Safer Sephiroth
12-09-2003, 07:27 PM
Who was your favorite character in Final Fantasy VIII? Mine has to be Irvine lol. He just reminds me so much of myself o .o Being a Loner and is Hor^ny XD

I mean really, he has a Gun, he has a cool Limit Break and I like his hat XD

Vivi FF
12-09-2003, 07:45 PM
My favorites are Zell and Quistis. Both are awesomely strong! Seifer is pretty cool too. How come my favorites are blond? Rinoa and Selphie are pretty cool girls too!

12-09-2003, 08:31 PM
Squall, i think the story with him is cool! the way he changes an all and some of the quotes that come from him

12-09-2003, 08:43 PM

Squall and Seifer...but mainly Seifer actually. He's the coolest and it's pretty good that he goes normal at the end, and laughs when Fujin kicks Raijin into the water.

crazy joe
12-18-2003, 05:18 PM
Nah Squall's a bit of a tit, although you do start to feel a connection with him the further in you go, like you know exactly how he feels.
I like Zell best, because of the way he reacts to everything, and it's good fun watching Seifer stroll around, bein So arrogant.

12-18-2003, 10:43 PM
My favorite out of the playable characters would have to be Irvine, he's the only playable character that didn't get on my nerves by the end of the game, he's no slouch in battle either.

Other than that I like Seifer for some reason, even though he's only semi-playable.

12-23-2003, 11:11 PM

12-24-2003, 08:51 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I'd have to say Squall. I thought he was the best main character in the FF series, mainly because of how he really changes, and the development is shown really well. I felt I could relate to him in a way at a few points, but that's still not the main reason. He always kept going, even doing things if he didn't want to, and eventually he totally changed. Great. :D

Antonio G.
01-02-2004, 03:48 AM
My favorate ff8 charactor is Sqall. He is calm and collective. He Kicks major ass, and who dose'nt like the idea of a gunblade!:cool:

01-03-2004, 04:15 AM
Originally posted by Meltigemini
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I'd have to say Squall. I thought he was the best main character in the FF series

Yup I think so too!

01-03-2004, 06:24 AM
Irvine Irvine Irvine Irvine Irvine Irvine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nuff said. No reasons needed.

01-04-2004, 10:06 PM
I agree with Antonio G. who doesnt like the idea of a gunblade so Squall is my favorite ff8 character

01-04-2004, 11:15 PM
Hmm, I guess I must be the only one here who likes Selphie the best.

01-05-2004, 12:40 AM
I love squall...esp compared to tidus. Man Tidus is faced with this big problem that keeps him from being with his loved one. He just gives in to it. He doesn't even try to solve the impossible. Look at squall. If anything ever gets between him and Rinoa...Bang slice boom stab and their back together. He is alot cooler than most of Sqenix's other leads.

01-07-2004, 08:54 PM
Ugh... Do I have one from FFVIII? *Belch* I say. Whoever was in charge of character design and developement should have to answer for FFVIII's lameness. You can get through any bogus story with good characters and developement, but unfortunately for Square, VIII had neither one up to par.

Now admittedly, Squall grew on me. Seeing him change before your eyes was cool, and when he finally got a sense of humor near the end of the game you start to like him. Now, the specifics of his development were rather... frustrating. I remember screaming at the screen because he was just so stupid. But then ending up wanting him to get through it all to get back to Rinoa only goes to show the the level of change he went through, and that deserves props.

And admittedly #2, Seifer was was just plain... cool. There are only a few people you can say were just plain... cool, and Seifer is one of them. They only problem was they could've done so much more with him. To me, they wasted what could've have been one of the best characters in the series. He's not -- But he had the potential to be.

Selphie?! Barf! First of all, why is she fighting? WHY is she even with you? She came to give you a message and then all of a sudden she's with you through the entire game, being an idiot at every turn. Now, seeing her home get blasted by those rockets was certainly painful, and yes, I did yell when I thought that she had died in the explosion of that one base, but the fact remains that she was the biggest ditz I have ever seen on a video game, she had a bogus weapon, and she had about a .01 rating on her affect on the story. She's pointless. And she has THE MOST ridiculous hair cut I have ever -- Ever seen on a video game character. And I like hair, too.

Quistis? The teacher?

....And...? And what? Where did she come from? Who is she? What is she doing? Following Squall around, that's what. Impact on the story? None. Unless there are some sidequests I'm unaware of that explain more on these people (which is probable as I only beat VIII once a long time ago and straight through).

