Ultima Fire
12-21-2003, 08:06 PM
Ok With Advent children coming out in summer 2004 in japan. A remake of final fantasy VII may not be far away. I myself reckon that the film is both a chance for square to make money, and a test to see if they should make a new final fantasy VII game on PS2.

Which brings me to the next point. if You were directin the remake of 7 where would ya make changes. Where would you add in FMV's, New characters??? maybe even an advent children bit when ya complete the game. ie like a game version of the film.like an extra disk.

think of it, really. i'd make the, it was possible, the whole last fight with sephiroth, ( the one where you can't lose ) a Fmv well the omnislash bit. BIG SWORD FIGHT THING

and when your in the truck with seph in the flashback. and ya hear the noise( the dragon ) i'd have it so that an fmv'd come up and you'd see the truck skid in the rain and stuff and then the dragon standin in front of it, i breaths fire at the camera angle as if it was twards you and then seph and cloud would stand out. a swirly thing and and the fight cue music lights and seph kickin ass.

So what di you think. i'll be addin to this when i remember my other ideas, i had loads. What would you add.

12-22-2003, 01:54 AM
First off I hope that Squenix doens't remake FF7 for the ps2, rather that they wait until the next generation of game systems so they could do an actual remake with much improved graphics and sound (but please no voice acting), and not just a port like they did with the nes and snes games to psone.

The additions I'd like to see would be fmvs where Vincent and Yuffie are included if you have them in your party.

That and another secret playable character, Bugenhaggen. Just add a sidequest near the end of the game where you have to go back to Cosmo canyon to get him. I'd just love to see his limit break "Drunken floating leggless old man rage!".

Ultima Fire
12-22-2003, 01:09 PM
ha cool idea the ps3 but you need sephiroth to have a sick mental laugh.
Aeris would need to be revived, or if ya did somthing different cloud would dive and push her outta the way and you'd have ta fight jenova, and then seph after but it'd be one of those fights that ya lose in no matter what like the kuja fights in nine.

a cool fmv, would be after when you do the bit with the motorcycle and the big huge robot thing comes along, big fmv
And one thing that should be in every final fantasy, the ability to look at your weapons from every angle like in the first resident evil.

Zack would need to play a bigger part in the game, and possibly be a playable character. and like in IX at the start ya should be able to use Biggs wedge or jesse in your first mission.
Oh and *the black mages* need to do some of the songs eg the boss music.

*the black mages, a band that nobuo uematsu formed that plays music from final fantasy with a rock flavour to them. they do the ff7 boss music and its soooooo cool.

12-23-2003, 01:47 AM
Hmmm...... I think I would make Seph a playable character, just so I cancontrol him and use him to kick Ass.

I like Ultima Fire of the idea of a FMV for the fight against seph. That would be way cool!!!!!!!

Ultima Fire
12-24-2003, 01:14 PM
But the thing we all wanted was aeris to be either revived or not die in the first place. It should be like if you treat her well she doesn't die and cloud pushes her outta the way.

Or in an interesting rumor i saw once it said that if you were really nice to aeris and bad to tifa, ( this isn't true, i tried it ) then tifa'd get in the wasy of the sword and she'd die instead. but then all the fmv's would need to be changed but it'd be cool anyway.

Keep on truckin, replies are good, like tea.

12-25-2003, 05:38 PM
I would make it that Aeris stay alive. She has all the best limit breaks eva!!

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
12-26-2003, 07:43 AM
I wouldnt make it so that Aeris comes back, because well I thought that she sucked......BAD!

But I would have more materia, well I wouldn't add more Summons, KOTR is perhaps too powerful already. But I'd have more support materia or independant materia.

Ummm.....yeah a few more FMV's

Re-done music, perhaps get a well known band to do it like My Vitriol (My Vitriol do some awesome music, from heavy guitar/bass music, to soft piano pieces)

I'd make it so that Zack eventually becomes a playable character.

Apart from those though, they should keep FF7 the same...oh and of course re-do the graphics.

12-26-2003, 08:15 AM
official advent children site!

