05-28-2012, 03:48 PM
Welcome to my second annual my Final Fantasy Character knockout game! I have 135 characters (the same 135 characters from last year), from Final Fantasy I to Final Fantasy XIV, and Final Fantasy Tactics all meshed in and spat out to form battles. There's 9 characters from each game and who will be victorious? You decide! (This is very cheesy I know... )

Last year the winner was Squall, and he's back to try and reclaim his title, can anyone take his place this year? Next to each character I've put down the game they appeared in, followed by position each character got last year, and their votes tally from last year. In Round 2 onwards I'll also post their total tally this year. This is all for information purposes, if you're a statistical nerd like me :p. If that doesn't make sense, here's what Squall's name will look like:

Squall (VIII, 1st, 46)

Also what game will be most favourable? Last year Final Fantasy VI had the most votes, in terms of their characters totalling. Is FF6 just as popular this year as last year? We'll soon find out!

If you haven't played any of my FF Knockout Games in the past, here are the rules:

The Rules
1. To vote, simply check who is going against who and reply with your favourite character in each roundup, preferably in a column format.
2. When a round finishes, if there are any tiebreakers, I'll post them up at the end. Tiebreakers are to be decided by listing them, and asking the question again about who is their favourite, the first response wins the tiebreak (eg. if the tiebreaker was Kefka vs Cloud, and the first poster to respond chooses Kefka, Kefka goes through to the next round).
3. Round 1 has 64 fights to it. Because 135 doesn't work into 64, there are 7 battles where there are three characters who will fight for the place in Round 2.
4. All these battles are chosen randomly, I've used a simple Excel spreadsheet and the "Rand" formula to help me make it fair and square. The only exceptions I've made is that there's no two characters from the same game going against eachother. I'm going to try and keep characters from the same games apart for as long as possible, although that may get difficult later.
5. I'll keep these rounds open for around a week, it depends on the reception and my business, this forum can go slowly sometimes so we'll see.
6. Because Round 1 has 64 battles, I'll split it into four sections (so you'll see 16 battles today, 16 in the next update etc). Round 2 will have 32 battles and I'll split that into two sections. Round 3 onwards will be posted in the complete forms.
7. Don't take this seriously, it's just a bit of fun. By all means debate why you love or hate certain characters, just be respectful of others feelings of those same characters.

So without any further delay, here's the first part of Round 1...

Round 1A

Kain (IV, 33rd, 12) vs Penelo (XII, 47th, 8) vs Matoya (I, 104th, 1)
Cloud of Darkness (III, 73rd, 3) vs Lenna (V, 43rd, 9) vs Vivi (IX, 21st, 14)
Golbez (IV, 88th, 2) vs Freya (IX, 39th, 10)
Minwu (II, 122nd, 0) vs Larsa (XII, 88th, 2)
Alux (III, 73rd, 3) vs Hojo (VII, 104th, 1)
Serah (XIII, 104th, 1) vs King Tycoon (V, 56th, 6)
Bahamut (I, 122nd, 0) vs The Emperor (II, 24th, 13)
Barthandelus (XIII, 104th, 1) vs Rufus (VII, 65th, 4)
Krile (V, 39th, 10) vs Thancred (XIV, 104th, 1)
Rosa (IV, 73rd, 3) vs Vanille (XIII, 73rd 3)
Jecht (X, 73rd, 3) vs Leon (II, 19th, 15)
Rafa (Tactics, 122nd, 0) vs Galuf (56th, 6)
Snow (XIII, 73rd, 3) vs Cid (VII, 63rd, 4)
Setzer (VI, 104th, 1) vs Cid (Tactics, 30th, 11)
Desch (III, 60th, 5) vs Semih Lafihna (XI, 88th, 2)
Gordon (II, 24th, 13) vs Cecil (IV, 18th, 17)

05-28-2012, 05:44 PM
Hurray, it's back :D

Round 1A

Penelo (XII, 47th, 8)
Vivi (IX, 21st, 14)
Freya (IX, 39th, 10)
Larsa (XII, 88th, 2)
Hojo (VII, 104th, 1)
Serah (XIII, 104th, 1)
Bahamut (I, 122nd, 0)
Barthandelus (XIII, 104th, 1)
Krile (V, 39th, 10)
Rosa (IV, 73rd, 3)
Jecht (X, 73rd, 3)
Galuf (56th, 6)
Cid (VII, 63rd, 4)
Thunder God Cid (Tactics, 30th, 11)
Semih Lafihna (XI, 88th, 2)
Cecil (IV, 18th, 17)

05-28-2012, 07:21 PM
Hurray, it's back :D


King Tycoon
The Emperor
Cid (VII)

05-28-2012, 07:26 PM
Yay! About time this returned. :D

Kain Highwind (IV)
Vivi Orinitu (IX)
Freya Crescent(IX)
Minwu (II)
Professor Hojo (VII)
Serah Farron (XIII)
Bahamut (I)
Rufus Shinra(VII)
Thancred (XIV)
Rosa Farrel (IV)
Leon (II)
Galuf Doe (V)
Cid Highwind(VII)
Cidofalus Orlandu ('T.G Cid') (Tactics)
Semih Lafihna (XI)
Cecil Harvey (IV)

Hopefully this should inject some life back into this forum. :)

EDIT: also Stickied the thread so it won't disappear into the great forum Void. ;)

05-29-2012, 08:17 AM
Woo a sticky! :D

05-30-2012, 06:35 PM
Kain (IV, 33rd, 12) vs Penelo (XII, 47th, 8) vs Matoya (I, 104th, 1)
Cloud of Darkness (III, 73rd, 3) vs Lenna (V, 43rd, 9) vs Vivi (IX, 21st, 14)
Golbez (IV, 88th, 2) vs Freya (IX, 39th, 10)
Minwu (II, 122nd, 0) vs Larsa (XII, 88th, 2)
Alux (III, 73rd, 3) vs Hojo (VII, 104th, 1)
Serah (XIII, 104th, 1) vs King Tycoon (V, 56th, 6)
Bahamut (I, 122nd, 0) vs The Emperor (II, 24th, 13)
Barthandelus (XIII, 104th, 1) vs Rufus (VII, 65th, 4)
Krile (V, 39th, 10) vs Thancred (XIV, 104th, 1)
Rosa (IV, 73rd, 3) vs Vanille (XIII, 73rd 3)
Jecht (X, 73rd, 3) vs Leon (II, 19th, 15)
Rafa (Tactics, 122nd, 0) vs Galuf (56th, 6)
Snow (XIII, 73rd, 3) vs Cid (VII, 63rd, 4)
Setzer (VI, 104th, 1) vs Cid (Tactics, 30th, 11)
Desch (III, 60th, 5) vs Semih Lafihna (XI, 88th, 2)
Gordon (II, 24th, 13) vs Cecil (IV, 18th, 17)

06-03-2012, 10:40 AM
I'll put Round 1B up tomorrow, if you haven't voted for Round 1A yet don't worry, voting doesn't close until Round 1D has been posted for a week (in three weeks) so post in your own time :)

06-03-2012, 05:26 PM
Round 1A

Kain (IV, 33rd, 12)
Vivi (IX, 21st, 14)
Freya (IX, 39th, 10)
Larsa (XII, 88th, 2)
Hojo (VII, 104th, 1)
King Tycoon (V, 56th, 6)
Bahamut (I, 122nd, 0)
Rufus (VII, 65th, 4)
Krile (V, 39th, 10)
Rosa (IV, 73rd, 3)
Jecht (X, 73rd, 3)
Galuf (56th, 6)
Cid (VII, 63rd, 4)
Setzer (VI, 104th, 1)
Semih Lafihna (XI, 88th, 2)
Cecil (IV, 18th, 17)

06-04-2012, 09:49 AM
Here's Round 1B, if you haven't voted for Round 1A, don't worry, you can do the two together if you so wish.

Round 1B

Zidane (IX, 5th, 29) vs Faris (V, 88th, 2) vs Seifer (VIII, 30th, 11)
Unei (III, 47th, 8) vs Rydia (IV, 14th, 21) vs Sazh (XIII, 39th, 10)
Vaan (XII, 88th, 2) vs Hope (XIII, 65th, 4)
Rubicante (IV, 24th, 13) vs Barret (VII, 60th, 5)
Maria (II, 104th, 1) vs Terra (VI, 10th, 24)
Bartz (V, 73rd, 3) vs Quistis (VIII, 52nd, 7)
Niellefresne (XIV, 122nd, 0) vs Astos (I, 122nd, 0)
Fang (XIII, 73rd, 3) vs Squall (VIII, 1st, 46)
Ovelia (Tactics, 88th, 2) vs Kuja (IX, 4th, 28)
Vincent (VII, 7th, 24) vs Ramza (Tactics, 73rd, 3)
Cid (IV, 88th, 2) vs Aria (III, 52nd, 7)
Lion (XI, 104th, 1) vs Irvine (VIII, 47th, 8)
Seymour (X, 33rd, 12) vs Y'shtola (XIV, 122nd, 0)
Gilgamesh (V, 33rd, 12) vs Malak (Tactics, 122nd, 0)
Papalymo (XIV, 104th, 1) vs Ultros (VI, 88th, 2)
Prishe (XI, 24th, 13) vs Cloud (VII, 16th, 19)

