04-15-2012, 11:06 PM
Long story short, Kumi Tanioka has scored Ragnarok Odyssey. Tanioka has stated that she will emphasise realism while complementing the game's stunning visuals and action-packed gameplay. Ragnarok Odyssey is her first major solo project and I would like to not miss out on it.
Judging from Gameplay footage, it sounds very good! :D And Kumi Tanioka is one of my favorite composers, aswell.
Not to mention...this game's music hasn't been released on CDs, yet...I don't even know if it ever will! I mean, the game's been out for two months now...

So that is why I am placing a request here...I ask of you fellow FFShriners...is there one among you that can be able to rip this game's music?
MUCH would be appreciated if someone can get this done! ;)

04-19-2012, 08:22 PM
Bump. Can anyone do it?

04-22-2012, 11:06 PM
Bump. Anyone? =O

04-24-2012, 05:02 PM
Bump. Is anyone planning on doing a rip of this game's music? Alright now, if I get to doing it...I won't share it... ;)

05-25-2012, 09:12 PM
Bump! Found two songs: 001 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=EWqycVtGCuw) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv-bRVC9Feg&list=UUszNv9d7eezpWnMOrkJn8tg&index=1&feature=plcp

05-28-2012, 01:24 AM

05-28-2012, 07:11 PM
Ohh, I didn't know that Tanioka would be composing the soundtrack for this game. Didn't see the thread until now. I'm absolutely seconding this, because I absolutely love her other compositions!

05-28-2012, 07:37 PM
MANY thanks, Killey, for seconding my request! It's greatly appreciated, my friend. ;)
And YES, I absolutely love her other compositions, aswell!!! Ahh Kumi...So memorable...so catchy...so freakin' GREAT!!! xD Sorry 'bout that...got carried away there. :P
Anyways, word around the web says there's going to be an English release for this game. Should be coming out in early July. So, keep your fingers crossed! So, when the game hopefully comes out in early July, I will buy it, rip the music and share with you. 'Cause I don't think anybody is interested in this soundtrack other than you and me...'Tis a shame...Or maybe it's the fact that the game hasn't came overseas, yet. If you ask me, I'm thinking it's the latter. ;) Or...atleast...I'm PRAYING it's the latter!! You really can't go wrong with Tanioka... Anywho, look forward to it, Killey. :) Judging by the vids on YT, the game, and it's music, should be very promising! :D Buh-Bye for now, my dear VGM Friend. ;)

07-11-2012, 07:41 PM
Sorry for the double post, but, I have some great news! I finally bought myself a PS Vita & Ragnarok Odyssey, aswell. :D
So far...the game is great and now that I've tooken a closer listen to the music...I must say...it's even more greater than I expected!!! xD :D :) ;)
Because I can hear the music in better quality instead of just YT vid quality...
I've already unlocked eight songs, already. And yes...you have to unlock the songs by playing through the game & then BUY them in a store.....oh wellz. :P
I guess I'll have to play through the game and unlock the songs. Might take awhile. If anyone wants...I could upload what I've unlocked already.
Just say the magical words & I'll get right to it. ;)

Edit: I've made a "Mini" Gamerip of Ragnarok Odyssey. It has a total of eleven songs that I recorded from the game.

08-14-2012, 01:37 AM
I want it too so much. :(

---------- Post added at 06:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:30 PM ----------


Please, I beg you, dear colleague, upload this soundtrack, if you have it. Really, I really wanting to listen, because I hear the game running on youtube, and enjoyed so much, my friend. If you can upload this, I thank you very much. :D

08-15-2012, 01:02 AM
I looked on this forum ( Ragnarok Odyssey Music (http://xseedgames.com/forums/showthread.php?1791-Ragnarok-Odyssey-Music/page8) ) and find out that game has this m�sics:

RO BGM Set 7:
- Antique Cowboy
- Big Guys Love This
- Steel Me
- Ethnica
- Come in Peace
- We have Lee but you don't have
- Noblesse Oblige
- CheongChoon
- Naive Rave
- Latinnova

* RO BGM Set 8:
- Uncanny Lake
- Abyss
- AbSolitude
- Erebos' Prelude
- Invisible Invasion
- Seven Days Seven Nights
- Angelica
- Alphen Rose
- Kingdom Memories

* RO BGM Set 9:
- Theme of Rael
- Underneath the Temple
- Yetit Petit
- Lastman Dancing
- Top Hoppy
- On Your Way Back
- Rose of Sharon
- Sleeping Volcano
- Good Morning
- Good Night
- Monastery in Disguise
- Theme of Moscovia
- Tale of the East
- Away from Home
- Dream of a Whale

08-15-2012, 02:20 AM

this is Ragnarok Online D:


The ost of Ragnarok Odyssey doesn't exist. I quit it.

08-17-2012, 04:26 PM
Oh! First of all, henri, let me apologize for not seeing your posts in this thread...I've been busy, lately. :P Indeed, I do have a "Mini Gamerip" of Ragnarok Odyssey but I just found out that there is indeed an OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK to this wonderful game!!! Have a look right here: Ragnarok Odyssey Original Soundtrack - VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/34728)
32 Tracks in total. Every single song from the game, I believe. I am soo happy ATM!!! *Giggles like a little girl* LOL :P
I never would have thought they'd release an Official to this game...but long and behold, I am wrong!! =O
Let me see if I can get my hands on this glorious thing, okay? ;) Will let you know once I get it! :D

08-17-2012, 07:16 PM
The Official soundtrack was posted in lossless in astost (http://www.astost.com/bbs/read.php?tid=10916884).
Though i personally can't access to the hidden links. Someone with higher rights on their board could have access to it.

