05-01-2012, 09:01 AM
So, feel the need to bitch? Upset about the direction your life has gone? The multitude of various morons, both here and in general getting you down? Well, then, this is the place to let it out. Rant, rave flame, whatever. Don't hold back, and certainly don't make a half dozen threads to complain about fellow members. There will be milk and cookies later to soothe your butthurtness. :)

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
05-01-2012, 09:34 AM
Hi. I'm Sparktank.
"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Spaaaaaaarktaaank"

So, I'm a Butt-hurt survivor... :sad:

I'm butt-hurt because of Hans Zimmer not including his two pieces into the soundtracks as the film versions.

Hey, Johnnie Cope from Sherlock 1.
The Congress Reel from Sherlock 2.

Sherlock 2 got a different version with a lot of extra instruments and voices which is completely different than the versions used in the film.
Poitin did the song "The Cogress Reel" and Zimmer did his own version.



05-01-2012, 09:58 AM
That IS a rough one, Sparks. Sit down, have a cookie and a fap. Then, lemonade. :)

05-01-2012, 05:42 PM
Hi. I'm Eurysilas.
"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Eury"

So, I'm a Butt-hurt survivor... :(

I'm butthurt because other people are butthurt on behalf of other people being butthurt. It's all fucking stupid, and I get the uncontrollable urge to set them on fire...Or subject them to Joel Olsteen for 24 hours running.

I need help so very badly *whimper*

Chocolate Misu
05-01-2012, 09:16 PM
Hi, I'm CM.
" cricket"

So I'm a butt-hurt survivor but still butt-hurt......... :sad:

I'm butt-hurt because I've never gotten to use this pic I made about being butt-hurt..... :sad:

05-06-2012, 03:33 PM
I personally am butt hurt that almost no one has chosen to express their butt hurt openly, here, in this thread created for the soothing of their asses. :erm:....I can fix that later BUTT...

But, I have read a lot of you people's posts. You all just exude butt hurt in one degree or another. What traveler of the web doesn't ? So don't be shy, open up, and entrust your butt hurts to us, your friends and fellow travelers...:awsm:

Really, I expected more...err..shenanigans. from you know who over at you know where, shitting you know what....

My problem is that after taking high dose sleep and anti psycotic meds, I got trapped on youtube reading about Niribu and planet x and shifting poles, and the earth doesn't spin, and there are two earths, and the planes are trying to poison.........:eye: I could feel my ever so fragil to begin with brain cells screaming as they died. And we have no thread to help with brai drain. I was gonna make one, but figured folks would be more concerned with their asses first....

Chocolate Misu
05-07-2012, 02:03 AM
There's more than two Earths silly~ :awsm: Because Third Earth :awsm: *thundercats*

I'm still butt-hurt that Snarfer went to the robear berbil village, ON Third Earth mind you, he went there to get MEXICAN food............

MEXICAN FOOD................ ON A PLANET WITH NO MEXICO...............

05-07-2012, 02:21 AM
NOT Mexican food....."Mexican INSPIRED" Taco Bell for the fail...:awsm:

05-07-2012, 04:14 AM

05-15-2012, 10:51 PM
So, this will sound really, really petty, so this should be the right place. My cd of Once Upon a Time came in the mail today. My first actual pressed release in years now. And, while it is cool, I am a little butthurt. Cause I ordered it less than a week ago. I was so EXCITED that I was going to get to post something really cool, and in lossless no less. **sqeal**.

Less than a day after I ordered, flac copies were posted at a private blog, then got posted here. So not only could I have saved myself 25 bucks, had I waited one more day, BUT I also don't get to be Santa either. **dashed hopes and dreams**

Like I said, petty. But I was sooo looking forward to it.

So, yea.

05-15-2012, 11:44 PM
I personally am butt hurt that almost no one has chosen to express their butt hurt openly, here, in this thread created for the soothing of their asses. :erm:....I can fix that later BUTT...

But, I have read a lot of you people's posts. You all just exude butt hurt in one degree or another. What traveler of the web doesn't ? So don't be shy, open up, and entrust your butt hurts to us, your friends and fellow travelers...:awsm:

Hello, my name is Docrate1 and I'm butt hurt because the damn idiots who take the decision in wrestling companies are friggin' MORONS !!! Let's bring back a fucker who doesn't care about wrestling, is prone to injure other wrestlers, but it's Okay, it will make the company better ! he's the first UFC champion to ever grace the company...



THERE WERE ALREADY UFC FIGHTERS IN WRESTLING 15 YEARS AGO VINCE !! GODAMMIT WAKE UP, YOU MORON !!!!! YOU HIRED KEN SHAMROCK FOR FUCK SAKE !! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

That's it for now. My butt hurting is a little...contented. for now.

Because Vince is a moron, and so is the Fuckster Hulk Hogan.:mad:

This thread is a good idea indeed :awsm:

05-16-2012, 06:26 AM
I once sat on a thumbtack, and now I am SEVERELY f-ing butthurt -_-

05-16-2012, 07:07 AM
Im sorry, but that seems like an actual injury. I suggest you get a friend to check it out. Puncture wounds can be dangerous, and are prone to infection. Nothing worse than a bad case of puss-ass....

05-16-2012, 07:10 AM
It's okay, that happened back in '83 before that Summer at the cabin. Now, I'm patched up and have solid metal beneath the skin where that follicle penetrated my flesh. Ahhh, such a puss-aster :(

05-16-2012, 07:43 AM
In 1968 I learned some important stuff about thumbtacks and placement on a chair.

It was in shop class (do they still have those? It was a class for boys only, wherein we attempted to lose fingers and the occasional eye to large power tools while a disinterested instructor - usually a chain smoking alcoholic as they were attracted to that position for some reason - walked around aimlessly yelling "BE CAREFUL, BE CAREFUL!" and of course we couldn't really hear him over the roar of band saws, table saws, etc.) From time to time we actually sat in an actual classroom so we could learn the manly art of DRAFTSMANSHIP, and herein lies my tale....

Whoever was sitting in front of me got up out of their desk chair to either ask for some help or have the teacher look at his drawing, and I placed a thumbtack dead center in the "butt depression" of the seat. Crossing my fingers and muttering a prayer to the Lords of Juvenile Delinquency, I fervently hoped my intended victim would not see his instrument of doom awaiting him in the chair. Oh happy day, he did not and he sat down full force and .... nothing happened. Not a damn thing. Apparently the tack found the center seam of his jeans and if it made it through that at all, it also found the crack of his ass it what could only be described as a miserable stroke of rotten luck.

And yet, the Gods were smiling upon me, as the lad in question made like a Jack-in-the-Box and sprang right back out of his chair to either ask another question or receive clarification on same arcane aspect of pencil pushing. I placed a second tack off-center, right where I judged one of his cheeks would find a home, and then I once again beseeched and implored the Powers That Be to once again let him sit down without looking in his chair.

My prayers were answered in a truly spectacular fashion. He sat down hard, let out a screech that would make an Apache proud, flew out of his chair and went head first into a radiator. The radiator did not even give just a tiny bit. The teacher was very annoyed at him for creating a disturbance, ordered the poor lad back into his chair, and was not at all interested in why or how come his head and his ass hurt.

I think that may have been my finest day of the 7th grade.

05-16-2012, 10:12 AM
Im sorry, but that seems like an actual injury. I suggest you get a friend to check it out. Puncture wounds can be dangerous, and are prone to infection. Nothing worse than a bad case of puss-ass....

Does that mean I can't speak of when I had hemorroids ? because I was also Butt hurt back then :ashine:

Gentleman Ghost
05-16-2012, 10:59 AM
Luc Picard listens opposite Sarah Michelle Gellar. How can the demolished patient relax throughout the slot? This positioning decay excludes Sarah Michelle Gellar below a snobbery. Sarah Michelle Gellar blackmails Luc Picard.

Sarah Michelle Gellar apologizes for a damned after each body. When can an electoral footnote remark the altogether? A bust orbits the idiosyncratic constituent. Sarah Michelle Gellar pressures Luc Picard across our capitalist goal. Luc Picard gossips.

His backbone inhabits Sarah Michelle Gellar below a dying east. Sarah Michelle Gellar derives the bargain around the existing hardware. Luc Picard confuses Sarah Michelle Gellar before a flame. Sarah Michelle Gellar dresses your ward beneath a protected mask.

The unwanted west prompts Sarah Michelle Gellar. Luc Picard hurts on top of Sarah Michelle Gellar. Sarah Michelle Gellar sighs after Luc Picard. The logic obtains Luc Picard. The intercourse flies Luc Picard near the effect.

The fluid laughs outside the imperative beast. Luc Picard screams throughout Sarah Michelle Gellar. Sarah Michelle Gellar sacks the idealistic clock within her alternative. A prevalent logo hurries Sarah Michelle Gellar above the newspaper. Its atmosphere compromises Sarah Michelle Gellar within the giving midnight.

Sarah Michelle Gellar rocks a clear relationship. Luc Picard stems Sarah Michelle Gellar. Sarah Michelle Gellar decides! Sarah Michelle Gellar overcomes beside Luc Picard. Why can't an alphabet initiate Luc Picard? Luc Picard rails throughout the hog.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
05-29-2012, 11:06 PM
I watched Alien Resurrection. And enjoyed it :sad:

05-29-2012, 11:22 PM
I watched Alien Resurrection. And enjoyed it :sad:

Seriously, you only do that in the hope mewmew will come out and recomfort you...:rolleyes:

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
05-29-2012, 11:23 PM
Seriously, you only do that in the hope mewmew will come out and recomfort you...:rolleyes:

Which brings me to my next butthurt event...

Mewmew neglects me :sad:

06-01-2012, 03:10 PM
Ever hear of the show LOST where they're LOST on an island and dont know whats going on so their minds are LOST and you're watching this and your mind becomes LOST in the mayhem of the show LOST and the writers are just as LOST because they don't know what they're doing so they fly in a plane and crash and become LOST themselves so they have to hire new LOST writers but can't find any because any writers they find are no longer LOST but found so they have to plan a rescue mission meanwhile some kid who's in 7th grade at the time is writing the scripts for LOST while the original writers from season one of LOST are still LOST and being looked for making the show LOST a huge mess and in itself LOST within so after some years they find the LOST writers who were originally writing for LOST but now they're found so they have to end the show otherwise they'll need to get LOST again to remain LOST writers so they end it and it was irritating, everyone LOST themselves in it but Michael Giacchino's LOST music is amazing in LOST.

