04-23-2012, 03:13 AM

Produced by: Jun Senoue

Composed by: Jun Senoue, Masato Nakamura, Naofumi Hataya, & Sonic 3 Sound Team

Original rips by: Yoshi15 @ Sonic Retro

Special Thanks to: Guess Who @ Sonic Retro & goku262002 (http://forums.ffshrine.org/members/goku262002-128203)


101 - Sonic 4 - Episode 2 ~Main Titles~
102 - Main Menu
103 - Cutscene - Prologue
104 - Sylvania Castle Zone - Act 1
105 - Sylvania Castle Zone - Act 1 ~Speed Shoes~
106 - Sylvania Castle Zone - Act 2
107 - Sylvania Castle Zone - Act 2 ~Speed Shoes~
108 - Sylvania Castle Zone - Act 3
109 - Sylvania Castle Zone - Act 3 ~Speed Shoes~
110 - Boss Battle 1 - vs. Eggman
111 - World Map
112 - White Park Zone - Act 1
113 - White Park Zone - Act 2
114 - White Park Zone - Act 3
115 - Drowning
116 - Special Stage
117 - Emerald Get
118 - Boss Battle 2 - vs. Metal Sonic
119 - Oil Desert Zone - Act 1
120 - Oil Desert Zone - Act 1 ~Speed Shoes~
121 - Oil Desert Zone - Act 2
122 - Oil Desert Zone - Act 2 ~Speed Shoes~
123 - Oil Desert Zone - Act 3
124 - Invincible
125 - Cutscene - To the Sky Fortress
126 - Sky Fortress Zone - Act 1
127 - Sky Fortress Zone - Act 2
128 - Sky Fortress Zone - Act 2 ~Speed Shoes~
129 - Sky Fortress Zone - Act 3
130 - Cutscene - Arriving on the Death Egg mk.II
131 - Death Egg mk.II Zone - Act 1
132 - Death Egg mk.II Zone - Act 1 ~Speed Shoes~
133 - Boss Battle 3 - vs. Metal Sonic Final ~Stardust Speedway 'B' JP Mix~
134 - Death Egg mk.II Zone - Act 2 ~Final Boss~
135 - Act Clear
136 - New Record
137 - Cutscene - Escape
138 - Sonic 4 - Episode 2 ~Staff Roll~
139 - Cutscene - To Be Continued?
140 - Cutscene - Episode Metal Prologue
141 - Cutscene - Metal Sonic Repaired
142 - Mad Gear Zone - Episode Metal
143 - Mad Gear Zone - Episode Metal ~Speed Up~
144 - Lost Labyrinth Zone - Episode Metal
145 - Lost Labyrinth Zone - Episode Metal ~Speed Up~.
146 - Cutscene - The Altar's Hidden Treasure
147 - Casino Street Zone - Episode Metal
148 - Casino Street Zone - Episode Metal ~Speed Up~
149 - Splash Hill Zone - Episode Metal
150 - Splash Hill Zone - Episode Metal ~Speed Up~
151 - Cutscene - Metal Sonic's Pursuit
152 - Super Sonic
153 - Game Over
154 - 1up

Total Time: 59:09

EDIT: No changed have been made in the final.

Unfortunately, the same route has been taken here along with Episode 1. Instead of creating generic tunes Jun Senoue has created irritating sounding ones. (Start with Track 121) Pick your poison all with the same forgettable qualities of before if not worse. :p It's a shame considering the current Sonic Team Audio Production Team can make some good music (With Jun in last place...) even in the worst of games. Depending on your tolerance of ear-ripping Mega Drive soundfonts on very uncatchy melodies, you may like some of the tracks or detest them. If you want the music then here it is.

If you were just looking for some good Sonic-like music then I would rather recommend Sonicesque (Thread 90727) or the recent Sonic 2 HD Demo Soundtrack (Thread 112115).

S4E2OSV -MP3-.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?2e25fof67smu93z)

S4E2OSV -FLAC-.part1.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wubhu2tfuw71l72)
S4E2OSV -FLAC-.part2.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3o03ch3noa562qd)
S4E2OSV -FLAC-.part3.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?d6bbum8mhfb2cuc)

Enjoy, and if you found anything you wanted here,please give thanks to keep this thread relevant, like, and rep up! And spread the music! ;)

04-23-2012, 04:04 AM
Thanks allot for making this proper man. Allways can count on you! :)

04-23-2012, 04:19 AM
Dang it man, I was about to upload my own track list, but because I've been busy all day I didn't have the time to.
Oh well, music is still music. There's a few stand-out tracks, like Sky Fortress or the Metal Sonic fight, but overall the poor instrumentation and composition quality keeps this one down. Better then Ep. 1's music? Maybe, but still not anything to rave about if you ask me. :P

Edit: I modified the "Boxart" to be square-shaped. Makes them look better on an iPod then the elongated images.

