04-11-2012, 09:20 PM
Does anyone have this at all please?

04-12-2012, 01:39 AM
It would help the search to have more info. For instance, has an official album been released? If not, does the composer have a web-site with samples. If those answers are no, then it will be more unlikely that you will be able to find anything.

Had a quick cursory look, I see no sign of an official release, or a boot. I find no samples on the composer's web-site. So I can't do anything for you, sorry.

04-12-2012, 06:44 PM
From Neil Gaiman's website:

Where can I get the soundtrack?

Well, the audio book version of Neverwhere has several selections of the Eno soundtrack on it. I believe bits of it made it onto Eno's last album as well. The Neverwhere audio book gets a qualified recommendation from me. Gary's reading is great and the production is terrific, and the abridgment ranges from sensitive and intelligent (at the beginning) to crudely rewriting the plot (last third of the book -- which is maybe the last 25 minutes of the tape...)

04-13-2012, 06:02 PM
Thanks guys. I'll check out the audio book and Eno's album. I'd hoped some enterprising person might have been able to rip the music off the dvd, if it's at all possible. I did check the net, but just because I can't find it, doesn't mean it's not out there.

---------- Post added at 11:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 AM ----------

Just found this and are posting in case anyone else is interested ...

"...Eno's music for Neverwhere was not released on an album in its entirety, which is a pity. The music for the opening of an important door was particularly evocative. Three pieces from the soundtrack surfaced on Brian's 1997 release The Drop: "Back Clack" (aka "That bit near the start of part 1 where Door is running away from Croup and Vandemar"), "Rayonism" (aka "That bit near the end of the ordeal where it all gets a bit panicky") and "Hazard" (various places, with various overlays; "Hazard" also appears on the soundtrack of the excellent filmHeat under the title "Late Night In Jersey", although it did not make it onto the Heat soundtrack album). The only way you'll get to hear it is if the series is broadcast in your area or you purchase the double video (catalogue number BBCV 5948). There is also an audio book which contains very short snatches of a little of the music - that's a triple CD (CD1944, ISBN: 0 563 38170 1) or double cassette (ZBBC 1944, ISBN 0 563 38101 9). Inevitably, the story is abridged on the audio book and it loses something. Even if you don't get to hear Eno's music, the Neverwhere book (available in paperback) comes highly recommended. A film of the story is currently in production but is unlikely to include Eno music."