Safer Sephiroth
12-09-2003, 07:25 PM
What boss in the game took you the longest to defeat in the game? With the exception of ANY of the Weapons, except for Diamond WEAPON, which you had to defeat to proceed through the game lol.

Hm, the hardest boss that I really remember fighting had to be Safer Sephiroth (The One Winged Angel), because the first time I fought him I didn't have Knights of the Round, the Final Attack/Phoenix combo, all the Limit Breaks, the Ultimate Weapons or even Max levels lol. But now I'm like fully decked out o. o and kick his arse badly lol. But anyways, before I had all that stuff, he raped me...he raped me bad o-o I felt pain for months from him XD

12-09-2003, 08:55 PM
I could include every weapon and still say Carry Armour took the longest. I wasn't strong enough to break his arms after grabbing my characters and i died...over and over again. I finally managed to use all my magic to break an arm and kicked his ass but until then...hard boss.

12-09-2003, 11:48 PM
Carry Armour = EVIL

Safer Sephiroth didn't give me that much trouble - I W-Itemed Megalixers, got Red XIII to do the healing and pumelled him with Cloud. But Carry Armour...that was a fight and a half. I seem to remember spending a bit of time on Proud Clod, too...

12-10-2003, 01:33 AM
The third incarnation of Hojo gave me a hell load of trouble. I dont remember its name, but he kind of looked like an odd ghost.

12-10-2003, 02:57 AM
I'll say Carry Armor too. I actually was surpised that I managed to beat Sephiroth the first time I faced him, considering the levels I was at.

12-10-2003, 05:12 AM
The Demon Gate, definitely. T_T I now train up quite a bit before I go there so that my characters are strong enough, but the first time I got squashed. Couldn't go back to train my characters (there aren't any enemies after the last savepoint before that boss) so I had to go back to a previous saved game, and that was in uh.. Cosmo Canyon, I think. Really far back, in any case. That was teh sucks.

I also took a long time fighting Reno, Rude and Elena at the end of disk 2, but that's because I just love the Turks so much, I kept healing them so that I could see and fight them longer. XD

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
12-10-2003, 06:27 AM
Originally posted by Sev
(there aren't any enemies after the last savepoint before that boss) so I had to go back to a previous saved game, and that was in uh.. Cosmo Canyon, I think. Really far back, in any case.

Well actually if you go back into the room where you fought the Red Dragon, there are enemies in there, and they give quite a decent amount EXP for that time in the game.

Longest boss for me was probably that Carry Armour thing, it just seemed to last forever, at least after a few tries I hurt that bastard good, YEAH!!!

Bahamut ZERO
12-10-2003, 06:38 AM
Memory hurts to think back this far, but I think it might've been that Materia Keeper in Nibelheim. I think it was the constantly using Trine on me which got on my tits. Although Carry Armour was equally as annoying. Stupid Carry Armour with its one hit kill attacks on my too low levelled party. ><

12-10-2003, 10:13 AM
yeah, basically all the ones already mentioned, demon's gate, hojo 3, carry armour and materia keeper were all right bastards, and that two headed shit you fight at the top of the glacier before going into nothern cave... though i was about 11 when i first played it and didn't realise i was healing him a lot... but still when i was older and went back to replay it he kept twating me.

12-10-2003, 11:36 AM
yeah.. all the mentioned are prime examples of tough bosses.. or more, the bosses that give you trouble if your not prepared in advance. For me it was Gi natak.. or whatever it was called, in the cosmo canyon cave. It was a right bitch cuz i had to go through the cave everytime i died from him and it took ages, at least 6 times for me to kill him. At the time i didnt know about the healing him instant kill trick.. but ive never used that against him anyway i think it would remove slight challenge from the game.

What i found, is that the bosses/game in general is much harder if you try to use all your characters equally through the game.. like i did the first time i played through, because of that they were all weaker which is why i found it harder the first time through. If you stick to the same 3 characters the game is pretty easy all through.

12-10-2003, 04:38 PM
I didnt find Carry Armour that hard. I just twonked him with KOTR.

12-10-2003, 05:13 PM
LOL, okay. So, of course, obviously if you've already beaten the chocobo quest, then you can use KOTR and basically waste any boss from that point on.

Memento Mori
12-15-2003, 05:44 PM
I'm gonna go with Carry Armor, Proud Clod, and Demon's Gate

12-17-2003, 02:57 PM
that critter in the nible mountains. the one that uses trine for the first time. he was a pain for some reason. dyne is oddly difficult occasionaly also.

crazy joe
12-17-2003, 05:32 PM
Materia Keeper was a bastard. I remember I stopped playing on the game for ages cos I just couldn't beat him for some reason, then I started playing on it again and kicked his ass. I was very happy.

Also that Demon Gate guy in the Temple of Aecients. I remember he was annoying, because nearly all my materia hardly did any damage on him.

It is a good feeling though when you finally beat that boss that's been pissing you off for ages!

Neo Xzhan
12-17-2003, 08:51 PM
I'd say Demon Gate, magic barely hurts hims with the exception of Bahamut's Mega Flare (non elemental), he has strong attacks, attacks regularly. The first couple of times he wiped the floor with me. After beating the game a number of times you'll learn that Time Magic is your friend when figthing him. Link it to All and slow him and haste yourself.

12-24-2003, 08:45 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Hmm, I don't remember having any major problems with any bosses in this game to be honest. Even Demon's Gate and Carry Armor went down first time, although probably because of my levels. Carry Armor was definitely the hardest boss when I was playing through the game with no unnecessary EXP; then I needed 7 HP Plus materias on everyone simply to survive Lapis Laser. :p

I think the LONGEST battle for me was Materia Keeper though. I used Vincent's Galian Beast, and that ended up healing it for 2000HP every few turns, which was just about as much damage as I'd done to it in that time anyway. :o That battle went on for ages because I really didn't want to kill off Vincent by myself; and I eventually made it. :D

12-24-2003, 10:28 PM
I guess demon gate? never really had trouble with any of the bosses though. I usually I kill them within a couple of rounds, thanks to the cover-counter materia. I don't know, bosses are all generally quite weak in this game. The only bosses that were challenging were the weapons.

12-25-2003, 04:23 AM
I wasted demon gate on my first try. maybe it's beacause he attacked me before I slowed him. All my three characters got their limit breaks. I think I used crossslash on him and paralysed him then I wiped the floor with him.

Carry armor was a piece of cake. I had Big guard and I think I had double cut. Carved him into litle itty bits and pieces with the elemental lightning combo in the cloud's sword.

I'll say that materia keeper was one the most difficult boss to kill for me. That was my first time playing the game and for some strange and obscure reasons, I SOLD MY RESTORE MATERIA AWAY. I was blown away when I fought him because of trine and the fact that I used Ifrit on him which healed him instead.

I had to buy up to 60 Hi-potions and used about 35 of them to survive.

another boss would be Jenova Birth. What a Bitch. I also didn't have my Restore materia with me. I died about 8 times before My sister helped me Hold the fort and helped me survive long enough when I went for tution so that I could kill her when I came back. Then I realized that I forgot to Save when I exited!!!!

Oh the Pain!!!!!! Then the most embarassing thing happened to me. My sister, without ANY EXPERIENCE IN PLAYING ff7, played Jenova birth and wasted her on HER FIRST TRY!!!!!!! Oh the Pain, the agony!!!!!

Katayoku no Tenshi
12-25-2003, 01:29 PM
Lost Number gave me a wagon load full of trouble. But I still think the boss that took me longest was Demon Gate. I mean I stayed up half the night just to get it dead.

I realise that I wasn't fully equipped or even on a high level when I fought it. *sighs*

12-27-2003, 01:28 PM
This will sound pathetic right but what I tend to do is go through the game as far as I can without having to stop to gain experience to fight a boss.
I got to Gold Saucer and as I hadn't been taking Barret with me when I had to fight Dyne alone it took absolutely ages to beat him!

The day I finally did is like a big mental picture in my head! Quite funny really! :D

darkness of eternity
01-12-2004, 01:22 PM
the boss i had the most trouble with was Carry Armour aswell, cos' well my materia wasn't terribly good , and well the arms kept on killing my chars because they didn't have enough HP to survive, also on first time playing i found JENOVA life quite difficult, but i managed to beat that one first time, but carry armour just surprised me, it looked like a pushover with the way it came waddling towards me, and sure enough i wasn't ready and lost.

to be honest i always have trouble with this boss:lol

01-12-2004, 01:32 PM
the game is more satisfying if you take on bosses with low levels.. especially if its your first time through the game.. cuz when you beat him FINALLY, you feel so great and pleased with yourself, its just so much more rewarding than if your prepared, high levels, and easilly beat the boss. When you taken ages over a boss found it real tough and killed him finally, then you continue your quest.. and just cannot wait to keep playing and find out whats gonna happen! damn i love these games and wish i was a first timer to them once again!

darkness of eternity
01-12-2004, 01:43 PM
o i couldn't agree more, it's just annoying when a boss wipes your party out in the first five minutes, that's why i like to go prepared, and about the first timer thing, yeah, imagine how great it would be just to know nothing about it, and complete the game again, finding out things which you never knew, i guess not knowing is half of the fun of these games :p

01-12-2004, 04:22 PM
Materia Keeper... he gave me a little trouble the first time round. Not too much, though. I found all the others metioned and pretty much every other boss in the game to be quite easy. Maybe Gate Keeper, if that's what I think it is, was pretty hard too. Still an easy game, though.

01-18-2004, 03:57 AM
*blinks* guys have got to be kidding me......I used Ramuh a few times on Carry Armour nd it was dead....Lost Number I had no trouble with.....Demons gate was kinda iffy......the only boss I've had to fight more than once would be.......Gi nattack....that was a BIOTCH! Of course I didn't realize I could use an X-potion and get rid of him in one try until a week after the 20 minute battle it took me to beat the dammit thing on 20th time.......

The Joker
01-18-2004, 04:12 AM
None really...I beat the game with no troubles.

If I had to pick one which took the longest (though everything was usually under done in 5 minutes) I think that Safer Sephiroth was the boss that just happened to take longer than the rest.

01-18-2004, 12:38 PM
My Seph battles, Bizzaro and Safer, took me like......seconds....not including the cut scenes in between......-.-(Guees how! :D)

01-18-2004, 01:56 PM
Don't waste an X-Potion on Gi, he can go down with a Phoenix Down.

01-18-2004, 03:47 PM
I used like 3 on him and it did nothing....but the X-potion worked and I still had like 3 left anyway....

01-18-2004, 05:09 PM
I think you have to hit him with at least one attack after tossing a Phoenix Down to kill him. But I might be wrong. In any case, you're right, X-Potions are plentiful anyway. You can score boatloads fighting one of the enemies in the Wutai area.

01-18-2004, 08:02 PM
I don't train in Wutia that much until I found that there were new weapons i could buy there.....but I still stick around Bone Village or North Cave

01-18-2004, 10:17 PM
You should try Wutai. You'll be rolling in X-Potions and other cool items in no time.

01-23-2004, 05:23 PM
Cool:D I'll do that, thanks

Neo Sephiroth
01-25-2004, 12:43 AM
heh the first time I founght Sephiroth Cloud was at lvl 60, Tifa lvl 59, and Vincent lvl 58...I still kicked his ass with nothing but mastered Enemy Skills...goes to show you what a little planing does...I say the Demon Gate( the moster wall) it was not needed as we just got done beating the other boss...

01-25-2004, 08:57 AM
:P I was 10 when I beat sephiroth, I didn't know much about the game so I had to beat him at like level 70 with nothing but stuff like Level 3 spells etc.. some summons I can't remember it was 4 years ago :P but I didn't have KOTR or W :P second time I beat him I did though :P.

Demon Gate took me about 3 hours to beat :P 3 hours of nonstop trying.... I HATE YOU DEMON GATE!

Neo Sephiroth
01-25-2004, 01:57 PM
took me 3 times...about an hour...too long for me tho...I never use KOTR or w-summon or whatever...E-Skills do wonders

01-26-2004, 05:05 PM

I neva had any trouble on any bosses, most of the disk 1 and 2 bosses i killed with one hit (without KOTR). I generally used Meterorain from junon onwards until i got Omnislash, which i did as soon as i could on disk 2.

The only guy that gave me trouble was Proud Clod in the special Match in the battle arena, thats only because he has double health and i had all materia broken, 2 half Hps, Weapon Broken and a few others.

With the Ultimate weapon equipped as soon as he did damage i did only 300 damage :(, but after an hour of pure attacking and healing, i killed him.

01-26-2004, 05:10 PM
That boss in temple of the ancients(the boss stuck half way in a wall).without,barrets boxing glove,he was difficult.because at that point you had to use aeris,and i never realy used her at all,which made her weak,also,she good for nothing but healing.

02-03-2004, 06:59 PM
Aeris is good for more than that!!!! Her limits are VERY useful once they get to level like 2.....and her magic is high to(for me) and I used her ALL the time....

Lightning Mage
02-03-2004, 07:40 PM
easiest= Demon's Gate
I summoned Bahamut twice and used Climehazard.

Two hardest=
Materia Keeper
Carry Armour

Carry Armour pisses me off to this day. Every couple of months i start a new game and it always takes me 10+ tries to kill it.:mad:

02-04-2004, 12:51 AM
Use Knights of the Round or Magic Breath on it and cast Big Guard.

02-06-2004, 12:31 PM
Lost number gave me the hardest time.....I ended up with the physical side of him halfway through the fight, and he pounded the crap out of my characters before i could even do anything! I finally managed to beat him by casting lots of summon magic, then beatin the magic side's ass with limit breaks. After that i decided to level up about 25 levels, and then proceeded to beat every other boss's ass, including the weapons!!!

Vinny Valentine
02-06-2004, 07:45 PM
Lost Number was evil. Just pure and utter evil. I hate that thing. I remember the first time I battled it. It took me over 3 hours straight to beat the thing. Even now, it's still tough.

02-07-2004, 12:05 AM
I never had any problems with Lost Number except when I was playing a "challenge" game without materia. Two words: choco/mog. This will stop most earlier bosses cold most of the time.

02-26-2004, 07:07 AM
Lost number can be qiute a pain in the ass. That's because of the Physical side. BUt yeah, Choco/mog stops him cold.

Top Cat
02-26-2004, 05:55 PM
Demon's Gate. Red Dragon's easy, but then you're up against this guy with 10000 HP and resistance to magic...

I got to level 30 before i could beat him, with barrier and mbarrier.

I killed him using Bahumut and Neo Bahumut and Cloud's Climhazzard... it was still hard.

Landlord of Sector 7
02-27-2004, 12:41 PM
My hardest boss fights are the following. The first time I played (keep in mind i was 8) I could not beat the Materia Keeper (cause I was weak,) Demon's Gate (Cause I used blade beam instead of climhazzard) or Schizo. The only reason I beat Carry Armor so easily is cause my game didn't work and I wanted to play so bad and there was one part that I could play so I just kept fighting enemies forever until I got a new game and by that time I was super powerful.

02-27-2004, 05:34 PM
Hmm...hardest monster is Rudy Weapon and the Underwater weapon. Those two are soooo hard and I even level up my characters to 9999 HP and still get killed.
Hey, any pointers on defeating it the easy way ?

Landlord of Sector 7
02-27-2004, 07:39 PM
Yeah no doubt. Has anyone hear really defeated Ruby Weapon? I killed Emerald but Ruby seems impossible because of the following. 1.) Physical attacks don't do crap for damage. 2.) If you use Knights of the Round Table it casts Ultima. 3.) If you attack when it's claws are buried (or is it showing)? then he wipes out two of your party members. If anyone hear has beat him please give me some pointers.

02-27-2004, 08:56 PM
If you W-Summon Knights and Hades, it stops him cold. Then you mime it. But the weapons aren't really bosses.

Landlord of Sector 7
02-27-2004, 09:28 PM
Forgive me it has been over 2 years since last I played but what is W-summon? I could look at a Strategy Guide but I'm too lazy.

02-27-2004, 10:58 PM
It's a materia. You buy it with your points at the Battle Arena. It lets you cast two summons at once. The other starts up right after the first one finishes.

Landlord of Sector 7
02-27-2004, 11:06 PM
Thanks for tellin me agent. I figured that was what it was considering the way it was said. Do you know how many BP you need for it?

03-01-2004, 10:47 AM
52,000 i believe
but speaking of ruby, i tried to beat him like 3 months ago and he barely, barely whooped my ass, i had final attack revive and everything he even ran out of mp, the battle lasted 50 minutes so hard
hardest boss=carry armor,stupid lapis laser::whimper:::sad:

Landlord of Sector 7
03-01-2004, 12:30 PM
GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! i wen't to battle square to get it (it's 64,000) and 3 times in a row I got berserked by those DAMN needle guys. God I hate that. Is there any thing I can do to avoid this? But 64,000 wow that takes a lot

03-01-2004, 04:20 PM
use a ribbon, if you didn't get a ribbon(which u should of) then go to the northern crater and morph a master tonberry

03-01-2004, 05:24 PM
Bazzaro Sephiroth was annoying, Carry Armour wasn't that hard, just attach Barrier-All and Haste-All, Then Reflect-All on your party, then Bolt3-All on your party, which will then attack the carry armour 3 times in one turn with Bolt 3. Or you can just get Barret , and use Urgamax, or Cloud's Meteorain and your done.

