Safer Sephiroth
12-09-2003, 07:33 PM
I didn't see anywhere else to post this so I'm going to post it here <.<

But how many of you are looking forward to it? I for one am, I am glad that a FF game is finally being made on Nintendo again. Also I've been reading up on the game, is it true that FF:CC's is a Hack n' Slash Rpg? If so that's cool XD And I've read that it is "Multiplayer" is that Online gameplay or by console links?


12-11-2003, 04:52 PM
Look at the FFShrine main page... i wrote a preview on this game a while back.

I for one am not looking forward to this game, just because there are so many hack n' slash games... and this one seems just as generic as the others.

crazy joe
12-17-2003, 05:23 PM
I was looking forward to it but i'm not so sure anymore.......

First is the fact that if you want to play it multiplayer, it means I have to fork out a load of money to buy a gameboy advance and the lead.

Second with the whole hack and slash business I don't think it will have the same essence and atmosphere as VII, VII, and IX.

I read that preview Loki and you brought up some points that really made me think, this game is either going to work and be brilliant, or its going to be complete crap.

I think Square should bring out a traditional FF game for the gamecube, like maybe bring out XII on it.

12-22-2003, 12:21 AM
i seem quite interested. but i have a few what do you meen by hack and slash, and is ffcc going to be like ffc(final fantasy chronicles) for ps? if it is, then hu wouldnt wanna play chrono trigger in a new form?

12-22-2003, 07:27 AM
brs620: If you have played Phantasy Star Online or Diablo, it's the same concept. If you haven't, the game basically goes like this.

You + 3 others (if playing with others) walk around in a little map area, killing whatever is in the way. Along the way, items the stuff drop and you can collect them. While doing all this, you go through several areas then finally complete the area. You repeat this over and over again.

The thing with this type of gameplay is that it has little story except the purpose of why everyone is going through these missions. Also, there is no "main" character.

Safer Sephiroth: It's all in one Gamecube and it has a single player. However, for multiplayer, GBAs are needed for each player.

01-07-2004, 10:08 PM
they are actually not needed to play but they make the game flow much faster and more confortable

Evad D'Aragon
01-08-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by sdelcos
they are actually not needed to play but they make the game flow much faster and more confortable

Wrong. For Multiplayer, you absolutely need them. You can use a normal controller in single-player mode, though.

I'm not SO sure it was all that necessary. Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu were good multi-player games and I didn't feel that much "slowed" down when someone wanted to look at his/her status screen to cast a spell... Although it's true it makes things faster and more enjoyable. They should have given us the choice.

01-08-2004, 02:40 PM
Lets just say.... Nintendo needs to make better use of their GBA connection... I just wish they put this aside for Online play. That sounds better (and less costly).

01-11-2004, 03:30 PM
hate to ask the same question, but i think according to all the things i read from u guys meens that ffcc is not a remake of ffchronicals. and this is game only online?

02-10-2004, 04:49 AM
im not so sure about this 1 does look good and brings a whole new gameplay but its gonna be hard to fully experiance this game to its fullest cos i dont have four friends with gba's still gonna buy it though!!!!!

ps.its not online!!!!!!!

02-10-2004, 10:06 AM
FF:CC has absolutely no online features whatsoever. This was stressed by SquarEnix. And good thing too. The game is bloody well expensive enough to play multiplayer without having to do online stuff aswell.

Lightning Mage
02-11-2004, 12:44 AM
I just got it today and I like it a lot. I don't quite get how the multiplayer set up stuff works yet but i'm figuring it out.
The single player mode is alot less confusing but to my understanding it's a little harder. The caracters are cool. The backround and enemies are sweet. The music is relaxing but not quite memorable. And the mail diliverin' moogle Stiltskin from FF9 is back. Only I don't think he delivers mail anymore but you still get letters.
When all is said and done I give it a 7 outta 10.

02-11-2004, 01:03 AM
tell me ...... can u play multiplayer without using gba's?that will put my mind at rest

02-11-2004, 01:39 AM
Okay I got it so I can answer a few questions:

About the GBAs and stuff.

To put it simply, you can only play by yourself if you only have one GBA or none at all.

Now the complex answer.

The game has two modes, Single and Multi:

In Single, you control your character with a GCN controller and you have a Moogle (named Mog). Mog acts like a second player, however he cannot attack or be hurt. Instead, Mog holds the Chalice (the thing that creates a safe aura so you can travel through the miasma... which is the poisonous air that the world is surrounded in). He can also help you enhance your spells during battles. All your menus are done on the TV and you can hook up a GBA to the GCN and it'll act as a radar (though you cannot use it to play the game, it just acts as a radar).

