12-06-2003, 06:17 AM
Now I don't draw too often, but every once in a while I get the urge to do so. After looking at some of Nameless_Sniper's pictures today, I got the urge and i drew this picture. It is just pencils right now, but I am trying to find a way to darken the pencils and color it. I have photoshop, but just don't know how to use it good. Any recommendations or comments will be appreciated.

By the way i just noticed a couple of screwups on the pic... the sword handle should show up between her legs, and her left pigtail doesn't go anywhere... just to get that covered before anybody says anything about it.

12-06-2003, 06:41 AM
That kicks ass Loki! But you already knew cuz I already told you! LOL :lol :D

I want you to make my armor for FFXI now! Please?! LOL

12-09-2003, 07:56 AM
I like the overall design especially your attention to detail on her belts, sword and armour.

Her right legs looks great, nice proportions and shape on the leg and hips. The left leg looks a little awkward, however, around the thigh and calf when compared to the right leg, and I do see that they're positioned differently just to clarify.

Her head looks a touch small and I think with the strong figure you've given her she'd look good with a bit of a wider jawline, just to follow through. Also, her right hand needs a little sharpening up and some nails on her fingertips.

I hope I don't sound picky it's just that it's a fabulous design with tonnes of potential for colouring and being really great, so ironing out the little things now could make it even better.

As for darkening the lines, try inking it with a black (or another colour if you like) on the outlines and detail lines. Carefully rubbing out all the pencil lines with a slightly wet rubber. Re-scanning the picture and then turning the contrast of the picture right up to maximum which should remove any remaing traces of pencil marks that could be a hassle if you do colour her.

Lastly, you say you don't draw often, but I'm thinking with work of that standard you should be drawing more!