06-04-2012, 07:47 PM
Faris (V, 88th, 2)
Rydia (IV, 14th, 21)
Hope (XIII, 65th, 4)
Barret (VII, 60th, 5)
Terra (VI, 10th, 24)
Quistis (VIII, 52nd, 7)
Astos (I, 122nd, 0)
Squall (VIII, 1st, 46)
Ovelia (Tactics, 88th, 2)
Ramza (Tactics, 73rd, 3)
Cid (IV, 88th, 2)
Irvine (VIII, 47th, 8)
Seymour (X, 33rd, 12)
Gilgamesh (V, 33rd, 12)
Ultros (VI, 88th, 2)
Cloud (VII, 16th, 19)

06-04-2012, 09:27 PM

06-05-2012, 05:11 AM
Zidane Tribal (IX)
Rydia of Mist (IV)
Hope Elstheim (XIII) (a really tough choice, as I hated both, but Hope was marginally better by at least having a connection to the plot ;)).
Rubicante (IV)
Terra Branford (VI)
Quistis Trepe (VIII)
Niellefresne (XIV)
Oerba yun Fang (XIII)
Princess Ovelia Fransichca (Tactics)
Vincent Valentine (VII)
Cid Pollendina (IV)
Lion (XI)
Y'shtola (XIV)
Gilgamesh (V)
Papalymo (XIV)
Cloud Strife (VII) (haha, pitting that foul-mouthed elvaan wench against spiky head - I really, really despise Prishe (especially how she acts in XI), so I'm going to vote for emoboy instead.)

06-05-2012, 11:41 AM
Zidane (IX, 5th, 29)
Rydia (IV, 14th, 21)
Vaan (XII, 88th, 2)
Barret (VII, 60th, 5)
Terra (VI, 10th, 24)
Quistis (VIII, 52nd, 7)
Astos (I, 122nd, 0)
Squall (VIII, 1st, 46)
Ovelia (Tactics, 88th, 2)
Ramza (Tactics, 73rd, 3)
Cid (IV, 88th, 2)
Irvine (VIII, 47th, 8)
Y'shtola (XIV, 122nd, 0)
Gilgamesh (V, 33rd, 12)
Ultros (VI, 88th, 2)
Cloud (VII, 16th, 19)

06-09-2012, 12:06 AM
Seems like this should be pretty fun :)

Kain (IV, 33rd, 12)
Vivi (IX, 21st, 14)
Golbez (IV, 88th, 2)
Larsa (XII, 88th, 2)
Hojo (VII, 104th, 1)
Serah (XIII, 104th, 1)
Bahamut (I, 122nd, 0)
Rufus (VII, 65th, 4)
Krile (V, 39th, 10)
Rosa (IV, 73rd, 3)
Jecht (X, 73rd, 3)
Galuf (56th, 6)
Cid (VII, 63rd, 4)
Setzer (VI, 104th, 1)
Desch (III, 60th, 5)
Cecil (IV, 18th, 17)

Zidane (IX, 5th, 29)
Rydia (IV, 14th, 21)
Vaan (XII, 88th, 2) (They were both pretty annoying but i'd have to say hope was worse :P)
Terra (VI, 10th, 24)
Bartz (V, 73rd, 3)
Astos (I, 122nd, 0)
Squall (VIII, 1st, 46)
Kuja (IX, 4th, 28)
Vincent (VII, 7th, 24)
Cid (IV, 88th, 2)
Irvine (VIII, 47th, 8)
Seymour (X, 33rd, 12)
Gilgamesh (V, 33rd, 12)
Ultros (VI, 88th, 2)
Cloud (VII, 16th, 19)

06-09-2012, 09:58 AM
Thanks for your votes but you forgot to vote on this:

Rubicante (IV, 24th, 13) vs Barret (VII, 60th, 5)

06-09-2012, 12:58 PM
Ah my bad here you go:

Barret (VII, 60th, 5)

06-09-2012, 01:10 PM
Cheers :)

06-10-2012, 10:08 AM
I'll post Round 1C tomorrow, there's no rush though, there's still two weeks until the entire of Round 1 closes :)

06-10-2012, 10:23 AM
Round 1B

Zidane (IX, 5th, 29) vs Faris (V, 88th, 2) vs Seifer (VIII, 30th, 11)
Unei (III, 47th, 8) vs Rydia (IV, 14th, 21) vs Sazh (XIII, 39th, 10)
Vaan (XII, 88th, 2) vs Hope (XIII, 65th, 4)
Rubicante (IV, 24th, 13) vs Barret (VII, 60th, 5)
Maria (II, 104th, 1) vs Terra (VI, 10th, 24)
Bartz (V, 73rd, 3) vs Quistis (VIII, 52nd, 7)
Niellefresne (XIV, 122nd, 0) vs Astos (I, 122nd, 0)
Fang (XIII, 73rd, 3) vs Squall (VIII, 1st, 46)
Ovelia (Tactics, 88th, 2) vs Kuja (IX, 4th, 28)
Vincent (VII, 7th, 24) vs Ramza (Tactics, 73rd, 3)
Cid (IV, 88th, 2) vs Aria (III, 52nd, 7)
Lion (XI, 104th, 1) vs Irvine (VIII, 47th, 8)
Seymour (X, 33rd, 12) vs Y'shtola (XIV, 122nd, 0)
Gilgamesh (V, 33rd, 12) vs Malak (Tactics, 122nd, 0)
Papalymo (XIV, 104th, 1) vs Ultros (VI, 88th, 2)
Prishe (XI, 24th, 13) vs Cloud (VII, 16th, 19)

06-10-2012, 04:43 PM
Woohoo it's back and stickied!

Kain (IV)
Vivi (IX)
Golbez (IV)
Minwu (II)
Hojo (VII)
King Tycoon (V)
Bahamut (I)
Barthandelus (XIII)
Krile (V)
Rosa (IV)
Jecht (X)
Galuf (V)
Cid (VII)
Setzer (VI)
Desch (III)
Cecil (IV)

Zidane (IX)
Rydia (IV)
Vaan (XII)
Barret (VII)
Terra (VI)
Quistis (VIII)
Astos (I)
Squall (VIII)
Kuja (IX)
Vincent (VII)
Cid (IV)
Irvine (VIII)
Seymour (X)
Gilgamesh (V)
Ultros (VI)
Cloud (VII)

06-11-2012, 02:21 PM
Here's Round 1C, if you haven't voted for Round 1A or 1B, don't worry, you can do the three together if you so wish.

Round 1C

Zemus (IV, 88th, 2) vs Zeid (XI, 104th, 1) vs Ricard (II, 37th, 11)
Doga (III, 63rd, 4) vs Gabranth (XII, 56th, 6) vs Shantotto (XI, 60th, 5)
Kimahri (X, 21st, 14) vs Xande (III, 56th, 6)
Quina (IX, 73rd, 3) vs Aeris (VII, 43rd, 9)
Shadow (VI, 3rd, 31) vs Basch (XII, 65th, 4)
Laguna (VIII, 9th, 26) vs Celes (VI, 11th, 23)
Cid (V, 52nd, 7) vs Vayne (XII, 104th, 1)
Edgar (VI, 15th, 20) vs Dycedarg (Tactics, 104th, 1)
Djinn (III, 65th, 4) vs Exdeath (V, 32nd, 10)
Aphmau (XI, 88th, 2) vs Chaos (I, 52nd, 7)
Fran (XII, 43rd, 9) vs Leo (VI, 73rd, 3)
Yda (XIV, 122nd, 0) vs Tiamat (I, 73rd, 3)
Sephiroth (VII, 2nd, 37) vs Lightning (XIII, 73rd, 3)
Garland (I, 28th, 12) vs Selphie (VIII, 65th, 4)
Emerick (XIV, 104th, 1) vs Lich (I, 122nd, 0)
Cid (IX, 39th, 10) vs Edea (VIII, 37th, 11)

06-11-2012, 08:26 PM
Zemus (IV)
Gabranth (XII)
Kimahri (X)
Aeris (VII)
Shadow (VI)
Laguna (VIII)
Cid (V)
Edgar (VI)
Exdeath (V)
Chaos (I)
Leo (VI)
Tiamat (I)
Sephiroth (VII)
Garland (I)
Lich (I)
Cid (IX)

06-11-2012, 09:52 PM

06-11-2012, 09:55 PM
Round 1A

Penelo (XII, 47th, 8)
Vivi (IX, 21st, 14)
Freya (IX, 39th, 10)
Larsa (XII, 88th, 2)
Hojo (VII, 104th, 1)
Serah (XIII, 104th, 1)
Rufus (VII, 65th, 4)
Vanille (XIII, 73rd 3)
Jecht (X, 73rd, 3)
Cid (VII, 63rd, 4)

Round 1B

Zidane (IX, 5th, 29)
Sazh (XIII, 39th, 10)
Vaan (XII, 88th, 2)
Barret (VII, 60th, 5)
Quistis (VIII, 52nd, 7)
Squall (VIII, 1st, 46)
Kuja (IX, 4th, 28)
Vincent (VII, 7th, 24)
Cid (IV, 88th, 2)
Irvine (VIII, 47th, 8)
Seymour (X, 33rd, 12)
Cloud (VII, 16th, 19)