Admit it, you're thinking about LOST right now, aren't you?

LOST. Your mind may never be the same again. D:

06-01-2012, 11:42 PM
Never watched a single episode. :)

I'm butthurt my mother isn't home with pizza yet.

Goddamnit, mother. I'M FUCKING HUNGRY! >:0

06-05-2012, 03:16 PM
I'm anonymous189,

I'm butt-hurt because people have messaged me on my original blog and told me to get a life. I need them to stop complaining and SHUT UP!

06-06-2012, 06:59 AM
Well, just ask them why they seem to have time enough to read your blog in the first place then...

06-06-2012, 03:03 PM
Hmm...... Good point Amanda. Thanks(:

the gus bus
06-07-2012, 07:00 AM
butthurt about my Devils being down 3-1 in the finals.....

06-11-2012, 09:57 PM
I just get butt-fu**ed everyday by some moron ripping me off - does that count????

06-11-2012, 10:00 PM
I'm butt-hurt by the guy who can have the gee-boo flipping us the bird in his avatar but can't say "fucked". :laugh:

06-12-2012, 12:38 AM
Not to mention that giant fucking sig.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-12-2012, 01:06 AM
:mad: "scene" releases.

DVD9 compressed to DVD5.
3 audio tracks, extras kept, customized menu. :mad:

Bad enough the movie is over 100 minutes. :mad:

I don't know what makes these "scenes" worthy of causing a scene.

There's no quality.

I get the international language support, but there should separate uploads for each language.
This way everyone gets the most quality.
No extras, no menu, just the movie. Put it in, it starts.

06-13-2012, 11:32 PM
I'm butthurt because I can't download anything from Drivethru.

When I want to download something most of the time works. but comes the time I want to actually purchase a PDF of a RPG sourcebook instead of going all pirate on the industry, and, it doesn't work. :mad:. If they don't repair this shit, as neg would say...


Marshall Lee
06-13-2012, 11:59 PM
I trusted a fart once...It was a mistake and I'm occasionally butt hurt about it.

06-14-2012, 02:38 AM
I trusted a fart once...It was a mistake

Now this sounds like a worthy tale to be told.

06-14-2012, 03:18 AM
I like how I'm associated with a phrase from a show I'm too butthurt to watch :laugh:

06-14-2012, 03:54 AM
I am butt-hurt..literally. Just spent three days at hospital, laying on my back. While there I had wonderful narcotics, like dilaudid and morphine. But now I am home. to chat on computer. Downside, no more morphine, and my back and butt literally urt...:( :notgood: :sad:

06-14-2012, 08:28 AM
I am butt-hurt..literally. Just spent three days at hospital, laying on my back. While there I had wonderful narcotics, like dilaudid and morphine. But now I am home. to chat on computer. Downside, no more morphine, and my back and butt literally urt...:( :notgood: :sad:

Welcome back :D

Hope the pain gets better. Too bad for the narcs, though.

06-14-2012, 08:41 PM
Back still hurts like hell, but my sides and such feel better. Doc sent me home with a percocet script. 12 pills. :sad:

12 tiny precious pills. :notgood:

But, I do love the pracious :awsm:

06-15-2012, 03:25 PM
....Would your avvy be a good mood indicator at this point in time? :0

06-19-2012, 04:49 PM
My name is not important

I'm not butt hurt per say, but my parents never really explained to me about "Grape Nuts". You know the questions young minds have. "Mommy, Grapes have nuts? why do they call them Grape Nuts?
Well I don't know son! I guess if it was a Man Grape! although... Wow... I don't want anymore Cereal!

"My Life is but a winding trail through twisted old wreckage pot marked with the screams of Tonka Toys"

06-20-2012, 01:21 PM
....Would your avvy be a good mood indicator at this point in time? :0

Nah. I have been posting all those Godzilla scores, and sorta got into the lizard thing. The pic is of a bust, I think based on the solid white eyes it is representitive of the version from Giant Monsters All Out Attack, since that was how he looked for only that film. There are a ton of his head on-line from movie stills, but I thought the bust was cool, and a bit unique, so I "adopted" it. :)

06-25-2012, 01:48 AM
I watched chronicle on Demand. I am severely butthurt, and in need of immediate soothing...:notgood:

07-03-2012, 07:04 PM
I'm a butt-hurt survivor after an elitist offering me a trade for a complete score that's not on the internet.

impudent urinal
07-03-2012, 07:07 PM

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
07-03-2012, 07:24 PM
I couldn't find the Sheldon gif I wanted to use, so I had just go :Sheldongif: :sad:

07-03-2012, 07:28 PM
That's kinda lame, Sparks. I am butthurt that you treat my carefully crafted thread so casually...:sad:

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
07-03-2012, 07:44 PM
I don't get butthurt about stuff these days.

Zoloft makes sure of that.

07-03-2012, 07:49 PM
I am taking klonapin, but it cuases terrible burning and itching on my back (on top of the psoriasus) so I may need to switch to something different. I do tale prozac too...

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
07-03-2012, 08:05 PM
Wellbutrin? one of my friends was taking that before switching to Clonazepam.

07-03-2012, 08:11 PM

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
07-03-2012, 08:16 PM


Chocolate Misu
07-03-2012, 11:28 PM
I'm once again butt hurt about people still using rapidshare for massive files ; ; oh the waiting.

07-03-2012, 11:33 PM
GOD. I know, right? Even modest file sizes take hours. It **says** 20 min left, and 2 hours later, there's still 15 mins left. It's like RS is on the other side of a black hole from me, with precious bits of data, struggling to get to the freedom of my pc.....

Chocolate Misu
07-03-2012, 11:49 PM
See I'd be fine with just a couple hours.......... but my jdl eta is roughly 4 days........ straight..... ; ;

07-04-2012, 12:25 AM
I used to be able to dl a 2 or 3 hundred mb flac album in less than 15 min. So for me, this 2 or 3 hour thing is sheer hell. HELL, I say!

Chocolate Misu
07-04-2012, 12:28 AM
I haven't let myself get so spoiled with fast internet. I remember waiting a half hour for a 5mb mp3 on dial up :laugh:

Chocolate Misu
07-10-2012, 01:14 AM
I'm butthurt again! :mad: I hate having to register to a new site just because I need one thing from there, and when I go to sign up and type in my other tag it tells me someone took it :mad: And so I add something to it and then it tells me no spaces :mad: And every time it tells me no it takes me back and deletes half the field making me type it all over again! :mad: DAMMIT! Just tell me these things the FIRST time around...... *grumble grumble*

07-10-2012, 06:59 AM
I'm once again butt hurt about people still using rapidshare for massive files ; ; oh the waiting.

but at least it's available. unlike those fuckers of mediafire autoblocking my uploads. bunch of assholes. I'm massively butthurt.


Seriously...I haven't tried uploading something else, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be blocked. fast.

07-11-2012, 06:29 PM
is it too late to post? I have a big list of things..

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
07-12-2012, 11:29 PM
:rofldata: I just sent a very detailed message about ripping from Blu-Ray/DVD to someone from downstairs.

Checked his "Isolated Scores" thread and saw that he was a VERY SMUG FUCK IN HIS POST! :mad:

I bet he uses cheap shit that's just a duplicate of another program.


07-22-2012, 11:15 PM
I'm butt hurt because I was apart of 7/20. I knew someone who got shot in the leg.

07-23-2012, 12:44 AM
:rofldata: I just sent a very detailed message about ripping from Blu-Ray/DVD to someone from downstairs.

Checked his "Isolated Scores" thread and saw that he was a VERY SMUG FUCK IN HIS POST! :mad:

I bet he uses cheap shit that's just a duplicate of another program.

Sometimes, worry me.

You should stay in StS. Don't hazard yourself in the film score forum. the thing they do...too dangerous for your frail sanity. :)

You should see what softwares I use...:rolleyes:

Foobar, EAC and DVD audio extractor I haven't updated since last year :erm: after all...why would I fix something that is not broken (but might break if I fiddle with it too much ?)

07-23-2012, 03:26 AM
Downstairs sucks these days. All the good regular contributors left. :(

08-02-2012, 03:19 AM
Yeah, here's a long one..... I'm butt hurt because life's been a livibf hell since day 1. People have always told me that things will get better when nothing has. Nobody respects what I do, nobody has offeres me lemonade before, I'm forced to live with a friend, and pretty soon.... I'll have nothing left.

...... I don't belong here......

08-02-2012, 05:03 PM
Yes, Friends can be the worst Butt Hurt! It's the poke, Oh! I was just kidding that really chaps my butt. But then again, i guess the hiring of those Profesionals to get them back did give me some satisfaction, though I will miss them, My old joker jack ass friends. I wonder if they're still hanging upside down in that canyon? I'd say their bones were picked clean and fallen off the rope by now.

08-11-2012, 06:25 AM
Butthurt so much when you realize you've missed a lot of good music (taht you didn't know you wanted in the first place) just to find out, after 1 hour of lurking on every trashy site, file searching engine and such, that all links are dead, either torrents that have no seeds (which I kind of understand) or megaupload links that are long gone.

Oh, and don't remind me a certain Torrent Site that put me under warning for not sharing (my fault, I know), but didn't give much chance to create a good ratio, since it blocked my account from downloading. Eventually, I found out a workaround and paid my dues, but in the meantime made me so mad.

08-11-2012, 07:10 AM
It is a lot tougher for me to hunt stuff down now. It is easy enough to find the archives, but working links suck. Megaupload and Multiupload, Oron, textbuin, just gone. Fileserve and sonic, among others do not allow sharing at all. Plenty more restrict the sharing from US users. Or, I find 80 archives, all the same. A three disc special edition. Bit rate **320** Total mb...53..!!!! EVERY search..:( it is harder.

As for personal issues, I am butthurt by my medical care givers. I have gone into hospital 2 times in the last month for abdominal pain and a couple of other things. They find no pancreas issues and send me home. But I am also having a severe burning pain in my left shoulder, and from my elbow to my hand is numb. and the last two fingers of my left hand are numb. I know it is a nerve pain. I know that the iv narcotics don't touch it, but no one addresses it. They here my med history, see the high blood sugars, and that is all they concentrate on. Meanwhile, just sitting at the desk and typing this is killing me, but no one seems to want to even talk about it. Ah well. Pain when I went into the hospital..a 7 ot 8. After IV meds, perhaps a 5. So they stop the meds, send me hme. Pain is a 7 or 8. They said if it stays the same or gets worse, go back. Pain was a 9, went back. Doc gave me tylenol, sent me home again. So I apparently have to just deal.