08-17-2012, 11:01 PM
No problem! Thank you for your attention, Qqqqqqwe! In fact, it would only be a favor to me, and this is just a soundtrack (which I want very much really). But if I were you asking you for food and you had delayed to answer me, then it would be dirty kkkkkkkkk Just kidding. :D

Anyway, I'm anxiously awaiting you draw a glorious link of your miraculous sleeve. You got another fan (me)!

Thank you again!:D

---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 PM ----------

look at this:

NEW PSV PS Vita Ragnarok Odyssey RO (ENGLISH + CHINESE) + Limited Soundtrack CD | eBay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-PSV-PS-Vita-Ragnarok-Odyssey-RO-ENGLISH-CHINESE-Limited-Soundtrack-CD-/320961501819#ht_5539wt_1271)

But, I asked about this bonus cd on eStarland if the US version would be with the Limited ST CD and they answered that NOT. :(

Just because I bought the US version, if I knew, would have bought the asian version.

08-18-2012, 12:08 AM
Funny thing is, Henri, that is the same guy that I bought the Limited CD ST from. :P LOL
Might take awhile to get to me, though...but the wait WILL be worth it, I promise you that much, my friend! ;)
Also, many MANY thanks for being a fan, I truly appreciate that. :)
I just can't get over the fact that they actually released an Official ST to this Awe-Some game...but seeing is believing, my friend. :D

P.S. Thanks, Kunyo, for bringing that up. :) but I really don't like FLAC all that much and ASTOST is a BIG pain in the ass, no offense or anything. :P
I'd rather own it, than DLing a copy of it. But that's just me. :P

08-22-2012, 07:25 PM
Alright, it has already shipped out and will be coming to me in a few days because I chose DHL shipping. ;)
I eagerly await it's arrival. :) Please be patient, guys. ;)

08-22-2012, 11:05 PM
Oh you almost killed me!!! I though that you had uploaded the ost kkkkk But I'm still waiting friend! Oh my God what a hype!!! kkkkkkkkk :D

08-24-2012, 08:46 AM
I'm also looking forward to this very much. I LOVE Tanioka's earlier works and this won't be any different in the scale of awesomeness. Thanks a lot for setting us up with this Qqqqqqwe :)

08-24-2012, 07:50 PM
Ragnarok Odyssey Gamerip 01 Title Screen - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LelajTC6_Rg)

a rip of title screen song :)

It's not mine, of course...

the description has a link with a mp3 file, on mediafire...


08-24-2012, 08:05 PM
Oh! =O I'm so glad that you've found my YT channel, Henri. :)
By any chance, are you "Henrikimaru"?
If so, I'm glad to see that you're on YT, my dear friend. ;)
Check my YT page again and you'll see that I've uploaded Fort Farthest. ;) Do enjoy!! xD

EDIT: BTW, my RO OST should be coming either today or tomorrow...just to let you guys know. ;) Expect an upload real soon, okay? ;) :D xD Buh-Bye for now!!!!! *Poofs away*

08-24-2012, 09:43 PM
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I don't belive you are him kkkkkkkk

Yes, I'm Henrikimaru... Thank you so for the tracks you upload there! I'm looking foward for good things from you and your chanel, friend!

Thanks again, and you keep being awesome, please! :D

08-25-2012, 12:50 AM
BTW, my RO OST should be coming either today or tomorrow...just to let you guys know. ;) Expect an upload real soon, okay? ;) :D xD Buh-Bye for now!!!!! *Poofs away*

Sweet, looking forward to this.

08-25-2012, 07:04 PM
HOOORAY!!! My copy of Ragnarok Odyssey OST has come in the mail, today!!! xD
Will rip it, ASAP! Stay Tuned, guys!!! :D

08-25-2012, 07:32 PM
Three cheers for you, dear friend! \o/\o/\o/

08-25-2012, 08:16 PM
I'm on the 21st Track and I can say this for a fact: Kumi Tanioka is in Tip-Top Shape! Brilliant compositions to be heard on this Album!! xD
Overall, I'm very pleased with the sound of Ragnarok Odyssey. It's a pure joy to listen to. Kumi...YOU'RE THE FUCKING WOMAN!! :D LOL :P
After I'm done listening to this wonderful OST, I will rip the Tracks from the Disc. Yeah, Yeah. I know I said I would rip ASAP, but, I couldn't resist. :P
Please hang on for alittle bit longer, please. ;)

08-25-2012, 09:35 PM
My apologies for the double post, but, here is the Official Soundtrack to Ragnarok Odyssey, do enjoy, my lovely VGM comrades! :D It really is an excellent Soundtrack!!! xD
Ragnarok Odyssey Original Soundtrack.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?qrwickf73zqqvzv)

When you're done listening, tell me what your favorite Tracks are, okay? ;)

P.S. Will start a seperate thread for this...why? Because it deserves it!!!!! LOL :P ;) :D

08-25-2012, 10:26 PM
So, it's real...


Many thanks my friend!!! Finaly I can hear this... And I like so much Ms. Tanioka's works... Thank you again!!! :D