Round 1C

Gabranth (XII, 56th, 6)
Kimahri (X, 21st, 14)
Quina (IX, 73rd, 3)
Basch (XII, 65th, 4)
Laguna (VIII, 9th, 26)
Vayne (XII, 104th, 1)
Fran (XII, 43rd, 9)
Lightning (XIII, 73rd, 3)
Selphie (VIII, 65th, 4)
Emerick (XIV, 104th, 1) vs Lich (I, 122nd, 0)
Edea (VIII, 37th, 11)

There are some battles I didn't vote for because I didn't know any of the characters and thought it'd be unfair to vote for them. Hope that's okay :)


06-11-2012, 10:30 PM
There are some battles I didn't vote for because I didn't know any of the characters and thought it'd be unfair to vote for them. Hope that's okay :)

No problem :)

06-12-2012, 06:29 AM
Zeid (XI)
Professor Shantotto (XI) (How ironic to pit the crazy taru Black Mage against Basch's evil Judge twin - considering these two are actually in opposition against each other in Dissidia. ;) So, the insane Orastery Minster for me. "Ohohohoho!" ;)).
Kimahri Ronso (X)
Aeris Gainsborough (VII) (no contest here. I never really liked Quina so my vote has even more of a reason to go to my favourite FF character of all time. ;)).
Shadow (VI) ("Leave us. The dog eats strangers." This quote from him basically sums it up. ;)).
Celes Chere (VI) (Tough choice, but I voted for Celes instead of that bumbling klutz who seemed to coast through life on his good looks and charm. Celes is such a powerful character in VI, but it was the Opera Scene that truly clinched it for me.)
Cid Preevia (V)) I hated Vayne in XII, he was so one-dimensional he was basically a chalk drawing on a wall. So my vote goes for the typically sagacious engineer. It's just a pity he's reduced to a giant disembodied brain and with a badly mistranslated name to boot in the anime sequel Legend of the Crystals).
King Edgar Roni Figaro (VI) (Tools is awesome. Autocrossbow>you. Not to mention his constant flirting (usually towards Terra) and his castle can travel underground. This is one king who breaks the mould.)
Exdeath (V) (Ah, the evil tree. Jokes about wooden characters aside, his story was actually quite sad really. So my vote goes for him).)
Empress Aphmau Nashmiria (XI) (The ruler of the somewhat xenophobic Empire of Aht Urhgan, she actually turns out to be a very down-to-earth person who has to live a double-life (as her court jester too no less!) in order for her own protection, conducting her official duties with the help of an automaton behind a curtain. And she eventually shows she's more than willing to place her own life on the line if it means saving those of her subjects).
Fran (XII) (Despite being XII's equivalent of Chewbecca from Star Wars, and overlooking her overly sexualised appearance, Fran is one of my favourite FFXII characters. It;s just a pity that her relationship with her Han Solo (Balthier) was so understated.)
Yda (XIV)
Lightning (XIII) (The mummy's boy against the 'Cloud-clone-with-two-X-chromosones'. I hate both really, but I guess my vote goes for the elder Farron if only because that ice-queen facade does shatter when her maternal instincts kick-in towards Hope. And when push comes to shove, she does ultimately stop being such a bitch towards everyone and actually shows her loyalty.)
Selphie Timitt (VIII) ("I Like trains!" Heh, so do I. Normally I dislike the 'bimboy-hyperactive-girl-on-a-sugar-rush'-type character, but Selphie won out. It's just a shame about her disturbing crush on Squall's old man. ;)).
Emerick (XIV)
Regent Cid Fabool the IX (IX)

06-14-2012, 04:11 PM
Zemus (IV, 88th, 2)
Gabranth (XII, 56th, 6)
Kimahri (X, 21st, 14)
Quina (IX, 73rd, 3)
Basch (XII, 65th, 4)
Laguna (VIII, 9th, 26)
Vayne (XII, 104th, 1)
Edgar (VI, 15th, 20)
Exdeath (V, 32nd, 10)
Aphmau (XI, 88th, 2)
Fran (XII, 43rd, 9)
Yda (XIV, 122nd, 0)
Sephiroth (VII, 2nd, 37)
Selphie (VIII, 65th, 4)
Lich (I, 122nd, 0)
Cid (IX, 39th, 10)

06-17-2012, 09:13 PM
Round 1D, the final part of Round 1, will be posted tomorrow :)

06-18-2012, 01:31 PM
Here's the last part of Round 1, 1D, if you haven't voted for Round 1A, 1B or 1C don't worry, you can do the four together now if you want to. All four parts of Round 1 will be tallied by the end of this week, tiebreakers aside, we'll get Round 2 sorted out next week. :)

Round 1D

Josef (II, 47th, 8) vs Ashe (XII, 122nd, 0) vs vs Shadow Lord (XI, 73rd, 3)
Beatrix (IX, 8th, 23) vs Mustadio (Tactics, 104th, 1)
Firion (II, 88th, 2) vs Zulvan (XIV, 104th, 1)
Auron (X, 6th, 28) vs Steiner (IX, 21st, 14)
Guy (II, 65th, 4) vs Sara (III, 73rd, 3)
Baderon (XIV, 122nd, 0) vs Yuna (X, 65th, 4)
Rinoa (VIII, 28th, 12) vs Dagger (IX, 88th, 2)
Tidus (X, 65th, 4) vs Aldo (XI, 104th, 1)
Tenzen (XI, 88th, 2) vs Tifa (VII, 47th, 8)
Lulu (X, 33rd, 12) vs Agrias (43rd, 9)
Balthier (XII, 19th, 15) vs Kefka (VI, 13th, 22)
Tellah (IV, 122nd, 0) vs Meliadoul (Tactics, 88th, 2)
Wakka (X, 88th, 2) vs Zell (VIII, 104th, 1)
Sarah (I, 122nd, 0) vs Locke (VI, 11th, 23)
Rikku (X, 17th, 19) vs Cid (XIII, 122nd, 0)
Marilith (I, 88th, 2) vs Travanchet (XIV, 104th, 1)

06-18-2012, 04:34 PM
Josef (II)
Beatrix (IX)
Firion (II)
Auron (X)
Sara (III)
Yuna (X)
Dagger (IX)
Tidus (X)
Tifa (VII)
Lulu (X)
Kefka (VI)
Tellah (IV)
Zell (VIII)
Locke (VI)
Cid (VIII)
Marilith (I)

06-18-2012, 04:45 PM

06-18-2012, 08:47 PM
Shadowlord (XI)
Beatrix (IX)
Zulvan (XIV)
Auron (X)
Princess Sara Altney (III)
Yuna (X)
Princess Garnet til Alexandros the XVIIth (ala 'Dagger') (IX)
Aldo (XI)
Tifa Lockheart (VII)
Agrias Oaks (Tactics)
Balthier (XII)
Tellah (IV)
Zell Dincht (VIII)
Locke Cole (VI)
Cid Raines (XIII)
Marilith (aka 'Kary') (I)

I can't be bothered typing out descriptions for my choices this time around. :p

06-19-2012, 09:14 PM
Ashe (XII)
Beatrix (IX)
Firion (II)
Steiner (IX)
Guy (II)
Yuna (X)
Garnet (IX)
Tidus (X)
Tifa (VII)
Agrias Oaks (Tactics)
Balthier (XII)
Meliadoul (Tactics)
Wakka (X)
Locke (VI)
Rikku (X)
Marilith (I)

06-20-2012, 02:21 PM
Round 1D

Ashe (XII, 122nd, 0)
Beatrix (IX, 8th, 23)
Auron (X, 6th, 28)
Yuna (X, 65th, 4)
Rinoa (VIII, 28th, 12)
Tidus (X, 65th, 4)
Tifa (VII, 47th, 8)
Lulu (X, 33rd, 12)
Balthier (XII, 19th, 15)
Zell (VIII, 104th, 1)
Rikku (X, 17th, 19)


06-20-2012, 09:58 PM
Round 1C

Zemus (IV, 88th, 2)
Doga (III, 63rd, 4)
Kimahri (X, 21st, 14)
Aeris (VII, 43rd, 9)
Shadow (VI, 3rd, 31)
Celes (VI, 11th, 23)
Cid (V, 52nd, 7)
Edgar (VI, 15th, 20)
Exdeath (V, 32nd, 10)
Chaos (I, 52nd, 7)
Leo (VI, 73rd, 3)
Tiamat (I, 73rd, 3)
Sephiroth (VII, 2nd, 37)
Selphie (VIII, 65th, 4)
Lich (I, 122nd, 0)
Cid (IX, 39th, 10) vs Edea (VIII, 37th, 11)

Round 1D

Josef (II, 47th, 8)
Beatrix (IX, 8th, 23)
Firion (II, 88th, 2)
Auron (X, 6th, 28)
Guy (II, 65th, 4)
Yuna (X, 65th, 4)
Rinoa (VIII, 28th, 12)
Tidus (X, 65th, 4)
Tifa (VII, 47th, 8)
Lulu (X, 33rd, 12)
Kefka (VI, 13th, 22)
Tellah (IV, 122nd, 0)
Wakka (X, 88th, 2)
Locke (VI, 11th, 23)
Rikku (X, 17th, 19)
Travanchet (XIV, 104th, 1)

06-22-2012, 06:04 PM

Zemus (IV, 88th, 2)
Gabranth (XII, 56th, 6)
Kimahri (X, 21st, 14)
Aeris (VII, 43rd, 9)
Shadow (VI, 3rd, 31)
Laguna (VIII, 9th, 26)
Cid (V, 52nd, 7)
Edgar (VI, 15th, 20)
Exdeath (V, 32nd, 10)
Chaos (I, 52nd, 7)
Leo (VI, 73rd, 3)
Tiamat (I, 73rd, 3)
Sephiroth (VII, 2nd, 37)
Garland (I, 28th, 12)
Lich (I, 122nd, 0)
Edea (VIII, 37th, 11)

Ashe (XII, 122nd, 0)
Beatrix (IX, 8th, 23)
Firion (II, 88th, 2)
Auron (X, 6th, 28)
Guy (II, 65th, 4)
Yuna (X, 65th, 4)
Rinoa (VIII, 28th, 12)
Tidus (X, 65th, 4)
Tifa (VII, 47th, 8)
Lulu (X, 33rd, 12)
Kefka (VI, 13th, 22)
Tellah (IV, 122nd, 0)
Wakka (X, 88th, 2)
Locke (VI, 11th, 23)
Rikku (X, 17th, 19)
Marilith (I, 88th, 2)

06-24-2012, 12:09 PM
Last day of voting for THE ENTIRE of Round 1, so that's Round 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D, if you haven't voted on one or more of those sections of Round 1 and want to do so, please do it now.

Tomorrow tiebreakers (if there are any) will be posted, and then Round 2 will commence. :)

06-24-2012, 04:46 PM

Zemus (IV, 88th, 2) vs Zeid (XI, 104th, 1) vs Ricard (II, 37th, 11)
Doga (III, 63rd, 4) vs Gabranth (XII, 56th, 6) vs Shantotto (XI, 60th, 5)
Kimahri (X, 21st, 14) vs Xande (III, 56th, 6)
Quina (IX, 73rd, 3) vs Aeris (VII, 43rd, 9)
Shadow (VI, 3rd, 31) vs Basch (XII, 65th, 4)
Laguna (VIII, 9th, 26) vs Celes (VI, 11th, 23)
Cid (V, 52nd, 7) vs Vayne (XII, 104th, 1)
Edgar (VI, 15th, 20) vs Dycedarg (Tactics, 104th, 1)
Djinn (III, 65th, 4) vs Exdeath (V, 32nd, 10)
Aphmau (XI, 88th, 2) vs Chaos (I, 52nd, 7)
Fran (XII, 43rd, 9) vs Leo (VI, 73rd, 3)
Yda (XIV, 122nd, 0) vs Tiamat (I, 73rd, 3)
Sephiroth (VII, 2nd, 37) vs Lightning (XIII, 73rd, 3)
Garland (I, 28th, 12) vs Selphie (VIII, 65th, 4)
Emerick (XIV, 104th, 1) vs Lich (I, 122nd, 0)
Cid (IX, 39th, 10) vs Edea (VIII, 37th, 11)


Josef (II, 47th, 8) vs Ashe (XII, 122nd, 0) vs Shadow Lord (XI, 73rd, 3)
Beatrix (IX, 8th, 23) vs Mustadio (Tactics, 104th, 1)
Firion (II, 88th, 2) vs Zulvan (XIV, 104th, 1)
Auron (X, 6th, 28) vs Steiner (IX, 21st, 14)
Guy (II, 65th, 4) vs Sara (III, 73rd, 3)
Baderon (XIV, 122nd, 0) vs Yuna (X, 65th, 4)
Rinoa (VIII, 28th, 12) vs Dagger (IX, 88th, 2)
Tidus (X, 65th, 4) vs Aldo (XI, 104th, 1)
Tenzen (XI, 88th, 2) vs Tifa (VII, 47th, 8)
Lulu (X, 33rd, 12) vs Agrias (43rd, 9)
Balthier (XII, 19th, 15) vs Kefka (VI, 13th, 22)
Tellah (IV, 122nd, 0) vs Meliadoul (Tactics, 88th, 2)
Wakka (X, 88th, 2) vs Zell (VIII, 104th, 1)
Sarah (I, 122nd, 0) vs Locke (VI, 11th, 23)
Rikku (X, 17th, 19) vs Cid (XIII, 122nd, 0)
Marilith (I, 88th, 2) vs Travanchet (XIV, 104th, 1)

06-25-2012, 03:23 PM

Who is your favourite?

Quina (FF9) or Aeris (FF7)?
Fran (FF12) or Leo (FF6)?
Wakka (FF10) or Zell (FF8)?

Round 2 will be posted after the Tiebreaker is solved. :)

06-25-2012, 04:33 PM

06-25-2012, 08:16 PM
Roudn 1 is officially over and here are some statistics before we move onto Round 2...

Leading Characters (by votes tally)
Cid (VII)
Cloud (VII)
Hojo (VII)
Tifa (VII)
Beatrix (IX)
Vivi (IX)
Kimahri (X)
Yuna (X)

...all have 8 points so far. Behind them are 13 characters that have accumulated 7 points so far.

Leading Games (by characters in game)
Final Fantasy X is the only game to retain all 9 characters going into the second round.
Behind FF10 are Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IX with 8 characters going through to the next round.

Goodbye to...
Final Fantasy XI, XIV and Tactics, all three games had all 9 characters lose their battles.

Games on the Edge
Final Fantasy III and XIII only have one character left representing them in the second round; they are Desch and Serah, respectively.

Leading Games (by points tally)
FF10 may have all 9 characters in the game but Final Fantasy VII has accumulated the biggest points tally so far, with a total of 60 points. Behind FF7 is Final Fantasy X with 57 points. In third place is Final Fantasy IX, with 51 points.

Least Liked Games (by points tally)
Despite having a character left in the game Final Fantasy III has the smallest points tally so far, with a measly 9 points. Final Fantasy XI and XIV accumulated 11 points each with their characters.

Biggest Ranks Climber since 2011:
Hojo from Final Fantasy VII, who only accumulated a solitary point in 2011, got 8 points in the last round. He started the game in joint 104th place and jumped 43 places to 61st place.

Biggest Ranks Drop since 2011:
Djinn from Final Fantasy III totalled 4 points last year and finished the game in 63rd place, he didn't get a single vote in the last round and his total rank plummeted to 103rd place, losing 38 places.

Highest Ranked Eliminations
Celes of Final Fantasy VI who was ranked 11th place from last year, was eliminated from the competiton by Laguna of Final Fantasy VIII, who was ranked 9th. Leon of Final Fantasy II is the highest ranked character to get eliminated by someone ranked lower than him; ranked 19th, Leon got eliminated by Jecht of Final Fantasy X, ranked 73rd from last year.


Like last year I'll put the total points tally down for each character, it will be this year's game only, so it will not include last year's points. When the game concludes I'll reveal all the total poitns tallies and new positions. But for now, I'll put up this years, and it will be in numerical format and please remember that the game the location is from will be in Roman numerals to counter that.

64 locations left, 32 spaces in the next round. Round 2 will be done in two parts, Round 2A is below, Round 2B will be posted next week.

Round 2A

Rydia (IV) 5 vs Gabranth (XII) 6
Auron (X) 5 vs Freya (IX) 5
Fran (XII) 4 vs Rikku (X) 6
Cecil (IV) 7 vs Larsa (XII) 6
Shadow (VI) 5 vs Beatrix (IX) 8
Galuf (V) 6 vs Wakka (X) 4
Cid (VII) 8 vs Rosa (IV) 5
Laguna (VIII) 6 vs Exdeath (V) 7
Jecht (X) 7 vs Astos (I) 6
Terra (VI) 7 vs Gilgamesh (V) 7
Zidane (IX) 7 vs Serah (XIII) 5
Lulu (X) 6 vs Lich (I) 6
Chaos (I) 5 vs Krile (V) 6
Ashe (XII) 4 vs Desch (III) 4
Quistis (VIII) 7 vs Vaan (XII) 5
Barret (VII) 7 vs Tellah (IV) 6

06-25-2012, 09:49 PM

Rydia (IV)
Auron (X)
Fran (XII)
Cecil (IV)
Beatrix (IX)
Galuf (V)
Rosa (IV)
Laguna (VIII)
Jecht (X)
Terra (VI)
Zidane (IX)
Lich (I)
Chao (I)
Desch (III)
Quistis (VIII)
Tellah (IV)

Some of these are getting hard already!