04-23-2012, 04:40 AM
Dang it man, I was about to upload my own track list, but because I've been busy all day I didn't have the time to.
Oh well, music is still music. There's a few stand-out tracks, like Sky Fortress or the Metal Sonic fight, but overall the poor instrumentation and composition quality keeps this one down. Better then Ep. 1's music? Maybe, but still not anything to rave about if you ask me. :P
Lol, i would have uploaded much earlier if Mediafire wasn't acting up. Oh i'm not complimenting the music, being better then crap doesn't make your music good. I detest this, it is an insult to a series that had good music 20+ years ago.

04-23-2012, 05:31 AM
Thank you! Personally, I think the music is pretty good. It's not mind-blowing or anything, but it's not bad, either.

04-23-2012, 05:32 AM
I'm not trying to say that this music is anywhere near as good as the classics, I'm just saying that I personally enjoy a few tracks if looked at on their own.
These still don't seem good enough to justify the 4 on it's title. You know there's something wrong when some of the best parts of your song are remixed versions of songs from other games.

04-23-2012, 08:16 AM
Thanks a lot, man!

04-23-2012, 09:39 AM
Thanks for uploading this! Granted, the soundtrack isn't even remotely as good as the Genesis titles offered, and even Karl Brueggemann (Thread 90727) is better than these people...
It's strange that, compared to Colors and Generations, Sonic 4 gives easily one of the worst Sonic OSTs in a while (but no one can top the disaster that was Sonic Chronicles lol!)

Again, thanks for the upload ;)

04-23-2012, 10:14 AM
Thanks very much

04-23-2012, 03:29 PM
I like how the game is released in 3 weeks, but yet, the soundtrack is available and entire video play-throughs exist!
The soundtrack is a bit meh really, except for the 1st Metal Sonic fight. Thanks for the upload!

04-23-2012, 09:56 PM
I like how the game is released in 3 weeks, but yet, the soundtrack is available and entire video play-throughs exist!
The soundtrack is a bit meh really, except for the 1st Metal Sonic fight. Thanks for the upload!

Its because when SEGA put the game up on steam for pre-order, they left an option to download a full & complete beta version thats why theres -BETA 8- in the title.

04-25-2012, 05:11 AM
Okay, I will say I like this one better than Episode I, where the only track I could really stand was Lost Labyrinth Act 2. This one still has a lot of skippable ones, but there are few that I find myself bobbing my head to. (The Sky Fortress tracks, Death Egg mk.II Act 1, and White Park Act 2 kind of reminds me of Twinkle Park...) Thanks for the upload. ^_^

04-25-2012, 05:55 AM
Thanks for the upload, man!

Please forgive a potentially stupid question, but were certain "Speed Shoes" tracks missing from the BETA rip or do they not exist in some Zones and Acts?

Either way, I'm glad to see this released so quickly!

04-25-2012, 07:11 AM
Thanks for the upload, man!

Please forgive a potentially stupid question, but were certain "Speed Shoes" tracks missing from the BETA rip or do they not exist in some Zones and Acts?

Either way, I'm glad to see this released so quickly!

I believe in some stages, Speed Shoes are absent in some stages unlike Sonic 4 Episode 1. The game itself essentially already completed though things may change with the final release.

04-25-2012, 02:00 PM
Lol, i would have uploaded much earlier if Mediafire wasn't acting up. Oh i'm not complimenting the music, being better then crap doesn't make your music good. I detest this, it is an insult to a series that had good music 20+ years ago.

Have to agree with your assessment. The songs aren't terrible in my opinion, but none are very memorable for me personally. I thought Episode I had a pretty good soundtrack, but this does not stand out much.

04-25-2012, 07:47 PM
nice!!! I fan of Jun Senoue!!! .... beta 8???

04-25-2012, 11:56 PM
nice!!! I fan of Jun Senoue!!! .... beta 8???

Yeah this is from a leaked pre-release beta version of the game. Sonic 4 Episode 2 officially releases in May.

04-26-2012, 03:40 AM
The Stardust Speedway mix disappoints me to no end...

Thanks for the upload though.

04-26-2012, 06:44 PM
Thank you for the upload!

05-01-2012, 03:14 AM
Yeah this is from a leaked pre-release beta version of the game. Sonic 4 Episode 2 officially releases in May. thanks!!! :D:D:D

05-02-2012, 08:37 PM

05-07-2012, 05:28 AM
Thank you for uploading this.

05-07-2012, 03:40 PM
Thanks for the upload. But gawd...its like tin ear syndrome with this music. I can't find one track that doesn't make me wince. Then again maybe its because i just got up.