Hence the butthurt. (and back hurt, and...well)

08-11-2012, 07:37 AM
Ouch... Regarding files, if you ever need help with a filehoster restricted in USA, send me a PM and I'll check what I can do. Hope you can find a way to get that nerve pain attended properly. I know medical care is pretty complicated there. :S

impudent urinal
08-11-2012, 08:03 AM
As for personal issues, I am butthurt by my medical care givers. I have gone into hospital 2 times in the last month for abdominal pain and a couple of other things. They find no pancreas issues and send me home. But I am also having a severe burning pain in my left shoulder, and from my elbow to my hand is numb. and the last two fingers of my left hand are numb. I know it is a nerve pain. I know that the iv narcotics don't touch it, but no one addresses it. They here my med history, see the high blood sugars, and that is all they concentrate on. Meanwhile, just sitting at the desk and typing this is killing me, but no one seems to want to even talk about it. Ah well. Pain when I went into the hospital..a 7 ot 8. After IV meds, perhaps a 5. So they stop the meds, send me hme. Pain is a 7 or 8. They said if it stays the same or gets worse, go back. Pain was a 9, went back. Doc gave me tylenol, sent me home again. So I apparently have to just deal.

Hence the butthurt. (and back hurt, and...well)

Weed. Sounds like a job for the mary jane.

08-11-2012, 09:13 AM
Butthurt about not finding a decent copy of Vampire: The Night Warriors Arcade Gametrack instead of the 128-with-obvious-artifacts version available everywhere. On the upside found a rip of the Chaos Tower PSP game. With no labels. So I'll have to check every track on the 3 Darkstalkers/Vampire osts to proper label all of them. The worst part? I'm sure I WILL do it, because that's how I dance. A puppet of my very own obsessions.

08-11-2012, 11:46 PM
I think I'm a bit Butthurt/Flankhurt/Saddle-Sore.

08-11-2012, 11:48 PM
We only soothe more or less human-ish butts here, normally. But tell your tale and we will see. But ya gotta leave the furries alone while you'es in here...:)

08-11-2012, 11:50 PM
Wait, there are Furries here? I'm out of here!

08-11-2012, 11:58 PM
I'm not a furry, Imma smooothie...:D

**wanna see?**

I's gots jewelry too..... :awsm:

08-11-2012, 11:59 PM
Eh, no thanks.

08-20-2012, 09:26 PM
I'm not a furry, Imma smooothie...:D

**wanna see?**

I's gots jewelry too..... :awsm:

Why do I always miss the good stuff?

08-20-2012, 10:24 PM
Why do I always miss the good stuff?

And tell me, how butthurt you feel about it? >:)

08-22-2012, 11:55 PM
lol i like the word butthurt survivor.

it'd suck if you were actually hurting in the butt literally though.

09-17-2012, 02:49 PM
Hey...I'm a Butthurt Survivor to...Nice :) !!!

09-17-2012, 07:34 PM
Why do I always miss the good stuff? SAW good stuff, soo...:erm:...:angel:

09-17-2012, 08:41 PM
...Therefore my butthurt has been replaced. Is there a "blueballs survivor's support thread" to which I could be directed? :angel:

In other news, I'm butthurt because my boss is a spineless twat, and all my colleagues are liars, imbeciles, power-hungry megalomaniacs, brown-nosing suckups, or all of the above. Another department implement a new system without testing it and it explodes spectacularly - but my department, or more specifically, me alone has to pick up the pieces, deal with the hundreds of pissed off people who just paid a fucktonne of money for something which isn't working, and spend hours crawling around through thousands of ethernet cables, spiders webs, and dead squirrels trying to figure out what went wrong... despite having fuck all to do with the project which failed... whilst the people who did cause the fuck-up sit on their fat lazy arses all day long drinking tea and eating doughnuts and firing off shit-faced "WHERE ARE MY PROGRESS REPORT??????" emails to my boss... which, due to his aforementioned spineless twattery, he doesn't send back with "fuck you, this is all your fault you fucking idiots!" - he sends it to me saying "Can you stay late all this week to get him the progress report?"

...And where if I say "Yes" I get to stay late. If I say "no" they get Human Resources to "ask" me again and if I refuse I don't get my raise this year and they cancel my holiday in October... so I get to stay late regardless.


11-01-2012, 02:36 AM
Any one here run backwards naked through a cornfield? and it's worse during dry seasons.

11-08-2012, 01:26 AM
BUTTHURT! LOL e_3674995.jpg

11-08-2012, 03:10 AM
Any one here run backwards naked through a cornfield? and it's worse during dry seasons.

This is so specific and focused on certain areas (geographically and anatomically) that piqued my interest...

11-08-2012, 04:39 AM
just making conversation. i actually don't run backwards through corn fields, or cubumber patches either. and definitley not pumkin patches. i'm not short enough.

11-08-2012, 05:19 AM
Oh, too bad. The details would've proven quite an adventure.

Marshall Lee
11-08-2012, 05:33 AM
I ended my membership with some other forum, they were mostly mean trolls anyway. *cue Gloria Gaynor's I will survive*

11-13-2012, 09:37 PM

11-15-2012, 06:20 PM
Do we have to provide our own support around here? does that count as a butt hurt?

12-02-2012, 04:04 PM
i Am Buthurt Cause The D3: The Mighty Ducks (1996, Promo) - J.A.C. Redford Soundtrack's link does Not work At All the One For Media Fire

12-03-2012, 02:35 AM
I am butthurt about all of the pointless arguing about which releases should or should not get shared here. Every time there is a high profile new release, the two camps line up to take shots at each other.

"oh no, don't share that, buy it"

"buy it? Fuck you it's a pirating site"

"but promos and such sure, but not a brand new release"....

Dammit. I am beginning to think admin just needs to ban all new releases. Nothing newer than ten fucking years. Fuck it all. I just wanted to talk about the new Conan. And some just wanted to dl the damn thing. But now it's nearly 5 pages of bickering, and the original flac shares were pulled by the op 'cause of butthurt syndrome.


12-03-2012, 01:02 PM
I think your definition of 'bickering' might be innacurate. I call it discussion. The original soundtrack recording for Poledouris' Conan the Barbarian has been discussed to death, it's not like there's much more to say about it except maybe to discuss the quality of the remastered tapes on this new Intrada release.

A forum exists so members can discuss among themselves and sometimes the topic of discussion might not be directly related to the thread topic, that's pretty clear in this or any other forum. The only person 'bickering' in that thread was showads who was throwing a tantrum (butthurt syndrome) because people weren't rushing to kiss his ass for posting FLAC of the Intrada release a few days after it came out.

I wrote my opinion on that in that thread, so I'm not going to make a case for it here as well as this thread probably isn't an appropriate place to discuss it, but you raise a great valid point with which I agree whole-heartedly with. Make a rule for "safe" releases, nothing newer that a few years. I'm in a lot of private trackers and there are "safe" rules in every single one. They are put in place to keep the website free from the dangers of posting too many new releases and draw attention to themselves. I don't think this would affect the forum that much. From what I see daily, a big majority of the shares in the Movie Soundtracks forum are older than 5 years... a lot of these are even out of print.

The fact that the ffshrine forum has been around for quite some time and has thousands of links posted, causes it to be one of the top Google hits whenever someone puts in a soundtrack title on Google. That provides a ton of traffic and attention to it daily. And it's only going to get worse. Already there are guests or new members with 3 or 4 posts asking for the FLAC download in the Conan Intrada thread. These people will get their PM, and bail never to return in most cases. It's just for a quick hit and run.

So, yeah, I ask that people go and read that thread and make up their own minds if we're in this for a free for all, devil may care attitude about this forum's standards of quality and endangerment of its continued existence or not.

Just my $0.02. I enjoy all your posts Amanda, and I appreciate all your shares. The fact nowadays you try to get permission from the original sources before sharing is something a lot of people could learn something from.

12-03-2012, 01:59 PM
Well, the download section is supposed to be just for links. The extended discussions are supposed to happen in the GD forum. This was made an issue a few years ago, and I was at the center of it. Apparently, I was too "chatty", and those just wanting links got all..wait for it..butthurt. :) So I will make a new thread dedicated to this topic. I will posit my thoughts, and responses can go from there. Really, the dl section offers any release new or old. The type just depends on what is out at the time. As for my recent tactics, I am finding a lot of items on SoulSeek, and so tend to ask if reposting is permitted. It is a bit different finding an openly posted item somewhere else. Dl it, repack and up, generate new link. It was open game if from another site. But with SS, you are grabbing from private sources. For one, you should ask. For two, the user can, and likely will, ban you if you don't. Soo...

12-03-2012, 06:55 PM
Yes, yes quite. those buggers ruin everything, deserve a pointy stick stuck somewhere that's not condusive in the Work Place. yeees.

12-07-2012, 12:44 AM
:zillawalk: Hummm....

12-11-2012, 06:06 AM
Not quite butthurt, but i have been quite sad lately, missing family. Being sick has made it worse, and waking up yesterday, I feel as if I fell off of an emotional cliff. I have not been this down in many, many a year, and it is a cold dark place to be in when alone....:sad:

12-11-2012, 06:11 AM
:( *huggles*

12-11-2012, 10:46 PM
:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

12-11-2012, 11:15 PM
:( thinkin about ya, hopin you get some cheer soon.

12-12-2012, 11:18 AM
im butthurt over the fact i wont spend christmas fighting bears in big bear while wearing my soviet coat and ushanka.
so i grew my beard for nothing??? fuck life, im gonna go shave

Nostalgia gamer
12-12-2012, 01:04 PM
does butthurt apply in disappointment that i got silent hill hd instead of the originals?

That, and wishing ff6 could get ps3 hd remake, sigh

12-12-2012, 07:30 PM
Cheer up everyone, we may be Butthurt but that's no reason not to forge on, do what we can to get things to move in our direction once again.
I'm sorry, did I say stick? I meant woopie cushion.

12-20-2012, 11:34 PM
Well, this is just great. Someone posts the alleged "Avatar Recording Sessions" which turns out is not a Recording Session at all, then after some people ask some questions about it, like the fact that there's a track missing or actually talking about technical aspects of the music, OP decides that his ego isn't being stroked enough and he decides to "punish" the peasants by pulling all his links and as usual in these cases with insecure people, complain that everyone's complaining and he's never ever going to share anything with all of ffshrine again. Seriously?! Cue in pages and pages of people discussing the ratio of thanks, vs "whiners" of which I also saw the OP and 2 or 3 others who were singing praises to the OP and how he's SOOO RIGHT that everyone complains too much, which is ironic because they manage to embark on a discussion with the usual suspects who say no one's complaining and in the meantime a Mod shows up and says she didn't see anyone complain, and in the middle of all this, among requests for re-ups which aren't forthcoming, even stated so openly by people who did snatch the share, (maybe they feel special by saying they got it but aren't sharing - maybe they feel big in their little office chairs) All of a sudden Amanda shows up to say jokingly that she has a "feeling" that this thread is going to be locked, and what do you know: Jessie shows up and locks the thread.

Seriously? Amanda, tell me you didn't go ONCE AGAIN PMing the Moderators asking for a thread to be shut down. Please tell me I'm wrong. Because if you did, thanks a LOT. A lot of people were hoping to have someone show up and re-up the original scorepranos share, and just as someone had posted parts 1&2 of 4, the thread got locked. Thanks! I know you are in the habit of asking Mods to lock threads whenever a discussion goes on, you complain that people used to point fingers at you for this or that whenever shitstorms went down, and now I see you just like to get involved in arguments... If you did not PM Jessie to ask for the thread to get deleted, then I will apologize. But I'�ve seen this happen before. Come on.

I mean seriously, what's the problem and why is everyone so afraid to have a thread actually being used by members to discuss a situation? Heaven forbid a thread having any hint of a discussion... Oh please lock it down!!!
Thanks a lot. Now I have parts 1&2 out of 4 and I don't think anyone will risk starting another Avatar Recording Sessions thread for fear that this drama will continue. Awesome.

12-20-2012, 11:46 PM
Well, this is just great. Someone posts the alleged "Avatar Recording Sessions" which turns out is not a Recording Session at all, then after some people ask some questions about it, like the fact that there's a track missing or actually talking about technical aspects of the music, OP decides that his ego isn't being stroked enough and he decides to "punish" the peasants by pulling all his links and as usual in these cases with insecure people, complain that everyone's complaining and he's never ever going to share anything with all of ffshrine again. Seriously?! Cue in pages and pages of people discussing the ratio of thanks, vs "whiners" of which I also saw the OP and 2 or 3 others who were singing praises to the OP and how he's SOOO RIGHT that everyone complains too much, which is ironic because they manage to embark on a discussion with the usual suspects who say no one's complaining and in the meantime a Mod shows up and says she didn't see anyone complain, and in the middle of all this, among requests for re-ups which aren't forthcoming, even stated so openly by people who did snatch the share, (maybe they feel special by saying they got it but aren't sharing - maybe they feel big in their little office chairs) All of a sudden Amanda shows up to say jokingly that she has a "feeling" that this thread is going to be locked, and what do you know: Jessie shows up and locks the thread.

Seriously? Amanda, tell me you didn't go ONCE AGAIN PMing the Moderators asking for a thread to be shut down. Please tell me I'm wrong. Because if you did, thanks a LOT. A lot of people were hoping to have someone show up and re-up the original scorepranos share, and just as someone had posted parts 1&2 of 4, the thread got locked. Thanks! I know you are in the habit of asking Mods to lock threads whenever a discussion goes on, you complain that people used to point fingers at you for this or that whenever shitstorms went down, and now I see you just like to get involved in arguments... If you did not PM Jessie to ask for the thread to get deleted, then I will apologize. But I'�ve seen this happen before. Come on.

I mean seriously, what's the problem and why is everyone so afraid to have a thread actually being used by members to discuss a situation? Heaven forbid a thread having any hint of a discussion... Oh please lock it down!!!
Thanks a lot. Now I have parts 1&2 out of 4 and I don't think anyone will risk starting another Avatar Recording Sessions thread for fear that this drama will continue. Awesome.

Because the download forums are not a place made for discussion ? Film score discussion can take place either in GD or in here: Anime, Film & Video Game Music Discussion (

Also I don't think Amanda Pm'd anybody. Jessie is known to keep an eye on for those kind of situations and closing the threads whenever he deems necessary. which sadly happens quite often in the film score DL forum.

12-20-2012, 11:55 PM
Because the download forums are not a place made for discussion ? Film score discussion can take place either in GD or in here: Anime, Film & Video Game Music Discussion (

Also I don't think Amanda Pm'd anybody. Jessie is known to keep an eye on for those kind of situations and closing the threads whenever he deems necessary. which sadly happens quite often in the film score DL forum.

You don't know that Amanda tried her best to have the Conan Intrada thread closed, actually saying she was PMing the Mods for them to do so when there was no reason to close it down, Jessie even said so? And there's been other instances where she has asked/suggested for that to happen. I'm just seeing a pattern here, and I did ask her in my post to say I'm wrong. But honestly, someone pops in to say : I have a feeling this is going to be closed, and then it is the very next post, what does that seem like?

Sarah and Jessie have stated that they see nothing wrong with discussions in the download section, as long as it's about the share and not personal chit chat stuff between members. So your point is moot there.

12-20-2012, 11:57 PM
Amanda didn't pm me to close the thread. The thread had just run its course and turned into a shitstorm. There were also no more DL links and the OP didn't want them being posted in public, so no point in it staying open.

12-20-2012, 11:59 PM
Have to agree with Frater, here... all the trouble in that thread was over and done with. A new and worthwhile discussion had emerged and people were getting along. Then, for absolutely NO REASON... thread closed. Why? The "shitstorm" which was allegedly "over" due to closing the thread had in fact drawn to a natural conclusion many hours before. Now that new discussion has been forcibly stopped; there can be no re-ups, there can be no discussion, there can be no bridge-building. A thread was closed to solve a problem which didn't exist. We do not need threads locked every time somebody says something unpleasant or natural conversational evolution causes a minor shift in topic focus; if the situation has thus deteriorated (and in this case it categorically HAD NOT) why not delete offensive posts, ban people whom you deem have caused a problem, and let it be?

It's not even the case that anything particularly bad happened in that thread; some things were said by some people, some of them regrettable, and some egos were bruised. I suspect that if the thread had been simply left alone, the positive developments which were mercilessly cut off would have continued and perhaps Scorepranos would have reconsidered and returned to the community. Now it will all fall away into obscurity.

Oh, well...

[Edit: Jessie - OP had clearly stated that he was fine with his uploads being reuploaded. The shitstorm had subsided.]

12-20-2012, 11:59 PM
But the OP said and even encouraged other people to re-up if they wanted! Repeatedly.
He just said he wasn't going to himself.

And there WERE download links, someone had just posted half of share again, right before the thread got closed...
Closing the thread accomplished nothing. Can't you just unlock the thread again? Please?

12-21-2012, 01:51 AM
Would be easier for someone to create a new thread for it if he doesn't mind someone reuploading it. I don't really see any indication that it was getting back on track.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-21-2012, 02:17 AM
why would people blame Amanda for the thread closure?

It seriously wasn't going anywhere.
The general direction of the thread was one person makes a point then a hundred other reiterate the exact same points and then make a joke and then a hundred other reapply the exact same joke.

I'm butthurt that the End of Days isn't real :(

Now I have to live knowing that all of you will also live... ; ;
Woe is me~

12-21-2012, 02:39 AM
Well, this is just great. Someone posts the alleged "Avatar Recording Sessions" which turns out is not a Recording Session at all, then after some people ask some questions about it, like the fact that there's a track missing or actually talking about technical aspects of the music, OP decides that his ego isn't being stroked enough and he decides to "punish" the peasants by pulling all his links and as usual in these cases with insecure people, complain that everyone's complaining and he's never ever going to share anything with all of ffshrine again. Seriously?! Cue in pages and pages of people discussing the ratio of thanks, vs "whiners" of which I also saw the OP and 2 or 3 others who were singing praises to the OP and how he's SOOO RIGHT that everyone complains too much, which is ironic because they manage to embark on a discussion with the usual suspects who say no one's complaining and in the meantime a Mod shows up and says she didn't see anyone complain, and in the middle of all this, among requests for re-ups which aren't forthcoming, even stated so openly by people who did snatch the share, (maybe they feel special by saying they got it but aren't sharing - maybe they feel big in their little office chairs) All of a sudden Amanda shows up to say jokingly that she has a "feeling" that this thread is going to be locked, and what do you know: Jessie shows up and locks the thread.

Seriously? Amanda, tell me you didn't go ONCE AGAIN PMing the Moderators asking for a thread to be shut down. Please tell me I'm wrong. Because if you did, thanks a LOT. A lot of people were hoping to have someone show up and re-up the original scorepranos share, and just as someone had posted parts 1&2 of 4, the thread got locked. Thanks! I know you are in the habit of asking Mods to lock threads whenever a discussion goes on, you complain that people used to point fingers at you for this or that whenever shitstorms went down, and now I see you just like to get involved in arguments... If you did not PM Jessie to ask for the thread to get deleted, then I will apologize. But I'�ve seen this happen before. Come on.

I mean seriously, what's the problem and why is everyone so afraid to have a thread actually being used by members to discuss a situation? Heaven forbid a thread having any hint of a discussion... Oh please lock it down!!!
Thanks a lot. Now I have parts 1&2 out of 4 and I don't think anyone will risk starting another Avatar Recording Sessions thread for fear that this drama will continue. Awesome.

For the record, I did NOT pm anyone. I just know where those discussions always end up. I was in the middle of posting a reply, and was just as surprised as anyone when it closed that suddenly. Now, I have not read the tons of paragraphs up there, so I dunno what else you have assumed, so I will reply later. I just want this clear, I did not pm anyone about Avatar. And, the Conan thread stayed open after I pm'ed Sanico. Seems the mods are not, in fact. at my beck and call, since her response to me was that at that time she did not feel things had turned nasty enough to close it.


Ok, well I said nothing about discussion in there, in fact I too was participating. I have said nothing about anyone discussing anything since admin made their official position about it clear. So, yea. Also, isn't the Conan thread still open? Just saying. Have I magically made anything else disappear?

