04-23-2012, 08:29 PM
I attended a Distant Worlds: music from Final Fantasy performance in Toronto back in March... and had my portable audio recorder with me. Figured I'd repay you guys for all the awesome VGM downloads by sharing this with you all.

This obviously isn't a professional quality recording, but it's still damn good for an audience recording. If you've got your doubts, here's a sample MP3:
25 The Man With the Machine Gun (Final Fantasy VIII).mp3 (

Distant Worlds: music from Final Fantasy
2012-03-31 Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, ON
Performed by the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony and Tallis Choir
Featuring Nobuo Uematsu for Dark World and One Winged Angel
Conducted by Arnie Roth

01. [Intro]
02. Prelude (Final Fantasy)
03. Liberi Fatali (Final Fantasy VIII)
04. [banter]
05. Victory Theme (Final Fantasy)
06. Don't Be Afraid (Final Fantasy VIII)
07. [banter]
08. You're Not Alone! (Final Fantasy IX)
09. Theme of Love (Final Fantasy IV)
10. [banter]
11. Fisherman's Horizon (Final Fantasy VIII)
12. To Zanarkand (Final Fantasy X)
13. Ronfaure (Final Fantasy XI)
14. [banter]
15. Blinded by Light (Final Fantasy XIII)
16. Chocobo Medley (Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy X)
17. [intermission]
18. Opening - Bombing Mission (Final Fantasy VII)
19. [banter]
20. Dark World (Final Fantasy VI)
21. [banter]
22. Clash on the Big Bridge (Final Fantasy V)
23. [banter]
24. Aerith's Theme (Final Fantasy VII)
25. The Man With the Machine Gun (Final Fantasy VIII)
27. [banter]
28. Opera - Maria and Draco (Final Fantasy VI)
29. [banter]
30. Terra's Theme (Final Fantasy VI)
31. [encore / banter]
32. One Winged Angel (Final Fantasy VII)
total time: 1:50:35

recorded using a Zoom H2 (24bit/48kHz, front and rear mics) and an iPhone 4s
mixed and mastered in Adobe Audition
encoded to 16bit/48kHz FLAC and VBR (V1) MP3 using foobar2000


FLAC (600 MB)


MP3 (163 MB)


Kusanagi Fire
04-23-2012, 10:57 PM
Thanks for uploading this! This is a pretty good recording and the audience wasn't completely bad (some coughing here and there, but what can you do? And the "Don't Be Afraid" was asking for it; Distant Worlds had the same feature on their Returning Home DVD). Many of these can be found on the Distant World CDs that have been released already (although there are slight alterations here and there), but the real gems are the ones that can't be found. "You're Not Alone" and "Dark World" really stand out for me. The arrangement of "You're Not Alone" at this concert was slightly faster than the one heard at Tour de Japon.

Thanks again for this!

Square, please make sure "You're Not Alone" is played in the set for the next Distant World's CD. I've been waiting years for it. Thanks.

04-23-2012, 11:52 PM
Thanks for uploading this! This is a pretty good recording and the audience wasn't completely bad (some coughing here and there, but what can you do? And the "Don't Be Afraid" was asking for it; Distant Worlds had the same feature on their Returning Home DVD). Many of these can be found on the Distant World CDs that have been released already (although there are slight alterations here and there), but the real gems are the ones that can't be found. "You're Not Alone" and "Dark World" really stand out for me. The arrangement of "You're Not Alone" at this concert was slightly faster than the one heard at Tour de Japon.

Thanks again for this!

Square, please make sure "You're Not Alone" is played in the set for the next Distant World's CD. I've been waiting years for it. Thanks.

And also, I think it's time for a new tracklist.. there are so many great FF tracks to use, I want a completley new concert.
FF6 alone has atleast 20 tracks I'm dying to here orchestrated like this. FF7's cid's theme, ff8's final battle, ff9's vivi's theme and quite a few others. hell even tidus' theme would be an awesome addition.
The current concerts have AMAZING selections, but this series has so many more to offer!

04-24-2012, 09:10 AM
Thanks a lot!

03-15-2013, 10:18 PM
Thank you very much for this jmr.

12-29-2013, 07:06 PM
Thanks JMR, I can't wait for them to come back to Toronto. I was at this concert too and can't believe they haven't released an official version of Dark World yet, one of my favourite tracks of the entire concert (in person).

I remember there was a guy sitting close to me that was wearing a mage outfit, who I think was also recording. If that happened to be you, small world!