05-10-2012, 02:18 PM
Some "Sonic fans" will never be happy or satisfied with anything, regardless of how it's done, most of them are all in a perpetual state of narrow minded denial. End of story. I really liked EP1's music, it had a unique sound(And please the cheap keyboard argument doesn't work. I own cheap keyboards. And none of them sound anywhere near this good. Especially if you try to line-out them)and some good themes. And i'm sure Ep2 will be no different.

This bias against cheap synth sounds reminds me of the "Genesis'ified downgraded" versions of EP1 music that people tried to make. And they ended up sounding terrible.

Do I think S4E1 could've probably benefited from being done entirely on the Yamaha YM2612? Absolutely, but making it using the way they originally did probably would've been very difficult and more time consuming compared to how user friendly modern computer composing can be with MIDI.(which itself isn't exactly new. It's been around for 30 years, and has been used in gaming for a very long time. From the Sharp X68k, to IBM PC's,etc) And shit, for all we know, the drums could've been entirely been programmed with the actual patches they used on the original games. Or they could've created samples from the actual old patches and incorporated them into a modern sampler that allows creation of your own patches. Or many other methods.

Honestly i'm sick of the soundfont argument too. None of you are probably even aware that there are MANY software and hardware synthesizers based on various Yamaha FM Soundchips that many people , myself included, still use. There is even the Recent FM synth workstation app for the iPad iYM2151(which is a synthesizer/sequencer based on the YM2151 Chip AKA the OPM ;yes the same one that VOPM is designed around too and the same chip used in the X68k and in games like Marble Madness) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpSgZfarJtQ

Also: Before you try to bill me as an outsider, been playing sonic since I was a toddler. I was born a month before it came out.

05-10-2012, 03:34 PM
Some "Sonic fans" will never be happy or satisfied with anything, regardless of how it's done, most of them are all in a perpetual state of narrow minded denial. End of story.
On the contrary, it's not that the Sonic fans are craving some nonexistent title that blows everything out of proportion, it's that for a decade and more, Sonic Games have declined in quality from a gameplay standpoint and have only just reached potential decency. Sega or Sonic Team have been splitting the fanbase for more then a decade, making games not of Sonic in his former glory but in name only. So if all Sonic fans are narrow-minded then what? We're just to accept the bad to average games with no improvements over a technically superior platformer made 20 years ago? Denial? That in secret all Sonic games are good? That's a good one. ;)

It's a shame, that you would blame all Sonic fans that don't abide by your standard of not being "narrow-minded" in a series that the developers themselves show little respect or care about. I'm impressed by the tenacity of the fanbase to hold something so dear through the shame it has been in. It shows they actually care and hope to see it reach it's stride again. Naive maybe but narrow-minded I think not.

I really liked EP1's music, it had a unique sound(And please the cheap keyboard argument doesn't work. I own cheap keyboards. And none of them sound anywhere near this good. Especially if you try to line-out them)and some good themes. And i'm sure Ep2 will be no different.
Good you liked EP1 and enjoy EP2 but cheap keyboard or not, the music sounds worse then a song made on a keyboard 20+ years ago. And this is coming from a series that has at the very least, decent music in most of their games. Even the worst ones. This is unacceptable.

This bias against cheap synth sounds reminds me of the "Genesis'ified downgraded" versions of EP1 music that people tried to make. And they ended up sounding terrible.

Well apparently you haven't heard this remix yet. :)
Sonic 4 - Splash Hill Zone (Classic Arrangement) - YouTube (http://youtu.be/MCtXDkMX9Ss)

Do I think S4E1 could've probably benefited from being done entirely on the Yamaha YM2612? Absolutely, but making it using the way they originally did probably would've been very difficult and more time consuming compared to how user friendly modern computer composing can be with MIDI.(which itself isn't exactly new. It's been around for 30 years, and has been used in gaming for a very long time. From the Sharp X68k, to IBM PC's,etc) And shit, for all we know, the drums could've been entirely been programmed with the actual patches they used on the original games. Or they could've created samples from the actual old patches and incorporated them into a modern sampler that allows creation of your own patches. Or many other methods.

It would take a too much typing to debunk that but let's say for sake of argument that your right here. Here's an idea. Don't emulate Genesis if it's more difficult when you know you can make better music easier instead. Have they not learned from EP1's criticism?

Honestly i'm sick of the soundfont argument too. None of you are probably even aware that there are MANY software and hardware synthesizers based on various Yamaha FM Soundchips that many people , myself included, still use. There is even the Recent FM synth workstation app for the iPad iYM2151(which is a synthesizer/sequencer based on the YM2151 Chip AKA the OPM ;yes the same one that VOPM is designed around too and the same chip used in the X68k and in games like Marble Madness) Shinji Hosoe - Digital jump out (iYM2151 for iPad Demo song) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpSgZfarJtQ)
Well I guess they're not doing a good enough job if the answer is right in front of them. In fact this goes against your previous statement. Sonicesque (Thread 90727) was made in VOPM and it sounds more like Sonic on the Genesis.