Jessie, Scorpranoes did indicate others could re-up.

When things get as nasty as they did in that thread, it is quite common for them to get closed. I was merely attempting a little humor to alleviate the stress since by that point is was mostly personal. I actually feel that the original conversations in that thread were valid. And that sort of dissection always happens when sessions are posted. It is actually funny, since many of those complaining of the "complaints' themselves are masters at taking scores apart. It does appear as if Scoreman's threads are supposedly off limits. Mainly because said members want his goodies.

Be honest, that is the upset here. Folks were in the middle of grabbing Avatar. And IF Scorpranoes goes away, no more goodies, which many have gotten used to getting.

12-21-2012, 03:18 AM
The upset is mainly that the thread was closed prematurely. Jessie may read it differently to me, but from where I'm sitting the thread was clearly already getting back on track (see JHFan's ironic comment about discussion returning and my smoothing-things-out - which was a clear attempt to help things back on track and hopefully show Scorepranos that his plight is understood and perhaps encourage him to stay and talk instead of suddenly leaving. Shutting the thread shuts the discussion, and without the discussion all you have is a bunch of pissed off people who were cut off mid-sentence and were denied the opportunity to reach a resolution on their own.

If the thread had degenerated to "F**K YOU MOTHERF***ER I'LL MASSACRE YOUR FAMILY!" then I'd understand... but it really was nothing but a healthy discussion interspersed with a silly argument that had already petered out and was many orders of magnitude less serious than your average FFShrine flame war.

All of the above is intended with the greatest respect to the moderators, of course - but I do think that it may have been harmful in the long run to close this thread.

Anyway, I hate Avatar so I don't know why I got involved in this one... I'll just shove off now!

12-21-2012, 04:03 AM
By the way Amanda, I actually did write you a reply to your PM, and it was an apology for assuming you tried to get the thread closed, but since you took the approach to snipe a PM and then turn off the ability to get PMs, I can't send it to you.

The regulars in this forum love drama.

12-21-2012, 04:12 AM
I said in the TOS thread that i was restricting my pm functions, so as to avoid more requests for the box set, since i do not have links at the moment. Which is why you could not reply. Had nothing at all to do with you, but hey.

You were technically not on the friends list, hence you cannot reply. I keep the list fairly small, again not about you. I need no apology or anything else from you. I simply am stating that I had nothing to do with the closing of Avatar. No more or less.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-21-2012, 04:57 AM
and the late baby-boomers of this forum love fueling drama as much as the pre-2010 love drama.

12-21-2012, 05:01 AM
And thanks to nitwits I shared the new Trek box with, my Mediafire and rapidshare accounts are deleted. So a TON of links here just went dead.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-21-2012, 05:17 AM
Deleted account takes a lot more effort than deleted links.

12-21-2012, 05:20 AM
na. I gave out 26 copies, but traffic spiked to over 100 hits, per link, all 15 overnight. Since I asked that my links not be shared, and that they create teir own, i have to figure someone. or more, just decided to screw everyone.

12-21-2012, 05:25 AM
I think more Government Control of these Share sites is Great. I Love intrusion and control. :( That's a major Butthurt!

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-22-2012, 09:20 PM
:( i listened to (most of) the Les Miserables film highlights soundtrack.

I was left very disappointed... and miserable. :sad:

01-04-2013, 04:27 AM
I must say thank you very sweetly to Amanda!
Mark's Super Blog (
Spock’s Record Round-Up (

09-02-2013, 04:58 AM
Tensions rising.....member are.......getting an alarming rate. Must....revive thread....

09-02-2013, 02:51 PM
My butt is fine at the moment, but I'm interested in what is bugging others. I'll lurk for a while.

Amanda, is Germany a small town in Arizona ?. A bit like Paris, Texas ?.

Anyways, I'm ready with the vaseline...

09-03-2013, 12:47 AM
Well, I must say that my concept of "Butt Hurt" had simply implied a hard landing after trying to fly clutching a couple of tailfeathers ... or the posterior feeling I get after browsing these forums for hours on end. If something ... a bit more ... invasive ... is suggested, then I guess my innocence is just another casualty ... (that was a smile there folks, said as a silly joke...)

09-03-2013, 05:31 AM
My butt is fine at the moment, but I'm interested in what is bugging others. I'll lurk for a while.

Amanda, is Germany a small town in Arizona ?. A bit like Paris, Texas ?.

Anyways, I'm ready with the vaseline...

Bish, I'm in Phoenix, Az. The prettiest balcony in Germany is a literal location, but just a wish. It is Sorei's balcony. She has a nice one. Nice chairs, a bunch of plants and flowers, and a nice view of the city. But best of all, it has great views of Sorei herself. I could never go, but if the opportunity and means ever did come up, I'd go in a heartbeat.

09-03-2013, 08:25 PM
guys my butt hurts ):

---------- Post added at 03:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 PM ----------

Now to listen to Ariana Grande's new album, aka my babe

09-05-2013, 12:20 AM
Butt-Hurt Prevention Rule #1:

Never be afraid to bend over backwards to help someone...just don't bend forwards...there lies butt-hurt.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
09-05-2013, 01:57 AM
I got hemorrhoids.

09-05-2013, 02:33 AM
So Amanda won't marry me. Left me in a pretty butt hurt state.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
09-05-2013, 02:37 AM
She won't marry anyone.
Not even James Horner.

09-05-2013, 02:53 AM
Nor John Williams.......?

09-05-2013, 02:55 AM
She won't marry anyone.
Not even James Horner.
I was so close..

09-05-2013, 03:14 AM
I am butt hurt cos I went to the poop today and it was like, WAY too big to come out. Seriously, it was like passing a tree-trunk through the eye of a needle!

So yeah, butt hurt. I'm better now though; better out than in they say.. And boy, was that some weight off of my bowels I can tell ya!

09-05-2013, 09:27 PM
I am butt hurt cos I went to the poop today and it was like, WAY too big to come out. Seriously, it was like passing a tree-trunk through the eye of a needle!

So yeah, butt hurt. I'm better now though; better out than in they say.. And boy, was that some weight off of my bowels I can tell ya!

This reminds me of the story about the constipated mathematician ... he finally worked things out using a pencil.


Mark's Super Blog (
Spock?s Record Round-Up (

Andrew Dustill
09-08-2013, 02:28 AM
Raarrrhlmm... *Burp*
Mah ass is painfully hurt over the apparant fact that I can't insert images over 4 KB (WTF?) in posts. How uncool is that?! And I've ran out of beer in my fridge!

09-08-2013, 03:20 AM
Not true. I'd marry Sorei. Just because she has all the goodies I ever ask for....

09-08-2013, 03:23 AM
Marry me.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
09-08-2013, 07:30 AM


---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 PM ----------

:( RoboCop remake...

I wouldn't buy that for a dollar...

Andrew Dustill
09-08-2013, 02:42 PM

Damn!! That's highly unlike me [to misspell].

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
09-12-2013, 05:36 AM
Damn!! That's highly unlike me.

Good thing you did it in the Butthurt thread.
(You won't have to travel far. :smrt:)

09-19-2013, 08:37 AM
im butthut because i cant download ANYTHING from galbadia hotel

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
09-20-2013, 06:22 PM
๏̯͡๏﴿ �Si Se�or! It hurts.

09-27-2013, 03:55 PM
I will say one small thing. ;) I was hemorrhoid free until I started posting to this forum instead of just using it to find scores. My ass is AMAZED at the GALL and ARROGANCE of some of the peeps in here. Amanda, you and sparktank seem like pretty cool folks along with some fans I have in my PM's for posting shit. Other than that I'd like to give a BIG VOLCANIC FLAMES UP to the people on here that are fucking know it alls. ;D Happy Bar Mitzvah

No I'm not jewish but it's interesting how close this religious observance has to the ignorance in here. It basically means people hold themselves accountable for their actions and behavior and consider others. ;)

09-27-2013, 06:29 PM
Scottfilm, the problem is basically tact. The points being made are valid, and do merit a conversation, but all too often things get made personal, by turning on the poster, instead of focusing on the music. Also, the tone of the comment cannot be heard, all we have are words on the screen. So often enough we read our own thoughts into the post that the poster may not have intended. We have som very awkward social interaction here, myself likey at the top of that list. And some are just plain too young to get "constructive critique", and are sure they know best. Take Dakota, for example. Not more than, say, two or so years ago he was brand spanking noob who had not ever even posted here. He knew little about the ins and outs of anything. He got a little experience and a few good contacts, and...well. Funny thing is he used to complain about getting the very same treatment they all are giving you. The arguments in those two threads are rather silly now, at an impasse. You are thoroughly convinced you are right, as are we. Nothing said is going to change any of our minds, so the best I have to say now is just let folks download. If they are happy, more power to them. But folks who are obssessive collectors will find they are disappointed by albums they have already dismissed.

But, as Soei likes to say, we support your right to state your opinions, even if we disagree. Do not let the pettiness get you down, the Shrine is still a good place at heart. :)

10-03-2013, 10:30 AM
The last time I gave a shit, I got fucked!

...I feel better.

James Horner is an asshole. Treats his music like cocaine.

10-03-2013, 04:32 PM
I'm kinda butthurt. A Syfy movie that's on right now called Flu Bird Horror, it's currently in the middle and one of the characters in the group shot one his friends with a flare gun after he said "Hey, guys!" I've never seen a character that fucking stupid in a movie. Fuck this movie, lol.

10-04-2013, 02:14 AM
You obviously have not watched enough SyFy "experiences" as they have taken to calling 'em.

Sharknado *brrrrr**

---------- Post added at 06:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

You obviously have not watched enough SyFy "experiences" as they have taken to calling 'em.

Sharknado *brrrrr**

And I quote:

"Stonehenge has just taken out one of our copters!!!!"

Stonehenge Apocalypse....

Yeppers, good stuff right there

10-04-2013, 02:23 AM
Nevermind, i was sitting on my remote. I though the volume increase every fart was getting kinda outer limits-ish. Carry on...

BTW, it is confirmed, Pakleds have taken over ALL Governments!

