04-12-2012, 04:10 AM
I've been a huge fan of this since the film came out and anyone who has seen the film can definitely comment on how alot of the film's success came from the wildly fun score for Dennis the Menace and the album was missing some really great cues. The main titles opening with the bombastic cymbal clashes with the first introduction of the film's theme on harmonica followed by the slow playful opening scenes with Mr. Wilson getting the newspaper then Dennis appears while the orchestra is at its most playful as Mr. Wilson tries to trick Dennis into thinking he's asleep since he knows he'll come in there as Dennis comes in on his trike with his odd assortment of insects while even the squirrels and cats run in fear. There are a few sweeter melodies along with some pretty funny slapstick music as only Jerry Goldsmith can do it.They really don't make them like this anymore. Anyway, let's hope a label picks this up. I remember LaLaLand was rumored years ago to be possibly issuing an expanded version of this but I haven't heard anything in a while so I'm still holding out hope.