12-24-2003, 02:17 PM
i am really startign to despise people. the reason is this. they seem to know a difference between ff3 and ff6, and a difference between ff2 and ff4. this is simply stupid. they are the same game. nuff sed.

12-24-2003, 03:01 PM
Depends if you use japanese counting and such

FF3j is very different from the american FF3. Which was released as FF6 in Japan.

If you didn't knew that ofcourse:

FF2j = not officialy released in america
FF2a = FF4j
FF3j = not released in america
FF3a = FF6j

12-24-2003, 04:28 PM
id the actaul game different. like story, not sum minimal bs and the numbers

12-24-2003, 09:14 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">They are completely different games if you look at Tekno's list. The game that was originally released as FF2 in America though is exactly the same game as was released as FF4 in Japan; and what was originally FF3 in America is exactly the same as what was FF6 in Japan.

However, FF2 and FF3 in Japan were never released anywhere else. FF2's recently been brought out with FF Origins, but that's FF2j and not what was originally labelled as FF2 in America.

Confused? Well I'm trying to make it simple but I'm probably failing. =\ Basically the way Tekno said it is that where FF2a = FF4, they are EXACTLY THE SAME GAME, they were just released under different titles in Japan and America for some reason.

12-24-2003, 09:24 PM
Yeah, that's the point. Because some of the games weren't released originally in America, when they did come to America they were given lower numbers to match up with what had been released in America. But beginning with Final Fantasy VII, they apparently decided that this whole weird system was stupid and confusing and so they just made it uniform across the board.

12-25-2003, 01:37 PM
just to make things straight....if i played ff2a, and and then ff2j, and then ff4a, and then ff4j, i would have played the same game 4 times? what the actual question the GAME different. dont bother explaining the numbers and shit. a good way to ask, is cecil in all of them?

12-25-2003, 02:43 PM
No, you wouldn't be playing the same game four times.

FF2A = FF4J = Cecil

FF2J = a game not originally released in the US, but you can get it now on in an anthology. It has a really confusing battle system and so I've never messed around much with this one myself

FF4A = nonexistent

FF4J = Cecil = see above

12-26-2003, 01:27 AM
and what about ff6? hate to bother u

12-26-2003, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by brs620
id the actaul game different. like story, not sum minimal bs and the numbers

I dunno... FF2a and FF4j are PRETTY damn different. But overall and generally, it's the same game.... it's just the huge ass differences that made the game a different run through.

But here's a straight run through all Final Fantasy games before PSX.

US name (pre PSX era) - JPN name - What it's about in one sentence

Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy - 4 guys whomping people

(Was not released) - Final Fantasy 2 - Really odd leveling system.

(Was NEVER released) - Final Fantasy 3 - Onion Kids!

Final Fantasy 2 - Final Fantasy 4 - Cecil is happy. :(

(Was not released) - Final Fantasy 5 - Bartz want Renia lovin.

Final Fantasy 3 - Final Fantasy 6 - Terra has lots of men.


Final Fantasy 5 and 6 came out in Final Fantasy Antology

Final Fantasy 4 and Chrono Trigger came out in Final Fantasy Chronicles

Final Fantasy 1 and 2 came out in Final Fantasy Origins

Final Fantasy 3 MAY come out on PSX.

Edit: And I should add, there were 2 Final Fantasy 4's... but I won't get into that...

Second Thought: WSC doesn't add into the Final Fantasy 4 count of games. >:

12-26-2003, 02:57 AM
I dunno... FF2a and FF4j are PRETTY damn different. But overall and generally, it's the same game.... it's just the huge ass differences that made the game a different run through.
Yeah, I guess you're right. Because of the whole "easytype" vs. "hardtype" difference. The "easytpe" is missing out on some cool moves and the enemies are easier and stuff. Also, some things are lost or changed in the translation.