12-14-2003, 03:11 PM
November 18, 2003 -
Recent reports out of Japan have revealed that Yuna, Rikku and Paine will be getting some strange battle partners in the upcoming Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission, the Japanese re-release of the American Final Fantasy X-2. According to the upcoming issue of Jump Magazine, the pesky Le Blanc group (Le Blanc, Uno and Sano) will be able to join in on the fun as actual party members. This will apparently make use of the new creature capture system present in the game.

It looks like Japanese gamers are going to be getting the ultimate FFX-2 on 2/19 when International + Last Mission hits Japan. We may just have to pick up a copy to tell you what you're missing.

12-14-2003, 06:51 PM
Man this Interntational version stuff sucks. Sucks, sucks, sucks.

Uno and Sano, LOL. I've seen this before, interesting how that translates. Of course, it's really Ormi and Logos.

01-13-2004, 08:58 PM
international version looks great. i've read a lot on it. this battle arena will take up so much of one's time but its pretty interesting too cuz i heard past chars are in here too. such as *spoilers*

ahem.. such as wakka, tidus, auron, just to name a few.. you can even use fiends, and gullwings. i hear seymour is also in there. but this mode is only a battle arena mode from what i heard. but still, each character has own set of jobs (only yrp have different images though.. .. which is bad) each character also has their own storyline to play out. (including the fiends i would think.)