12-24-2003, 09:43 PM
Final Fantasy has had a lot of big, bad villains - but how close did they ever come to succeeding in their plans. Here's a chance to toss aside your own personal opinion of what you think of Sephiroth, or Seymour, or whoever and just discuss your opinion on who was actually the most effective. Here's my personal list of effectiveness, but if you see something that you disagree with, feel free to argue it:

#1. First place goes to Kefka! I mean, think about it. He actually managed to put his plan in motion and create the World of Ruin. He then kept things going for over a year and terrorized everyone with his destruction beam. He very nearly might have won if Celes hadn't managed to finally come out of her coma and gather everyone up to take him on.

#2. Ultimecia. She managed to terrorize everyone and keep them at war. Then she actually managed to initiate time-kompression and do some damage before Squall and co. finally took her on and set things right. Or did they? There's some that believe that time-compression actually did take place and what we saw was just some sort of dream.

#3. Sephiroth. He burned down an entire town and terrorized a lot of people. He found the "Promised Land" he was seeking and managed to call Meteor. He very nearly succeeded in his plan to rule over everyone as a God, but then Cloud and co. stopped him, although Meteor was still hurtling towards the planet. Now, with Advent Children, might he even be back? (I don't know much, I've decided to forego watching the trailers.

#4. Kuja. He destroyed Terra and seriously transformed Gaia. He also succeeded in discovering Trance. If you want to consider Necron the villain - well, whatever.

#5. Seymour. I give Seymour last place easily. He was an abysmal failure. He got killed for goodness sakes, but still managed to keep going because of the whole unsent thing and then he still kept getting cut down. The wedding was a big bust and he sure didn't succeed at merging with Sin. Now, if you want to consider Yu Yevon / Sin as the villain, then that's a much better case - what, with a thousand years of terror.

That's all the ones from some of the most recent. Beyond that, my memory gets a little foggy and let's not talk about FFX-2, since a lot of people don't know what happens yet.

12-25-2003, 04:50 AM
1# Kefka ofcourse. His lines were true brilliance and all his little tricks and schemes. + general leo, the goddesses and his hate speech. XD

2# Ultimecia, I guess.
She did reach what she was after although it was kind of hand given by Squall and co.

for the herefor mentioned reasons ^^;

12-27-2003, 09:10 AM
#1 Kefka
As mentioned above, he succeeded in becoming a god and terrorizing the world. And he did so in the middle of the game! He actually gets one year of enjoying his victory. That's impressive.

#2 Kuja
He, too, reaches his goal. Sadly, it's he himself, it's his psyche, that causes his downfall shortly thereafter. He does not get to enjoy his victory at all, the poor mite.

#3 Ulty
I guess.

Least successful ones... Let's see how some of them were truly unsuccessful in whetever they did.

He did a lot of work breaking his seal and coming back to the world. He managed to merge the two worlds back into their original oneness, and aquired the power of the void or whatever it was. However, he was consumed by this very same void, quite easily, so in the end, well. It was something he should have considered. Idiot!

I mean, Sephiroth. What was it he ever really achieved?

'Abysmal failure'? Probably so very true. He had a three step plan: a) binding Yuna to him, b) becoming her Final Aeon/Sin, c) destroying Spira. He didn't even manage a). Instead he only caused himself to die and his followers to become detested hopeless scattered pitiful... people. Well, since death was what he strived for, maybe he's at least content to be dead himself?

12-30-2003, 03:32 AM
Ultimecia? You got to be kidding, she came out of no where. So retarded. She just ends up to be the main villian at the end of the game? Effective? Not really.

Seymour - horrible. Shouldn't even have been a villian. He had like.. No part in the story whatsoever. He just wanted to take over Sin and destroy the world. He's just a psycho that was there for no apparent reason. They could have left him out completely, and the game would have been the same. Only part that he played = trying to marry Yuna. That pissed me off lol.

01-14-2004, 04:44 AM
Sephiroth.. he keeps pple guessin where's he headin nxt.. plus he's ultra kool and scares the heck outta pple.. an yea.. he achieve wad he wanted ta do an stopped by Cloud

01-14-2004, 09:40 AM
@Mega Tonberry
Hey, of course everyone loathed Seymour and of course Ultimecia was not presented quite thoroughly enough, but this is not about who is the best, most popular or something villain, but the most effective.

Alice Wonderbra
01-14-2004, 11:08 AM
kefka in first cuz yeah, he did fulfill his plan, just not as long as he would have liked.

sephiroth 2nd--he almost got there. what, like he only needed an itsy bit more time

ultimecia 3rd--she was a huge terror and a huge threat throughout the entire game (excuse me, but she didnt just magically appear at the end or some shit like necron, she used others as puppets the entire time. i thought the "change" in villains was a superb idea) the only reason sephiroth beats her is cuz i think he did more damage

kuja/necron 4th--transformed the world but was too easy to stop; i never really felt the threat

if we were to count x-2, i'd put that villain next, but ill say seymour is last. he sucked. he died. everything he did was futile. the only thing he accomplished was the bad stuff that happened to his own people.

01-14-2004, 02:08 PM
yeah id have to say sin on that one as first place for me, I mean after all the thousand years thing and it even has the power to destrot huge citys in a single swipe.:eye:

01-14-2004, 03:25 PM
Kuja should be higher. Isn't destroying a whole planet way more.... evil, than doing something lame with time that I can't remember?

01-14-2004, 06:01 PM
You chould be right

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
01-19-2004, 07:41 PM
I wish this went across different games... in that case I'd say the Elder God from the Legacy of Kain series ownz all, unless you want to say Kain or Raziel are the actual villian (heck, it appears everyone is a villian there).

But, Kefka ownz. I'll give the rest of the list later.

01-24-2004, 01:18 PM
maybe seph did no as much bad stuff, but his character i think is a winner, phycologicaly and mentaly, he had more effect, with wit clever remarks, and actions. kuja didnt have much of an effect on me this way, (even tho his appearance is simlar). Queen brahne deserves a mention coz i thought she was a better villan, bein ugly , power hungry and all that, and she almost started alota bad shit. seymore was a wang, his voice sux, so does his hair, and he didnt really do much eh.

01-24-2004, 01:25 PM
and another thing, it was good in ff7 how u saw seph as he was before he went nuts, he appeard to be a cool guy, and a good soldier, and nothing was sus, (with the exeption of his cool sword). and when u meet seymore, he is so sus anyone could tell that hes a bad dude, so i guess for most of you it wasnt a surprise when u found out his intentions. And they should have given yu yevon a bit of character, that thing sucked too.