Bahamut ZERO
12-06-2003, 10:19 AM
Okay, the people who read this forum will probably hate me for even suggesting this, but I'm going to say it, and then offer you an opportunity to persuade me otherwise.

I do not think Kingdom Hearts is that great an RPG.

Okay, before you all start to flame me, and rip me apart as an anti-Disney person, I'll say now: I have no problem with the Disney elements. I can understand their place within the scheme of things. That is not what I hate about the game.

The graphics are cute. Yes, they're nicely formed, and it's quite nice to see the Disney characters recreated exactly.

The music can be annoying at times. Traverse town's music, for instance, was a little on the repetitive side, and the battle theme that springs up is also yawn-some.

My biggest gripe is with the control system, which really frustrates me in Wonderland. I go to line a jump up and begin it, and the camera swings AWAY from what I'm jumping towards. I immediately move my character to compensate for the moving camera and end up missing the jump. This is especially irritating if I'd just made three or four difficult jumps to get to that point.

The battle system is also repetitive in a "slash, slash, slash, heal Donald the Duck from death, slash, slash, slash, collect the exploding icon stuffs, slash, slash, slash, Heal Donald AGAIN." Etc. I've only got a little bit of magic at the moment, but even the use of that is sort of trivial.

The storyline hasn't really gripped me either. I know that Sora is looking for his friends (I can't even remember their names now... That's how much the storyline has me gripped.) I know that the Disney characters have to find Sora and to protect him for some reason, and I know that the Final Fantasy characters are involved somehow as well, but I am not really that interested in knowing where things are going at the moment.

Well, now you've heard my opinions, I'm gonna ask the Kingdom Hearts fans: Give me your argument WHY I should try and play through this game. I don't mean posting in here and saying "You're wrong, Kingdom Hearts is great, and you should play it because it is!" Because I'll just read that reply and have absolutely no motivation to play the game still. I want to see if there's any reasons to grip me into the game, or any arguments people can present that'll make me curious to pick it up and play it again.

(And try not to spoiler things for me too much, in case I do decide to play on. :) )

I look forward to reading your arguments.

12-06-2003, 04:15 PM
I dunno, why do I play Phantasy Star Onilne when it's riddled with bugs, basically just Hack and Slash, full of item dupe glitches, freezing and corupting games?

It's just fun like Kingdom Hearts. :D

12-08-2003, 12:51 PM
I agree.. KH isn't a very good RPG, but it is fun to play, and taking the wand, and destroying the shield... then starting at night will give you a challenge...

Anyway, the plot never got very deep, even towards the end of the game it remains the same...

However, I am looking forward to KH2, should their be one... as it looks more promising from the trailer, and the concept seems to take the plot deeper then that of KH...

If anything, I recomend you play KH for the sole purpose of getting the 'extra ending' which is a trailer to KH2... And trust me, that is the ONLY reason for playing =)... And it's a controversial one at that

Alice Wonderbra
12-08-2003, 05:04 PM
You're wrong, Kingdom Hearts is great, and you should play it because it is! (had 2 b4 some1 else did :D)

i never had a problem with the camera, though the jumps in wonderland still made me furious. i thought the music was fine. especially halloween town's and the "simple and clean" songs.

the battles were lacking, ill agree with ya there. it was just slash, slash, slash, goofy's dead again, there goes donald, who is gonna save me?, ill use a potion **here! ohhhhhhh**, shit i died again while using a potion. but a lot of games are pointless running into battle and slash, slash, slash and full of cheap shots. look at platformers.

i liked the storyline. it was cute with a deep meaning. the end (not the bonus trailer end, but the actual end) was wonderful. even the credits-rolling ending. u should play it because:

you have already started it, why quit now?

there are ff characters in it! cameos cameos cameos are great great great!

the story is fun. i cried at the end.

halloween town. (cant wait for the nightmare before christmas game--of course, this wont convince u to play it, but it would me)

the voice actors are people i have seen on tv.

the game is fun. i dont know why, and really, i have never started another one. but it was still a good game. i actually bought it, and i never buy games.

well, i guess that wasnt convincing. but you should play it regardless. it really is okay once you get into it. just not from an rpg standpoint.

12-08-2003, 05:23 PM
Hrm... Kingdom Hearts....

I liked the music, I liked the graphics, I liked exploring Disney Locations, I liked meeting Disney and Square characters again...

I Absolutely HATED the fighting though... god that got so frickin boring... which is why I will not play through the game again. Overall the game was pretty good, but was also very plain... not like a squaresoft game at all. Hopefully Kingdom Hearts 2 will have some new ideas for fighting.

12-08-2003, 06:41 PM
I spent most of my time being annoyed by this game. I do have to admit, however, that it gave me more of a challenge than any other RPG, besides maybe Xenogears and Vagrant Story. For that, I respect it.

One thing I've never understood, is why people actually bothered to heal Donald and co. I played on expert mode, chose sword and gave up shield, and could still do most things without them. Hell, they just wasted potions on themselves and STILL died, while I'd have to heal myself anyway. Waste of time. =(

12-15-2003, 11:41 PM
Reasons to play:

It's one of two good Square games on the PS2. (We don't have FFX-2 here yet.)

That's it.

...seriously, I love this game. I know the story isn't that deep, but it's Disney-deep, with a bit of Square-ness mixed in. I don't know how you're having trouble finishing the story - I had trouble putting it down until I finished the story.

The only gripes I have with it are puzzles which aren't immediately apparent - the Cave of Wonders in Agrabah annoyed the hell out of me. But puzzles are part of an RPG... hell, parts of every Final Fantasy annoy me because of that.

Overall, it was a well presented story...and I enjoyed the fighting. Sure, it's button mashing... but it's mindless enough fun. If you're in the mood for an action RPG, i'd choose KH over Zelda anyday.

