Vivi FF
01-02-2004, 07:17 PM
I think it's all obvious that Brother likes Yuna. It's like plastered throughout the entire game. But then you realize something nasty about Brother. Heh, Bro and Yuna are cousins! That's sick, no? Maybe Bro doesn't know Yuna is his cousin.

Oh and if you don't believe me, Yuna's mom and Cid were brother and sister. That makes Cid Yuna's uncle. (not to mention Cid talking about his niece, Yuna, and referring as Uncle Cid when talking to Yuna.) So that makes Cid's kids, Yuna's cousins. And Cid's kids are Rikku and Brother.

But the again, why doesn't Rikku tell him. "Hey Brother, Yuna is our cousin!"

Black Mage#1
01-06-2004, 11:39 PM
Now that u mention it.....Ack! Scary lol. They never do say they are cousins. It like cousins don't exist x.x

01-07-2004, 12:23 AM
hmmm...maybe the concept of restraining sexual desires due to family relation is unknown to the al bhed. Thet is kinda nasty.

01-07-2004, 01:21 AM
Hmm... it is legal to marry your cousins in some areas... just not in the US.

Evad D'Aragon
01-07-2004, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Hmm... it is legal to marry your cousins in some areas... just not in the US.

You sure about that ? It probably depends on the State.

In the Canadian province of Qu�bec, it's perfectly legal, according to the Civil Code. But due to social things, it's not exactly well seen. Therefore, it's almost non-existant. I'd take a wild guess and suppose it's probably the same in the english provinces.

In Japan, it's absolutely normal, or so I've heard.

And if you ask me...

Well, that kind of depends on how close you actually are to the cousin. Biologically speaking, there's enough straying to say it's not incest, if you look at it. Because a cousin is actually a fourth degree family member. Here's it works :

Anytime you have to count one member to "reach" the link of some other people, it counts as one degree. Therefore, you have your father/mother, grandfather/grandmother, uncle/aunt and finally your cousin. In Qu�bec , anything that's directly higher or lower than you is incest and it's illegal to marry anything lower than third degree. By definition, you can marry your cousin.

But let's face it : If it's a cousin you've grown with and came to know so well, it'd probably won't tempt you.

But how about a cousin you merely knew about ? Heck, what if you didn't even know it's your cousin until you've made some research ? That's pretty relative, it all depends on what sense of family each culture has.

01-07-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Hmm... it is legal to marry your cousins in some areas... just not in the US.

It is legal in some U.S. states as long as the both of you are over the age of 50 so that you do not reproduce...

And I knew they were cousins playing FFX, but it didn't click in FFX-2, now that you helped me make that connection, I am disgusted O_O

01-07-2004, 12:47 PM
Yeah, well he is a freak. Very annoying. He should quit doing drugs. Or quit beathing.

Buuut... is he really, sexually attracted to her, or just a huge fan? Lots of people love Yuna, she's really popular with almost everyone... as long as he doesn't try anything obvious, there's no reason to condemn him... for anything except his annoying personality.

I am sure Cid doesn't like him. He didn't give him a name!

01-08-2004, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
But the again, why doesn't Rikku tell him. "Hey Brother, Yuna is our cousin!"

she gets too disgusted to speak.. .. you can see she gets "mega-ultra super-duper" annoyed when Brother acts that way toward Yuna. i think there were points where she yells at him. but she doesn't say this straight out though.

you also find out they are cousins since FFX.

01-08-2004, 12:43 AM
i thought of it while playing the game too. gross...

every book i read lately--and now this game--seems to have something to do with marrying your cousin...or cousins wanting to marry's really weird!!


01-08-2004, 01:31 AM
I noticed it.


In Chapter 5, if you have rested in the Cabin of the Celsius in every chapter, then when you rest in the Cabin in Chapter 5, once Yuna wakes up, you will get a scene in which Brother admits to Barkeep that he likes Yuna. However, he says that he prefers her backside: specifically, Yuna always seems to have her back turned to him and it's this Yuna he likes, more than a Yuna that's talking to him. At this point, he tries to joke with Barkeep that they are "born bachelors" and Barkeep says "Shpeak for yourself, shonny" and interests his new love: Darling.

01-08-2004, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by Misao
I am sure Cid doesn't like him. He didn't give him a name!

HAHAHAHA... I've often mused about Brother's name...

While playing FFX I knew they were cousins as well but I never connected it to FFX-2, it might be gross, but I think he just might be fan.

At least I hope.

And that doesn't take away from the fact that Brother is the most kick butt blitzball player ever :)


01-13-2004, 03:49 PM
first, I'm shocked at how many didn't remember at first that they were cousins.

second, in the US it is legal in most states for second cousins or higher to marry. cousin marriage was quit normal and acceptable til about 125 - 150 years ago. its very rare when first cousins can actually marry.

