05-11-2012, 03:15 PM
Does anyone know where I can find (or if they even exist) Tyler Bates' score for Sucker Punch, and an expanded score for Watchmen...? I doubt the latter exists, but surely there'd be something for Sucker Punch somewhere

05-12-2012, 05:14 PM
A better question would be, why do people continually pay him to "compose" scores??

I'm sorry that wasn't very nice, but I couldn't resist... I do know that there has been no expanded Watchmen surface, but Sucker Punch, I think, had an OST release.

05-13-2012, 01:10 AM
Does anyone know where I can find (or if they even exist) Tyler Bates' score for Sucker Punch, and an expanded score for Watchmen...? I doubt the latter exists, but surely there'd be something for Sucker Punch somewhere

No score album for Sucker Punch was ever released. A couple composers put samples of their additional work up, about 4 or 5 tracks. But it does not look like the score is ever going to happen, unfortunately.

jmn....although I mostly agree with you, I like the Sucker Punch score. For whatever reason, the combination of the score and the songs worked perfectly for that movie. If you listen, you'll find that the score continues with several elements and themes of the songs it is blendid with. Sucker Punch could no more work without it's score than say, The Crow, for instance.

05-13-2012, 03:02 AM
Yeah, I hate to admit it but I mostly agree with jmn too. Especially regarding all that crap where he stole half the music for 300 from Elliott Goldenthal. But still, the Watchmen music was awesome.

05-13-2012, 12:26 PM
Actually I quite like the Watchmen score too. If for no other reason, it seems to really fit the film. At one point I too was looking for an expanded or complete version :) And, if nothing else, his decision (assuming it was his) to use Philip Glass' Prophecies/Pruitt Igoe during the whole "birth of Dr. Manhattan" scene was BRILLIANT. It blew me away upon first (and subsequent) viewings. It just fit SO perfectly. And certain moments like, What About Janie Slater? and Just Look Around You are quite beautiful as well!

Amanda, I've yet to see Sucker Punch period, but sounds like I'm missing out on some good music! Is the film itself good?

05-13-2012, 05:31 PM
If you want to see a bunch of girls strutting around in stripper-riffic gear as they blast their way through video and other pop-culture references to get their level, I mean story objectives- then it's kind of entertaining. If you're looking for Alice in Wonderland with guns- as Zack Snyder tried to sell it- nope.

05-13-2012, 07:49 PM
Eh... I think I'll just watch my naked wife grill salmon on the deck while the score to Beetlejuice blares, as I do every Tuesday night instead, thanks.

Shit, I was probably supposed to keep that to myself, wasn't I?

05-15-2012, 11:06 AM
And your wife probably has a lot more plot integrity and character development than Sucker Punch! :)

Yeah, it's not a great film. Visually fantastic, and obviously the music is pretty good but it's just like Tombraider said; level achievements over story. Which is disappointing after Watchmen. Love the Philip Glass music!

05-15-2012, 03:32 PM
And your wife probably has a lot more plot integrity and character development than Sucker Punch! :)

05-15-2012, 06:18 PM
jmn, I have never played a single vg in my life, and I quite love Sucker Punch. There IS a story, just not the one you'd expect. It is told mostly as a dream sequence / hallucination / fantasy typr thing. I am not saying the story is overly involving, but it holds enough to link the action stuff. Visually, style wise, the movie looks fantastic. Just gorgeaous, with a few anime elementa here and there. Anytime it comes on (on cable), I can just sit and watch it. Seen it dozens of times, still find I love to just look at it.

The music contains rerecordings of VA songs, mixed into Bate's score. Pretty good combo. Works entirely perfectly in the scenes.

I'd recommend giving it a watch, if you can ever see it free. Like borrowed, or on HBO or what not.

05-16-2012, 11:11 AM
The problem I had with the story is that the first layer of "fantasy" with the whorehouse/whatever was unnecessary. It would've been much more intense and interesting and gritty if they'd kept the primary setting as the asylum. Love how bleak the ending was though, I wasn't expecting that.

05-16-2012, 11:33 AM
Right on, thanks for the recommendation baby doll :)