Dr. Tokorev jr.
06-08-2012, 10:34 PM
I've been looking for it on here, but I thought I'd post this thread to make finding it easier. I would also like it to include all the guitar shredding action sequence themes I remembered hearing in the scenes where they were beating down 'puddies' (sp?) And yes, I'm talking about the original one with Jason David Franks and the others.

FLAC is preferred, but I'll accept mp3. I'm a bit of a high fidelity freak...


06-08-2012, 11:09 PM
Post this in the dedicated Request thread for best results.

Thread 78573

That suite your looking for has never been released officially has it?

If not I don't know how you think your going to get a "pure" lossless recording.

06-09-2012, 07:03 PM
No, it hasn't. I did some digging, and although several albums were released, all contain dialogue peppered throughout the music, or are VA songs. I did post what little I found, but it may just be instrumental tracks from the first movie.