Ultima Fire
12-21-2003, 07:57 PM
Ok With Advent children coming out in summer 2004 in japan. A remake of final fantasy VII may not be far away. I myself reckon that the film is both a chance for square to make money, and a test to see if they should make a new final fantasy VII game on PS2.

Which brings me to the next point. if You were directin the remake of 7 where would ya make changes. Where would you add in FMV's, New characters??? maybe even an advent children bit when ya complete the game. ie like a game version of the film.like an extra disk.

think of it, really. i'd make the, it was possible, the whole last fight with sephiroth, ( the one where you can't lose ) a Fmv well the omnislash bit. BIG SWORD FIGHT THING

and when your in the truck with seph in the flashback. and ya hear the noise( the dragon ) i'd have it so that an fmv'd come up and you'd see the truck skid in the rain and stuff and then the dragon standin in front of it, i breaths fire at the camera angle as if it was twards you and then seh and cloud would stand out.
kinda like this pic i drew, i havn't gone over it in pen though.

So what di you think i'll be addin to this when i remember my other ideas, i had loads

12-23-2003, 12:05 AM
I would not remake it.... at all. I mean if you can still grab it for the PSX and play it, no need to remake it since that would only interrupt what a great game FF7 already is.

I would, however, make a sequel to FF7. That would be nicer than a remake of a game I've already played half to death.

Ultima Fire
12-23-2003, 07:42 PM
DON'T PUT REPLIES HERE this whole thread was put in by accident i have the exact same one as this in another thread cept its called Possible spoilers, If they remade FFVII.........

I didn't mean to put this one up twice but i tried to add a pic that was too big and stuff happened and WHOAH CRAP two of the same thread, so webmaster if your watchin get rid off this thread but not the good one with the spoilers warning

Rabid Monkey
12-23-2003, 09:36 PM
*posts a reply*

Sorry dude, didn't mean to pick on the thread... It was just one of those cases where my funny bone was being tickled, all in good humor though, I assure you.

12-23-2003, 10:21 PM

Edit: Oh god x.x that was such a jolly good funny, for you two to reply here when somebody asked not to because of an honoust mistake.

~ Tekno