Again, it's good you like the music but you liking the music doesn't make it objectively wondrous that only a "Narrow-minded" would dislike. If anything, I think the "narrow-minded" one would be the one who can't accept the criticism aimed to Sonic 4's music.

05-11-2012, 06:33 PM
Maybe I'm just blind, but I can't find a certain song. It plays during a flash back of Episode Metal when Eggman revives Metal Sonic and he flies towards earth. It's a remix of Sonic Boom and Toot Toot Sonic Warrior (You can do everything), the theme songs of Sonic CD. could somebody help me out?

Still, thanks so much for this! You're awesome.

05-11-2012, 06:49 PM
Maybe I'm just blind, but I can't find a certain song. It plays during a flash back of Episode Metal when Eggman revives Metal Sonic and he flies towards earth. It's a remix of Sonic Boom and Toot Toot Sonic Warrior (You can do everything), the theme songs of Sonic CD. could somebody help me out?

Still, thanks so much for this! You're awesome.

It's Track 152. I must have missed that cutscene.

05-16-2012, 02:35 AM
Just thought I'd say thanks for this. Having beat the game already (this is not a bad thing, I loved it), I'm happy to see the music out there already.

On the subject of music, I'm quite happy with the music in episode 1 and 2, and while I do appreciate the wonderful things the composers have done in the past with the more-than-16-bit-ish music, I think what both of these episodes have fits them well. I didn't expect something like Planet Wisp, but I also didn't expect something like Green Hill Zone. It may not jive with everyone, but I like it at least.

Also, I've been playing Sonic since the good ol' Genesis days, so I've been paying attention to the music since then. :3

05-16-2012, 02:48 PM
Just to let everyone know, The final version contains the same tracks so theres no difference between this BETA 8 version and the final.

05-17-2012, 08:25 AM
Just to let everyone know, The final version contains the same tracks so theres no difference between this BETA 8 version and the final.

Even it does, I'll be waiting for someone here to do an iTunes rip when the soundtrack gets released there.

05-17-2012, 09:58 AM
Even it does, I'll be waiting for someone here to do an iTunes rip when the soundtrack gets released there.
Who said this will get a OST release? I must have missed something, if this is true.

05-17-2012, 11:06 AM
Who said this will get a OST release? I must have missed something, if this is true.

Look here. (http://www.tssznews.com/2012/05/14/sonic-4-soundtracks-coming-to-itunes/)

05-17-2012, 03:29 PM
Who said this will get a OST release? I must have missed something, if this is true.

It was just announced recently. They are coming to iTunes!

05-19-2012, 02:21 AM
Thank you!

05-19-2012, 07:42 AM
I like several of the melodies, but the music itself sounds like a bunch of annoying noises at times. Thanks for this though.

05-21-2012, 11:55 AM
So what's with the cutscene tracks having all the sound effects and stuff in it? Is that part of the audio file or did you just forget to turn the Sound Effects off for those bits?

Infernus Animositas
05-21-2012, 01:24 PM
It's actually tracked with the music. You can't separate them

05-21-2012, 02:29 PM
It's actually tracked with the music. You can't separate them
Well crap, that's totally lame on Sega's part, 'specially since that one cutscene in Episode I covering the transition from Mad Gear to E.G.G. Station Zones had them seperate. Hopefully the iTunes OST will do them right, but I doubt it.

Infernus Animositas
05-21-2012, 02:55 PM
The OST will not have the SFX on them as SEGA still has all the session files related to the project. So if an official OST does come out, the cutscene cues will be SFX free.

05-21-2012, 04:07 PM
The OST will not have the SFX on them as SEGA still has all the session files related to the project. So if an official OST does come out, the cutscene cues will be SFX free.

That's good news. Has the tracklist for the OST been confirmed yet?

05-22-2012, 07:14 AM
Update: New links with fixed tags & re-organized tracks have been added.

05-22-2012, 07:52 AM
I'll still wait for the iTunes release.

05-31-2012, 01:30 AM
Thank you for a good work, I'll enjoy this. (:

Trunks Briefs
07-14-2012, 04:20 AM
Can you reupload it please i like to get my hands on the added tracks on the updated version of the gamerip.

Edit : Just reupload the added tracks not the entire gamerip.

07-14-2012, 09:23 AM
The links don't work T_T
It says suspended user...:P

07-15-2012, 01:48 AM
Yeah looks like !!!!! got his mediafire account suspended. I'm sure he will reupload it again soon.

07-20-2012, 11:22 PM
Links are down. Needs a new link.

07-21-2012, 12:26 AM
Links are dead.

07-21-2012, 07:37 AM
Dude, you don't have to let everybody know twice. They get it.

08-23-2012, 03:54 PM
The mp3 link is dead. Can you fix it for me please?