In Multi, you control your character with a GBA. One to four people can play this mode if they have their GBAs hooked up. The reason why I bolded one is because you can play Multi mode by yourself and get the multiplayer-only stuff (which has it's share of plus and minuses). You do not have Mog so someone has to carry the Chalice. Also the gameplay doesn't stop when you access the menu. If you are with another person, you'll automatically follow them. If you are alone, you better not be close to any enemies.

If you want a challenge, play Multi Mode with one GBA. If you rather just wing it, just stick with Single Mode.

02-11-2004, 02:07 AM
i dont know if i want it anymore now......damn gba link up [shakes fist in the air] DAMN U TO HELL!!!!

02-11-2004, 03:09 AM
Dude... look around, you can get the original GBAs for dirt cheap. It's a worthwhile investment, considering that buying a GBA means you can get Final Fantasy Tactics Advance as well...

Which is probably worth buying the GBA for, moreso than FF:CC.

That said, you can still play the single player game with the GC controller - if you're that desperate to play Multiplayer, why don't you just invite a few mates who have GBAs around to play?

02-11-2004, 03:19 AM
i understand wat ur sayin but it wont be worth it unless i buy 2 more gba's...wats the point in gettin 2 gba's so that i can play 1 game?the chances of me buyin it are still high but the reason i might not get it is because it got a lame single player rating!!!

02-11-2004, 04:02 AM
Single player is actually pretty fun. It's really just the same as multiplayer minus the multiplayer fun.

02-11-2004, 04:05 AM
i heard different!!!!!!!
ok ok ill get it!!!!

p.s.i made a thread called final showdown!!!!!i would be grateful if u would say something on there

02-11-2004, 04:46 AM
You know what's funny about opinions? They're never the same! :D

Lightning Mage
02-11-2004, 08:09 PM
In single player are your stats the same as if you were with three friends on multi?
Because I haven't played multi yet.

02-11-2004, 08:28 PM
Whatever you've earned with your character is what you end up with when you play him/her in single or multi. The only major difference is that the monsters get a stat boost depending on how many are playing.

Lightning Mage
02-12-2004, 12:44 AM
I get it now, thanks. I'm probably gonna keep playing single though because most of my friends don't quite care for Crystal Chronicles. This should have been the online FF instead of FFXI. My computer isn't fast enough to play it.

02-12-2004, 03:36 AM
Originally posted by Lightning Mage
I get it now, thanks. I'm probably gonna keep playing single though because most of my friends don't quite care for Crystal Chronicles. This should have been the online FF instead of FFXI. My computer isn't fast enough to play it.

so where are tou guys from because in england we dont have this game yet??

Lightning Mage
02-12-2004, 06:21 PM
As it says i'm from wisconsin. Wisconsin is in America. This is just a guess but japanese games and whatnot start in japan, then head towards america, then to england. After that they go to wherever else wants it.

02-12-2004, 07:55 PM

Boogybro, England is a PAL country - like the rest of the world, except Japan and America, it seems. Even though it's the worlds largest audience, it's also the most untapped one - PAL games get released usually long after NTSC ones.

However, in CC's case, it's not too long a wait - it comes out here, according to Nintendo of Australia's (and England will have the same date) website, in March.

So only another couple of weeks :D

02-12-2004, 11:32 PM
the reason y pal games get released so late is because of all the different lanquages it has to be translated in....
we should get it at the same time as america because we pretty much speak the same lingo!!!!

02-12-2004, 11:39 PM
picked up CC the day it dropped here in the states, which took some finagling of finances and other stuff, although I did have it pre-ordered. I've already dropped maybe ten hous or so into it and am enjoing it greatly. At the moment I'm running around as an elegant femal Lilty named Rydia. I've built her up adding two more command slots, two more hearts(other than those gained through leveling up), and have focused about an additional six or so boost to magic and four or so to strength seeing how they have the lowest magic and highest strength in the game. Soon the multi-player fun should be starting as Mandi is ordering herself a pink japanese gameboy sp. I'll probably order the limited famicon colored sp. as fr now I still have mah old gba. As for the next character I plan on playing, it'll probably be a male Clavat with the headband. I'm not feeling the Selkie's fighting style and weapons, nor the Yukes though.

03-06-2004, 02:13 AM
ffcc this month...... :D i cant wait :D