Ultima Fire
12-26-2003, 09:49 AM
Alright, thanks nfinitfx. I checked out the site it's pretty feckin cool
Great interface.

If i were any of you i'd check the trailer section of the site every so often. they have the full first trailer with sounds, and i'd say that in a month or so they'll have the trailer that was at the jump thing ie. the one with "Vincent" . 'cept it won't have the top corner takin out. Heh Heh SWEET!!:cool:

Vivi FF
12-26-2003, 03:03 PM
I'd like to see the character's with voices. That would be kinda pretty cool see, uh, hear.

Obvisouly, improved graphics and camera. Like when a person is talking in FFX/X-2, the camera shows them instead of the somewhat bird-eye's view.

More action in the flasback w/Seph. I always dread that part.

Ultima Fire
12-26-2003, 10:37 PM
Yeah i was just thinkin, i never even thought 'bout this.
What about the turks??? i wonder are they in the new film. but one of them sould be a playable character i'd reckon if it was anyone it'd be tseng. but then there'd be a big story change aeris would hav ta be alive as he'd have no reason to join and he'd wanta stay at least 10 ft away from seph, he's got a big sword dumbass he'll gut yah in a sec

But yeah the turks rock they're so like a Secret police type thing,
Plus reno's the man

Hey chec it out i'm the new guy on this site

12-27-2003, 01:12 AM
I've said it before, but I would add:

- More games at the Gold Saucer and more stuff for the ones that are already there.

- More monsters and improved looks for the old ones and maybe a monster arena.

- Improved graphics and sound

Those are just some of the things that I think would be neat to see in a remake.

The Joker
12-27-2003, 05:37 AM
I posted this in another topic, so I'll just copy it.

That being said, anything FF7 would do well with this in terms of gameplay mostly:

1. Spells to each element!!! Where was Air1, Water1, and such?!
2. Huge amounts of sidequests. Ones that give more characterization, limit breaks, materia, money, any kind of progression.
3. Lets see the enemies! Like Chrono Cross or Xenosaga. Lets admit random battles are somewhat annoying. >< Maybe have to use stealth a bit more and such.
4. Keep the "attacked from both sides" and "first strike" stuff!
5. Weapon, armor, accessory, and item devolopment. Like using items to strengthen or alter weapons, making items or growing items, like the loco weed.
6. Far more everything. Characters having like 20 limit breaks, more materia, more new commands.
7. Character specific skills. Kinda like FF6. I felt characters should have their own special tributes aside from limit breaks and initial stats, and the equipment.
8. A new adventure system. Where you don't just walk around...like say (bad example) Tomb Raider. Climb things, push things, jump, sprint, set traps for enemies, and such. Not just not run around and push levers. Lets explore the realm to the fullest.
9. Voice acting which can be turned on or off.
10. Possibly multiple paths, kinda like Chrono Cross. It increases the replay value.
11. New game option. Once you beat it, you open a game with say better stats, new cut scenes, new paths, more weapons, and such.
12. More hidden characters and secret limit breaks perhaps?
13. Stats that might be applicable to the game, like on Fable. Having higher speed would help you run faster, higher strength might help you break down doors, etc.
14. Swap out characters like FFX, maybe even its different activation style overdrive.
15. Use of different characters perspective. Example, Aeris may attract more men and get non playables to be nicer. Cloud may frighten people and get different responses. Use of different character for different responses.
16. High music quality, orchestrated or digitally perfected.
17. Top of the line graphics.
18. Use of environments perhaps like FFX. Examples: Pushing a boss of a ledge, or activating a near by machine.
Lets hope that sounds cool.

And above all....


19. Optional Aeris save sidequest. Though I know many people are against it, if done correctly, they could add a lot of emotion and even more complexity. Maybe Aeris' spirit comes back to help finish the job before she has to go back or something like that. Either way, Sephiroth died at one point in time, having Aeris come back isn't truly a radical idea. And since it would be optional, I don't feel anyone should complain since they reserve the right to not go on the quest.

More Spoilers!!!

More clues about Aeris being "there" at the end, and an optional quest to maybe revive her for just a short period of time as mentioned earlier. Many people I takled to did not pick up on the suttle clues of her being "there" at the end.