06-25-2012, 11:13 PM
Gabranth (XII)
Auron (X)
Rikku (X)
Cecil (IV)
Beatrix (IX)
Galuf (V)
Cid (VII)
Laguna (VIII)
Jecht (X)
Terra (VI)
Zidane (IX)
Lulu (X)
Chaos (I)
Ashe (XII)
Quistis (VIII)
Barret (VII)

06-25-2012, 11:59 PM

Gabranth (XII)
Freya (IX)
Fran (XII)
Larsa (XII)
Beatrix (IX)
Wakka (X)
Cid (VII)
Laguna (VIII)
Jecht (X)
Zidane (IX)
Lulu (X)
Ashe (XII)
Vaan (XII)
Barret (VII)

06-26-2012, 01:24 AM
Rydia (IV)
Auron (X)
Fran (XII)
Cecil (IV)
Beatrix (IX)
Galuf (V)
Rosa (IV)
Laguna (VIII)
Jecht (X)
Gilgamesh (V)
Zidane (IX)
Lulu (X)
Krile (V)
Ashe (XII)
Quistis (VIII)
Tellah (IV)

06-27-2012, 12:23 AM
Rydia (IV)
Freya (IX)
Fran (XII)
Larsa (XII)
Beatrix (IX)
Galuf (V)
Cid (VII)
Laguna (VIII)
Jecht (X)
Terra (VI)
Zidane (IX)
Lich (I)
Krile (V)
Ashe (XII)
Quistis (VIII)
Barret (VII)

06-27-2012, 07:18 AM
Round 2A

Rydia (IV)
Auron (X)
Rikku (X)
Cecil (IV)
Shadow (VI)
Galuf (V)
Cid (VII)
Laguna (VIII)
Jecht (X)
Terra (VI)
Zidane (IX)
Lulu (X)
Chaos (I)
Ashe (XII)
Vaan (XII)
Barret (VII)

07-01-2012, 12:17 PM
I'll post Round 2B tomorrow, you can still vote for Round 2A next week so there's no rush to vote yet. :)

07-03-2012, 01:57 AM
Here's Round 2B! :)

Round 2B

Cid (IV) 7 vs Squall (VIII) 6
Ultros (VI) 6 vs Irvine (VIII) 7
Yuna (X) 8 vs Tifa (VIII) 8
Zemus (IV) 6 vs Rufus (VII) 5
Bahamut (I) 6 vs Cid (IX) 6
Locke (VI) 7 vs Kimahri (X) 8
Kefka (VI) 5 vs Quina (IX) 4
Setzer (VI) 4 vs Kuja (IX) 5
Selphie (VIII) 6 vs Tidus (X) 7
Cloud (VII) 8 vs Seymour (X) 6
Tiamat (I) 5 vs Vincent (VII) 6
Firion (II) 6 vs Marilith (I) 6
Guy (II) 4 vs Hojo (VII) 8
Edgar (VI) 7 vs Cid (V) 5
Kain (IV) 5 vs Vivi (IX) 8
Dagger (IX) 5 vs Sephiroth (VII) 6

07-03-2012, 08:26 AM
Squall (VIII)
Ultros (VI)
Yuna (X)
Rufus (VII)
Bahamut (I)
Locke (VI)
Kefka (VI)
Setzer (VI)
Selphie (VIII)
Cloud (VII)
Vincent (VII)
Firion (II)
Hojo (VII)
Edgar (VI)
Kain (IV)
Sephiroth (VII)

07-03-2012, 08:33 AM
Squall (VIII)
Irvine (VIII)
Yuna (X)
Rufus (VII)
Cid (IX)
Locke (VI)
Kefka (VI)
Setzer (VI)
Selphie (VIII)
Cloud (VII)
Vincent (VII)
Marilith (I)
Hojo (VII)
Edgar (VI)
Vivi (IX)
Garnet (IX)

07-03-2012, 11:09 AM
Squall (VIII)
Ultros (VI)
Tifa (VII)
Rufus (VII)
Cid (IX)
Locke (VI)
Quina (IX)
Kuja (IX)
Selphie (VIII)
Cloud (VII)
Vincent (VII)
Firion (II)
Hojo (VII)
Edgar (VI)
Vivi (IX)
Garnet (IX)

07-03-2012, 02:30 PM
Round 2B

Squall (VIII)
Irvine (VIII)
Yuna (X)
Rufus (VII)
Cid (IX)
Kimahri (X)
Kefka (VI)
Kuja (IX)
Tidus (X)
Cloud (VII)
Vincent (VII)
Vivi (IX)
Dagger (IX)

07-03-2012, 04:47 PM

Cid (IV)
Ultros (VI)
Yuna (X)
Zemus (IV)
Cid (IX)
Kimahri (X)
Kefka (VI)
Kuja (IX)
Selphie (VIII)
Cloud (VII)
Vincent (VII)
Firion (II)
Hojo (VII)
Edgar (VI)
Vivi (IX)
Dagger (IX)

07-04-2012, 01:29 AM
Squall (VIII)
Ultros (VI)
Tifa (VIII)
Rufus (VII)
Cid (IX)
Locke (VI)
Kefka (VI)
Kuja (IX)
Selphie (VIII)
Seymour (X)
Vincent (VII)
Firion (II)
Hojo (VII)
Edgar (VI)
Vivi (IX)
Sephiroth (VII)

07-09-2012, 07:53 AM
I forgot to post it yesterday so I'll give another day, so if you haven't voted for either Round 2A or 2B yet and want to, please do it now. :)

07-11-2012, 01:45 AM
Round 2 is officially over, as there were no tiebreakers.

Here are some statistics before we move onto Round 3...

Leading Characters (by votes tally)
Cloud (VII)
Hojo (VII)
Beatrix (IX)
Vivi (IX)
Zidane (IX)
Jecht (X)

...all have 13 points so far. Behind them are 5 characters that have accumulated 12 points so far.

Leading Games (by characters in game)
Final Fantasy VII and IX have the most characters left, with 6 characters going into the third round.
Behind them is Final Fantasy VI with 5 characters going through to the next round.

Goodbye to...
Final Fantasy III and XIII whose last characters left in Round 2 lost their battles.

Games on the Edge
Final Fantasy I, II and V only have one character left representing them in the third round; they are Chaos, Firion and Galuf respectively.

Leading Games (by points tally)
Final Fantasy VII is still in the lead having accumulated the biggest points tally so far, with a total of 93 points. Final Fantasy IX moved ahead of FF10 into second place with 83 points, Final Fantasy X is now third with 78 points.

Biggest Ranks Climber since 2011:
Hojo continues his rise up the rankings, he is now in 43rd place from 104th last year, climbing a total of 61 places.

Highest Ranked Eliminations
Two of the top three from last year have been eliminated terribly early in this game; Shadow of Final Fantasy VI, ranked 3rd place, lost his battle to Beatrix of Final Fantasy IX, 8th place. But more surprisingly Sephiroth of Final Fantasy VII, ranked 2nd place, lost his battle to Dagger of Final Fantasy IX who was ranked a measly 88th place! Only Squall of Final Fantasy VIII, last years winner, remains from last year's Top 3.


32 places left, soon to be narrowed down to 16. Round 3 onwards will be posted fully, so you have around a week to vote! :)

Round 3

Lulu (X) 10 vs Cid (VII) 12
Squall (VIII) 11 vs Locke (VI) 11
Chaos (I) 8 vs Jecht (X) 13
Barret (VII) 11 vs Ultros (VI) 10
Yuna (X) 12 vs Rufus (VII) 10
Vincent (VII) 12 vs Auron (X) 9
Ashe (XII) 9 vs Cloud (VII) 13
Beatrix (IX) 13 vs Kefka (VI) 10
Dagger (IX) 9 vs Cecil (IV) 11
Edgar (VI) 12 vs Selphie (VIII) 11
Laguna (VIII) 12 vs Terra (VI) 11
Rydia (IV) 9 vs Cid (IX) 11
Firion (II) 10 vs Hojo (VII) 13
Vivi (IX) 13 vs Fran (XII) 8
Galuf (V) 11 vs Kuja (IX) 9
Zidane (IX) 13 vs Quistis (VIII) 11

07-11-2012, 09:08 PM
Cid (VII)
Squall VIII)
Jecht (X)
Ultros (VI)
Yuna (X)
Auron (X)
Cloud (VII)
Beatrix (IX)
Dagger (IX)
Edgar (VI)
Laguna (VIII)
Rydia (IV)
Hojo (VII)
Vivi (IX)
Galuf (V)
Zidane (IX)

07-11-2012, 11:24 PM
Cid (VII)
Locke (VI)
Jecht (X)
Ultros (VI)
Yuna (X)
Auron (X)
Cloud (VII)
Kefka (VI)
Cecil (IV)
Edgar (VI)
Laguna (VIII)
Cid (IX)
Hojo (VII)
Vivi (IX)
Kuja (IX)
Zidane (IX)

07-12-2012, 06:52 AM
Lulu (X)
Locke (VI)
Jecht (X)
Barret (VII)
Yuna (X)
Vincent (VII)
Ashe (XII)
Beatrix (IX)
Garnet (IX)
Edgar (VI)
Terra (VI)
Rydia (IV)
Firion (II)
Vivi (IX)
Kuja (IX)
Quistis (VIII)

07-12-2012, 03:22 PM
Cid (VII)
Locke (VI)
Jecht (X)
Ultros (VI)
Yuna (X)
Auron (X)
Ashe (XII)
Beatrix (IX)
Garnet (IX)
Edgar (VI)
Laguna (VIII)
Cid (IX) - extremely tough this one...
Hojo (VII) - Hojo you lucky bastard :P
Vivi (IX)
Kuja (IX)
Zidane (IX)

07-12-2012, 07:58 PM
Round 3

Cid (VII)
Locke (VI)
Jecht (X)
Ultros (VI)
Yuna (X)
Auron (X)
Cloud (VII)
Kefka (VI)
Cecil (IV)
Edgar (VI)
Terra (VI)
Rydia (IV)
Hojo (VII)
Vivi (IX)
Kuja (IX)
Zidane (IX)

07-13-2012, 08:41 PM
Round 3

Lulu (X)
Squall (VIII)
Jecht (X)
Barret (VII)
Yuna (X)
Auron (X)
Ashe (XII)
Beatrix (IX)
Dagger (IX)
Selphie (VIII)
Laguna (VIII)
Vivi (IX)
Kuja (IX)
Zidane (IX)

07-14-2012, 08:35 PM
Cid (VII) 12
Squall (VIII) 11
Jecht (X) 13
Barret (VII) 11
Yuna (X) 12
Vincent (VII)
Cloud (VII) 13
Beatrix (IX)
Cecil (IV) 11
Edgar (VI)
Laguna (VIII)
Rydia (IV)
Hojo (VII) 13
Vivi (IX)
Kuja (IX)
Zidane (IX)

07-15-2012, 09:50 AM
Today's the last day for voting, if you haven't voted yet, I'd say do it now. :)

07-16-2012, 10:45 AM
Round 3 is officially over, as there were no tiebreakers.