Hmm... Irvine? Sorry folks, hated the guy. He started out trying to be a Pimp-Vincent type character, and then broke down like the little girl he looks like. Now, I did like that he in particular lost it when he did, as it adds a lot of depth to the characters, his in particular, but that doesn't make for the fact that for the rest of the game... what? Okay, so they all knew eachother as kids...


Maybe I just don't remember enough of it.

Now that I think about it though, Zell was fun. But that's it. He was fun. And because the rest of the characters were so dull, he really stood out to me. Especially cuz he could do a backflip. He's cool in my book.

Rinoa? Sigh. What a dissapointment. I had high hopes for her when it started, but she didn't turn out the way I thought she would.

.... O poo, mom's kicking me off. But I'll be back!!

01-08-2004, 01:10 AM
And she has THE MOST ridiculous hair cut I have ever -- Ever seen on a video game character.
What THE? That hairstyle is da' bomb! Have you ever seen that lady who does the Glad commercials, Melanie Paxson / Melanie Deanne Moore? Selphie's hairstyle is kinda like that. I love that hairstyle. It's way cute.

01-08-2004, 05:28 AM
:lol My favorite character would be ultimecia because he created my favorite GF of them all greiver... she has a wonderful sexy outfit and she is so evil evil i like evil persons!!!!!!!!!!!! bwahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!! SHOCKWAVE PULSAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :notgood:

01-08-2004, 07:50 PM
See...Squall did work like he was designed to. Even the people who hated him felt sorry for him and wanted him to suceed. He is the kind of character who grows on you.

Zell was my second then Rinoa when doing my party up. selphie never got much combat strength. She just kinda sat there. i only felt bad when the silo blew up cause it took Irvine and quistis with it. I was kinda hppy about selphie. In the end i liked the game even though i had a hard time getting past Adel cause Rinoa was my 3rd character.

01-10-2004, 05:03 PM
Oh, it�s Laguna! :cool:

He�s sooo damn stupid, ya just have to love him, eh?

The Seifer gang. Yes. I like Fujin and Raijin. They were so nice. So friendly...
and so hard to beat. (-_-)

"Lady Auron" :cool:

Bahamut ZERO
01-10-2004, 05:28 PM
Because I'm feeling lazy, I'm gonna cut and paste something from another thread to explain why Squall is my fave FFVIII character:

Squall's character develops a lot in the Final Fantasy VIII storyline, and he goes from one of the most annoying main characters I have ever yet to being one who I felt the most for.


Squall learns how to love. That is the key part of the story. At the beginning he is distant, and he shuns an offer of friendship and romance from Quistis because he just doesn't care about anyone other than himself.

Then he meets Rinoa.

Rinoa changes Squall's life. Disk 3 when he is carrying her unconscious form across the bridge to Esther because he wants to heal her. Going out into space in order to catch her. Holding her in his arms out there in space knowing they are going to die soon due to lack of air, until the Ragnarok goes past them. Sharing the moment on the Ragnarok. It's an awesome story bond between the pair that makes Squall human, that teaches him how to share his heart.

Running to go and save Rinoa from being imprisoned as a Sorceress, telling her that he will not let her disappear as Time compresses. All these moments stand out and embrace me.

Battle wise, Squall's Limit break owns. Renzokuken + Lionheart = The ultimate Final Fantasy move, in my opinion.

... Writing all this makes me want to play Final Fantasy VIII again.

To sum up, Squall may begin acting like a complete ass, but he develops beyond that, IMO. He's one of the characters who develops the most in the Final Fantasy series

So yeah. There's my reason.

01-13-2004, 10:59 AM
it has to be Squall.. a jerk at first but makes up for it as the storyline progresses.. wish he cud smile often though!!

01-15-2004, 04:49 AM
My favorites are Zell and Quistis. Both are awesomely strong!

them and Laguna and Khyros :D
(Below will be spoilers)

Although it is kind of obvious that I really like Quistis, I tend to like her so much because she's pretty much me :\ I'm that intelligent, calm individual in the back who has a lot of emotions she's hiding. Caring, Silent, and supportive.

Zell, I just like cuz he's hyper and always smiling, I've got friends like that and it's neat. Plus, he's cuter and more my type than the other men in the game :P

Squall... blah, the guy has no personality and I love personality :\ he's too simple minded and too much of a "give me orders, I'll run". He was okay, though, just not my favorite.

Seifer was all show and no substance, just kinda a punk.

Selphie was interesting and fun :).

Irvine ticked me off within his first big moment. Where he wimps out on the shot and hast to be coaxed into it. Oh... it so ticked me off, I put him away and never touched him again, besides the fact that I didn't like his womanizing, dorky getup, and his baseness :P

Oh.. and Rinoa... ..-_-;; What in the Heck is a spoiled rich man's daughter doing thinking she can fight on the same level as trained professionals??? I mean, hello?? And she just buds in and does all this stupid gungho crap and she shouldn't be there period. It's beyond me how she makes herself so important to the characters o_O I was just annoyed by her and the fact that you have to rescue her ALL THE TIME.

Lt. Lady Nyru
01-25-2004, 10:08 PM
Quists 'cause of that cool machine gun scene.

01-30-2004, 01:57 PM
Squall 'cause I like him...ah...yes and I like his limit breaks.:D

02-04-2004, 02:15 AM
Selphie's got a sweet ass. She'd catch it.

02-06-2004, 07:18 PM
Its all about Irvine. Hes awsome he has a sniper rifle for goodness sake!!!!!!! :cool:

02-07-2004, 06:51 AM
yea but he freaked out tryin to kill Edea.. heh heh :D

02-08-2004, 06:57 AM
Rinoa is my favourite :D

she counts for at least 50% of that emotion that makes it a Final Fantasy. The story line gets you attached to her and you develop the feeling you have to look after her. I guess thats Squall i'm feeling there. But that scene where she fell off the side of the Garden i was like "HOW LONG DO U THINK SHE CAN HANG ON OUT THERE?!?!?!?!"

Squall as the main character of course you get attached to and there really is so much depth to his character that you "become" Squall for the duration of play, rather than just "control" him or "play as" him.

I enjoyed the interaction between Seifer and Zell and also the scenes where Quistis would analyze Squall.

My LEAST favourite playable character would have to be Selphie. I just don't like her that much and as skyspyke said, her weapon sucks. However i disagree with skyspyke's assessment of her story impact, she became main character for the missile base infiltration which was a major part of the Edea/Galbadia storyline. As we get further into the game she fades away to being useless though i agree there.

Irvine would have to be the most useless of them all though, the only reason he joins you in the first place was to snipe Edea and he failed.

02-08-2004, 07:21 AM

*Hits keyboard enthusiasticaly, to which all the popcorn disperses itself onto the floor*

Frist 2 CD's: Squall
Second 2: Irvine & Selphie

Am i the only one who found Squall hilarious the first two cd's? After that he became too soft to put up any sort of comedy relief. IMHO he was worst the latter half of the game.

This left only Irvine and Selphie left to entertain the Shicster. Not that i'm complaining, Irvine did a wonderful job in his enduring quest towards Selphie. The fact that Selphie never FULLY gave in made it all worth it.

Irvine didn't fail... he hit his mark. The damn *expeditely delete* Edea cheated. Damn her and her force fields.

I'm much more interested in the story line besides continuous and very annoying monster battles.

02-08-2004, 04:23 PM
Squall TOTALY!!! he's like the BEST character in Final Fantasy VIII.

02-08-2004, 10:48 PM
i would say Squall...but he was too quiet and pissy. sure he had some romance with Rinoa but he was a total spacer. it was kinda annoying to see him just walking and talking and ESPECIALLY attacking ESPECIALLY with lionheart with this constant depressing face...
i could relate to him though alot because i was separated from my sister but at age 12, not 7 or whatever age squall was back then...they all looked younger than ten in that scene at the lighthouse. and i only have one sister, no other real siblings, some stepchildren but they don't count cause i never saw them.
but my favorite FFVIII character has to be those cute Moombas(humanoid lion looking things that Shumi can evolve into), yeah it's not a playable character but it's so awesome, so liony but fluffy, wish i could have one as a pet....

02-09-2004, 05:39 AM
Originally posted by Arcanine78
wish i could have one as a pet....

:lol the moombas are comedy lookin

they couldnt be a pet though they have too much of a humanoid mind to live like that

02-09-2004, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by Quistis-chan
Oh.. and Rinoa... ..-_-;; What in the Heck is a spoiled rich man's daughter doing thinking she can fight on the same level as trained professionals??? I mean, hello?? And she just buds in and does all this stupid gungho crap and she shouldn't be there period. It's beyond me how she makes herself so important to the characters o_O I was just annoyed by her and the fact that you have to rescue her ALL THE TIME.