I would've loved to see better characterization on Tifa's part. I find it somewhat contradictory, and when there is, it feels either disliking or shallow. (She can break stuff with her fists but always needs attention and help.) In the end, despite what was said, I feel as though I'm still not sure if I know her. If I was given lines of videogame characters, I would have the hardest time with Tifa. Everyonoe else seems to have a code, a motto, a style, Tifa does not so much. I guess because everyone else is so much easier...I would recogonize her, but only because of good ole process of elimination.

12-27-2003, 12:38 PM

lots more information about ff:ac!!! run time has extended to 70-80mins now!! and more info about cloud,barret and enemies, bad news is that i ''!!!think!!!'' sephiroth is not in it.

Ultima Fire
12-27-2003, 02:38 PM
( Joking ) God Dam you Gandalf you took all my ideas, tsk tsk tsk:notgood: ( end joke ) But I totally agree with you, you have some cool ideas.

I myself think that the bike should play a larger part in the game, and there should definetly be aero and water materia. and they should add more summons like a bit from eight NONE FROM NINE OR TEN. Knights of the round is and always will be the best ending summon.

But this regards all final fantasys but would work best in seven. the ultima materia when you first get it from the well should be in three parts that need to be build up till they can deal MASSIVE damage as one materia orb. or be used as a dealta attack like in chrono trigger.

But anyway one of the pieces should cast the ultima From VII with the stars, the Flash and the Green Wave thing.

the second should cast the nuclear dome type thing like in VIII

And the other should cast the Wierd red arrow thing( which will be made green ) that was in FF IX.

When all are one they would cast it like the Arrows fly out and down hit the grond in a big nuke and then go into the wave

it'll go IX VIII VI or for the simple 9, 8 ,7

12-28-2003, 12:47 AM
well first of all Cloud needs to have the red cape tetsuyo gave him in kingdom hearts! That looked cool, well maybe he shouldnt have it right away, maybe get it later on. anyway, Sephiroth needs to have more of the spot light, and a sword one bajillion shabbady doo million times bigger than it is. wait, why nt just make a sephiroth game? him and the KOTR can go around drinking beer and burning town after town and getting into bar fights, it'd be great!

But on a more serious note, Cloud needs to be delved into alot deeper character wise, same with zack, maybe have more flashbacks of aeris and zack, and zack and cloud, And more fmvs too, more action packed anyway, the love that grows betwen aeris and cloud needs to be emphasized and brought out alot more so you actual care for the two characters safe return back together. Although i dont think aeris should live, her death was needed to add to the tragedy of the game, and if the connection between aeris and cloud is brought out stronger than it was youll feel even worse than you did the first time she died. Also when you at the bonfire in cosmo canyon and barret talks about telling biggs wedge and jessie hell bring them to cosmo canyon someday and all, there should be more cutscenes there to show them together during happier times, instead of killing them off and not a bit of develepmont, i admit if you do so much the game will be alot bigger, longer to make and have about 30 more hours of game play, if not more, but hey! i aint complaining.

And hey visit www.blackartstudios.geahost.com (http://www.blackartstudios.geahost.com) and go into the forums, im trying to get a small little community going of artists, musicians, composers, gamers and idea people going. So check out the site and let me know what yas think, i wanna discuss some final fantasy there too, but riht now i need people there. Thanx

And ultima fire, keep up the good work and ideas

03-19-2004, 06:45 AM
id make it so the girls would chupa clouds carne hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this is what tifa would look like:o hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhhhhahhahahaha hhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhhhhahhahahahahhahahah ahhahahahahahahahahhhhhhahhahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahahahahahhhhhhahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhhhhhahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhhhh ahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhhhhahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhhhhahhahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahahahahahhhhhhahhahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahahahahahhhhhhahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha hahahhhhhhahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhh hhahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhhhhahhaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhhhhahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahahahahahhhhhhahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahahahahahahhhhhhahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha hahahahhhhhhahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahh hhhhahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhhhhahha hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhhhhahhahahahahh ahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhhhhahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahahahahahhhhhhah