04-21-2012, 04:39 AM
I'm looking for anything from this show. At the moment the best I've been able to grab is a rip of the show's opening, complete with soundeffects, along with a clean closer ripped from the show. Considering the show didn't exactly light the world on fire and is generally seen by the community as the lousiest member of the DC Animated Universe, I doubt there's much available.

Still, anything's appreciated! I'll even put up my (not particularly impressive) album art to slap over everything we collect!

Intro (With SFX) and Outro:
The World's Finest - The Zeta Project (

04-21-2012, 08:15 AM
There does not seem to be anything at all aside from rips of the credits. The DC comics albums did not even include titles for this, and they have Plasitc Man! :notgood:

The score was done by DC's all stars: Lolita Ritmanis, Michael McCuiston, Kristopher Carter and Shirley Walker. Unfortunately none of them seems to have a currently active web-site. I would **really* love score samples from almost anything they have done, separately or as a team.

I am not finding a lot as far as additional composer credits either.

04-21-2012, 10:51 PM
The living members of DC's all-star composing team now have their own webpage here:
Lolita Ritmanis, Michael McCustion and Kristopher Carter, Dynamic Music Partners (

I listened to the 'mood music' they have on there, didn't notice any songs from The Zeta Project. Not to say there isn't any, I didn't manage to listen to all of it.

04-22-2012, 12:26 AM
Yup, I remember seeing that now. I hate that none of the tracks are numbered. There a number of tracks, and could be from almost any project.