10-04-2013, 04:24 AM
Scottfilm, the problem is basically tact. The points being made are valid, and do merit a conversation, but all too often things get made personal, by turning on the poster, instead of focusing on the music. Also, the tone of the comment cannot be heard, all we have are words on the screen. So often enough we read our own thoughts into the post that the poster may not have intended. We have som very awkward social interaction here, myself likey at the top of that list. And some are just plain too young to get "constructive critique", and are sure they know best. Take Dakota, for example. Not more than, say, two or so years ago he was brand spanking noob who had not ever even posted here. He knew little about the ins and outs of anything. He got a little experience and a few good contacts, and...well. Funny thing is he used to complain about getting the very same treatment they all are giving you. The arguments in those two threads are rather silly now, at an impasse. You are thoroughly convinced you are right, as are we. Nothing said is going to change any of our minds, so the best I have to say now is just let folks download. If they are happy, more power to them. But folks who are obssessive collectors will find they are disappointed by albums they have already dismissed.

But, as Soei likes to say, we support your right to state your opinions, even if we disagree. Do not let the pettiness get you down, the Shrine is still a good place at heart. :)

I agree about disagreeing at the degree of which we agree, wait...what...yeah

10-04-2013, 05:25 AM
You obviously have not watched enough SyFy "experiences" as they have taken to calling 'em.

Sharknado *brrrrr**

---------- Post added at 06:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

You obviously have not watched enough SyFy "experiences" as they have taken to calling 'em.

Sharknado *brrrrr**

And I quote:

"Stonehenge has just taken out one of our copters!!!!"

Stonehenge Apocalypse....

Yeppers, good stuff right there

I've haven't really bothered since the majority of them don't interest me(and don't seem good). Unless there's one or more that peaks my interest, I might consider watching them. The only thing I actually watched and enjoyed(so far)on SyFy was Defiance.

10-04-2013, 05:41 AM
Defiance was ok. The redone Galactica was excellent, Eureka was excellent, Alphas was...err....on. :) Warehouse 13 is not too bad, but I have not followed it recently. A lot of the other series are imported,like Primeval, Lost Girl and Continuum. I wish they'd get rid of the paranormal crap, and wrestling, and put the classic series back on.

The Ricky
10-08-2013, 06:59 AM
I'm dating an Amanda. And I made her butt hurt. Giggity!

10-08-2013, 09:49 PM
I'm dating an Amanda. And I made her butt hurt. Giggity!

Man, that comment was below the belt.

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock?s Record Round-Up (

11-02-2013, 12:53 AM
I'm butthurt today because I fell down the stairs at work and landed on my butt...twice. Worst of all? I was carrying a fairly pricey amplifier.

11-02-2013, 01:20 AM
You better watch you butt Mr Merrick!

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-02-2013, 03:13 AM
I'm butthurt today because I fell down the stairs at work and landed on my butt...twice. Worst of all? I was carrying a fairly pricey amplifier.

._. I hope the amplifier was okay. Did you bring it in to get checked and make sure nothing broke?

Speedy recovery and well wishes for your amplifier.

11-02-2013, 03:58 AM
That's what i was referring to.

11-13-2013, 07:32 AM
Getting quite disappointed since there seems to be no one that has the deluxe edition of Star Trek! DX
sorry, not a good rant, but oh well...

11-13-2013, 02:43 PM
Many people have it, but perhaps not flac. Besides, you **just** requested it. You need to give it time. Someone has to have it flac, be logged on, see your request, pack it, upload it and link you, assuming they are not at work/school/eating/other life things....give it some time. :)

11-17-2013, 06:35 PM
I've been bullied alot due to my depression and Attention Seeking behavior...

11-19-2013, 05:50 AM
I'm mad because I was at work earlier and left my nice crispy and delicious crackers on the table, marked with my name. Low and behold I come back to find them gone. This angers me to the fullest extent and simply just the thought someone is walking around, with MY crackers... might just make one go ballistic :0

They were rites crackers too

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-19-2013, 07:31 AM
Did you check the garbage? I'd have chucked them out. Leaving food out on work tables is like leaving my dirty socks on someone else's bathroom sink.

11-28-2013, 10:52 PM
No one to spend Thanksgiving with. No one to cook for. Not one member of my family has reached out. I will have what amounts to a tv dinner, watch a few shows, take my night meds now and sleep, and pretend anything matters at all. :(

11-28-2013, 11:09 PM
No one to spend Thanksgiving with. No one to cook for. Not one member of my family has reached out. I will have what amounts to a tv dinner, watch a few shows, take my night meds now and sleep, and pretend anything matters at all. :(

That really sucks Amanda. If you were in London now I'd see to it we both get shitfaced and merry beyond comprehension, aided in no small part by some Mexican cubensis which technically I'm saving until Dec 25th in case I end up in the same predicament.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-29-2013, 02:31 AM
I hated canadian thanksgiving.

christmas is going to suck. every year family always forces these two awkward holidays on me.
we don't sit together and eat. my younger brother shows up for one plate then leaves. he always seems to think there's something large-than-life going to happen.

i keep locked in my room all day until everyone is done and back to normal.

if it were up to me, we wouldn't celebrate.

11-29-2013, 04:53 AM
No one to spend Thanksgiving with. No one to cook for. Not one member of my family has reached out. I will have what amounts to a tv dinner, watch a few shows, take my night meds now and sleep, and pretend anything matters at all. :(
I would spend it with you. :(

11-29-2013, 11:11 PM
I know.

And so the official butthurt season...err...I mean shopping season...begins. Time for Goddess to hibernate and not speaky so much....

11-29-2013, 11:15 PM
I hated canadian thanksgiving.

christmas is going to suck. every year family always forces these two awkward holidays on me.
we don't sit together and eat. my younger brother shows up for one plate then leaves. he always seems to think there's something large-than-life going to happen.

i keep locked in my room all day until everyone is done and back to normal.

if it were up to me, we wouldn't celebrate.

That sounds depressing.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-30-2013, 05:42 AM
That sounds depressing.

No. It's an improvement: I finally got them to knock off with New Years.

And Easter dinners.

12-01-2013, 10:11 PM
I know.

And so the official butthurt season...err...I mean shopping season...begins. Time for Goddess to hibernate and not speaky so much....

12-03-2013, 01:22 AM
So here's the thing. Due to a couple of physical issues, I am now dealing with a large amount of pain. They are giving me a pill form of Dilodid to combat this. The IV version is much more potent, but this is really strong stuff and combined with my other meds, it makes me either sleep all day or more or less a zombie. But the other downside is that it somewhat (and by that I mean totally) cancels the anti-depressant out. If anything it makes the depression so much worse I can't even tell you. So, I am feeling everything more. Of course here in the forums that becomes a problem for me. I am now finding I have to avoid many areas to keep from "flouncing" or weirding out again. I actively have to tell myself not to come on here and type. This means I am cutting myself off from the majority of folks I enjoy interacting with, and who could actually help. Also, really sapping the fun from one of my main hobbies, when I really need it.

My butt-hurt therefore is that I am back in this position. My new meds were keeping me a lot more stable, but here I am, having to apologize to folks, and offending people with my butthurtness, once again. :(

Plus, I am SO tired of fighting the depression, artificially induced or not it feels the same. I really truly want to just give up at this point. (I know, most of you kinda wish I would)

12-03-2013, 01:46 AM
So here's the thing. Due to a couple of physical issues, I am now dealing with a large amount of pain. They are giving me a pill form of Dilodid to combat this. The IV version is much more potent, but this is really strong stuff and combined with my other meds, it makes me either sleep all day or more or less a zombie. But the other downside is that it somewhat (and by that I mean totally) cancels the anti-depressant out. If anything it makes the depression so much worse I can't even tell you. So, I am feeling everything more. Of course here in the forums that becomes a problem for me. I am now finding I have to avoid many areas to keep from "flouncing" or weirding out again. I actively have to tell myself not to come on here and type. This means I am cutting myself off from the majority of folks I enjoy interacting with, and who could actually help. Also, really sapping the fun from one of my main hobbies, when I really need it.

My butt-hurt therefore is that I am back in this position. My new meds were keeping me a lot more stable, but here I am, having to apologize to folks, and offending people with my butthurtness, once again. :(

Plus, I am SO tired of fighting the depression, artificially induced or not it feels the same. I really truly want to just give up at this point. (I know, most of you kinda wish I would)

As a survivor of almost a decade of anti-depressant regimen/medications -- "cured" by a switch from a 25-year job channel -- I can best serve you by quoting Sir Winston Churchill:

Never give up. Never, Never, Never, never. Never give up.

Prayin' for your peace of mind and body,

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock?s Record Round-Up (

12-03-2013, 05:35 AM
I hope you'll get better, Amanda. Stay strong. :)

12-03-2013, 05:47 AM
I don't want to stay strong and I give up on getting better.

12-03-2013, 06:35 AM
I don't want to stay strong and I give up on getting better.

Don't say that. Deep down, I bet you know you can get better. Don't ever tell yourself you're going to give up on getting better.

12-03-2013, 07:01 AM
I have been depressed to the point of suicide since I was 12. I am 45 now. It's not better. it's worse than ever. sooooo...yea.

---------- Post added at 11:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 PM ----------

But look, right now the pills are out of wack and I know that. They were working to a degree. Not "I'm peppy" working, but helping. I cannot stay on the narco pills long either way.

12-03-2013, 07:01 AM
Still, a little optimism never hurts :p. I won't bother you any longer. Get well, Amanda.

12-03-2013, 01:34 PM

I clicked on the "like" button, but it's more empathise than like really. I've got no answers either.

12-12-2013, 08:08 AM
So hurt, but not quite butt...another hospital trip for the pain. The ct scan shows a cyst on my ovary which is inflamed and is likely causing the pain. They cannot keep giving me percocet, as it tends to lose it's effectiveness after time (and is addictive), so it's over the counter ibuprofin til I get a treatment plan. I see the doc tomorrow, so we'll see. **ouchy, ouchy...dammit**

01-12-2014, 07:36 PM
♪Every time I go to town ♪
♪a boy started kickin' my dog around ♪
♪makes no difference if he is a hound ♪
♪you better stop kicking my dog around ♪
♪go on, blue ♪
(all howling) ♪You good dog, you ♪
quiet, petuko.

Get well Amanda, pain sucks! and the cause can be worse.

01-12-2014, 08:26 PM
Thanks but unfortunately I am still in the same place. Doctor referred me to a specialist, which is way more expensive. But, seeing as the insurance has yet to approve the referral, the price is moot. Pain is worse than ever, and all they can do is tell me to hurry up and wait...:(

**sad Goddess**

01-12-2014, 08:31 PM
:( It just keeps gettin' better and better, NOT! Hang in there Amanda.