01-22-2004, 11:36 AM
Thats nothing. Apperently the main characters of ff12 will be bro and sis, and in a starwars-esqe style, they dont know and fall in love. Now thats sick.

01-22-2004, 01:00 PM
Aw, come on, that's just specualtion.... =_=

01-27-2004, 05:51 AM
Specualtion is not always wrong. I've read some previews of the Jap copies and what they say is that they are bro and sis. Feel free to beat me if it turns out Im wrong...

01-28-2004, 12:33 PM
I beat the game twice and over looked it until now, That's @#$% sick! :notgood:

01-30-2004, 08:03 AM
***SPOILER, if you didn't finish the SECOND Mission, the Floating Ruins one, don't read!***

Okay maybe that was uncalled for but just to be safe... After the Floating Ruins Mission, when Brother is in pain, choose 'Comfort Him'.

He'll say something, I can't remember what, then he looks like he's about to hug Yuna or something, Rikku walks up, KICKS him and yells. "SICKO!"

I'd take that as her saying something about it... *laughs* I noticed it from the start of the game, thought it was sick, and nearly died laughing each time he did something. Seriously. I wish they would have shown Yuna maybe getting sick cause of what he did! It would have been great!

Originally posted by Misao
I am sure Cid doesn't like him. He didn't give him a name!

**POSSIBLE spoiler!**

I don't think this is a spoiler, but just to be careful don't read this unless you've done the Thunder Plain's Puzzle Cave in Ch.5, or don't care about Cid and Brother's story.

Yuna said that Cid and Brother had some sort of a fight, and Rikku didn't even know what it was about..

I bet it was because Brother got mad at Cid for naming him 'Brother'. Talk about Planned Parenthood... Or Brother said something about loving Yuna to his Dad, and Cid got mad at his dope fiendish son. =P

01-30-2004, 06:17 PM
I've just noticed something even worse this but in Chapter 5 if you talk to Calli, she says she thinks that Brother is cute, his mohawk looks like an adorable chocobo:eye: How can anyone like Brother?!?!

Uzumaki Naruto
02-03-2004, 06:49 PM
Well Rikku never did say that they were related in blood... and Brother is kinda dumb... who knows, maby he was adopted =D

P.S. Brother doesnt wear underwear!! =S Now THAT's sick!

02-05-2004, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by Uzumaki Naruto
Well Rikku never did say that they were related in blood... and Brother is kinda dumb... who knows, maby he was adopted =D

P.S. Brother doesnt wear underwear!! =S Now THAT's sick!

Actually, yeah, I'm pretty sure she did in FFX. The first time you see him in Bikanel (Won't say anymore other than that.) I think she said he was her brother. Might have been in Al Bhed or something but I was pretty sure she said he was her brother.

Anyways, Cid is their dad... which mean's that he is her Brother.(Pardon the pun!) But no, Square would have said something about Brother being Adopted....and Cid didn't say anywhere in either game "My Son was adopted." or anything. Even though I doubt he would say it like that, square would have put it in the game,in the story, or in maybe the little instructions to the game that it comes with.....they wouldn't leave something this big out. I say it's big because it would affect the characters!

I mean, if he really WAS adopted, putting it into the story could create another sidequest, one at least, you'd have Rikku going through some emotional stuff. It would make the game more interesting. It wouldn't be hard to do it I don't I highly doubt that he's adopted.

If he was I'm sure SQUARE would have told us

And as far as the underwear thing....
....I'm not going to ask how you found this out, or how you know it, cause I'm scared to...but, if you found this out about him... YOU must be sick too! j/k

Sorry, I had to make a little joke about that. :) I hope it didn't sound mean or anything, I was just teasing you. *smiles*
(if any of this made no sense I'm sorry, I'm really sleepy lol I go night night now.)

03-02-2004, 05:07 PM
i guessed that Brother liked Yuna from Mt Gagazet missian at the beginning. when Yuna almost fell down the mountain. And i totally forgot that they are cousins :-s SICK (what a freak)

03-04-2004, 04:40 AM
if any of u r from the england then u probably watch eastenders and dude was goin out with his sister!!!!! now thats bad.......

and did u ever stop and think that rikku might be jealous of brithers attention to yuna and rather he gave his attention
to her if u know what i mean? now thats bad!!!

03-04-2004, 07:40 AM
if any of u r from the england then u propably watch eastenders and dude was goin out with his sister!!! now thats bad

Your right whats with people and going out with there brother or sisiter.
Whats with people today

03-04-2004, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by boogybro87
and did u ever stop and think that rikku might be jealous of brithers attention to yuna and rather he gave his attention
to her if u know what i mean? now thats bad!!! That's really far-fetched. Sounds to me like you really want to find incest in the game. Ts ts ts.