Her father is a Colonel. She has had a military up bringing. May I also remind you she is part of a rebel underground that is fighting against the Galbadian Government? SHES A TERRORIST!

Puppa 2 Big
02-09-2004, 06:05 AM
Pfft, selphie is a whack as character. Best character is Seifer, Jeffrey and Henry. Henry pwnz joo all. Henry would be like, casting lvl 100 lightning and you'd all die. I am not even crapping you, i am serious. And for Jeffrey, pfft, he'd just look at ya and ya would be dead.

Oh and, selphie SUCKS.

- Puppa 2 Big

02-21-2004, 01:09 PM
I personaly think that the ff8 character layouts were better than the rest of the ffs. becuase its the ony time that everybody was in practicle clothing and got my attention usually Im more interested in complex design. but the best one of all ffs and I mean all is that chicken wuss zell!!!!!!

I never thought that a martial arts team member would be my favorite I like the sword fighters most of the time but after zell I always go for the fist fighting type like ff7s tifa.

03-17-2004, 02:51 PM
nar zell an seifer hands down. zell hyper an is always smiling seifer hard ass an cool weapon

03-17-2004, 04:15 PM
Well, firstly, I most definitely loved ALL of the characters in Final Fantasy 8. They were completely original, memorable, and entertaining. A perfect cast.... :)

When I first played the game and really started getting into it, I was a Selphie fanatic.... I've always loved the perky, happy girls in the FF series (Yuffie, Selphie, Rikku, etc.), don't ask me why because I can't quite put my finger on it... They're just adorable and unique!

I also have a thing for cowboys, so, yes, Irvine. He's just fantastic... so funny and suave...

And then, finally, Julia and Raine. They're so beautiful, strong and mature. And mysterious.... I'm just drawn to them :)

liu bei
03-18-2004, 05:51 AM
Wahts the matter with you it has to be rinoa sepially wit angel wing the best attack in the game

03-18-2004, 09:28 AM
I find Seifer is the best character, he is so cool. Squall is in second place. I guess it is the weapons that they use that make them my favourite characters. Both of their atacks, and limits are brilliant (Especially Lionheart).

03-22-2004, 05:52 PM
Hmmm.....It has to be Laguna, Quistis, Raine, Ellone,and everyone else except for Squall and Rinoa. They're a lot more intersting than those losers.

Sorry...I don't need losers and troublemakers in my team...but noooo...I'm stuck with them.:whatever: :eye: :notgood: Squall is just a loser who is so boring and Rinoa is just a trouble maker who doesn't even belong to be in Seeds. Cmon.....Why does she needs saving when her little group consider her to be a 'princess' ? Some princess that is. What a spoil brat!! Always saving a moron when Squall could had done something Garden....Damn! Why don't he just saved the hot dogs!:lol

Garnet aka Dagger
03-22-2004, 06:45 PM
My favorite is Squall along with Rinoa,Selphie and Zell close behind.
Squall does act like a jerk in the beginning but he does grow and come out of that,and Rinoa is the main reason for him becoming more open and nice.
Selphie and Zell are so hyper. I really like their attitudes ^_^ And I think Selphie and Zell should of been a couple rather then Irvine and Selphie.

03-25-2004, 12:09 PM
My favorite character was definitely Laguna. He's sweet, and funny, and he tries so hard that it just makes him so damned lovable when he fails miserably.

I must confess I had a bit of a crush on him the first time I played through VIII.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-25-2004, 09:44 PM
My favorite would have to be Squall. I identified with him a lot and I really liked his leadership skills plus his characteristics.

03-29-2004, 10:56 AM

Zell is too loud and liveful and I don't like Irvine either (propably cause I don't like him "western" style). Quistis is hot, Selphie is cute, Rinoa is beautiful, but my favourite character is Squall (even that he acts like jerk sometimes). Laguna is also cool. I like Seifer clothes and the way he keeps the gunblade, but I really don't like his attitude.

Vinny Valentine
04-01-2004, 04:04 AM
My favorite characters are Laguna, Kiros, and Ward. They are the greatest. I've always thought that they should have gotten more time in the game. They became best friends in the army and even after all of them got out, they were never happy unless they were fighting along side each other.

Even when Laguna went to search for Ellone, Kiros and Ward were right by his side to go through whatever he went through. They would all prefer to be trapped in a prison together than to be free but separate.