01-12-2014, 08:55 PM
Well, but see that's the thing. People keep telling me that. I have been hanging in there since I was 12. The depression and other psych issues don't get better. Thet get harder to deal with every year. Add the physical misery. Hang in incentive for that. Just ride it out? Why? I literally am struggling to find **any** reason to continue with this charade....

01-12-2014, 09:32 PM
People, friends, (real friends) and Family. Life IS worth it when you're around the right people. It just helps make life a little easier, I know being in pain sucks, and it's driving me crazy right know with my back messed up (from 2 moves ago) and now my left arm and hand is screwed up, from moving. Moving really blows. You may or may not be a follower or believer of God but through all this He's always taken care of me where it really matters, even though things seem to suck, they can all coalesce into something good even if you don't notice them. Everything that happened to me the last year did just that, and wouldn't have worked out if it wasn't for those seemingly sucky things happening.

01-13-2014, 01:24 AM
One suggestion ... diversion. Find the time to interact with something or somebody that just diverts your attention from your troubles for a while. This can be a puppy, a silly novelty song ("I got a Basketball Jones, baby, for you..."), playing cards with somebody, etc. This helps me sometimes. All too often I sink into a pool of woe. While my troubles are real, the world is full of folks with bigger troubles than mine. And joy and happiness are real.

Somebody wrote a line for Doc McCoy ... "Our purpose is to SURVIVE." And Mr G Harrison sang, "Life goes on within you and without you." Only you can decide to encounter joy and find meaning. We can only hope you do, because we're glad you're here!

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock's Record Round-Up (

01-13-2014, 08:58 AM
See, That's the thing people have been telling me for 30 years. It just doesn't work. There is a part of my brain that is...shut off. I really don't care if I survive. It is of no priority to me. But, on top of that, the schitzophrenia makes it harder. Instead of just not caring, I have a crowd of voices in my head telling me to actively harm myself, speed the process along. All day, every day. Simple diversions just get drowned out. My energy gets sapped. Then with this fucking pain and nausea/diabetes too, it's just stupid. So much energy to accomplish a goal that is set for me by others, not one I care about.....

01-13-2014, 10:08 AM
For instance, there is a man in the corner of my room right now, saying the most terrible things to me. I can see his shadow, his breath, hear his words, Is he there? Should I just ignore him or call the police? Experience says he;s not there. But really, I don't **need** this crap...

01-13-2014, 12:04 PM
Even though there's all these negative things in your life, there is still one positive thing that comes through and i think it's one of the more important things. The fact that you are here brings happiness to those that care about and love you, never forget that, even through the pain and crazy guy in the corner saying bad things.

You do matter, you're not a burden to anyone and you deserve happiness as much as everybody else.

01-13-2014, 12:32 PM
Yes, I do know that wolfy. :) I have very good friends here, you among them, and I am grateful. I am, after all, still here. And you know how I was feeling last week, so.....

01-13-2014, 10:38 PM
Please note title of this thread. For SURVIVORS only. We expect you to survive or we will feel deceived and I may start pouting.
(Meant to be engaging and teasing in a charming and hard-to-resist-a-whimsical-smile kind of way.)
Only you can decide on whether or not you intend to SURVIVE.

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock's Record Round-Up (

01-14-2014, 07:06 PM
Amanda, I've been there and it sounds like you're lacking some sleep REAL BAD.

01-14-2014, 10:47 PM
Amanda, I've been there and it sounds like you're lacking some sleep REAL BAD.

The only cryptid (alien animal) I have ever seen was when I was driving eastbound on NW 23rd St in OKC. Approaching me from an intersection to the right was a giant brown panther. I realized that there was most likely NOT a twelve-foot-long big cat in OKC. On second glance as we passed the intersection I noticed that in reality, the thing I had seen was a faded brown Chevrolet Lemans.

On quick reflection I decided that regularly getting three hours of sleep on any given night is not a helpful lifestyle.

As "viewers" and good-wish-senders, all we can do is hope that things get better. Many of us have gone through atrocious times and are happy that now things are better for us. We hope that the "now better"
part soon proves true for Amanda, too.

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock's Record Round-Up (

01-15-2014, 04:04 AM
You think I don't have help? I see docs. I am on Lamictil for mood swings (an anyi-seizure drug primarily but with magical side effects), seraquel for depression and anxiety, prozac, Ambien for sleep. I take Haldol and Geodon for the psychosis. I take Clopidogrel and plavix, along with Nitro for my hear issues, and am prescribed oxygen, both for out and home though I am often too stubborn to take it. I take two insulins for the high blood sugars, novalogue and lantis. Plus now over the counter pain meds. Normally I am better than thi, but with this medical/pain thing going on I am in agony all day. It saps me and lowers my resistance. All of this kills my artistic side dead. I used to draw and paint, it was a huge part of me, as was my sexuality which is also long gone. I also have far less enjoyment in things like movies, and music. The price to pay for taking the meds. Normally, without the pain I sleep at least 12 hours a day. So don't think I am trying, or fighting. It would be so easy to get rid of these to get some of the old me back but I don't. I keep trying. But right now I am having trouble, and am in physical agony. Meh. Nothing new. I'll go away now.

01-15-2014, 05:14 AM
We want you well in any case, and if that can't be, we're here for you as much as can be. We are sad that you or anyone has to endure this.

01-30-2014, 02:19 PM
I am serious here... I don't use marijuana anymore, but if I were you Amanda, i would SERIOUSLY look into the medial uses of said drug. It could help with many of the symptoms you are having. Road trip to Colorado!

02-11-2014, 06:05 PM
I love you<3

James (The Disney Guy)
07-13-2014, 04:45 AM
Here Is A Butt Hurt

Gratitude......Its Like Dog Shit Just Something For Someone to Throw Back In Your Face

07-13-2014, 06:40 AM
Thanks, or should I say You're welcome?
I don't make it a habit of picking up dog shit and throwing it at people. It messes up my manicure, and people wonder why I have dog shit in my nostrils. What's THAT SMELL!

James (The Disney Guy)
07-13-2014, 06:47 AM
Well i didn't want to say but since you mentioned it.......

07-13-2014, 06:51 AM
:) eh hehe

07-13-2014, 07:26 AM
You're looking for gratitude from the wrong people.

James (The Disney Guy)
07-13-2014, 07:40 AM
I ment general.

07-13-2014, 07:54 AM
Good thing I'm only a Lieutenant.

07-13-2014, 07:58 AM
General people don't count for anything. They are nobody, they mean nothing. 99.9 percent of humans I have ever met are a waste. But the other 1 percent, they make it all worth while. The love and gratitude of those people? Means everything.

James (The Disney Guy)
07-13-2014, 08:09 AM
Well i am not taking all the shit anymore. I have had it.

Star Magician
07-13-2014, 01:03 PM
I'm having some serious indigestion. It's making my butt hurt. Just sayin'

07-13-2014, 01:25 PM
Hiatus hernia does it for butt doesn't even come into it...well, a couple days later maybe :-/

07-13-2014, 06:54 PM
Mr. Gold, like Amanda said, it's the other 1% that makes it worth it.

---------- Post added at 01:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:48 PM ----------

And statistically speaking 10% of those prefer Chicken Burrito's over the Beef, and 3% of those prefer the "Hot" Sauce over the "Mild". Crap! I made myself hungry for a couple Tostados, with beans, beef, lettuce, tomato, sour cream and guacamole, The "Hot" Hot sauce please!

07-13-2014, 07:06 PM
I am making enchilada casserole in the slow cooker. It has all the goodies and authentic taste. So nya. :b

07-13-2014, 07:10 PM
General people don't count for anything. They are nobody, they mean nothing. 99.9 percent of humans I have ever met are a waste. But the other 1 percent, they make it all worth while. The love and gratitude of those people? Means everything.

I hope I'm in that 1%. Always grateful for your help.


07-14-2014, 12:17 AM
enchilada casserole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James (The Disney Guy)
07-15-2014, 01:56 AM
Here Is Another.

Just Because I'm Young Its Ok For Everyone To Treat Me Like Shit??
Well Of Course Because They DO!

07-15-2014, 03:29 AM
In what way? I have seen nothing on the open forum.

James (The Disney Guy)
07-15-2014, 03:44 AM
In General. But DW.

07-15-2014, 04:24 AM
Mr. Gold, you do know I'm just kidding around and have no ill will toward you right?

James (The Disney Guy)
07-15-2014, 04:41 AM
dw forget i said anything

07-15-2014, 05:03 AM
Just wanted to make sure you knew I was mostly full of crap bantering and so on, which I gathered you knew that by your responses, just wanted to make sure. Don't let any ingrates get to you all, they're not worth it. I'll be dipped in qhit if I'll let anyone get me down over ingrate-fullness. Why let them ruin a good party. If they don't like something in a rude manner, tell them to bend over at the door!

James (The Disney Guy)
07-16-2014, 07:19 PM
How I Feel Right Now......(I'm The Bloke)

07-16-2014, 08:12 PM
One thing I've learned in life is that things always work out. The path you've chosen isn't always the one you need. Allow the path you're on lead you to the one you need. They'll always be ups and downs, it's just part of the difficulty of the journey. In the end you'll be happier and wiser for the experience. They'll be those who help to guide you (knowingly or not), and they'll seem a little tough at times, but don't feel defeated ever, it can only make you stronger. These were some of the things that made me a better person, though some may disagree. But it doesn't bother me to the extent it used to. I'm not a broken in spirit person, just the opposite. Never give up. And there are friends who enjoy your company more than the releases of music. It's how we treat each other that means more then anything else on this planet.

James (The Disney Guy)
07-17-2014, 03:20 PM
I Just Wanna Shout Out A Huge Thanks To
Disney Chris
My Friends Who Have Helped Me Thru A Really Bad Patch And Will Always Have My Gratitude And A Place In My Heart :)

Mr Gold

07-17-2014, 03:44 PM
One thing I've learned in life is that things always work out. The path you've chosen isn't always the one you need. Allow the path you're on lead you to the one you need. They'll always be ups and downs, it's just part of the difficulty of the journey. In the end you'll be happier and wiser for the experience. They'll be those who help to guide you (knowingly or not), and they'll seem a little tough at times, but don't feel defeated ever, it can only make you stronger. These were some of the things that made me a better person, though some may disagree. But it doesn't bother me to the extent it used to. I'm not a broken in spirit person, just the opposite. Never give up. And there are friends who enjoy your company more than the releases of music. It's how we treat each other that means more then anything else on this planet.