03-01-2004, 05:35 PM
oh of course carry armor isn't hard, that is untill he uses lapis laser 2 times in one turn!! that fuckin pissed me off when he did that, my turn didn't even come up once before he blasted me into nothingness, stupid cheap lapis laser that's the cheapest move in the game:sad:

03-01-2004, 06:34 PM
It really depends on the equipment you have on.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-01-2004, 07:31 PM
I don't remember Carry Armour being tough at all because of (Read my first reply). In fact, I don't remember anything about that boss because I didn't pay attention it was so easy.

03-05-2004, 03:26 PM
kk... i hav got a list of all the BOSSES i found hard

gi nattak (really bad knowledge)
materia keeper
carry armor
lifeform hojo

+ proud clod took ages 2 defeat

*Image snipped - please don't post irrelavent images in a discussion. thanks. - ExS*

03-10-2004, 03:33 AM
um i dont rlly no wot bosses i had trouble wif. i usually gt thru the game wif low lvls until i gt 2 disk 3 where i start 2 level up. bt those 2 stupid bosses u fight n the glass elevator in Midgar (wen ur at Shinra Headquaters) caused me some trouble

ff7 kid
03-23-2004, 01:35 AM
it been a long time since i played but for those of you out there that are having trouble with that boss at cosmo canyon here's how u can beat him in like 2 sec :eek:

ok... if you have an elixer use that on him it's atuo death to him because he is an undead if you dont have an elixer use all kind of healing things on him :p :p :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

04-17-2004, 06:53 PM
Okay, flashback.......

1)Lost Number-I purposly got that thing to go physical on me because I was afriad I would get my ANUS kicked by the magic sdie....-.-.....It took me a few limits and a freaking meteor shower of magic after that to beat him.
2)Carry Armour- Probably one of the easiest bosses in my whole rpging career......Of course, I had a nearly mastered Ramuh and a Bolt3-All Mastered attack.....soooooo.....yesh, it was so freaking easy and he got only one Lapis Laser on me and he wasn't able to get that freaky pick-up move that instanty kills your person.

04-18-2004, 01:38 AM
If the Demon gate is the one in the one thats in the wall...i hated that thing to death.

Aeris the flower girl
04-19-2004, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by MeandCloud
If the Demon gate is the one in the one thats in the wall...i hated that thing to death.
i totlay agree..... i stayed tryin to kill him for months he pissed me off then i showed him whos boss:D ... i got sooo happy :D :D :D .....

05-01-2004, 08:43 AM
i jst used Aeris Fury brand then unleashed Ungar Max and Meteorain on him and that wall crumbled

05-04-2004, 05:59 PM
yeahh.... i NEVER got a game over EXCEPT...:

the first time i fought jenova birth, she killed me... (don't know how... i think stop) but yeah, that's the first time i ever heard game over music... and then on lost number the first time i played (w/o strategy guide) and cuz i knew nothing about the 2 sides thing and weak at this game...

then of course again with weapons (emerald and ruby, duhh)

pointers to those of you who asked (landlord)
on ruby: i had cloud lv 99 and enemy skill w/ big guard and white wind and killed the other 2 before hand, and 99 megalixers (tho you only need elixers) and final attack-phoenix (or revive) and 99 hero drinks... and ultima weapon equipped, and mystile on

then i DID NOT revive the other 2, (until i died) and i just fought with cloud and it helped to use hades on the tentacles (damn draining my MP) and on ruby too, and if you have mystile, KOR makes him counter with ultima, but he usually misses! just use like 3 or 4 hero drinks, and omnislash... :D

05-06-2004, 05:25 AM
which one took me the LONGEST (not the hardest people!)??? that woul dhave to be safer sephiroth... i had no ideaaa what was going on ewith the multiple party thing with bizzaro sephy and stuff, and i equiped my second group the best because i though i was going to fight with my second and first group in BOTH battle, not jsut the first! it actually took me 45 minutes to beat him beecause he kept using super nova on me, and i had to constantly heal myself, then he would use confuse, silence, sleep, miniature and frog on my little Cid all at once :( i would have had an easy time if my first group had KOFR and not my second group goddamnit!!!

my toughest battle was with the gatekeep (i think tha tis the name) in temple of the ancients, because i was too week... beat him anyway, but it was a tougher battle.

proud clod was EASY for me 'cause i decided to raise a gold chocobo the first chance i got before doing anyhting else, and got KOFR and used it on him... gone in one shot!