12-12-2003, 11:37 AM
I'm trying to get Tifa's final limit break, but I can't make the stupid piano work. I've played the song correctly, but all Cloud says is "I've heard this melody before. Managed to play well". Is there something else I should do or what?? I'm going to go crazy, if someone doesn't explain this to me fast....

The piano notes are X,S,T,R1+T,R1+S,X,S,T,R1+X,O,X,S,X...isn't it?
I'm in the first disc, but that shouldn't be a problem, right?

12-12-2003, 12:01 PM

You need to wait until about the middle or end of disc 2 before you can do it ^_^

Playing it to early might screw it up for you...

12-12-2003, 12:14 PM
While on the subject of piano's, what exactly are the notes for the PC? Every website I've searched on only has the notes/buttons for the PSX.. ._.