Here are some statistics before we move onto Round 4...

Leading Characters (by votes tally)
Vivi of Final Fantasy IX and Jecht of Final Fantasy X have now stepped forward for joint first place, both have 20 points so far. Behind them are Zidane of Final Fantasy IX and Yuna of Final Fantasy X, who have both accumulated 19 points so far.

Leading Games (by characters in game)
Final Fantasy IX had 6 characters going into Round 3 and only one lost their battle, that was Regent Cid who lost to Rydia of Final Fantasy IV. So that means FF9 have 5 of the 16 slots left in the game. After FF9 is a three-way tie between Final Fantasy VI, VII and IX, who have 3 characters left.

Goodbye to...
Final Fantasy I, II, V and XII whose last characters left in Round 3 lost their battles.

Games on the Edge
Well if your basic maths is good, there's 16 slots and the four games mentioned above take 14 of those slots. Which means the last two slots belong to Final Fantasy IV and VIII. The characters representing the last hope for both games are Rydia and Laguna respectively.

Leading Games (by points tally)
Final Fantasy IX's dominance makes it marginally overtake Final Fantasy VII, FF9 has now got 113 points where as FF7 are one point behind on 112 points. Final Fantasy X are still comfortable in third with 103 points.

Biggest Ranks Climber since 2011:
Hojo's huge tournament continues; he's shot up from 104th last year and is now sitting in 28th place, climbing a total of 76 places.

Highest Ranked Eliminations
Last years winner Squall has lost his crown officially in Round 3, losing his battle with Locke of Final Fantasy VI. Which means we'll have a new Final Fantasy King or Queen this year!

The 'favourite' to win the game is now completely open to interpretation; Vivi and Jecht have the most points in this game so far with 20 each. The character still left in the competition with the highest pre-tournament rank is now Kuja, who came fourth place last year. But if we're talking the total tally of points between this game AND last years game, Zidane can call himself a favourite as the total tally brings him from 5th place last year to 2nd place this year (so far).


16 places left, soon to be narrowed down to 8 for the quarter finals.

Round 4

Ultros (VI) 14 vs Beatrix (IX) 18
Dagger (IX) 13 vs Locke (VI) 15
Cid (VII) 17 vs Laguna (VIII) 17
Edgar (VI) 18 vs Vivi (IX) 20
Auron (X) 14 vs Kuja (IX) 15
Cloud (VII) 17 vs Jecht (X) 20
Hojo (VII) 18 vs Zidane (IX) 19
Yuna (X) 19 vs Rydia (IV) 13

07-16-2012, 02:54 PM
Round 4

Beatrix (IX)
Dagger (IX)
Laguna (VIII)
Vivi (IX)
Kuja (IX)
Jecht (X)
Zidane (IX)
Yuna (X)

07-16-2012, 04:57 PM
Beatrix (IX)
Garnet (IX)
Laguna (VIII)
Vivi (IX)
Auron (X)
Cloud (VII)
Zidane (IX)
Yuna (X)

07-16-2012, 05:11 PM
Beatrix (IX)
Locke (VI)
Laguna (VIII)
Vivi (IX)
Auron (X)
Cloud (VII)
Zidane (IX)
Yuna (X)

07-17-2012, 12:16 AM
Beatrix (IX)
Garnet (IX)
Laguna (VIII)
Vivi (IX)
Auron (X)
Cloud (VII)
Zidane (IX)
Rydia (IV)

A lot of extremely difficult choices here

07-17-2012, 02:29 AM
Beatrix (IX)
Dagger (IX)
Laguna (VIII)
Vivi (IX)
Auron (X)
Cloud (VII)
Zidane (IX)
Rydia (IV)

07-17-2012, 11:47 PM

07-21-2012, 04:35 AM
Ultros (VI)
Locke (VI)
Laguna (VIII)
Edgar (VI)
Auron (X)
Cloud (VII)
Zidane (IX)
Yuna (X)

07-22-2012, 01:13 PM
Okay, final day of voting before The Quarter Finals, if you haven't voted yet and want to please do it now. :)

07-23-2012, 06:46 PM
Round 4 is officially over, as there were no tiebreakers.

Here are some statistics before we move onto Round 5...

Leading Characters (by votes tally)
Vivi of Final Fantasy IX is still top of the list but is now joined at the top with Zidane, also of Final Fantasy IX, who have now got 26 points so far. In joint third place is a three-way tie of Laguna of Final Fantasy VIII, Beatrix of Final Fantasy IX and Yuna of Final Fantasy X.

Leading Games (by characters in game)
Final Fantasy IX had 5 characters going into Round 4 and only one lost their battle, that was Kuja who lost to Auron of Final Fantasy X. So that means FF9 have half of the 8 slots left in the game. The only other game with multiple slots is Final Fantasy X, with two.

Goodbye to...
Final Fantasy VI and IV whose last characters left in Round 3 lost their battles. Final Fantasy VI had three characters in Round 4 and they all lost their battles.

Games on the Edge
Well the other two games with one character remaining are Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII, and Cloud and Laguna are representing those games respectively.

Leading Games (by points tally)
Final Fantasy IX has shot way ahead of all the other games due to its characters performing so well in the game, and now have 138 points. Final Fantasy VII and X are battling for second place, FF7 taking the position for now with 117 points; FF10 have 116 points.

Biggest Ranks Climber since 2011:
Hojo may have been knocked out of the tournament but he climbed 75 places in the end (so far), and sits in 29th place. Still active in the game, and is has climbed the highest is Dagger of Final Fantasy IX, who started the tournament in 88th place and currently sits in 26th place, climbing a total of 62 places.


8 places left, soon to be narrowed down to 4 for the semi finals.

Round 5: The Quarter Finals

Vivi (IX) 26 vs Laguna (VIII) 24
Cloud (VII) 22 vs Dagger (IX) 18
Auron (X) 20 vs Zidane (IX) 26
Yuna (X) 24 vs Beatrix (IX) 24

07-23-2012, 06:59 PM
Wasn't there a tie between Cloud and Jecht? They both had 22 points so why did Jecht go out?

07-23-2012, 07:05 PM
Wasn't there a tie between Cloud and Jecht? They both had 22 points so why did Jecht go out?

Cloud beat Jecht 5-2 in Round 4, it's not the total tally, but the tally of the round itself. :)

07-23-2012, 07:10 PM

Jecht lost last round 2-5.
Points from previous rounds matter only when there's a tie? Or maybe they're just there for information.

Vivi (IX) - bad luck for Laguna :( I would vote for him over anyone left except Vivi.
Cloud (VII)
Zidane (IX)
Beatrix (IX)

07-23-2012, 07:15 PM
Or maybe they're just there for information.

This, I love my stats, I find them interesting :D

Vivi (IX)
Cloud (VII)
Zidane (IX)
Beatrix (IX)

07-23-2012, 07:22 PM
Vivi (IX)
Cloud (VII)
Auron (X)
Yuna (X)

07-24-2012, 12:21 AM
Vivi (IX)
Dagger (IX)
Auron (X) This was the hardest battle, I keep changing my mind.
Beatrix (IX)

07-24-2012, 10:55 AM
Cloud beat Jecht 5-2 in Round 4, it's not the total tally, but the tally of the round itself. :)

Ah, I see. Got a bit confused there :P

Round 5

Laguna (VIII)
Dagger (IX)
Zidane (IX)
Yuna (X)

:o this was hard - Laguna or Vivi, how could I choose? But Laguna is one of my all time favourite characters. Dagger vs Cloud was a hard one too, it's getting more difficult now.

07-26-2012, 03:28 AM
Vivi (IX)
Garnet (IX)
Zidane (IX)
Yuna (X)

A really tough choice.

07-26-2012, 05:19 AM
Vivi (IX)
Dagger (IX)
Auron (X)
Beatrix (IX)

07-26-2012, 10:50 AM
Vivi (IX) 26
Cloud (VII)
Auron (X)
Yuna (X)

07-29-2012, 02:03 PM
Last day of voting, three of the four rounds are REALLY tight, one vote will make a huge difference. If you haven't voted yet and want to do so, please do so now.

07-30-2012, 04:30 PM

What characters do you prefer?

Cloud (FF7) or Dagger (FF9)?
Auron (FF10) or Zidane (FF9)?
Yuna (FF10) or Beatrix (FF9)?

