04-22-2012, 08:07 PM
Hi. I am trying to find the original or expanded score for Alexander by Vangelis in MP3 320. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

04-22-2012, 10:57 PM
Try the vangelis thread in the tv film fourm.

04-26-2012, 07:47 PM
I checked that thread and the links were dead and it was in Flac. But thanks!

04-27-2012, 09:33 PM
I have both versions, there in mp3@ 320 kbps, Front and Back covers.

1: Alexander Original Motion Picture Soundtrack link: tml

2: Alexander Expanded Score link:



04-28-2012, 04:28 AM
How about the FYC?

04-28-2012, 06:09 AM
How about the FYC?

What is FYC?


04-28-2012, 05:24 PM
What is FYC?


"FYC" stands for "For Your Consideration". An FYC Disc for certain films is put out at the end of every year by said film's studio. It's basically the studio's way of saying "hey, this film had a great Score, so here's a promo for consideration for the Best Original Score Oscar." So mainly you will hear people call them "FYC Academy Promos". They are quite collectable, and some are very rare. some that were released this year were:

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Arthur Christmas
The Ides of Match
Dolphin Tale
Albert Nobbs
My Week With Marilyn

And many others. There is one for Alexander, but it is very rare and thus highly collectable. I'm searching for it, because I collect FYCs.

04-28-2012, 07:59 PM
Thanks for the information!! I just learned something If I come in contact with any one I shell post them.


04-28-2012, 10:24 PM
Thanks for the links!! I have been searching for this score for awhile.

04-29-2012, 12:48 AM
Your Welcome...


09-05-2012, 08:41 AM
Thanks Thanks Thanks !!! T_T

09-06-2012, 12:23 AM
Your Welcome...


10-09-2013, 10:49 AM
Scotty57, thank you so much for the expanded ALEXANDER score. I couldn't believe the link still worked! Cheers.

10-10-2013, 10:02 PM
Scotty57, thank you so much for the expanded ALEXANDER score. I couldn't believe the link still worked! Cheers.

Just like a Timex, takes a licking and keeps on ticking! :)

Your Welcome...


10-11-2013, 03:31 AM
Just like a Timex, takes a licking and keeps on ticking! :)

Your Welcome...


The fact that you used that slogan and the fact that I totally know and remember it reveals something about our age range, haha. Unless it's come back into fashion and they're making new commercials with it...

10-11-2013, 04:03 AM
The fact that you used that slogan and the fact that I totally know and remember it reveals something about our age range, haha. Unless it's come back into fashion and they're making new commercials with it...

lol Timex was the first watch my mom and dad got me when I turned 8! that was the cool thing back then. I'm 56 now and I still have the watch and still wear a Timex today! only 2 American watch makers left now, Timex and Elgin! how sad is that.


10-12-2013, 08:02 AM
lol Timex was the first watch my mom and dad got me when I turned 8! that was the cool thing back then. I'm 56 now and I still have the watch and still wear a Timex today! only 2 American watch makers left now, Timex and Elgin! how sad is that.


That's some brand loyalty. I'm amazed at how many young kids don't even wear watches anymore. They all use their smart phone to tell them the time I guess.

10-12-2013, 06:58 PM
That's some brand loyalty. I'm amazed at how many young kids don't even wear watches anymore. They all use their smart phone to tell them the time I guess.

That's the truth! same with my two grown son's! I wonder what they would do if all the cell phones dropped out at once? bet they would come to a stand still acting like there under mind control (like the old movies we used to watch) lol

I have had a few different brands of watches over the years, but they never lasted for long, so I gave up and went back to Timex, they just worked and kept working even after being punished severally! so I just stuck to what kept working! My dad used to tell us, "if you find something that just keeps working after being used for so many years...don't let it go"! after he died 9 years ago, my brothers and I went through his tool chest and found he still had all craftsmen tools from the 1960's! they still looked pretty good for being forty some odd years old! and my youngest brother still uses them.


10-13-2013, 05:53 AM
That's the truth! same with my two grown son's! I wonder what they would do if all the cell phones dropped out at once? bet they would come to a stand still acting like there under mind control (like the old movies we used to watch) lol

I have had a few different brands of watches over the years, but they never lasted for long, so I gave up and went back to Timex, they just worked and kept working even after being punished severally! so I just stuck to what kept working! My dad used to tell us, "if you find something that just keeps working after being used for so many years...don't let it go"! after he died 9 years ago, my brothers and I went through his tool chest and found he still had all craftsmen tools from the 1960's! they still looked pretty good for being forty some odd years old! and my youngest brother still uses them.


There's a reason those Craftsman tools were guaranteed for life! I think it's a nice tribute to your father for you to still be wearing a Timex. Unlike commercials today, where everything can be trickery, that elephant really stepped on that Timex, haha. Same thing with those chimpanzees tossing around that Samsonite luggage, hahaha.

What cracks me up about kids not wearing watches is that in this modern world of ultrafast convenience, it still takes longer to pull your phone from your pocket and turn on the screen than it does to just tilt your wrist over. They're actually being LESS efficient by not wearing a watch. Go figure.

10-14-2013, 08:04 PM
There's a reason those Craftsman tools were guaranteed for life! I think it's a nice tribute to your father for you to still be wearing a Timex. Unlike commercials today, where everything can be trickery, that elephant really stepped on that Timex, haha. Same thing with those chimpanzees tossing around that Samsonite luggage, hahaha.

What cracks me up about kids not wearing watches is that in this modern world of ultrafast convenience, it still takes longer to pull your phone from your pocket and turn on the screen than it does to just tilt your wrist over. They're actually being LESS efficient by not wearing a watch. Go figure.

One of the thing's I have discovered is they are "The Instant Gratification Generation"! Efficiency is not in there vocabulary! nor is "Sturdiness" they go through so many gadgets and they call us the most wasteful generation! all our soda bottles were glass (5 cent return), groceries bags were paper (reused), you can't recycle plastic! I pointed this out to them and you would have thought I was explaining the theory of relativity! there eyes glassed over. I did take them out to the family ranch and had them do the same things I did when I was there age! and both have a collage education, so that part worked out for the good! but if someone hangs a shiny new gadget in front of there face's and they light up like kids in a candy store!! and neither one will put themselves into there work, they just give the minimum, nothing more, nothing much for wanting your kids to do better then us. I can only imagine what they are going to do when they have kids! that should be fun. You should see it when my son's and two nieces are altogether! all four of them are texting at the same time!! and not to each other! try having a conversation with these kids, with there heads down, looking at there screens...I look over at my other brothers and all three of us have the same looks on your faces! Rude and Pissed Off! leave it to our mother to speak up first! "Put those damn things down...NOW" LOL she got there attention real fast! sometimes I wonder how they will make it through life...