I'm sure there are a million more little reasons I love KH... references to my favourite Disney movies, CLOUD, Moogles, CLOUD, and other great things...

But I have to give it bonus points for the below point.


Sephiroth. Sure, it's a tacked on 'Platinum Match', but he's bloody impossible to beat...I still haven't taken him down. And they play One-Winged Angel in the background. I just wish I could play as Cloud...then we'd have one hell of a rumble.

12-18-2003, 01:49 PM
my only gripe about the game is once you get to a certain level everything is easy, except of course for sephiroth, whom i beaten at level 100 after about a hour of fighting.

12-26-2003, 06:39 PM
I think it's a bit strange how the FF characters are in it, but are different ages and have done/are doing different things to what they did in their FF games. I didn't like their voices either.

Bahamut ZERO
01-09-2004, 08:53 PM
Okay, there's some good arguments in here, but I'm still not really that convinced... I guess really I should've not become an uber warrior by choosing the sword and destroying the wand, but I don't think I want to start the game again. No sirree...

Leaving Donald and Goofy dead sounds like a plan...

I almost prefer Alundra 2 over this game, and that's saying something... *Shudders.*

01-14-2004, 11:30 AM
I dunno whether dis will convince ya but i'll try:

Firstly, KH was a combined effort by Square and Disney.. and its the first time 2 companies ever did tat.. and voila! I tot it sucked, but once ya play it, it hooks u completely..

KH is an RPG, an wat r RPGs famous for? Storylines. To me, it is wat give the game LIFE.. the battle system, yea i agree, quite annoying some times, but seriously, its secondary.. camera angles, quite ok... in fact, its quite like FF.. as in ya go around tryin ta find items ta synthasise into rare items.. and tryin ta beat those hard optional bosses... e.g Sephiroth..

Aniwae.. the disney characters arent tat childish.. i mean it.. Donald doesnt go like CRAZY, Goofy doesnt become STUPID, they actually help Sora in his mission.. and they stay by his side always ok..

The ending was great, it sets da settin fer KH2 and make KH fans wan it even more.. if ya explore da Net, u'll find KH FANs debatin bout the theories of the sequel.. wat character comes back whos the new guy blah blah.. dis is evidence tat KH is tat good..

Well i tried my best and really, Bahamut ZERO, its ur decision whether u tink KH is an RPG worth playin, i had fun and i cant wait fer Late 2004 to arrive

01-22-2004, 04:04 AM
The "Heartless camera" as some in other places have described it is really the worst problem. It provides terrible angles at times, although I'd say that it's actually not as bad as an FF camera because at least you can rotate it.

Otherwise - I really enjoyed just about everything else. Even the plot.

01-22-2004, 10:12 AM
Nice graphics, ok gameplay.
The great thing about it is seeing the ff characters of old in full detail. Plus the voice acting is good.

01-29-2004, 10:19 PM
Should the Controls matter that much just to stop playing it? No, I admit I got mad at that part but I still went on after trying alot and beat the game. You should also cut Sqaure some slack because they aren't very experienced with this type of game play, have you ever played a FF(totally diff. battle type). You should go on after that part even though it is frustrating, because the game just gets better after that (Wonderland is one of the worst levels on the game). Also if you don't know what is happening then you should start the game over so you can actually follow what is happening in the game. And after you start following you get hooked and want to find out what happens next.:angel: I hope my advice has helped you to start playing again because KH is an awsome game.
P.S. "Simple and Clean!" (the best)

01-29-2004, 10:29 PM
P.S.S.: Not just "Simple and Clean," but the overall soundtrack too. There were a few pieces that grated, but I thought most of the music was just as good as any FF game. Oh, and March Caprice for Piano and Orchestra is da' bomb, possibly even better than "Simple and Clean."

Bahamut ZERO
01-30-2004, 05:44 AM
ChaosGhost, could you avoid attaching images to your posts please, it eats up the bandwidth on the site.

And yes, the control system still annoys the hell out of me. Especially when I'm trying to get on a damn table to hit something I can't reach and the camera fecking moves before I can smack it between the teeth. And Goofy and Donald are both flailing around like stupid headless things...

... And as for the soundtrack: Traverse Town's theme is boring and repetitive, the theme at Wonderland pissed me off after about three seconds, and the theme whilst I'm flying the Gumbi ship sent shudders through my spine...

... My housemate can really tell that I do not like this game. He walked in and watched me play it for five minutes and came to the same conclusion. Namely, that the game's not that great.

01-30-2004, 06:26 AM
The fact is... the game is composed of you running around in different disney settings, collecting munny and pressing the x button repeatedly... thats it... it's boring.

When I play a game i want to do more than chase after enemy's and press the X button.

01-31-2004, 11:04 PM
Traverse Town's theme is boring and repetitive, the theme at Wonderland pissed me off after about three seconds, and the theme whilst I'm flying the Gumbi ship sent shudders through my spine...
If you think that's bad, just wait until you get to Atlantica, geh heh heh heh heh. That's assuming you keep playing.

Oh, have I mentioned that I liked most of the voice acting, particularly the Final Fantasy characters. And especially Yuffie.

04-03-2004, 11:45 PM
Oh, have I mentioned that I liked most of the voice acting, particularly the Final Fantasy characters. And especially Yuffie.
Yeah, people have to admit, those were really good voices for the characters.

04-04-2004, 10:36 PM
i think the game is for kids because even kids can finish Kingdom Hearts. but i like it(not that much). and i also like the voice of Aerith in this game! (Mandy Moore) :coolegg:

04-05-2004, 12:37 PM
you know you can also switch the camera to manual so it isn't always flinging al around.