05-17-2012, 06:56 AM
Hey all,

It's a little late as there are only about 56 hours left, but I wanted to let you know about Jane Jensen's new game (Moebius) and her development studio (Pinkerton Road). This is huge news for adventure game fans.

Jane Jensen's Moebius and Pinkerton Road Studio by Jane Jensen — Kickstarter (

The kickstarter is funded and right now we're mainly going for stretch goals (~$30k from $400k to add more game content).

In addition, Jane has also received word from another publisher that her "Mystery Game X" will be made during this first yearly cycle. We're not sure what it is, but it could be a Gabriel Knight remake/HD upgrade.

$16 will get you either Moebius or Mystery Game X.
$50 gets you both games plus other bonuses (weekly updates, soundtracks, beta testing, etc.).


05-18-2012, 07:56 PM
Only $8000 or so away from the $400k stretch goal. It's going to happen!

Make sure to pledge in the next 18 hours before the kickstarter ends. After it ends you can still use Paypal (see the kickstarter page for more information).

05-18-2012, 09:26 PM
What's the PayPal total at? That counts towards the stretch goal too, doesn't it?

05-18-2012, 10:04 PM
According to Jane, about $3000.

05-19-2012, 01:15 AM
$400k has been unlocked! (considering $3k from Paypal).

Now to $450k, where we get a live orchestra for the main theme and 1000 lines of dialogue.

14 more hours to pledge! $50 for two games is a great deal.

05-20-2012, 03:37 AM
We hit about $435k on the kickstarter and raised an additional $5k with Paypal for $440k total. Just $10k away from the final stretch goal!

Jane will still be taking Paypal donations through the Pinkerton Road website:

Join CSG | Pinkerton Road (

Pledge by May 25 to have access to the same rewards as the kickstarter tiers. After that point pledging will still be open but some of the goodies may not be available!

Most likely more pledges among the next week or two will put the project above $450k. After that point Jane will be able to add 1000 lines of dialogue and record the musical themes with a live orchestra.