shinra mansion, put Tifa and Aeris (later renamed Tifa) in your party, go to the safe and go 28 to the right, 84 to the left and -83 upways. After that a genie comes out of the safe and will grant you a wish. Choose the top option "When Tifa dies, don't let Tifa die" (which makes no sense whatsoever). The genie will say okay, but this will disable you to recruit Vincent. Fast forward to the end of disc 2 and wait for Tifa (Aeris to die). Insert your hacked version of disc 4 into the Playstation and you'll find yourself at the Forgotten Capital. Original-Tifa will dissolve into pink cotton candy and Aeris-Tifa will fall from the sky and land in the water where she Cloud left her. Cloud and co. will then have to fight Safer Sephiroth, who is now indeed SAFER and Aeris-Tifa will be alive and it's the end of the game :)

10-10-2004, 12:09 PM
Master all your materia and then beat Emerald and Ruby Weapon. Equip everyone's first weapon and sell all your item. Gain over 10,000,000,000,00 gil and then visit the weapon seller. He will say he saw Aeris in the forgotten city. Go there and you will fight aeris. She has over 5,000,000,00 HP and uses Holy. Defeat her and she's yours.

how about that?