The semi finals will be posted soon after. :)

07-30-2012, 04:49 PM
Cloud (FF7)
Zidane (FF9)
Beatrix (FF9)

07-30-2012, 05:03 PM
Round 5 is officially over!

I'm not going to do statistics any further now as we're right at the end of the game! We have three characters from Final Fantasy IX left, so unfortunately I can't separate them any further. Here's the semi finals!

Round 6: The Semi Finals

Zidane (IX) 30 vs Vivi (IX) 33
Cloud (VII) 26 vs Beatrix (IX) 28

07-30-2012, 05:27 PM
Awww, Garnet lost to emoboy. :(

In that case...

Vivi and Beatrix both get my vote, both from FFIX. Take that spikey-head! :p

07-30-2012, 06:11 PM
Zidane (IX)
Beatrix (IX)

07-30-2012, 06:14 PM

07-30-2012, 06:19 PM


07-30-2012, 06:50 PM
Vivi (IX)
Beatrix (IX)

07-30-2012, 09:04 PM

07-30-2012, 10:14 PM
Round 6: The Semi Finals

Zidane (IX)
Beatrix (IX)

08-05-2012, 07:22 PM
Last day of voting, if you haven't voted yet and want to do so, please do it now. :)

08-06-2012, 01:16 PM
Here's the final!

Round 7: The Final
Beatrix (IX) 33 vs Vivi (IX) 38

Tale to the Final:

Game: Final Fantasy IX
Last year's rank: 8th place
Last year's point tally: 23
Round 1: Beat Mustadio (Tactics) 8-0
Round 2: Beat Shadow (VI) 5-1
Round 3: Beat Kefka (VI) 5-2
Round 4: Beat Ultros (VI) 6-1
Round 5: Beat Yuna (X) on a tiebreaker, 4-4
Round 6: Beat Cloud (VII) 5-2
Total points this year: 33
Current rank: 3rd place
Total points tally: 56

Game: Final Fantasy IX
Last year's rank: 21st place
Last year's point tally: 14
Round 1: Beat Cloud of Darkness (III) and Lenna (V) 8-0-0
Round 2: Beat Kain (IV) 5-1
Round 3: Beat Fran (XII) 7-0
Round 4: Beat Edgar (VI) 6-1
Round 5: Beat Laguna (VIII) 7-1
Round 6: Beat Zidane (IV) 5-2
Total points this year: 38
Current rank: 5th place
Total points tally: 52

08-06-2012, 08:42 PM

08-07-2012, 02:31 PM

08-07-2012, 08:34 PM
Hmmm, really tough choice...

But, I'm going to go for the little guy this time. Vivi's story was just so tragic, and yet, despite everything, his youth-like innocence made him such a wonderful character. He really is such a unique protagonist in the series.

08-07-2012, 08:41 PM

08-08-2012, 12:21 AM

08-10-2012, 11:12 PM
Any more votes? It's a close competition so anything can happen! :)

08-11-2012, 02:46 PM
Ah, this is tough. I love Vivi - he's one of my favourite characters in FFIX, and I love Beatrix, she's one of ym favourite female characters from FF.

Aww, decisions, decisions...doesn't help that I wanted Laguna to win :p Oh, I'll go with Beatrix! I'd say why but I can't explain, I love them both and just had to pick!

Beatrix it is :)

08-12-2012, 06:14 PM
Last day for voting, it's terribly tight, any vote now can make such a difference, if you haven't voted please do so now.

08-12-2012, 09:29 PM

08-13-2012, 06:35 PM
Voting is over!

And your winner is...

Favourite Final Fantasy Character Rankings - Year 2

So combining last year and this years tallies makes some interesting notes. What you see below is:

1. Total Rank
2. Character Name
3. Game Representing
4. Last Years Rank
5. Last Years Points Tally
6. This Years Rank
7. This Years Points Tally
8. Total Points Tally

