05-20-2012, 09:48 AM
Any Yggdra Union OST & OSV
Any 7th Dragon album.
Okamiden[/B] album
Any Pinky Street OSTs
Any Rhythm Tengoku/Heaven album

Leon Scott Kennedy
05-20-2012, 09:56 AM
Lossless Uncharted OSTs are actually hosted at EmuParadise, I've uploaded 'em there, but the Webmaster seems to be against the share of .cue/.logs. If you want I can provide such files separately.

05-23-2012, 05:40 AM
Lossless Uncharted OSTs are actually hosted at EmuParadise, I've uploaded 'em there, but the Webmaster seems to be against the share of .cue/.logs. If you want I can provide such files separately.Thanks for the offer but don't trouble yourself. I wasn't thinking when I made such request. I'm sure I can get Uncharted of all my list atleast from that russian torrent site i forgot the name of.

I knew but totally forgot about emuparadise. Hate how they compile their lossless music >_>
Making every file have it's own page making it impossible to download all without a few hundred clicks.
No cues, no logs, no scans.

Leon Scott Kennedy
05-23-2012, 07:52 AM
Oh, geez... You get stuff for free, 0 complaints.... And even if they don't provide .cue/.logs... the quality's still lossless, apart from a few old stuff like the "Alundra Soundtrack" they're currently hosting, a transcode.

05-23-2012, 08:49 AM
Oh, geez... You get stuff for free, 0 complaints.... And even if they don't provide .cue/.logs... the quality's still lossless, apart from a few old stuff like the "Alundra Soundtrack" they're currently hosting, a transcode.

All your points are valid. I should have been more respectful to the concept of free. But Uncharted was a mistake for me to mention. What Emuparadise does have is usually easily found on other sites in better collections. I can go to BakaBT for a monster of a Final Fantasy collection, or rutracker for a few others. vnsharing is pretty solid when you're not encountering dead links, and FFshriners are always offering helping hands. I'm trying to figure the hell out of astost which has a few albums I didn't even know existed, and 128bit looks very promising in their new lossless thread.

Guess I kinda just look down on emuparadise because I never use it, or find it all that useful. Free is Free, but I also have options. Now if Emuparadise forum members shown more support for FLAC and updated+included more variety of albums, I'd often look on emu to see if they had something I didn't have. Most of the time I'm unaware of their existence because they never show up in my google results because I know its lacking in in less mainstream and promo OSTs.