03-04-2004, 08:47 PM

03-04-2004, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by Misao
That's really far-fetched. Sounds to me like you really want to find incest in the game. Ts ts ts.

u read me wrong!!!!

03-06-2004, 01:08 PM
Yeah for a fact he is yuna's cousin I think we solved that already. But yes he is sexualy atracted to her.
If you dont remember think about luca when you win the sphere break ternament. Brother says I cant wait to see how Yuna looks in the new dress sphere. And when shinra installs the comsphere in Besiad He gets all peeping tom like and shinra says he has a one track mind.

We all know were that track leads to :erm:

03-06-2004, 02:07 PM
Oh yeah, I don't think that's in doubt! He's hot for her, no question about it.

03-07-2004, 12:36 AM
i have proof that rikku is jealous!!!!!@ the beginning of the game when u first go to mt. gagazet when the get on that elivator and it falls brothers goes to help yuna and they walk off, then rikku says in a sad voice "what about meee".........haa there u have it...peroooof :D

03-07-2004, 08:47 AM
Yeah, so what? I'd be a bit pissed if I fell down some deep shaft and all my brother cared about was the girl who was with me. That's not jealousy in the kind of way you suggested when you said: "Now that's bad".
We all want some attention from our siblings. Nothing wrong with that. If you're willing to find incest in something like this, you're the pervert. :(

03-07-2004, 12:22 PM
Okay, Misao, I'm with you on that and I don't think it's necessarily incest either, but we can't deny that Brother is hot for Yuna. Here, here's a quick list of all the evidence I know about:

Chapter 1:

Luca - Paine: "That explains the dancing." Brother: "Yuna's dancing?! Where? I am there!" Rikku: "Listening close enough?"

Chapter 2:

Mt. Gagazet - Yuna: "Oh nothing. Just taking a little dip." Brother: (in Al Bhed) "A little dip?!" (not in Al Bhed) "Code pink! I'll be right there!" Yuna: "Brother?" Buddy: "Don't worry, I knocked him out."

Chapter 3:

Besaid Island - Shinra: "Here's the perfect guinea pig." Brother: "Oooh, I can see Yuna. MORE! MORE!" Shinra: "How assinine."

Brother: "Yuna, so photogenic."

Chapter 5:

(Cabin scene)

Barkeep: She has nice backshide, yes?
Brother: Yes... no! No, no, no! .... her back always turned to me. ... I like this Yuna. ... It's like I say, you and I are born bachelors, right?
Barkeep: Shpeak for yourself, shonny? ... This is my Darling!
Brother: What? Since when?

03-07-2004, 12:35 PM
Ah well, I never denied it. Just weren't sure, because everyone likes Yuna, and Brother IS acting crazy all the time.

Anyway, Brother obviously knows that Yuna's not for him, and accepts that, so that's nice. Maybe it's just a weird phase he's going through, this madman. Maybe one day he'll find a girl and forget about Yuna.

03-07-2004, 12:37 PM
Maybe! Calli admits an attraction for Brother. She thinks his mohawk makes him look kind of like a chocobo.

03-11-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
I think it's all obvious that Brother likes Yuna. It's like plastered throughout the entire game. But then you realize something nasty about Brother. Heh, Bro and Yuna are cousins! That's sick, no? Maybe Bro doesn't know Yuna is his cousin.

Oh and if you don't believe me, Yuna's mom and Cid were brother and sister. That makes Cid Yuna's uncle. (not to mention Cid talking about his niece, Yuna, and referring as Uncle Cid when talking to Yuna.) So that makes Cid's kids, Yuna's cousins. And Cid's kids are Rikku and Brother.

But the again, why doesn't Rikku tell him. "Hey Brother, Yuna is our cousin!"

remember in FFX when yuna got kidnapped, yuna told tidus not to tell, she didn't want people to think different of her or something like that.....I watched that scene where brother was talking to barkeep....sat there for a second and realised that they were cousins and completely freaked if they make an X-3 and Brother realises she's his cousin.....that will be interesting.... :eye:

bobby skellington
07-21-2004, 12:34 AM
i did know that and i think that brother is a sicko. if you rest in the beginning of each chapter, you will get a scene showing brother confess his love for yuna after resting in chp. 5. and if you comfort him in chapter 1 after the gagazet mission when he's lying on the floor *spoiler if you did not do this* he will try to kiss yuna and rikku will come and kick him. i am very tempted to blow brother's head off cause he annoys me when you can tell he likes yuna