World needs more of this...

James (The Disney Guy)
07-31-2014, 04:20 PM
There Has Been A Lot Of Bad Bad Bad These Past Few Months. I Have Been At A Real Low And Breaking Point. But No More I Am Not Taking Anymore I Am Here I Am Shareing And I Am Happy (At Last) Other Than All The Help From A Really Close Friend (Who I Hope Knows Who I Am Reffering To) This Helped Me! (And I Hope Will Cheer Everyone Up!)

Cheer up, Brian. You know what they say.
Some things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad.
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle,
Don't grumble, give a wistle!
And this'll help things turn out for the best...

(the music fades into the song)

...always look on the bright side of life!

Always look on the bright side of life...
If life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten!
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing,

When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps,
Just purse your lips and whistle -- that's the thing!
And... always look on the bright side of life...

Come on!

(other start to join in)
Always look on the bright side of life...

For life is quite absurd,
And death's the final word.
You must always face the curtain with a bow!
Forget about your sin -- give the audience a grin,
Enjoy it -- it's the last chance anyhow!

So always look on the bright side of death!
Just before you draw your terminal breath.
Life's a piece of shit,
When you look at it.

Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true,
You'll see it's all a show,
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you!

And always look on the bright side of life...
Always look on the bright side of life

Come on guys, cheer up

Always look on the bright side of life...

Always look on the bright side of life...

Worse things happen at sea you know

Always look on the bright side of life...

I mean--what have you got to lose?
you know, you come from nothing
-you're going back to nothing
what have you lost? Nothing!

Always look on the bright side of life...
(fade out)

07-31-2014, 05:16 PM
Mr. Gold, it is simply the definition of Friend. And more to the point, of a decent human being with a modicum of compassion. Both of which are yours, you know that by now.

08-02-2014, 10:05 PM
Well, since Mr. Gold is doing an EXCELLENT job of carrying the torch, as it were, and since there is no more need for me to be here, I surmise that it is time for me to finally depart!

Can't say that it hasn't been nice......

Farewell all.


08-02-2014, 10:39 PM
Well, since Mr. Gold is doing an EXCELLENT job of carrying the torch, as it were, and since there is no more need for me to be here, I surmise that it is time for me to finally depart!

Can't say that it hasn't been nice......

Farewell all.


I'm gonna miss ya William, my Haunted Mansion friend! You were one of the first people to befriend me when I first came aboard the site.

08-03-2014, 02:29 AM
Well, since Mr. Gold is doing an EXCELLENT job of carrying the torch, as it were, and since there is no more need for me to be here, I surmise that it is time for me to finally depart!

Can't say that it hasn't been nice......

Farewell all.


As Dracula said, "Enter of your own free will." He didn't talk about leaving, but I guess that's up to free will, too. I just don't like it.

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock's Record Round-Up (

08-03-2014, 02:47 AM
Please. He's been "leaving forever" since the day he joined. I'll die of shock if he ever stops at least reading the forum. Christ's sake people.

08-03-2014, 01:56 PM
Now I clearly see what happened there.
Writing it here now, instead of our boards, since it's here where the discussion developed: I don't have means to know which one of you is right or wrong, so just get over with it and call it a day.
There won't be consequences as everything happened through private message.

Just ignore each other and all will be fine.
And expressing harsh critics on how a videogame console sounds is nothing personal, just an opinion.

Get over with it.

Star Magician
08-03-2014, 03:40 PM
What interesting conversation have I stumbled upon this time? Oh wait, I haven't.

08-03-2014, 05:29 PM
Yishai and LelianaStarchild, i've deleted your posts in Iron Goats thread and here so you can just stop now.


08-05-2014, 11:50 AM
I don't have means to know which one of you is right or wrong, so just get over with it and call it a day.

Well between the FFShrine admins and you, there should be a way to find the truth. Are not all posts and PMs recorded and somehow accessible to administrators? If it's about you not having access to the PMs, I'd be willing to give you my password for your site, then you can see my PM inbox yourself as proof.

Now she's even trolling me (again by PM through your site) by saying I made rape threats and that she has contacted the cyber police and is threatening to sue me for defamation and harassment. What a shit pile of a person.

I've now disabled receiving PMs over at your site (because I guess you can't block PM's from specific people?), so let me know here (through PM) if you care to see for yourself. Then you can vouch for me here.

Otherwise, this will be the final post I make about it. (Unless she's actually stupid and twisted enough to try and take legal action against me using complete and utter lies.) I don't even want to come back to this thread in case that cretin chimes in with more lies, and I be tempted to be sucked into more BS, so if anyone has anything to say to me about this, PM me.

08-05-2014, 12:48 PM

09-18-2014, 07:44 PM

Y'know...noobs who lazily copy/paste "thanks" on every single thread you've ever started since day 1. It's happening right now! Not a good thing when your preferred method is PM only.

That being said, all requests will be fulfilled through gritted teeth.

James (The Disney Guy)
09-18-2014, 08:01 PM
I Get Ya Mr Merrick People Just Don't Give A Shit Anymore About Anything Unless They Get The Stuff They Want!!! I'm With You

01-11-2015, 05:06 AM
A certain user was being a dick to others about four times in a row, I called him out twice and he starting sperging over being BTFO while ignoring my arguments, cheeky cunt kept reporting me to the mod- mod didn't take sides [which is a good thing] and banned us both, honestly- I didn't see the ban since I wasn't online for those days, he just really pissed me off because the little brat managed to aggravate another user so badly enough that it caused him to snap and leave, the guy was a huge contributor too, It's a fucking disgrace, it was for his own good though, the other jerk wasn't leaving any time soon, especially with his stubbornness, constant projecting, ignorance and use of smiley faces like cheap stickers along with stupidly smug remarks- A.K.A; shitposting.

Anyway, I'm glad the mod didn't take sides, he'll just let the users eat [REDACTED] alive if he keeps going the way he's going, If that's not equal justice I don't know what is, I've taken the time to think and on one hand, the mod is right in that stance, not taking sides and just having two users block each other instead of infecting a thread with toxicity and contributing nothing to the topic, it is not helpful in any and deserves a ban, if that's why he banned us both then by all means I'm alright with it and will immediately accept consequence. If not then up his.

The thing that still bothers me about the other mod, Leon I think, is that he overcomplicates his posts when talking about an issue, I have nothing against the guy personally, I just wonder why he doesn't include a tl;dr saying "I'm just doing my job you guys, chill" I had to read two paragraphs of fluff to summarize that in something that could have easily been explained in 10 words or less, oh well, what's done is done. Anyway- the other user had the nerve to try and tell me that my cruelty was unjustified on some other thread because he kept saying he was going to collect his friends music and upload it in one big archive then he kept teasing that he was getting there and finally lazily linked to the profile and basically said "Fuck it, YOU do it" like a filthy shill, obviously I wasn't going to snap at him if he hadn't fucked up so badly before, I'm not the kind of guy to just tell off someone because they couldn't do something or didn't have the reason, this time was different though, since he was not a first time offender and keep bogging down the thread with useless posts to music that was shoddily converted to FLAC for the sake of having it in flac, not realizing users could just download the lossless VGM file and convert it themselves in 1/100 of the time the FLAC would have downloaded, aaaaaand he could use another program to improve the fidelity and overall, benefit himself and other users if he was still going to upload FLAC in the long run, like an rusted lock that's bolted shut, he wasn't open to suggestions until I finally managed to make a hard dent in his diamond hard cranium, too bad he wasn't very bright about it, also, his friends music was subpar anyway- waste of memory.

Just wanted to say, - I'm just telling you this because drama is interesting along with this thread lacking some substance, other than that I don't really care for him...I didn't reply since he's not worth my time or the brainpower I use trying to get my message across his thick skull, other than this thread of course, for the sake of discussing your experience with other users, he's just another permanent stain in society, I'll put on a new shirt and use the bleach more often like I did when I ignored him, pretty much one story, and the /only/ time I had beef with a user in this entire board.

Star Magician
01-30-2015, 12:07 PM
Someone slammed my parked car at 2 in the morning yesterday after he allegedly fell asleep at the wheel. Now my car looks like ass, and I'm butt-hurt about it. Luckily, it still works great because he hit the back. It's a very tough car. BUT IT LOOKS LIKE ASS.

01-31-2015, 03:06 AM
Man, sometimes things stink, this is one of them. Wanna bet that his car might cost less to fix than yours would? Because that's the way it always seems!

Hooray for tuff carz!

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Star Magician
01-31-2015, 12:47 PM
Fortunately, my car is so tough that both tail lights still work (though one light cover is shattered, so there's red tape over it now), the trunk still opens, and it drives exactly how it did before the incident. So all I really have to get is a tail light replacement and to iron out the dents, which my dad can help me with because he has some tools for that. But my main source of butthurt is that it looks like ASS.
I don't know about the other guy's car because I didn't see it, but neighbors told me he blew a tire and mangled it pretty badly. Plus, the sap has no insurance and a DWLS, so he's pretty fucked lol.

02-03-2015, 11:18 AM
she has contacted the cyber police

did she back traced it?
or has she done goofed?


James (The Disney Guy)
07-13-2015, 10:30 PM
Does Depression Count As Butt Hurt??

Hmmm... I Donno.

12-04-2015, 01:36 PM
Necromanced like magic. Perhaps we can stop making threads for each new upset and just use this ongoing? Sticky it even?

07-02-2016, 07:32 AM
I'm butthurt because I made this account after losing my original (like so many others some months ago) and was too butthurt about that to do anything then, but recently figured out how to change my old account's password and now I apparently can't delete this newly useless virtual appendage.

07-18-2016, 02:19 AM
Air conditioner broke two weeks ago. Seriously, sweatily, butt-hurt!

07-18-2016, 02:24 AM
Many sympathies.

(In Oklahoma) We spent a year or two (with two kids under 5) in a car with no AC. Also Recently our central unit was out for four days, with electricity being out for one of those days.

Makes you wonder how folks survived (much less procreated) in "less civilized" environments.

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