06-01-2012, 03:31 PM
No One Lives Forever 2
Guy Whitmore & Nathan Grigg

MP3 160kbps CBR, 60 tracks, 78MB
Mediafire (

Not my file, it was ripped and tagged by an awesome dude called Alex Bonin, so all credits go to him - I hope he doesn't mind me giving out his name. There's a very detailed textfile in there explaining how he ripped it and whatnot, as well as proper credits to the creators of the actual music.

Don't hesitate to message me when the link goes down.

06-01-2012, 04:54 PM
Sweet! I loved that game's music; always been bummed that I couldn't find it anywhere. There are a couple tracks on the Zak McKracken OGG soundtrack that always remind me of NOLF2's music, and in turn I get bummed that I can't listen to it. Until now -- thanks very much for sharing!

07-06-2012, 05:09 PM
Thanks a million! My wife is a big fan so this will surprise her:D
Question: I saw a few of your posts on another thread regarding the first game of the series. Any idea if a better rip than the 60kbps was ever found? Thanks again!

07-29-2012, 05:43 AM

08-12-2012, 11:54 PM
Thanks a million! My wife is a big fan so this will surprise her:D
Question: I saw a few of your posts on another thread regarding the first game of the series. Any idea if a better rip than the 60kbps was ever found? Thanks again!

I very much doubt it. It was done a looong while back by some random dude in some small forum, if I recall correctly. It's pretty hard to do a really proper and high-quality rip of this too, it's been a long time, but if I'm not mistaken the actual game music uses MIDI events for a lot of instruments, so it used to sound different for people with different soundbanks (the NOLF1 rip was done with the default Windows XP soundbank, I think, or maybe even still 2000). Also, I'm pretty sure that the actual audio was stored much like NOLF2, as in, all the music cut up into tiny segments (so it could change on the fly from the ambient going theme to the more hectic variation, like when you encountered an enemy) and archived in some really bizarrely compressed archive somewhere in the game folder. It's the same problem with getting a "lossless" gamerip of NOLF2, it's a big amount of work, and the old tools to extract the game data probably aren't hosted anywhere anymore. As for the NOLF1 gamerip, I think that dude just muted all the game sounds but the music and recorded it off his soundcard, which is pretty strenuous as well especially considering what you have to do get all the music files to play continuously... I'd love to see a proper rip of both games, but realistically, it's never going to happen.

01-31-2014, 12:28 PM
Is there any way of getting the remixed tracks from the first game? It's called Remixes From In The Lounge - The Music From No One Lives Forever, I believe. There are many music sources on youtube, but cannot find a download link for them.

10-04-2015, 06:19 PM
I found this lossless release on What: 2001 - Fox Interactive / Game Of The Year Edition With Remixes / CD

I always thought the remixes sucked so I didn't get it, but if you're hardcore about it I guess you could, or check on vgmdb if it has the tracks you're looking for.