1 Zidane (IX) ; 5th, 29 ; 3rd, 32 ; 61
2 Squall (VIII) ; Winner, 46 ; 17th, 14 ; 60
3 Beatrix (IX) ; 8th, 23 ; 2nd, 36 ; 59
4 Vivi (IX) ; 21st, 14 ; Winner, 42 ; 56
5 Auron (X) ; 6th, 28 ; 6th, 24 ; 52
6 Laguna (VIII) ; 9th, 26 ; 8th, 25 ; 51
7 Cloud (VII) ; 16th, 19 ; 4th, 28 ; 47
8 Sephiroth (VII) ; 2nd, 37 ; 36th, 8 ; 45
9 Kuja (IX) ; 4th, 28 ; 14th, 16 ; 44
10 Locke (VI) ; 11th, 23 ; 12th, 17 ; 40
11 Edgar (VI) ; 15th, 20 ; 10th, 19 ; 39
12 Vincent (VII) ; 7th, 24 ; 17th, 14 ; 38
13 Shadow (VI) ; 3rd, 31 ; 54th, 6 ; 37
13 Terra (VI) ; 10th, 24 ; 21st, 13 ; 37
15 Rydia (IV) ; 14th, 21 ; 15th, 15 ; 36
16 Kefka (VI) ; 13th, 22 ; 23rd, 12 ; 34
17 Yuna (X) ; 65th, 4 ; 5th, 28 ; 32
18 Cecil (IV) ; 18th, 17 ; 17th, 14 ; 31
19 Rikku (X) ; 17th, 19 ; 36th, 8 ; 27
20 Celes (VI) ; 11th, 23 ; 84th, 2 ; 25
20 Jecht (X) ; 73rd, 3 ; 9th, 22 ; 25
22 Dagger (IX) ; 88th, 2 ; 7th, 22 ; 24
22 Kimahri (X) ; 21st, 14 ; 33rd, 10 ; 24
22 Lulu (X) ; 33rd, 12 ; 23rd, 12 ; 24
25 Cid (IX) ; 39th, 10 ; 21st, 13 ; 23
26 Cid (VII) ; 63rd, 4 ; 12th, 17 ; 21
27 Gilgamesh (V) ; 33rd, 12 ; 36th, 8 ; 20
28 Barret (VII) ; 60th, 5 ; 17th, 14 ; 19
28 Hojo (VII) ; 104th, 1 ; 11th, 18 ; 19
28 Quistis (VIII) ; 52nd, 7 ; 23rd, 12 ; 19
28 Seymour (X) ; 33rd, 12 ; 46th, 7 ; 19
32 Kain (IV) ; 33rd, 12 ; 54th, 6 ; 18
32 Galuf (V) ; 56th, 6 ; 23rd, 12 ; 18
32 Krile (V) ; 39th, 10 ; 36th, 8 ; 18
32 Tifa (VII) ; 47th, 8 ; 33rd, 10 ; 18
32 Balthier (XII) ; 19th, 15 ; 68th, 3 ; 18
37 Exdeath (V) ; 32nd, 10 ; 46th, 7 ; 17
37 Ultros (VI) ; 88th, 2 ; 15th, 15 17
37 Irvine (VIII) ; 47th, 8 ; 35th, 9 ; 17
37 Freya (IX) ; 39th, 10 ; 46th, 7 ; 17
37 Steiner (IX) ; 21st, 14 ; 68th, 3 ; 17
37 Fran (XII) ; 43rd, 9 ; 31st, 8 ; 17
43 Leon (II) ; 19th, 15 ; 99th, 1 ; 16
43 Selphie (VIII) ; 65th, 4 ; 23rd, 12 ; 16
45 Chaos (I) ; 52nd, 7 ; 31st, 8 ; 15
45 Rinoa (VIII) ; 28th, 12 ; 68th, 3 ; 15
47 Garland (I) ; 28th, 12 ; 84th, 2 ; 14
47 The Emperor (II) ; 24th, 13 ; 99th, 1 ; 14
47 Rubicante (IV) ; 24th, 13 ; 99th, 1 ; 14
47 Rufus (VII) ; 65th, 4 ; 30th, 10 ; 14
47 Gabranth (XII) ; 56th, 6 ; 36th, 8 ; 14
47 Cid (Tactics) ; 30th, 11 ; 68th, 3 ; 14
53 Firion (II) ; 88th, 2 ; 29th, 11 ; 13
53 Gordon (II) ; 24th, 13 ; 117th, 0 ; 13
53 Aeris (VII) ; 43rd, 9 ; 65th, 4 ; 13
53 Edea (VIII) ; 37th, 11 ; 84th, 2 ; 13
53 Prishe (XI) ; 24th, 13 ; 117th, 0 ; 13
53 Sazh (XIII) ; 39th, 10 ; 68th, 3 ; 13
59 Cid (V) ; 52nd, 7 ; 58th, 5 ; 12
59 Tidus (X) ; 65th, 4 ; 36th, 8 ; 12
59 Ashe (XII) ; 122nd, 0 ; 23rd, 12 ; 12
62 Ricard (II) ; 37th, 11 ; 117th, 0 ; 11
62 Seifer (VIII) ; 30th, 11 ; 117th, 0 ; 11
62 Penelo (XII) ; 47th, 8 ; 68th, 3 ; 11
62 Agrias (Tactics) ; 43rd, 9 ; 84th, 2 ; 11
66 Josef (II) ; 47th, 8 ; 84th, 2 ; 10
66 Desch (III) ; 60th, 5 ; 58th, 5 ; 10
66 Cid (IV) ; 88th, 2 ; 36th, 8 ; 10
66 Rosa (IV) ; 73rd, 3 ; 46th, 7 ; 10
66 Larsa (XII) ; 88th, 2 ; 36th, 8 ; 10
71 Marilith (I) ; 88th, 2 ; 46th, 7 ; 9
71 Zemus (IV) ; 88th, 2 ; 46th, 7 ; 9
71 King Tycoon (V) ; 56th, 6 ; 68th, 3 ; 9
71 Lenna (V) ; 43rd, 9 ; 117th, 0 ; 9
71 Vaan (XII) ; 88th, 2 ; 46th, 7 ; 9
76 Lich (I) ; 122nd, 0 ; 36th, 8 ; 8
76 Tiamat (I) ; 73rd, 3 ; 58th, 5 ; 8
76 Guy (II) ; 65th, 4 ; 64th, 4 ; 8
76 Aria (III) ; 52nd, 7 ; 99th, 1 ; 8
76 Unei (III) ; 47th, 8 ; 117th, 0 ; 8
76 Tellah (IV) ; 122nd, 0 ; 36th, 8 ; 8
76 Quina (IX) ; 73rd, 3 ; 58th, 5 ; 8
83 Bahamut (I) ; 122nd, 0 ; 46th, 7 ; 7
83 Leo (VI) ; 73rd, 3 ; 65th, 4 ; 7
83 Setzer (VI) ; 104th, 1 ; 54th, 6 ; 7
83 Wakka (X) ; 88th, 2 ; 58th, 5 ; 7
83 Basch (XII) ; 65th, 4 ; 68th, 3 ; 7
83 Hope (XIII) ; 65th, 4 ; 68th, 3 ; 7
89 Astos (I) ; 122nd, 0 ; 54th, 6 ; 6
89 Sara (III) ; 73rd, 3 ; 68th, 3 ; 6
89 Xande (III) ; 56th, 6 ; 117th, 0 ; 6
89 Shantotto (XI) ; 60th, 5 ; 99th, 1 ; 6
89 Serah (XIII) ; 104th, 1 ; 58th, 5 ; 6
89 Vanille (XIII) ; 73rd, 3 ; 68th, 3 ; 6
95 Doga (III) ; 63rd, 4 ; 99th, 1 ; 5
95 Golbez (IV) ; 88th, 2 ; 68th, 3 ; 5
95 Zell (VIII) ; 104th, 1 ; 65th, 4 ; 5
95 Semih Lafihna (XI) ; 88th, 2 ; 68th, 3 ; 5
95 Shadow Lord (XI) ; 73rd, 3 ; 84th, 2 ; 5
95 Fang (XIII) ; 73rd, 3 ; 84th, 2 ; 5
95 Lightning (XIII) ; 73rd, 3 ; 84th, 2 ; 5
95 Ovelia (Tactics) ; 88th, 2 ; 68th, 3 ; 5
95 Ramza (Tactics) ; 73rd, 3 ; 84th, 2 ; 5
104 Djinn (III) ; 65th , 4 ; 117th, 0 ; 4
104 Bartz (V) ; 73rd, 3 ; 99th, 1 ; 4
104 Aphmau (XI) ; 88th, 2 ; 84th, 2 ; 4
104 Vayne (XII) ; 104th, 1 ; 68th, 3 ; 4
104 Barthandelus (XIII) ; 104th, 1 ; 68th, 3 ; 4
109 Alus (III) ; 73rd, 3 ; 117th, 0 ; 3
109 Cloud of Darkness (III) ; 73rd, 3 ; 117th, 0 ; 3
109 Faris (V) ; 88th, 2 ; 99th, 1 ; 3
109 Snow (XIII) ; 73rd, 3 ; 117th, 0 ; 3
109 Emerick (XIV) ; 104th, 1 ; 84th, 2 ; 3
109 Meliadoul (Tactics) ; 88th, 2 ; 99th, 1 ; 3
115 Minwu (II) ; 122nd , 0 ; 84th, 2 ; 2
115 Aldo (XI) ; 104th, 1 ; 99th, 1 ; 2
115 Lion (XI) ; 104th, 1 ; 99th, 1 ; 2
115 Tenzen (XI) ; 88th, 2 ; 117th, 0 ; 2
115 Zeid (XI) ; 104th, 1 ; 99th, 1 ; 2
115 Cid (XIII) ; 122nd, 0 ; 84th, 2 ; 2
115 Papalymo (XIV) ; 104th, 1 ; 99th, 1 ; 2
115 Thancred (XIV) ; 104th, 1 ; 99th, 1 ; 2
115 Travanchet (XIV) ; 104th, 1 ; 99th, 1 ; 2
115 Yda (XIV) ; 122nd, 0 ; 84th, 2 ; 2
115 Y'shtola (XIV) ; 122nd, 0 ; 84th, 2 ; 2
115 Zulvan (XIV) ; 104th, 1 ; 99th, 1 ; 2
127 Matoya (I) ; 104th, 1 ; 117th, 0 ; 1
127 Maria (II) ; 104th, 1 ; 117th, 0 ; 1
127 Niellefresne (XIV) ; 122nd, 0 ; 99th, 1 ; 1
127 Dycedarg (Tactics) ; 104th, 1 ; 117th, 0 ; 1
127 Mustadio (Tactics) ; 104th, 1 ; 117th, 0 ; 1
127 Rafa (Tactics) ; 122nd, 0 ; 99th, 1 ; 1
133 Sarah (I) ; 122nd, 0 ; 117th, 0 ; 0
133 Baderon (XIV) ; 122nd, 0 ; 117th, 0 ; 0
133 Malak (Tactics) ; 122nd, 0 ; 117th, 0 ; 0

Final Fantasy Games Rankings - Year 2

What you see below is:

1. Final Fantasy Title
2. This years tally
3. The total tally
4. This year's most popular representive and their points tally
5. The overall most popular representive and their points tally
6. The overall least popular representive and their points tally

IX ; 176 ; 319 ; Vivi, 42 ; Zidane, 61 ; Quina, 8
VI ; 94 ; 243 ; Edgar, 19 ; Locke, 40 ; Leo/Setzer, 7
VII ; 123 ; 234 ; Cloud, 26 ; Cloud, 47 ; Aeris, 13
X ; 124 ; 222 ; Auron, 24 ; Auron, 52 ; Wakka, 7
VIII ; 81 ; 207 ; Laguna, 25 ; Squall, 60 ; Zell, 5
IV ; 69 ; 141 ; Rydia, 15 ; Rydia, 36 ; Golbez, 5
V ; 45 ; 110 ; Galuf, 12 ; Gilgamesh, 20 ; Faris, 3
XII ; 55 ; 102 ; Ashe, 12 ; Balthier, 18 ; Vayne, 4
II ; 21 ; 88 ; Firion, 11 ; Leon, 16 ; Maria, 1
I ; 43 ; 68 ; Chaos, 8 ; Chaos, 15 ; Sarah, 0
III ; 10 ; 53 ; Desch, 5 ; Desch, 10 ; Alus/Cloud of Darkness, 3
XIII ; 23 ; 51 ; Serah, 5 ; Sazh, 13 ; Cid, 2
XI ; 11 ; 41 ; Semih Lafihna, 3 ; Prishe, 13 ; Aldo/Lion/Tenzen/Zeid, 2
Tactics ; 12 ; 41 ; Cid/Ovelia, 3 ; Cid, 14 ; Malak, 0
XIV ; 11 ; 16 ; Emerick/Yda/Y'shtola, 2 ; Emerick, 3 ; Baderon, 0

Other Statistics

The overall Top 3 in the total tallies are FF9, then FF6, then FF7, but for this year alone the Top 3 are FF9, then FF10 and FF7. FF6 didn't do very well this year but it's massive tally from last year still keeps it in second place.

Squall won this knockout game last year, Vivi won it this year, but Zidane has accumulated more points than any other character in the two years combined. He finished 5th place last year, and 3rd this year.

Zidane, Beatrix, Auron are the only three characters to reach the Quarter Finals both years. Zidane, as mentioned, got to the quarter finals this year, then the semi finals this year. Beatrix got to the quarter finals last year, and got to the finals this year. Auron is a two-time quarter finalist.

Poor Sarah (FF1), Malak (FF Tactics) and Baderon (FF14). These three characters are the only characters left not to accumulate a single vote in either of the two years we've been playing this game. Think of them more next year maybe? :)

The highest jump from last year's rankings in the end was Hojo of Final Fantasy VII. He was ranked 104th last year, accumulating only a single point, but his 18 points this year brought him to 28th place, a rise of 76 places.

The lowest drop from last year's rankings is Djinn of Final Fantasy III. He managed to rank in 65th place last year, gaining 4 points in total, but after not getting any points this year he is now ranked in 104th place, a drop of 39 places.


Thank you to everyone that voted. I've enjoyed doing this game two years in a row. I'll be back with it next year, more than likely. I love doing it. I'll probably do another knockout game in the near future, I'm not sure if I'll redo one that I've done before, or do a completely new one. We'll see.

Thanks once again, I hope you've enjoyed playing, and enjoy appreciating Final Fantasy and its amazing characters! :)