06-01-2012, 10:45 PM
Hey all! So I grabbed this game through Club Nintendo today and got really into the music, so I recorded everything I could from it!

I included the tracks from the WiiWare game, as well as the tracks from the 'DS Download Play' version.

Sorry about the 'selection' sound effects at the beginning of each track, most of the tracks I recorded didn't have a clean cut loop, so it would have sounded weird either way. It's really not that bad in the end though.

Also, sorry about the SFX in a couple the DS tracks. I had no option to hear the music without playing, and I couldn't stay still without losing in 2 out of the 3 games, so I hope it's not TOO obtrusive.

I'm also pretty sure it's by Daisuke Shiiba (Excitebike: World Rally, Photo Channel), since it matches his writing style perfectly, and it's more or less a first party game.

Hope y'all enjoy, download here:
MaBoShi_ The Three Shape (

EDIT: I'm also not sure if there's special music for the 'staff credits' option in the game, since I'm not good enough at it yet to unlock it (really, really hard game). If I do at any point though, I'll amend it to the upload.

06-02-2012, 02:41 PM
Thank you! I've been looking for Daisuke Shiiba stuff, hearing more by him is fantastic!

06-02-2012, 03:31 PM
bump for awesomeness.

06-02-2012, 07:13 PM
Thank you! I've been looking for Daisuke Shiiba stuff, hearing more by him is fantastic!

Indeed! If I had the bucks, I'd grab myself a DSi, and rip every DSiware game in question. Unrelated, but I'm also working on a Snowpack Park rip. Really bizarre soundtrack, it's a Skip Ltd. game.

But hopefully another Shiiba game will roll along Club Nintendo at some point. That's how I got MaBoShi!